What Have We Learned In America?

You guys talk about generational wealth as if it is something that can’t go away.
If it doesn't exist it certainly can't go away.

One might accumulate some money if one didn’t pay four hundred dollars for a pair of tennis shoes and other such foolishness. If you spend more than you make, you will always be poor.
That really doesn't happen to the extent you conflate anecdotes.
Biden and Camel-Uh threw more black people in jail than President Trump ever did. President Trump worked with blacks for justice reform and got many blacks out of prison.
What are these advantages you are talking about? Please be specific; I do want to know.

So what have we learned? I see a nation where part of one population subset does not want to lose the advantages they gave themselves to such an extent that they are trying to re elect a man who was impeached.

You know the advantages so don't ask silly questions.
What have we learned during the past 4 years?

I learned that racism is still very strong in America. And what's worse is those who support and enable racism to continue actually get offended when they are held to account.

What are you supporting when you support trump? He called Mexicans rapists, he's still trying to suppress votes in black communities this morning. He defended racism at Charlotte but people want pull up his transcripts and argue about context. The context was him defending the right for confederate monuments built decades after the war to symbolize white supremacy, to remain standing as a visible memory of one of history's most painful atrocities. He chose to defend the confederacy but call black football players SOB'S for practicing their first amendment rights.

He creates a new FBI category to go after black advocacy groups while taking white supremacists off the terrorist watch list. You have to twist his arm in a 45 degree angle to get him to denounce white supremacist groups, but needs no help calling out BLM. Folks, these are examples of racism. If you oppose racism, you oppose trump.

Aversive racism simply put, is when you say you are not racist but are opposed anything that progresses black interests or interest of people of color. trump tells you that he's the least racist you know but he ended racial sensitivity training calling it unamerican. That's an example of aversive racism. This ain't 1960 and racism ain't done like it was then. If that's what you're looking for, you'll find the whites only signs on the billboards at the centaur races.

So what have we learned? I see a nation where part of one population subset does not want to lose the advantages they gave themselves to such an extent that they are trying to re elect a man who was impeached. A man who mismanaged a pandemic so badly that the nation with the most resources and finest medical experts on earth, has the most infections and deaths in the world, who has created havoc and mayhem among the people.

This man has fucked up our country and yet there are people wanting this to continue.

The last four years were a test. America failed.

“I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn’t lose any voters, okay?,” said Donald Trump almost six years ago. “It’s, like, incredible.”

Indeed it is. But how about if he shot a quarter of a million people? Would that lose him any voters?

Apparently not.

Your endless whining about race isnt very compelling. We dont care anymore. BLM can block traffic, destroy property, loot and assault people, but it isnt going to accomplish anything other than making everyone hate them even more.
Since the majority of that was done by white supremacists...
With Biden as president - short time though that might be - will any woman dare complain about anyone shiffing her hair? About anyone groping her or her pre-teen daughter? If anyone dares will the weaponized FBI want to hear?

Will open season begin Junuary 20th if it's Biden with his hand on whatever he can remember to bring with him?
What are these advantages you are talking about?
For one thing, locking blacks out of generating family wealth by keeping them out of the flight to the suburbs post war.

IM2 will not respond so here goes. What prevents anyone of any race from buying a house anywhere that is for sale provided they have the money? I presume that a person could sell a house without advertising it, but they will lose money doing that and most people are not willing to do that. There are laws that prohibit discrimination in housing.

You guys talk about generational wealth as if it is something that can’t go away. Many families have made and lost fortunes. Many a father built a fortune just to have his children waste it. Any people of any race whose priority is having a good time over saving money is going to be poor. Anyone who pays 400 dollars for a pair of tennis shoes is just stupid.
White people like you always have lectures. Laws must be followed to be effective. Your last two sentences are an example of your ignorance.

In 2011, DEMOS did a study named “The Racial Wealth Gap, Why Policy Matters”, which discussed the racial wealth gap, the problems associated with it along with solutions and outcomes if the gap did not exist. In this study DEMOS determined that the racial wealth gap was primarily driven by policy decisions.

“The U.S. racial welth gap is substantial and is driven by public policy decisions. According to our analysis of the SIPP data, in 2011 the median white household had $111,146 in wealth holdings, compared to just $7,113 for the median Black household and $8,348 for the median Latino household. From the continuing impact of redlining on American homeownership to the retreat from desegregation in public education, public policy has shaped these disparities, leaving them impossible to overcome without racially-aware policy change.”
What have we learned during the past 4 years?

I learned that racism is still very strong in America. And what's worse is those who support and enable racism to continue actually get offended when they are held to account.

What are you supporting when you support trump? He called Mexicans rapists, he's still trying to suppress votes in black communities this morning. He defended racism at Charlotte but people want pull up his transcripts and argue about context. The context was him defending the right for confederate monuments built decades after the war to symbolize white supremacy, to remain standing as a visible memory of one of history's most painful atrocities. He chose to defend the confederacy but call black football players SOB'S for practicing their first amendment rights.

He creates a new FBI category to go after black advocacy groups while taking white supremacists off the terrorist watch list. You have to twist his arm in a 45 degree angle to get him to denounce white supremacist groups, but needs no help calling out BLM. Folks, these are examples of racism. If you oppose racism, you oppose trump.

Aversive racism simply put, is when you say you are not racist but are opposed anything that progresses black interests or interest of people of color. trump tells you that he's the least racist you know but he ended racial sensitivity training calling it unamerican. That's an example of aversive racism. This ain't 1960 and racism ain't done like it was then. If that's what you're looking for, you'll find the whites only signs on the billboards at the centaur races.

So what have we learned? I see a nation where part of one population subset does not want to lose the advantages they gave themselves to such an extent that they are trying to re elect a man who was impeached. A man who mismanaged a pandemic so badly that the nation with the most resources and finest medical experts on earth, has the most infections and deaths in the world, who has created havoc and mayhem among the people.

This man has fucked up our country and yet there are people wanting this to continue.

The last four years were a test. America failed.

“I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn’t lose any voters, okay?,” said Donald Trump almost six years ago. “It’s, like, incredible.”

Indeed it is. But how about if he shot a quarter of a million people? Would that lose him any voters?

Apparently not.

Your endless whining about race isnt very compelling. We dont care anymore. BLM can block traffic, destroy property, loot and assault people, but it isnt going to accomplish anything other than making everyone hate them even more.
Since the majority of that was done by white supremacists...
Since when is BLM a white supremacist group?
Trump may be out but now you have the well known racist Biden, to contend with.
The well known racist is trump.
Maybe, but that doesn’t alleviate the blatant racism your beloved Joe has exhibited for decades.
That has not been the case.
Ignoring Biden’s many racist comments over the years, won’t make them go away.
Ignoring Bidens service with the first black president and his choice of the first black female VP won't make that go away either.
Ignoring Bidens service with the first black president and his choice of the first black female VP won't make that go away either.
Unless you are a hypocrite, what Trump has done won't as well... Right? Or... Do you believe he's done absolutely nothing?

With that said... If he was going to do that, I think she should have chose a better black represented. I think it's stupid to choose on skin color, but... Hey.. If you are going to do it.. Do it with someone that is actually likeable. There is a reason why she lost the primary.
IM2 is best to iggy
This creature is the biggest racist and Buffon on the entire board
What have we learned during the past 4 years?

I learned that racism is still very strong in America. And what's worse is those who support and enable racism to continue actually get offended when they are held to account.

What are you supporting when you support trump? He called Mexicans rapists, he's still trying to suppress votes in black communities this morning. He defended racism at Charlotte but people want pull up his transcripts and argue about context. The context was him defending the right for confederate monuments built decades after the war to symbolize white supremacy, to remain standing as a visible memory of one of history's most painful atrocities. He chose to defend the confederacy but call black football players SOB'S for practicing their first amendment rights.

He creates a new FBI category to go after black advocacy groups while taking white supremacists off the terrorist watch list. You have to twist his arm in a 45 degree angle to get him to denounce white supremacist groups, but needs no help calling out BLM. Folks, these are examples of racism. If you oppose racism, you oppose trump.

Aversive racism simply put, is when you say you are not racist but are opposed anything that progresses black interests or interest of people of color. trump tells you that he's the least racist you know but he ended racial sensitivity training calling it unamerican. That's an example of aversive racism. This ain't 1960 and racism ain't done like it was then. If that's what you're looking for, you'll find the whites only signs on the billboards at the centaur races.

So what have we learned? I see a nation where part of one population subset does not want to lose the advantages they gave themselves to such an extent that they are trying to re elect a man who was impeached. A man who mismanaged a pandemic so badly that the nation with the most resources and finest medical experts on earth, has the most infections and deaths in the world, who has created havoc and mayhem among the people.

This man has fucked up our country and yet there are people wanting this to continue.

The last four years were a test. America failed.

“I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn’t lose any voters, okay?,” said Donald Trump almost six years ago. “It’s, like, incredible.”

Indeed it is. But how about if he shot a quarter of a million people? Would that lose him any voters?

Apparently not.

I’m proud of the black community. You made the difference. And if you really want to make positive lasting change show up again in 2 years not 4

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