What I consider Trump's WORST statement (almost treasonous)

Here's an example of why Trump is WRONG......

If the orange clown "thinks" that too many illegals voted, should he REQUEST that our voting be monitored by Russian observers??????


I REALLY would like a response from right wingers IF they'd think it was perfectly OK for Trump to ask Putin to "monitor" our voting so that illegals would not vote against his fat ass.................LOL
You're not getting replies because nobody knows WTF you're talking about.

I know what she is talking about.

I am just embarrassed for her, for her revealing how sad and twisted she is.
So you are a stupid treasonous Libtard asshole that didn't want the truth about that Crooked Hillary bitch's corruption to be exposed?

Moron.......if you're searching for the "truth" about Hillary.....DO IT DOMESTICALLY and not ask for a foreign, adversarial power to do it for you.....Find a grown up to explain this to you.....LOL

The truth is that Crooked Hillary is a piece of shit that is corrupt and dishonest not to mention being a crook with her leakage of classified information. The Liberal media would not hold the bitch accountable for her corruption and the Obama Administration sure as hell did not hold her accountable, did they?

It was a good thing that information about her corruption and the corruption of the DNC was exposed by Wikileaks, which by the way is thought to have come from a DNC insider and not the Russians. .

You stupid Moon Bat Libtards hate the truth, don't you? The truth is never your friend.

Why in the hell did that asshole decide to run her government work from her own server and not the government's? Why did the corrupt bitch delete all her records? The answer is damn simple. It was because she didn't want to have a record of her selling government influence and rigging the Primaries.

Thank god that filthy ass bitch was not elected President. You were an idiot to vote for her. You must have you head all the way up your ass to d something as stupid as to vote for her to be President. What the hell were you thinking Moon Bat? Are you ever going to pull your head out of your ass?

Look I don't agree with the OP but here's some math to think about: there are 320 million people in the US. there are 150 million in Russia. Do you think when President Trump speaks publicly in a way that you recognize as sarcastic some small percentage of these people will take it seriously? Call it .02% of the people who take this or some other "sarcastic statement" literally (like all media is evil or I want to punch that guy in the face). In the US alone that's 64,000 people taking him seriously. I have friends in the Secret Service who think none of this is amusing including the culture being created in the US by mindless hyperbole on internet sites.

SOme small percentage of people are going to be bat shit crazy. We cant' live our lives tip toeing around them.

It was obviously sarcasm aimed at HIllary for "losing" the emails, and the media for not making a bigger deal of that fact that hillary defied a subpoena.

Please post the Subpoena, and what was listed within it?
Since you are interested in the details of the actual subpoena then I suggest you research it and find what is listed in it.

Nice non answer, I have written subpoenas and in terms of a subpoena the material evidence needs to be exact and the reason explicit. I've made no claim as to the subpoena ordered by the court, and asked the person who claimed she defied the court order what specifically she deleted.

My question was germane to the issue; I do not take any allegation of wrong doing of anyone, by someone on this message board, seriously. I withhold my judgment until an investigation has been completed. In the case of HRC, she was absolved by Comey of criminal wrong doing.

Of course that does not satisfy those who hoped differently, so they continue their quest to assassinate the character of Sect. Clinton, former FBI director Comey and the FBI.

FBI: No evidence Clinton ordered deletion of subpoenaed email archive

What evidence would you expect to remain from a verbal order being given?

That the FBI even says that, undermines their credibility to any reasonable person.
Of course, Trump ass-kissers will shrug this off....or worse, think that Trump is just the cutest pumpkin when he opens his tiny mouth......but for others with a few more brain cells.

Here's what I consider to be the WORST of the orange clown's moments, when asking a FOREIGN and ADVERSARIAL power to "help" his sorry ass in the election.

“Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,”
Trump said in reference to the emails deleted by Hillary Clinton as secretary of state.
I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”
This again?

He was kidding.

Good grief. This is as silly as the conservatives pretending Obama thinks we have 57 states.

Cripes, enough already.

What evidence would you expect to remain from a verbal order being given?

That the FBI even says that, undermines their credibility to any reasonable person.

These stupid Moon Bats seem to forget that Comey said that the investigation reveal that she had mishandled classified material, which is a crime whether you have intent or not. The FBI discovered the evidence and was compelled by the law to at least go to a Grand Jury but for political purposes did not recommend an indictment, which was absolutely incredulous. One of many more despicable things done by the Obama Administration.

In addition to that the filthy ass bitch lied about it when she said she never had any classified material. She knew she was lying when she said it but these idiotic Moon Bats still voted for her.

These Moon Bats were absolute morons voting that corrupt dishonest asshole. Her record of corruption and dishonesty was well known by everybody but yet these idiot Moon Bats still voted for her. Then they wonder why we ridicule them so much for being dumbasses.
Crooked Hillary was the worst possible candidate possible for the Party of Moon Bats. Well maybe not the worst. Maxine Waters could have been worse. Crooked Hillary had a record of corruption, dishonesty and incompetence and was a terrible candidate. She had more baggage than Delta Airlines and nobody really liked the vile bitch.

We told these Moon Bats that she was a terrible candidate but like usual the idiots didn't listen. Since they are the "stupid Americans" that Jonathan Gruber told us about they believed the spin and lies of the Clinton political machine and they paid the price of a Democrat not being elected President.

In addition to her her terrible record of corruption and dishonesty the despicable bitch ran on a platform to increase taxes, demonize the NRA, continue to let the illegals flood in and bring in a million damn Muslims and then these Moon Bats wonder why she lost.
Take off his mask he's Boris and Melania is natasha
Snowflake idiocy would be charming if it wasn't so dangerous.

You're a kook. You know that, don't you?
My the Trump team is full of people who need to retroactively register as foreign agents.

Guys, please stop bringing up Hillary to distract. You're in charge. We're watching you. You don't get to threaten prosecuting Hillary if we keep this up.
There are no people who have to retroactively register as foreign agents. That's just an outright lie.

Snowflakes are congenitally incapable of telling the truth.
B's. Two so far. Flynn and one other guy. Sessions should have to. Rappaport. Jr. I'm sure more.

But two so far. Pretty sure. Will you admit to one? I'll prove you wrong tomorrow if you challenge
Flynn is no longer in the Trump administration, and, no, Sessions has no reason to register as a foreign agent. Shaking the ambassador's hand in front of 300 people does not make him a foreign agent. If it did, then half the Democrats in Congress should register as foreign agents, and so should have Hillary.

Who is the "other guy?"

Paul Manafort Retroactively Registers As A Foreign Agent For Ukraine Lobbying | HuffPost

If Manafort chooses to do so, he would be the second former Trump official to register as a “foreign agent.” Mike Flynn did the same after resigning from his position as President Trump’s national security advisor. He was forced to resign after leaks to the press showed he had lied about his meeting with a Russian ambassador.

And there is another guy!!! A guy who's name isn't well known and so he might be the 3rd. I can't find his name right now. After the Don Jr. stuff are you still trying to deny collusion with russia? No you guys are not. Now you are making a totally new argument. That it's no big deal. Only we know it is. BUSTED!

Republicans won't impeach him. But he won't be re elected. We need a Democrat in the White House as a checks and balance to the Republican senate and house.
Snowflake idiocy would be charming if it wasn't so dangerous.

You're a kook. You know that, don't you?
My the Trump team is full of people who need to retroactively register as foreign agents.

Guys, please stop bringing up Hillary to distract. You're in charge. We're watching you. You don't get to threaten prosecuting Hillary if we keep this up.
There are no people who have to retroactively register as foreign agents. That's just an outright lie.

Snowflakes are congenitally incapable of telling the truth.
B's. Two so far. Flynn and one other guy. Sessions should have to. Rappaport. Jr. I'm sure more.

But two so far. Pretty sure. Will you admit to one? I'll prove you wrong tomorrow if you challenge
Flynn is no longer in the Trump administration, and, no, Sessions has no reason to register as a foreign agent. Shaking the ambassador's hand in front of 300 people does not make him a foreign agent. If it did, then half the Democrats in Congress should register as foreign agents, and so should have Hillary.

Who is the "other guy?"

Paul Manafort Retroactively Registers As A Foreign Agent For Ukraine Lobbying | HuffPost

If Manafort chooses to do so, he would be the second former Trump official to register as a “foreign agent.” Mike Flynn did the same after resigning from his position as President Trump’s national security advisor. He was forced to resign after leaks to the press showed he had lied about his meeting with a Russian ambassador.

And there is another guy!!! A guy who's name isn't well known and so he might be the 3rd. I can't find his name right now. After the Don Jr. stuff are you still trying to deny collusion with russia? No you guys are not. Now you are making a totally new argument. That it's no big deal. Only we know it is. BUSTED!

Republicans won't impeach him. But he won't be re elected. We need a Democrat in the White House as a checks and balance to the Republican senate and house.

Let's get this cleared up once and for all. Neither Flynn nor Manafort were hiding anything. There were changes in the rules and basically their legal teams screwed up by not updating their clients to follow the new rules.

You know who else was caught up in this bureaucratic mess? None other than the Podesta Group headed by Tony. You know his brother well. But I don't think Tony and the Podesta group are evil like you think Flynn and Manafort are.

All because they got caught up in rule changes and their lawyers screwed up. What the hell is wrong with you people?

And Flynn wasn't forced to resign over the meetings. Flynn didn't tell the VP the whole shebang about the meetings. AND there was nothing freaking illegal about the meetings during the transition.

Truly you left wing wankers are fucked in the head.
The fact that you think he committed treason only proves that you're an idiot snowflake.

First of all as the title CLEARLY states "almost treasonous" (I know, I know that reading comprehension is a bitch for you).....
But, to make you feel better, there are OTHER fuck ups by Trump that may be treasonous.......LOL


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Of course, Trump ass-kissers will shrug this off....or worse, think that Trump is just the cutest pumpkin when he opens his tiny mouth......but for others with a few more brain cells.

Here's what I consider to be the WORST of the orange clown's moments, when asking a FOREIGN and ADVERSARIAL power to "help" his sorry ass in the election.

“Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,”
Trump said in reference to the emails deleted by Hillary Clinton as secretary of state.
I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”

the funniest thing about this statement is that Hillarys secret server was never hacked. Before she turned over the server they had already deleted the contents. Only the DNC server was hacked supposedly by Russians. Keep in mind our intelligence communities were DENIED ACCESS to this server by the DNC so we can not be 100% sure it was russians. What Trump "requested" for (i think it was a joke) was totally different from what actualy happened.

Yet this statement is the one most often referred to when you discuss Trump-Russia.

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