What have Republicans, other than Lincoln and Eisenhower, ever done for America?

1. Nixon created the EPA and clean water act. He cared about the environment!
2. Theodore Roosevelt created the fda and was huge when it came to anti-trust. Ended standard oil.
What have Republicans done for America?

Built mistrust in our election system
Spread lies and misinformation about COVID
Caused our allies to lose faith in the US
Disrupted the Free Press and created Fake News
Joe, Chuckie and Jeffries need to give the lower earning people a massive tax cut. They will not of course. Jeffries you can see the evil in him.
The major contributions of the "two parties" have been to their common interest, a.k.a., the duopoly. It has succeeded in taking over American central government as well as many states. That is not an accomplishment for America, but it is an accomplishment.
For some reason, people continue to support this cabal.
Nixon withdrew the combat troops from Vietnam that the Democrats sent. He defeated the North and made them sign the Paris Peace Accords, which assured the sovereignty of South Vietnam that was the objective of the war. Of course the filthy Democrats couldn't stand the victory and passed the Case Church budget amendment that gave the victory to the Communists. Nixon was a successful President that the Democrat Dirty Tricks Department ran out of office over nothing.

Reagan undid a lot of damage done by that Carter idiot and his income tax breaks gave us 17 years of economic prosperity, that Slick Willy inherited.

The two Bush Presidents were RINOs. Better than any Democrat but that is not saying much, is it?

Trump was the best President of modern times.

Democrats have always been weak corrupt incompetent assholes. Kennedy, JBJ, Carter, Slick Willy, The Worthless Negro, Potatohead.

Well, lately nothing, other than trying to advance the nefarious interests of Communist Russia lover Donald Trump.

John Durham was an abject failure. What did he prove to help Republicans? They can't get anywhere with their BIG investigations of Hunter and President Biden. Jimbo Jordan is totally lost with his "committee." Marjorie and Lauren are at each other's throats like a couple of alley cats.

And, this is the party that wants to run the country; good luck with that! Bigly!!!
Their support for the 1964 Civil Rights Act was key.

Teddy Roosevelt broke up the monopolies and saved Yellowstone. Without the Republicans we would not have Federal Parks.

It took Reagan to free Central Europe.

Well, lately nothing, other than trying to advance the nefarious interests of Communist Russia lover Donald Trump.

John Durham was an abject failure. What did he prove to help Republicans? They can't get anywhere with their BIG investigations of Hunter and President Biden. Jimbo Jordan is totally lost with his "committee." Marjorie and Lauren are at each other's throats like a couple of alley cats.

And, this is the party that wants to run the country; good luck with that! Bigly!!!

What have Republicans done for us? Pretty much the same as the other wing of the Uniparty, the Duopoly. It has supported every single illegitimate war brought under the Uniparty Global War Of Terror. And of course it brought us Warp Speed and the Plandemic.
What have Dimocrats accomplished?

They were the party of slavery, and their insurrection led to violent deaths of over 600,000 Americans.

A Dimocrat was in the White House who got us into WWI of which over 51,000 Americans were killed.

A Dimocrat was in the White House who got us into WWII of which over 290,000 American were killed.

A Dimocrat was in the White House who got us into the Korean War of which over 33,000 Americans were killed.

A Dimocrat was in the White House who got us into the Vietnam War of which over 47,000 Americans were killed.

All the while, the Dimocrat party has worked tirelessly to train generation after generation to accept socialistic government handouts, and to look to the government for their wellbeing, destroying the notion of the individual, and self-reliance. The modern American Dimocrat party is the home of the 21 century Bolsheviks. Today their goal is to flood America with millions of third-world people who will replace the legacy western culture, will be much easier to control, and who will be forever beholden to their party and it's rules.
63,000,000 dead babies are proof of the destructive abilities of the Dimocrat party. A legacy no one should be anything but horrified of.
It's up to both parties to safeguard the working middle and lower class workers....the REAL americans. Class divisions.

there's only one party who believes that unions & collective bargaining can do that.

ironically, eisenhower, a retired general AND (R) was anti industrial military complex & PRO union.
All accomplishments are based on comparative values else they would simply be mundane. By framing the argument in a way that rejects comparative values is disingenuous.

by framing the argument in a way that embraces a false equivalency is disingenuous.
George W Bush, Explaining why he did not consult his father, former President George H. W. Bush, on the decision to go to war with Iraq in 2003: "There is a higher father that I appeal to"

W kept us safe!

W. liked to talk to jesus in the whitehouse. & rumsfeld took advantage of that religiosity of his prez, that he would format bush's iraq briefings with cover sheets chock full of biblical quotes that made him feelz cozy & righteous about that war.
Making more excuses for law breakers huh? Well at least you’re consistent.

Don’t let me hear you whining about any Biden crime stuff… it’s clear that you don’t care about laws

well, the only good thing that tricky dick did was form the EPA.

& after donny was installed - he stripped, then rolled back those protections to pre 1970 ...

& since he lost the election - bigley, them regulations were re-instated toot sweet by biden.


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