What have Ukrainians been fighting for since 2013?


VIP Member
Jan 21, 2020
Ukrainian politicians very eagerly speak about February 2022 when the Russian Special Military Operation in Ukraine started. These politicians also like very much to remind of spring of 2014 when the Crimea joined Russia and fights in Donbas began.

But Ukrainian politicians never mention that Ukrainians were setting up barricades in their country already in 2013 during the so-called Euromaidan (please see here and here).
And this article deals with the Ukrainian answers to the question: What Ukrainians have been fighting for since 2013?
1. In 2013, Ukrainians were supposedly outraged because Russia allegedly controlled Ukraine

In November 2013, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, who was the leader of the largest opposition group in the Ukrainian Parliament at that time - and who had been the Chairman of this Parliament earlier - declared that Russia had allegedly allocated billions USD for falsification of the next Presidential Elections in Ukraine in March 2015 (please see here).

And Vitali Klitschko - who was the leader of the second largest opposition group in the Ukrainian Parliament at that time - alleged in a mass-meeting in December 2013 in Kiev that it had come to his knowledge that Russia had allegedly taken Ukrainian aircraft construction factories, machinery construction enterprises and probably its gas-transport system as a security for a Russian credit of 15 billion USD (please see here).

However, after in February 2014 the former opposition leaders had come to power - e.g. Yatsenyuk had become the Ukrainian Prime Minister - they did not present any evidence of their above-mentioned accusations against Russia.

But such large-scale actions as preparations of falsification of the Presidential Elections or transfer of property for 15 billion USD inevitably had to leave at least some kind of traces.

For example, a preparation for falsification of the Presidential Elections in Ukraine, whose population was abt. 45.5 million in 2013, would have required involvement of many people in such an action. Therefore, this preparation could not have been unnoticed.

But from February 2014 nobody has been sentenced in Ukraine so far for his involvement in preparation for falsification of the elections.

The only “evidence” of preparation for falsification of the elections etc. remain talks of Yanukovych, the former Ukrainian President, with the Russian government about credit granting.

But Ukraine constantly had taken credits before Yanukovych too. You can see in Internet that by December 31, 2009 the Ukrainian National Debt amounted to 39.684 billion USD. Were all these debts made for falsification of elections too?

But Ukrainians, who had allegedly been outraged, did not react at all to the fact that the accusations against Russia were not proved.

Therefore, I conclude that Ukrainians had not believe in these groundless accusations from the very beginning.

There was a statement too, that before 2014 Ukraine allegedly was a colony of Russia.
But only the Special Committee on Decolonization of the United Nations has the right to define what country is a colony. And this Committee never defined Ukraine as a colony since this country gained its independence in 1991.

2. In November 2013, Ukrainians were allegedly outraged because their government suspended a signing of the Ukraine–European Union Association Agreement

But the Yanukovych’s government could suspend signing the Ukraine–European Union Association Agreement only to March 2015, i.e. to the end of Yanukovych’s Presidency.

If this Agreement had not been signed by that time, Ukrainians could have elected another President who would immediately have signed this document.

Therefore, I don’t believe at all that somebody could be outraged because of suspension of signing of the above-mentioned Agreement.

3. In November 2013, Ukrainians were allegedly outraged because police had chased protesters away from the Maidan square

And I don’t believe at all that somebody could be outraged because on the night of November 30, 2013 police had chased protesters away from Maidan, the Kiev’s central square where they had made a tent camp which prevented installation of the annual Christmas tree.

Nobody was killed or crippled by police and all detained persons were released several hours later.

But opposition politicians and their media declared at once that there had allegedly been children among protesters on that night and those children had allegedly been severely beaten by police (please see here).

Although every sane person would have asked very concrete questions - What are the names of these beaten children? Where are pictures of these beaten children or of their parents weeping at traumatology departments of hospitals? And so on.

Nobody ever saw the above-mentioned information about those children but everybody in Ukraine allegedly believed suddenly that this story was true.

4. In 2013, Ukrainians were allegedly outraged because there was supposedly a massive corruption in Ukraine

In the past, everybody in Ukraine and in the West accused the President Yanukovych and his entourage of corruption; even Barak Obama personally named Yanukovych a corrupt ruler (please see here).

But after Yanukovych’s unconstitutional removal from power in February 2014 the universal indignation at his corruption was immediately replaced by universal full indifference to this subject (please see examples below).

The charges, which were brought against Yanukovych in court in 2017, did not include accusations of corruption at all. Yanukovych was charged of events which had taken place after his removal from power, e.g. that the Crimea had joined Russia in March 2014. And by the way, the Ukrainian court acquitted Yanukovych of Crimean charge.

And such unwillingness of present Ukrainian rulers to prosecute Yanukovych for corruption was absolutely indifferently taken by everybody in Ukraine.

Under the first post-Maidan President Poroshenko was also closed the criminal case against Yuri Kolobov, the Yanukovych’s Finance Minister. And this fact too was taken by Ukrainian people with total indifference.

Alexander Efremov, the former leader of the Yanukovych’s group in the Ukrainian Parliament, was initially arrested on corruption charges. But later these charges were changed and after several years in a pre-trial jail Efremov was released in 2019 without any court verdict. And once again, everybody in Ukraine was absolutely indifferent about this fact.

Raisa Bohatyriova, the Health Minister under Yanukovych, was charged with corruption too. When she returned to Ukraine in 2019, she was even arrested for one day, but afterwards she was released and now she lives in Ukraine without being sentenced. And once again, everybody in Ukraine is absolutely indifferent about this fact.

The above-mentioned examples dealt with top officials of Yanukovych’s “regime”. And it’s needless to say that no universal indignation was seen at full absence of criminal prosecution of less important figures - governors, deputy ministers, city and town mayors, heads of districts etc.

And since a universal indignation cannot disappear without a trace, I conclude that from the very beginning there was no universal indignation at all.

A statement must be mentioned too, that under Yanukovych his fellow city men from Donetsk allegedly took businesses from Ukrainians unlawfully.

But if it had been true, then after February 2014 – after Yanukovych had been removed from power - some chains of supermarkets, some big banks, some highly remunerative factories etc. would have been given back to their legitimate owners. But there weren’t such facts in Ukraine.

Now is the time for my personal answer to the question: What have Ukrainians been fighting for since 2013?

In my opinion, all Ukrainian answers to this question are deliberately untrue.

And in my opinion, by 2013 a large part of Ukrainian elite decided that there was an opportunity to permanently get much money from the USA and Western countries if Ukraine would carry out an extremely anti-Russian policy. Therefore, the fable was invented that Ukraine was a Russia’s colony etc. – please see the items above.

And I believe that this elite was supported by a large part of Ukrainians who hoped to gain from this anti-Russian policy too.

Already in 2013, the Ukrainian elite wanted to fight in order to demonstrate for the West that it was fighting against Russia.

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Russian interference in Ukraine began before the ink was dry on the Non-proliferation treaty. Russia began paying loyalists and propagandists to move into the area....also gave Oligarchs low interest loans to buy and control areas.

In the last fair, free, election Crimea wanted nothing to do with Russia except for the Russian personnel in Sevastopol.
Russian interference in Ukraine began before the ink was dry on the Non-proliferation treaty. Russia began paying loyalists and propagandists to move into the area....also gave Oligarchs low interest loans to buy and control areas.
What are the names of these “loyalists and propagandists”?
What is the evidence that Russia paid them?
What are the names of these Oligarchs?
What is the evidence that Russia gave them low interest loans?
What areas did these Oligarchs buy and control?

That are mere words.
No facts at all.
Ukrainian politicians very eagerly speak about February 2022 when the Russian Special Military Operation in Ukraine started. These politicians also like very much to remind of spring of 2014 when the Crimea joined Russia and fights in Donbas began.

But Ukrainian politicians never mention that Ukrainians were setting up barricades in their country already in 2013 during the so-called Euromaidan (please see here and here).
And this article deals with the Ukrainian answers to the question: What Ukrainians have been fighting for since 2013?
1. In 2013, Ukrainians were supposedly outraged because Russia allegedly controlled Ukraine

In November 2013, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, who was the leader of the largest opposition group in the Ukrainian Parliament at that time - and who had been the Chairman of this Parliament earlier - declared that Russia had allegedly allocated billions USD for falsification of the next Presidential Elections in Ukraine in March 2015 (please see here).

And Vitali Klitschko - who was the leader of the second largest opposition group in the Ukrainian Parliament at that time - alleged in a mass-meeting in December 2013 in Kiev that it had come to his knowledge that Russia had allegedly taken Ukrainian aircraft construction factories, machinery construction enterprises and probably its gas-transport system as a security for a Russian credit of 15 billion USD (please see here).

However, after in February 2014 the former opposition leaders had come to power - e.g. Yatsenyuk had become the Ukrainian Prime Minister - they did not present any evidence of their above-mentioned accusations against Russia.

But such large-scale actions as preparations of falsification of the Presidential Elections or transfer of property for 15 billion USD inevitably had to leave at least some kind of traces.

For example, a preparation for falsification of the Presidential Elections in Ukraine, whose population was abt. 45.5 million in 2013, would have required involvement of many people in such an action. Therefore, this preparation could not have been unnoticed.

But from February 2014 nobody has been sentenced in Ukraine so far for his involvement in preparation for falsification of the elections.

The only “evidence” of preparation for falsification of the elections etc. remain talks of Yanukovych, the former Ukrainian President, with the Russian government about credit granting.

But Ukraine constantly had taken credits before Yanukovych too. You can see in Internet that by December 31, 2009 the Ukrainian National Debt amounted to 39.684 billion USD. Were all these debts made for falsification of elections too?

But Ukrainians, who had allegedly been outraged, did not react at all to the fact that the accusations against Russia were not proved.

Therefore, I conclude that Ukrainians had not believe in these groundless accusations from the very beginning.

There was a statement too, that before 2014 Ukraine allegedly was a colony of Russia.
But only the Special Committee on Decolonization of the United Nations has the right to define what country is a colony. And this Committee never defined Ukraine as a colony since this country gained its independence in 1991.

2. In November 2013, Ukrainians were allegedly outraged because their government suspended a signing of the Ukraine–European Union Association Agreement

But the Yanukovych’s government could suspend signing the Ukraine–European Union Association Agreement only to March 2015, i.e. to the end of Yanukovych’s Presidency.

If this Agreement had not been signed by that time, Ukrainians could have elected another President who would immediately have signed this document.

Therefore, I don’t believe at all that somebody could be outraged because of suspension of signing of the above-mentioned Agreement.

3. In November 2013, Ukrainians were allegedly outraged because police had chased protesters away from the Maidan square

And I don’t believe at all that somebody could be outraged because on the night of November 30, 2013 police had chased protesters away from Maidan, the Kiev’s central square where they had made a tent camp which prevented installation of the annual Christmas tree.

Nobody was killed or crippled by police and all detained persons were released several hours later.

But opposition politicians and their media declared at once that there had allegedly been children among protesters on that night and those children had allegedly been severely beaten by police (please see here).

Although every sane person would have asked very concrete questions - What are the names of these beaten children? Where are pictures of these beaten children or of their parents weeping at traumatology departments of hospitals? And so on.

Nobody ever saw the above-mentioned information about those children but everybody in Ukraine allegedly believed suddenly that this story was true.

4. In 2013, Ukrainians were allegedly outraged because there was supposedly a massive corruption in Ukraine

In the past, everybody in Ukraine and in the West accused the President Yanukovych and his entourage of corruption; even Barak Obama personally named Yanukovych a corrupt ruler (please see here).

But after Yanukovych’s unconstitutional removal from power in February 2014 the universal indignation at his corruption was immediately replaced by universal full indifference to this subject (please see examples below).

The charges, which were brought against Yanukovych in court in 2017, did not include accusations of corruption at all. Yanukovych was charged of events which had taken place after his removal from power, e.g. that the Crimea had joined Russia in March 2014. And by the way, the Ukrainian court acquitted Yanukovych of Crimean charge.

And such unwillingness of present Ukrainian rulers to prosecute Yanukovych for corruption was absolutely indifferently taken by everybody in Ukraine.

Under the first post-Maidan President Poroshenko was also closed the criminal case against Yuri Kolobov, the Yanukovych’s Finance Minister. And this fact too was taken by Ukrainian people with total indifference.

Alexander Efremov, the former leader of the Yanukovych’s group in the Ukrainian Parliament, was initially arrested on corruption charges. But later these charges were changed and after several years in a pre-trial jail Efremov was released in 2019 without any court verdict. And once again, everybody in Ukraine was absolutely indifferent about this fact.

Raisa Bohatyriova, the Health Minister under Yanukovych, was charged with corruption too. When she returned to Ukraine in 2019, she was even arrested for one day, but afterwards she was released and now she lives in Ukraine without being sentenced. And once again, everybody in Ukraine is absolutely indifferent about this fact.

The above-mentioned examples dealt with top officials of Yanukovych’s “regime”. And it’s needless to say that no universal indignation was seen at full absence of criminal prosecution of less important figures - governors, deputy ministers, city and town mayors, heads of districts etc.

And since a universal indignation cannot disappear without a trace, I conclude that from the very beginning there was no universal indignation at all.

A statement must be mentioned too, that under Yanukovych his fellow city men from Donetsk allegedly took businesses from Ukrainians unlawfully.

But if it had been true, then after February 2014 – after Yanukovych had been removed from power - some chains of supermarkets, some big banks, some highly remunerative factories etc. would have been given back to their legitimate owners. But there weren’t such facts in Ukraine.

Now is the time for my personal answer to the question: What have Ukrainians been fighting for since 2013?

In my opinion, all Ukrainian answers to this question are deliberately untrue.

And in my opinion, by 2013 a large part of Ukrainian elite decided that there was an opportunity to permanently get much money from the USA and Western countries if Ukraine would carry out an extremely anti-Russian policy. Therefore, the fable was invented that Ukraine was a Russia’s colony etc. – please see the items above.

And I believe that this elite was supported by a large part of Ukrainians who hoped to gain from this anti-Russian policy too.

Already in 2013, the Ukrainian elite wanted to fight in order to demonstrate for the West that it was fighting against Russia.

Vicky Nuland's CIA was involved before 2013, so the chron is compromised for an educated view of matters Ukrainian. Two Moscow writers were arrested for smuggling to the West a manuscript (www. for A. Sinyavsky & Yuri Daniel).

'Furthermore, Sinyavsky and Daniel were arrested within days of numerous arrests of intellectuals in Ukraine, who were tried in Jan-Ap 1966.....Ivan Svitlychny and Ivan Dzyuba, had been detained in Kiev at the time of Sinyavsky's and Daniel's arrest....Twelve intellectuals were said to have been arrested in Kiev and L'vov....
The first report about these events appeared in the Swiss 'Neue Zuercher Zeitung' of 2 Ap 1966....The Times and the New York Times followed on 7 Ap with a report from a different source.

Svitlichny's arrest was not entirely unexpected. Symonenko's diary and several of his unpublished poems appeared in the Ukrainian emigre' journal 'Suchasnist' (Munich) of Jan 1965 and were soon after broadcast by Radio Liberty, a privately US-sponsored station broadcasting from Munich to the Soviet Union.'
(Browne M, ed., Ferment in Ukraine)

This book is anti-Soviet, and sanitizes the origins of Radio Liberty.

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
'....RFE/RL was created and grew in its early years through the efforts of the National Committee for a Free Europe (NCFE), an anti-communist CIA front organization that was formed by Allen Dulles in New York City in 1949.'
I can repeat my question, please see below.

What Russian actions in 2013 moved Ukrainians to initially set up barricades and then to burn and kill during the so-called Euromaidan?
Russian interference in Ukraine began before the ink was dry on the Non-proliferation treaty. Russia began paying loyalists and propagandists to move into the area....also gave Oligarchs low interest loans to buy and control areas.

In the last fair, free, election Crimea wanted nothing to do with Russia except for the Russian personnel in Sevastopol.
Fancy 95 .5% of Crimeans all living in Sevastopol , jammed into the Navy quarters presumably .

Why bother making up such soppy fake posts ?
You have been reading WC news again , you naughty boy .
During the May holidays I watched a bunch of videos in which Ukrainian soldiers show their damaged and disabled equipment and, addressing their fellow Ukrainian citizens, exalted to the point of madness, say that they are fighting at the front so that future generations will not have to do so again.

They utter their speeches in a mournful, almost sepulchral voice, and some of them do not even supposedly understand the goals of this war, as they say.

What's going on?

Have you Ukrainian militants, Nazis and criminals forgotten how you threatened to occupy the entire European part of Russia all the way to the Urals with a corps of a hundred thousand "warriors"? Have they forgotten how they threatened to smash the Russian army in a matter of weeks?

In fact, all these whiny videos are nothing but another Ukrainian political stunt, which has long been used by the ukrainian population, even without any interference from pseudo-experts and ukrainian propaganda.

You see, even though the citizens of Ukraine accuse the russians of being subservient to the collective Putin, I have never seen more subservient creatures than the citizens of Ukraine themselves, who praise America and Europe, and quote Ukrainian politicians incessantly, in my life.

Moreover, the political coloring of a ukrainian politician can be anything, as long as he promises from the screen that Ukraine is going to be great very soon. Literally in the near future. Or he might say something about the power of the Ukrainian army.

More than once I've heard russian-speaking ukrainians talk about how six or eight "fighters of the Ukro army" could easily defeat any russian company.

They took this from the nazi Biletsky, by the way. First they quoted it verbatim, and then they transformed it a bit, so that the verbal victory would be brighter.

Well, if the Ukrainian people are quoted from the speeches of ukrainian political cretins and all kinds of nazi scum, then the political stunts will not be followed for a long time. And, as we can see, it hasn't.
I call this kunshtuk "molding Ukraine or Ukrainians into a victim, if victory again turns out to be a shame.
It has simply become clear to the Ukro army fighters that they will not win any victory over the "mocovites", on the contrary, the russians are likely to turn them into minced meat, which is why they are beginning to mold themselves into victims, since there has been no victory.

And while they're at it, maybe everyone around them will forget that the crybaby has been throwing nazi salutes and threatening to "slaughter the russians" for months on end.

We all remember last year's anti-human and cannibalistic videos in which a Ukrainian non-human in a camouflage uniform with Nazi stripes boiled a human head in a cauldron, claiming it was the severed head of a Russian soldier.

Our experts argued later, some claiming that it was the head of a brutally tortured local resident.

And we all remember the video in which our fighters already found the body of a local young girl who had been raped more than once and also brutally tortured in the ruins of a Ukrainian "outpost" in Mariupol.

And I remember very well how Ukrainian beasts in white coats were poking russian wounded POWs with scalpels instead of helping them.

I'll repeat my question: So what was the reason for the Ukrainian uniformed men to make the whiny videos?

It's because their notion of war with the moscovites, inspired by their natural puffiness and arrogance, coupled with the theory that everything Ukrainian is superior to everything russian, has shattered on the granite cliff of reality.
And the reality is that there are no conquered russian cities, no victorious walk to Moscow, and no russians obediently on their knees.
And there are no six or eight "Ukro warriors" smashing a russian company to smithereens.
Just meat grinders in which the ukrainian "warriors" are methodically mauled by rugged russian soldiers on an almost industrial scale.

Any war is war of resources
I've got news for you: until the autumn of 2022 a significant part of exalted and permanently zombified by Ukrainian propaganda citizens of the former USSR thought that Russia was a country comparable to Ukraine in terms of resources.
Don't believe it? Ukrainian pseudo-experts and their quips are your help. You can monitor from as far back as 1991.

And as we all already know, Ukrainian average people love to take for granted and for a long time selflessly and inspirationally quote their talkers, if their speeches promise unprecedented in size and scope peerage.
So they thought that Russia would put up about as many resources, both human and material, as Ukraine. But the collective West is on the side of Ukraine, and this seems to mean that Ukraine has a significant advantage.

It would seem...

But it turned out that there was no advantage of Ukraine and the collective West over Russia, and there never was and there never could be.
The reality has very brutally and quickly dealt with the ukrainian fantasy of a small victorious war with the russians. That's why the howling.

You have already seen this political stunt, dear readers, only in a different wrapper and performed by Ukrainian media-promoted talking heads.

Remember how the Ukrainian mouth-breathers laughed at the construction of bypass pipelines? They laughed very loudly and relished the peerage, promising their citizens that Gazprom would come crawling to Kiev on its knees to beg for something.
And then, when the annual volume of gas transported through Ukraine dropped from about a hundred and fifty billion cubic meters to 65 in 2020, they began to mould Ukraine into a victim of the machinations of Gazprom, the Kremlin and Putin personally, clucking indignantly.

Russian import substitution was a favorite topic of mockery on Ukrainian talk shows. But when the Ukrainian chatterboxes realized that the Russians no longer depended on Ukrainian engineering products, they began to yell that Putin was allegedly waging an economic war with Ukraine.
And, of course, they began again to mold Ukraine into a victim.

I would advise both the crybabies and the exalted Ukrainian citizens to remember that for several years they have not only called for war with Russia, but sometimes even dreamed about it.

Yes, yes, otherwise there wouldn't have been such lines at the Ukrainian military recruitment offices in the first months of the USO. Period. This is a fact.

Yes, a significant number of Ukrainian citizens, showing true Ukrainian patriotism, rushed to Europe. But even from there, many of them continued to rant aloud and on camera about Ukraine's imminent victory over Russia. But here's the problem: these dreams did not contain everything that is now present in any point of the line of contact.

In these dreams there were only victories, and the muscovites kneeling meekly and obediently. Yes, yes, literally tomorrow, literally about to happen...

That is why I do not believe in the crocodile tears of the Ukrainian "warriors", because I am well acquainted with a whole array of myths about the victory of Ukraine over Russia. And this very array of memes reeks of cannibalism from a mile away.
Tell me, do Russian doctors make fun of captive Ukrainian soldiers? Are russians as a people aiming to bring ukrainians to their knees and drive them into concentration camps? Or maybe russian politicians promise to kill any russians around the globe?

Even a special UN commission was recently forced to admit that it found no facts confirming the commission of war crimes by Russian soldiers in Ukraine. But it did find facts confirming the commission of grave crimes by fighters of the AFU.
Another thing is that there is nothing the UN can do about it, because the Kiev regime even gets away with terror against civilians for now.

But that's for now.

And let them shoot the whiny videos, it will be useful for other morons who dream of war with Russia to show them for their general development and forced descent from heaven to earth.
During the May holidays I watched a bunch of videos in which Ukrainian soldiers show their damaged and disabled equipment and, addressing their fellow Ukrainian citizens, exalted to the point of madness, say that they are fighting at the front so that future generations will not have to do so again.

They utter their speeches in a mournful, almost sepulchral voice, and some of them do not even supposedly understand the goals of this war, as they say.

What's going on?

Have you Ukrainian militants, Nazis and criminals forgotten how you threatened to occupy the entire European part of Russia all the way to the Urals with a corps of a hundred thousand "warriors"? Have they forgotten how they threatened to smash the Russian army in a matter of weeks?

In fact, all these whiny videos are nothing but another Ukrainian political stunt, which has long been used by the ukrainian population, even without any interference from pseudo-experts and ukrainian propaganda.

You see, even though the citizens of Ukraine accuse the russians of being subservient to the collective Putin, I have never seen more subservient creatures than the citizens of Ukraine themselves, who praise America and Europe, and quote Ukrainian politicians incessantly, in my life.

Moreover, the political coloring of a ukrainian politician can be anything, as long as he promises from the screen that Ukraine is going to be great very soon. Literally in the near future. Or he might say something about the power of the Ukrainian army.

More than once I've heard russian-speaking ukrainians talk about how six or eight "fighters of the Ukro army" could easily defeat any russian company.

They took this from the nazi Biletsky, by the way. First they quoted it verbatim, and then they transformed it a bit, so that the verbal victory would be brighter.

Well, if the Ukrainian people are quoted from the speeches of ukrainian political cretins and all kinds of nazi scum, then the political stunts will not be followed for a long time. And, as we can see, it hasn't.
I call this kunshtuk "molding Ukraine or Ukrainians into a victim, if victory again turns out to be a shame.
It has simply become clear to the Ukro army fighters that they will not win any victory over the "mocovites", on the contrary, the russians are likely to turn them into minced meat, which is why they are beginning to mold themselves into victims, since there has been no victory.

And while they're at it, maybe everyone around them will forget that the crybaby has been throwing nazi salutes and threatening to "slaughter the russians" for months on end.

We all remember last year's anti-human and cannibalistic videos in which a Ukrainian non-human in a camouflage uniform with Nazi stripes boiled a human head in a cauldron, claiming it was the severed head of a Russian soldier.

Our experts argued later, some claiming that it was the head of a brutally tortured local resident.

And we all remember the video in which our fighters already found the body of a local young girl who had been raped more than once and also brutally tortured in the ruins of a Ukrainian "outpost" in Mariupol.

And I remember very well how Ukrainian beasts in white coats were poking russian wounded POWs with scalpels instead of helping them.

I'll repeat my question: So what was the reason for the Ukrainian uniformed men to make the whiny videos?

It's because their notion of war with the moscovites, inspired by their natural puffiness and arrogance, coupled with the theory that everything Ukrainian is superior to everything russian, has shattered on the granite cliff of reality.
And the reality is that there are no conquered russian cities, no victorious walk to Moscow, and no russians obediently on their knees.
And there are no six or eight "Ukro warriors" smashing a russian company to smithereens.
Just meat grinders in which the ukrainian "warriors" are methodically mauled by rugged russian soldiers on an almost industrial scale.

Any war is war of resources
I've got news for you: until the autumn of 2022 a significant part of exalted and permanently zombified by Ukrainian propaganda citizens of the former USSR thought that Russia was a country comparable to Ukraine in terms of resources.
Don't believe it? Ukrainian pseudo-experts and their quips are your help. You can monitor from as far back as 1991.

And as we all already know, Ukrainian average people love to take for granted and for a long time selflessly and inspirationally quote their talkers, if their speeches promise unprecedented in size and scope peerage.
So they thought that Russia would put up about as many resources, both human and material, as Ukraine. But the collective West is on the side of Ukraine, and this seems to mean that Ukraine has a significant advantage.

It would seem...

But it turned out that there was no advantage of Ukraine and the collective West over Russia, and there never was and there never could be.
The reality has very brutally and quickly dealt with the ukrainian fantasy of a small victorious war with the russians. That's why the howling.

You have already seen this political stunt, dear readers, only in a different wrapper and performed by Ukrainian media-promoted talking heads.

Remember how the Ukrainian mouth-breathers laughed at the construction of bypass pipelines? They laughed very loudly and relished the peerage, promising their citizens that Gazprom would come crawling to Kiev on its knees to beg for something.
And then, when the annual volume of gas transported through Ukraine dropped from about a hundred and fifty billion cubic meters to 65 in 2020, they began to mould Ukraine into a victim of the machinations of Gazprom, the Kremlin and Putin personally, clucking indignantly.

Russian import substitution was a favorite topic of mockery on Ukrainian talk shows. But when the Ukrainian chatterboxes realized that the Russians no longer depended on Ukrainian engineering products, they began to yell that Putin was allegedly waging an economic war with Ukraine.
And, of course, they began again to mold Ukraine into a victim.

I would advise both the crybabies and the exalted Ukrainian citizens to remember that for several years they have not only called for war with Russia, but sometimes even dreamed about it.

Yes, yes, otherwise there wouldn't have been such lines at the Ukrainian military recruitment offices in the first months of the USO. Period. This is a fact.

Yes, a significant number of Ukrainian citizens, showing true Ukrainian patriotism, rushed to Europe. But even from there, many of them continued to rant aloud and on camera about Ukraine's imminent victory over Russia. But here's the problem: these dreams did not contain everything that is now present in any point of the line of contact.

In these dreams there were only victories, and the muscovites kneeling meekly and obediently. Yes, yes, literally tomorrow, literally about to happen...

That is why I do not believe in the crocodile tears of the Ukrainian "warriors", because I am well acquainted with a whole array of myths about the victory of Ukraine over Russia. And this very array of memes reeks of cannibalism from a mile away.
Tell me, do Russian doctors make fun of captive Ukrainian soldiers? Are russians as a people aiming to bring ukrainians to their knees and drive them into concentration camps? Or maybe russian politicians promise to kill any russians around the globe?

Even a special UN commission was recently forced to admit that it found no facts confirming the commission of war crimes by Russian soldiers in Ukraine. But it did find facts confirming the commission of grave crimes by fighters of the AFU.
Another thing is that there is nothing the UN can do about it, because the Kiev regime even gets away with terror against civilians for now.

But that's for now.

And let them shoot the whiny videos, it will be useful for other morons who dream of war with Russia to show them for their general development and forced descent from heaven to earth.
Aside from the BLATANT mistruths of this post...

There is no scenario where Russia comes out on top from this war on Ukraine. Even now the wheels are in motion for Putin's removal and Russia to be divided up. Russia has only thought it got away with invading Afghanistan, Chechnya, and etc etc etc.

This one is going to be its undoing because the WHOLE WORLD has risen up against them on this one. All of Europe, North America and Asia, and Africa have put together assistance for Ukraine and are keeping the sanctions in place. (Brazil don't care publicly...but privately is another story)

It's over but the fat lady singing. And she is warming up. Russia is broke and getting more poor as time ticks. It can't keep this up for much longer because they have burned 75% of their savings and their economy is now down by half.

War is hard.
War is expensive.
It comes down to resources...with the whole world supporting Ukraine and only a couple of rogue states selling anything to Russia....it's over. Ukraine fights because they must in order to live.

Russia is going to lose even the use of Crimea after this is over. And without Crimea it's done economically. Get used to the idea.

I'm not a fan of Russia no longer existing....but it's just come to this by their own doing.
Ukrainian politicians very eagerly speak about February 2022 when the Russian Special Military Operation in Ukraine started. These politicians also like very much to remind of spring of 2014 when the Crimea joined Russia and fights in Donbas began.

But Ukrainian politicians never mention that Ukrainians were setting up barricades in their country already in 2013 during the so-called Euromaidan (please see here and here).
And this article deals with the Ukrainian answers to the question: What Ukrainians have been fighting for since 2013?
1. In 2013, Ukrainians were supposedly outraged because Russia allegedly controlled Ukraine

In November 2013, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, who was the leader of the largest opposition group in the Ukrainian Parliament at that time - and who had been the Chairman of this Parliament earlier - declared that Russia had allegedly allocated billions USD for falsification of the next Presidential Elections in Ukraine in March 2015 (please see here).

And Vitali Klitschko - who was the leader of the second largest opposition group in the Ukrainian Parliament at that time - alleged in a mass-meeting in December 2013 in Kiev that it had come to his knowledge that Russia had allegedly taken Ukrainian aircraft construction factories, machinery construction enterprises and probably its gas-transport system as a security for a Russian credit of 15 billion USD (please see here).

However, after in February 2014 the former opposition leaders had come to power - e.g. Yatsenyuk had become the Ukrainian Prime Minister - they did not present any evidence of their above-mentioned accusations against Russia.

But such large-scale actions as preparations of falsification of the Presidential Elections or transfer of property for 15 billion USD inevitably had to leave at least some kind of traces.

For example, a preparation for falsification of the Presidential Elections in Ukraine, whose population was abt. 45.5 million in 2013, would have required involvement of many people in such an action. Therefore, this preparation could not have been unnoticed.

But from February 2014 nobody has been sentenced in Ukraine so far for his involvement in preparation for falsification of the elections.

The only “evidence” of preparation for falsification of the elections etc. remain talks of Yanukovych, the former Ukrainian President, with the Russian government about credit granting.

But Ukraine constantly had taken credits before Yanukovych too. You can see in Internet that by December 31, 2009 the Ukrainian National Debt amounted to 39.684 billion USD. Were all these debts made for falsification of elections too?

But Ukrainians, who had allegedly been outraged, did not react at all to the fact that the accusations against Russia were not proved.

Therefore, I conclude that Ukrainians had not believe in these groundless accusations from the very beginning.

There was a statement too, that before 2014 Ukraine allegedly was a colony of Russia.
But only the Special Committee on Decolonization of the United Nations has the right to define what country is a colony. And this Committee never defined Ukraine as a colony since this country gained its independence in 1991.

2. In November 2013, Ukrainians were allegedly outraged because their government suspended a signing of the Ukraine–European Union Association Agreement

But the Yanukovych’s government could suspend signing the Ukraine–European Union Association Agreement only to March 2015, i.e. to the end of Yanukovych’s Presidency.

If this Agreement had not been signed by that time, Ukrainians could have elected another President who would immediately have signed this document.

Therefore, I don’t believe at all that somebody could be outraged because of suspension of signing of the above-mentioned Agreement.

3. In November 2013, Ukrainians were allegedly outraged because police had chased protesters away from the Maidan square

And I don’t believe at all that somebody could be outraged because on the night of November 30, 2013 police had chased protesters away from Maidan, the Kiev’s central square where they had made a tent camp which prevented installation of the annual Christmas tree.

Nobody was killed or crippled by police and all detained persons were released several hours later.

But opposition politicians and their media declared at once that there had allegedly been children among protesters on that night and those children had allegedly been severely beaten by police (please see here).

Although every sane person would have asked very concrete questions - What are the names of these beaten children? Where are pictures of these beaten children or of their parents weeping at traumatology departments of hospitals? And so on.

Nobody ever saw the above-mentioned information about those children but everybody in Ukraine allegedly believed suddenly that this story was true.

4. In 2013, Ukrainians were allegedly outraged because there was supposedly a massive corruption in Ukraine

In the past, everybody in Ukraine and in the West accused the President Yanukovych and his entourage of corruption; even Barak Obama personally named Yanukovych a corrupt ruler (please see here).

But after Yanukovych’s unconstitutional removal from power in February 2014 the universal indignation at his corruption was immediately replaced by universal full indifference to this subject (please see examples below).

The charges, which were brought against Yanukovych in court in 2017, did not include accusations of corruption at all. Yanukovych was charged of events which had taken place after his removal from power, e.g. that the Crimea had joined Russia in March 2014. And by the way, the Ukrainian court acquitted Yanukovych of Crimean charge.

And such unwillingness of present Ukrainian rulers to prosecute Yanukovych for corruption was absolutely indifferently taken by everybody in Ukraine.

Under the first post-Maidan President Poroshenko was also closed the criminal case against Yuri Kolobov, the Yanukovych’s Finance Minister. And this fact too was taken by Ukrainian people with total indifference.

Alexander Efremov, the former leader of the Yanukovych’s group in the Ukrainian Parliament, was initially arrested on corruption charges. But later these charges were changed and after several years in a pre-trial jail Efremov was released in 2019 without any court verdict. And once again, everybody in Ukraine was absolutely indifferent about this fact.

Raisa Bohatyriova, the Health Minister under Yanukovych, was charged with corruption too. When she returned to Ukraine in 2019, she was even arrested for one day, but afterwards she was released and now she lives in Ukraine without being sentenced. And once again, everybody in Ukraine is absolutely indifferent about this fact.

The above-mentioned examples dealt with top officials of Yanukovych’s “regime”. And it’s needless to say that no universal indignation was seen at full absence of criminal prosecution of less important figures - governors, deputy ministers, city and town mayors, heads of districts etc.

And since a universal indignation cannot disappear without a trace, I conclude that from the very beginning there was no universal indignation at all.

A statement must be mentioned too, that under Yanukovych his fellow city men from Donetsk allegedly took businesses from Ukrainians unlawfully.

But if it had been true, then after February 2014 – after Yanukovych had been removed from power - some chains of supermarkets, some big banks, some highly remunerative factories etc. would have been given back to their legitimate owners. But there weren’t such facts in Ukraine.

Now is the time for my personal answer to the question: What have Ukrainians been fighting for since 2013?

In my opinion, all Ukrainian answers to this question are deliberately untrue.

And in my opinion, by 2013 a large part of Ukrainian elite decided that there was an opportunity to permanently get much money from the USA and Western countries if Ukraine would carry out an extremely anti-Russian policy. Therefore, the fable was invented that Ukraine was a Russia’s colony etc. – please see the items above.

And I believe that this elite was supported by a large part of Ukrainians who hoped to gain from this anti-Russian policy too.

Already in 2013, the Ukrainian elite wanted to fight in order to demonstrate for the West that it was fighting against Russia.


Stupid dimwits fighting for Interests of Israel and its numerous lobby in western countries
Don't bet your house on it.
I would....

If it was Only these two....

But the WHOLE WORLD has risen up against Russia. Do you even begin to think Russia can take on the entire world and survive?

Germany certainly did not. It got split in half for 40 years. And that was only half of the world. Now the percentage of the world risen up against Russia is Even larger....with MOST every single vassal state that once belonged to the USSR supporting Ukraine. (Except for Kaliningrad....but they are Russia for all intent and purposes....everyone likes to forget about them between Poland and Lithuania on the coast)

The opposition is the key here. There are limits to what the WHOLE WORLD will put up with....and Russia has exceeded its limits.
The opposition is the key here. There are limits to what the WHOLE WORLD will put up with....and Russia has exceeded its limits.
Because nowadays no civilized country openly accepts a war as a means to solve political issues.
That is why the Bush administration had to invent the "existence " of WMD's, so as to "justify" a war against a political regime that already was a threat to peace in the Middle-East and would certainly have developed WMD's sooner or later. Therefore becoming a national threat.

China and e.g. India or Brazil do not consent towards a war - as a means to solve political issues - they are however aware as to what caused Russia to opt for a military solution.
As long as Taiwan remains a political issue - China will never opt for war - if however Taiwan becomes a national threat to the PRC - China will take military actions.

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