What have Ukrainians been fighting for since 2013?

What Ukrainians have been fighting for since 2013?
for the Free European Ukraine, you fight for the Horde , for Mongol Ulus of Juchi

Even if they lost Crimea it would not impact Russia other than the loss of a naval base.
Loosing the naval base Sevastopol would trigger a political earthquake in Russia on the scale of 9 - IMO Russia will use nukes or lauch a full scale war, to avoid such a scenario.
Nothing else exists there . He literally has no idea about what he scribbles--- but they do have excellent coastal resorts and lovely beaches .
Because nowadays no civilized country openly accepts a war as a means to solve political issues.
That is why the Bush administration had to invent the "existence " of WMD's, so as to "justify" a war against a political regime that already was a threat to peace in the Middle-East and would certainly have developed WMD's sooner or later. Therefore becoming a national threat.

China and e.g. India or Brazil do not consent towards a war - as a means to solve political issues - they are however aware as to what caused Russia to opt for a military solution.
As long as Taiwan remains a political issue - China will never opt for war - if however Taiwan becomes a national threat to the PRC - China will take military actions.
its funny but on all hans´maps outer Manchuria part of China )) and you know it


We especially honor and recall one member of the Red Orchestra who was executed by the Nazis after being tortured by the Gestapo:

Fortner says: "I did not attend the early interrogations of the Maximovitches, but I know Giering's men were extremely harsh with them - especially Rolf Richter, who was dealing with Anna. They used every available means of softening them up. You see, a man like Trepper, an officer in the Red Army, couldn't be blamed for working against us. He was merely doing his duty.

But Maximovitch, the son of a Tsarist general! I said to him, 'How could you, a White Russian, have agreed to help the Communists?' 'My sympathies were with the Germans,' he replied, 'until the day I read in the newspapers that they intended giving the Ukraine its independence. I am a Russian first and last. No Russian can sit back and watch his country being dismembered.' Well, I couldn't argue with that.'
(Perrault, The Red Orchestra, p. 265)
its funny but on all hans´maps outer Manchuria part of China )) and you know it


Dipshit, you're not educated enough to be mouthing off about "Han's maps." In fact, the Han Chinese are full of shit. The very valley the Han claim as their original homeland was already inhabited by Uighurs, and they've resented that fact ever since. Have you thought about going back to school?

What have Ukrainians been fighting for since 2013?​

Resurrecting the third reich.
LUGANSK, May 20 - Russian fighters in the special operation zone eliminated the commander of one of the battalions of the Ukrainian army's 10th separate mountain assault brigade, Edelweiss, Nikolay Golovatyuk, on whose orders, among others, they repeatedly shelled LNR territory, retired Lieutenant Colonel Andrei Marochko of the LNR People's Militia told RIA Novosti on Saturday.

Earlier, Vladimir Zelensky published a decree on the official website, by which he awarded the 10th separate mountain assault brigade of the Ukrainian Army the name "Edelweiss" for the exemplary performance of the assigned tasks. During World War II, "Edelweiss" became a nickname for the 1st Mountain Infantry Division of Nazi Germany.

"We encountered this brigade (10th separate mountain assault brigade "Edelweiss" - ed.) repeatedly on the line of contact even before the special military operation ... If we note the personnel of this brigade, it is one nationalists, I am not even afraid to say the word fascists, because they are repeatedly noted in the shelling of peaceful cities and areas of the Luhansk People's Republic," - Marochko.

He specified that as a result of the shelling of the territory of the Republics of Donbass by this brigade, there were casualties among civilians.

"Elimination of the commander of the mountain assault brigade "Edelweiss" Nikolay Golovatyuk of the so-called armed formations of Ukraine, only confirms the fact that we are doing the right thing and fulfill the task of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, that is denacification of Ukraine," said Marochko.
He is a complete moron .
Even if they lost Crimea it would not impact Russia other than the loss of a naval base.
Nothing else exists there . He literally has no idea about what he scribbles--- but they do have excellent coastal resorts and lovely beaches .
If ONLY what you were saying was true. If only, if only....

But I can't go back and unlearn.

For Russia their only port that operates year round is in Crimea....Sevastopol. it's not just a naval base....but an extremely busy shipping hub where goods come and go for Russia or the power to regulate those who do.
Currently Ukraine has literally tons of grain headed for the poorest nations in desperate need of grain but Russia claims they need to inspect it first before they let grain leave Ukraine's port down the coastline just a bit.

But is Russia going to inspect? They are still looking for a flashlight....have been for 6 months now.

You can fool some people...but I aint one of them.

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