What I consider Trump's WORST statement (almost treasonous)

I think it would be more fair to say that Nat does not believe the Deems can do wrong. He thinks all the crooks are in one party only

Far, far from it...........there are plenty of crooks within the DNC.....

But their crimes pale in comparison.....When was the last time that a right winger on here AGREED that the GOP has even ONE crook?
How come you hold Trump and the Russians responsible for what is Democrat corruption?

IF.....IF it were corruption you fuckhead, WHY should a foreign enemy power be asked to intervene???
Is it because trump has a lover's crush on Putin's chest??

You're such an idiot that you don't even realize that YOU are making Trump and the fucking Russians "partners".......LOL
Are you really that dense?

I think it would be more fair to say that Nat does not believe the Deems can do wrong. He thinks all the crooks are in one party only.
They are. And the liars and thieves. All for the greedy idiot rich. Only BS hate propaganda/character assassination and dupes like you make it possible...
Of course, Trump ass-kissers will shrug this off....or worse, think that Trump is just the cutest pumpkin when he opens his tiny mouth......but for others with a few more brain cells.

Here's what I consider to be the WORST of the orange clown's moments, when asking a FOREIGN and ADVERSARIAL power to "help" his sorry ass in the election.

“Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,”
Trump said in reference to the emails deleted by Hillary Clinton as secretary of state.
I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”

I like it. May have helped identify our enemies within. Perhaps you're just unhappy with the results, which is Democrat exposure.

I'm surprised you hold Trump and the Russian's accountable for what proved to be corrupt Democrats. You sure you have the brain cells you speak of?
DNC staffers BSing meant nothing. Bernie and investigations prove it, dupe.
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Nicki @nickiknowsnada

#Breaking: NYT update, Donald Trump Jr. in fact got email prior to meeting that Russian govt wanted to help Trump get elected. #maddow

9:34 PM - 10 Jul 2017
How come you hold Trump and the Russians responsible for what is Democrat corruption?

IF.....IF it were corruption you fuckhead, WHY should a foreign enemy power be asked to intervene???
Is it because trump has a lover's crush on Putin's chest??

You're such an idiot that you don't even realize that YOU are making Trump and the fucking Russians "partners".......LOL
Are you really that dense?

I think it would be more fair to say that Nat does not believe the Deems can do wrong. He thinks all the crooks are in one party only.
They are. And the liars and thieves. All for the greedy idiot rich. Only BS hate propaganda/character assassination and dupes like you make it possible...

Stating conservative ideology is not hate.
So sorry , deal with reality.
Americans are sick and tired of Political Correctness and loss of freedoms from big government.

They are in both parties.
The elites are corrupt and they are in both parties.
I think it would be more fair to say that Nat does not believe the Deems can do wrong. He thinks all the crooks are in one party only

Far, far from it...........there are plenty of crooks within the DNC.....

But their crimes pale in comparison.....When was the last time that a right winger on here AGREED that the GOP has even ONE crook?

You must not be in many threads because cons all over the place here criticizes the Repubs.
Republican congress know they are walking on thin ice.
If they sit on things also ,both parties are going bye bye and 2 or more types of parties will get elected.
How come you hold Trump and the Russians responsible for what is Democrat corruption?

IF.....IF it were corruption you fuckhead, WHY should a foreign enemy power be asked to intervene???
Is it because trump has a lover's crush on Putin's chest??

You're such an idiot that you don't even realize that YOU are making Trump and the fucking Russians "partners".......LOL
Are you really that dense?

I think it would be more fair to say that Nat does not believe the Deems can do wrong. He thinks all the crooks are in one party only.
They are. And the liars and thieves. All for the greedy idiot rich. Only BS hate propaganda/character assassination and dupes like you make it possible...

Stating conservative ideology is not hate.
So sorry , deal with reality.
Americans are sick and tired of Political Correctness and loss of freedoms from big government.

They are in both parties.
The elites are corrupt and they are in both parties.
The Dem ones want to hike their own taxes. THE problem the last 35 years. You hate Dems like Hillary because of 30 years of bs hate GOP propaganda. A disgrace. All investigated and NOTHING but a BJ. Never a retraction, the dupes still believe it all
IF.....IF it were corruption you fuckhead, WHY should a foreign enemy power be asked to intervene???
Is it because trump has a lover's crush on Putin's chest??

You're such an idiot that you don't even realize that YOU are making Trump and the fucking Russians "partners".......LOL
Are you really that dense?

I think it would be more fair to say that Nat does not believe the Deems can do wrong. He thinks all the crooks are in one party only.
They are. And the liars and thieves. All for the greedy idiot rich. Only BS hate propaganda/character assassination and dupes like you make it possible...

Stating conservative ideology is not hate.
So sorry , deal with reality.
Americans are sick and tired of Political Correctness and loss of freedoms from big government.

They are in both parties.
The elites are corrupt and they are in both parties.
The Dem ones want to hike their own taxes. THE problem the last 35 years. You hate Dems like Hillary because of 30 years of bs hate GOP propaganda. A disgrace. All investigated and NOTHING but a BJ. Never a retraction, the dupes still believe it all

No I don't like her bigger government is better views ,same as why I did not like Obama, way to far left.
Are you really that dense?

I think it would be more fair to say that Nat does not believe the Deems can do wrong. He thinks all the crooks are in one party only.
They are. And the liars and thieves. All for the greedy idiot rich. Only BS hate propaganda/character assassination and dupes like you make it possible...

Stating conservative ideology is not hate.
So sorry , deal with reality.
Americans are sick and tired of Political Correctness and loss of freedoms from big government.

They are in both parties.
The elites are corrupt and they are in both parties.
The Dem ones want to hike their own taxes. THE problem the last 35 years. You hate Dems like Hillary because of 30 years of bs hate GOP propaganda. A disgrace. All investigated and NOTHING but a BJ. Never a retraction, the dupes still believe it all

No I don't like her bigger government is better views ,same as why I did not like Obama, way to far left.

I also don't hate, there is no reason for it.
Why are we always labeled, don't you ever get sick of it?
It demeans us as Americans and is totally opposite of what America stands for.
Labeling is what big governments do in order to keep division.[/QUOTE]
Are you really that dense?

I think it would be more fair to say that Nat does not believe the Deems can do wrong. He thinks all the crooks are in one party only.
They are. And the liars and thieves. All for the greedy idiot rich. Only BS hate propaganda/character assassination and dupes like you make it possible...

Stating conservative ideology is not hate.
So sorry , deal with reality.
Americans are sick and tired of Political Correctness and loss of freedoms from big government.

They are in both parties.
The elites are corrupt and they are in both parties.
The Dem ones want to hike their own taxes. THE problem the last 35 years. You hate Dems like Hillary because of 30 years of bs hate GOP propaganda. A disgrace. All investigated and NOTHING but a BJ. Never a retraction, the dupes still believe it all

No I don't like her bigger government is better views ,same as why I did not like Obama, way to far left.
Funny how the number of gov't employees goes down under Dems, up under GOP, along with debt in good times...IOW, more GOP BS.
I think it would be more fair to say that Nat does not believe the Deems can do wrong. He thinks all the crooks are in one party only.
They are. And the liars and thieves. All for the greedy idiot rich. Only BS hate propaganda/character assassination and dupes like you make it possible...

Stating conservative ideology is not hate.
So sorry , deal with reality.
Americans are sick and tired of Political Correctness and loss of freedoms from big government.

They are in both parties.
The elites are corrupt and they are in both parties.
The Dem ones want to hike their own taxes. THE problem the last 35 years. You hate Dems like Hillary because of 30 years of bs hate GOP propaganda. A disgrace. All investigated and NOTHING but a BJ. Never a retraction, the dupes still believe it all

No I don't like her bigger government is better views ,same as why I did not like Obama, way to far left.

I also don't hate, there is no reason for it.
Why are we always labeled, don't you ever get sick of it?
It demeans us as Americans and is totally opposite of what America stands for.
Labeling is what big governments do in order to keep division.
You're the exception that proves the rule then...
I think it would be more fair to say that Nat does not believe the Deems can do wrong. He thinks all the crooks are in one party only.
They are. And the liars and thieves. All for the greedy idiot rich. Only BS hate propaganda/character assassination and dupes like you make it possible...

Stating conservative ideology is not hate.
So sorry , deal with reality.
Americans are sick and tired of Political Correctness and loss of freedoms from big government.

They are in both parties.
The elites are corrupt and they are in both parties.
The Dem ones want to hike their own taxes. THE problem the last 35 years. You hate Dems like Hillary because of 30 years of bs hate GOP propaganda. A disgrace. All investigated and NOTHING but a BJ. Never a retraction, the dupes still believe it all

No I don't like her bigger government is better views ,same as why I did not like Obama, way to far left.
Funny how the number of gov't employees goes down under Dems, up under GOP, along with debt in good times...IOW, more GOP BS.

Have you looked at how many new large gov. Depart. is under the AHA?
They are. And the liars and thieves. All for the greedy idiot rich. Only BS hate propaganda/character assassination and dupes like you make it possible...

Stating conservative ideology is not hate.
So sorry , deal with reality.
Americans are sick and tired of Political Correctness and loss of freedoms from big government.

They are in both parties.
The elites are corrupt and they are in both parties.
The Dem ones want to hike their own taxes. THE problem the last 35 years. You hate Dems like Hillary because of 30 years of bs hate GOP propaganda. A disgrace. All investigated and NOTHING but a BJ. Never a retraction, the dupes still believe it all

No I don't like her bigger government is better views ,same as why I did not like Obama, way to far left.

I also don't hate, there is no reason for it.
Why are we always labeled, don't you ever get sick of it?
It demeans us as Americans and is totally opposite of what America stands for.
Labeling is what big governments do in order to keep division.
You're the exception that proves the rule then...

No that is the majority views on the right.
We keep telling you that the left are guessing and labeling on conservatives views.
The media haven't even got a clue what conservatives think.
Stating conservative ideology is not hate.
So sorry , deal with reality.
Americans are sick and tired of Political Correctness and loss of freedoms from big government.

They are in both parties.
The elites are corrupt and they are in both parties.
The Dem ones want to hike their own taxes. THE problem the last 35 years. You hate Dems like Hillary because of 30 years of bs hate GOP propaganda. A disgrace. All investigated and NOTHING but a BJ. Never a retraction, the dupes still believe it all

No I don't like her bigger government is better views ,same as why I did not like Obama, way to far left.

I also don't hate, there is no reason for it.
Why are we always labeled, don't you ever get sick of it?
It demeans us as Americans and is totally opposite of what America stands for.
Labeling is what big governments do in order to keep division.
You're the exception that proves the rule then...

No that is the majority views on the right.
We keep telling you that the left are guessing and labeling on conservatives views.
The media haven't even got a clue what conservatives think.
50% of GOPers believed Obama was a Muslim Kenyan commie, Soros is a Nazi, ACORN stole the election, Barney caused the meltdown etc etc etc. Glad you're not a HATER dupe...
The Dem ones want to hike their own taxes. THE problem the last 35 years. You hate Dems like Hillary because of 30 years of bs hate GOP propaganda. A disgrace. All investigated and NOTHING but a BJ. Never a retraction, the dupes still believe it all

No I don't like her bigger government is better views ,same as why I did not like Obama, way to far left.

I also don't hate, there is no reason for it.
Why are we always labeled, don't you ever get sick of it?
It demeans us as Americans and is totally opposite of what America stands for.
Labeling is what big governments do in order to keep division.
You're the exception that proves the rule then...

No that is the majority views on the right.
We keep telling you that the left are guessing and labeling on conservatives views.
The media haven't even got a clue what conservatives think.
50% of GOPers believed Obama was a Muslim Kenyan commie, Soros is a Nazi, ACORN stole the election, Barney caused the meltdown etc etc etc. Glad you're not a HATER dupe...

I did not like either of the Bushes. Sr. I loathed, Jr. barely tolerable.
No I don't like her bigger government is better views ,same as why I did not like Obama, way to far left.

I also don't hate, there is no reason for it.
Why are we always labeled, don't you ever get sick of it?
It demeans us as Americans and is totally opposite of what America stands for.
Labeling is what big governments do in order to keep division.
You're the exception that proves the rule then...

No that is the majority views on the right.
We keep telling you that the left are guessing and labeling on conservatives views.
The media haven't even got a clue what conservatives think.
50% of GOPers believed Obama was a Muslim Kenyan commie, Soros is a Nazi, ACORN stole the election, Barney caused the meltdown etc etc etc. Glad you're not a HATER dupe...

I did not like either of the Bushes. Sr. I loathed, Jr. barely tolerable.
It's their policy I don't like, and the nonstop lies/hate of Fox/Rush/you name it...Trying to figure out character is irrelevant. See sig.
What? ARe you pretending to find reason to call your enemies some sort of -ist?


I don't need to pretend, déclassé defines you and a couple of dozen of others who were never taught manners, are immature and vulgar.

I treat people with the respect and civility they show me.

Or at least I try.

I've found it difficult to match the sheer assholeness of the Left.

YOur concern about civility is not credible considering the side you have taken.
SOme small percentage of people are going to be bat shit crazy. We cant' live our lives tip toeing around them.

It was obviously sarcasm aimed at HIllary for "losing" the emails, and the media for not making a bigger deal of that fact that hillary defied a subpoena.
My point is that it's okay for you and Me to use sarcasm but the king should be careful. He influences people and creates culture (which sadly seems now to accept mindless arguing without any listening). As Shakespeare wrote in Henry IV p 1, "such is the breath of kings."

We republicans have had several Presidents who tried to be "above it all".

All they did was cede the culture to the left, who got to lie and smear unchallenged and end up defining us for the uneducated and ignorant.

The GOP and the nation can't survive any more of that.
who said anything about "above it all?" My point is that as President you can have a profound impact on the culture of discourse by example. Reagan struck a balance between firmness and collegiality that created a culture of optimism. President Trump is creating a culture of discourse that sickens me on both sides. Things are being said on both sides that are not normal. And those who normalize it frankly will end up with a nation that is neither great nor United. You get the culture you deserve, post by post, conversation by conversation.

Sure. Reagan was "firm and collegiality".

And the left treated and still treat him like shit.

In the absence of challenge, such constant repetition of vile lies, can create the illusion of legitimacy.

Proof by assertion - Wikipedia

Proof by assertion, sometimes informally referred to as proof by repeated assertion, is an informal fallacy in which a proposition is repeatedly restated regardless of contradiction.[1] Sometimes, this may be repeated until challenges dry up, at which point it is asserted as fact due to its not being contradicted (argumentum ad nauseam).[2] In other cases, its repetition may be cited as evidence of its truth, in a variant of the appeal to authority or appeal to belief fallacies
Ok. You think the current culture in the US is basically the same as in the 80s. Okay.

That was a weak dodge of my point.

Which is standard for libs that can't refute something they don't like.

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