What I consider Trump's WORST statement (almost treasonous)

Of course, Trump ass-kissers will shrug this off....or worse, think that Trump is just the cutest pumpkin when he opens his tiny mouth......but for others with a few more brain cells.

Here's what I consider to be the WORST of the orange clown's moments, when asking a FOREIGN and ADVERSARIAL power to "help" his sorry ass in the election.

“Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,”
Trump said in reference to the emails deleted by Hillary Clinton as secretary of state.
I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”
Everyone has their opinion.


Thanks, GOP BS spamhead.

YW. :)
That comment is why I voted for him.

Great proves what a fucking idiot you are.....Good for confirming that....

You are believing the misinterpretation of the left.
It's not true and it is not what he meant.
Conservatives and moderates have no problem with it because they know what he was talking about.
It's the far left who don't.
Yeah, the RWers know the stooopid hate bs. Those were personal e-mails the Sec of State is allowed to delete. You jackasses don't even have a crime that she's supposedly covering up!! You START with she's a criminal! No evidence, all investigated, DUHHHHHHH....
Treason? Y'all gotta be kidding or crazy with hatred.
Yup, working with Russians to spread criminally gotten e-mails and changing an election is no problem. Some of which the Russians made up, which got Comey to wreck the election. That's all fine. Pffffftttt!!! Change the GD channel, superdupe.

That was personal e-mails, ordered destroyed months earlier, that the IT guy had an oh shit I forgot moment about. Nothing to do with Hillary at that point, nothing out of the ordinary for A Sec of State to do, all investigated and NOTHING. Why do Fox etc and you dupes still go on about it? A disgrace. Along with all the other discredited BS about Dems you believe, hater dupe.

The disgrace is you "stupid Americans" that believe Democrat lies. How can you be that stupid?

Crooked Hillary was as corrupt and dishonest as they come and you dumbasses voted for her. What the hell were you thinking?

That was personal e-mails, ordered destroyed months earlier, that the IT guy had an oh shit I forgot moment about. Nothing to do with Hillary at that point, nothing out of the ordinary for A Sec of State to do, all investigated and NOTHING. Why do Fox etc and you dupes still go on about it? A disgrace. Along with all the other discredited BS about Dems you believe, hater dupe.

The disgrace is you "stupid Americans" that believe Democrat lies. How can you be that stupid?

Crooked Hillary was as corrupt and dishonest as they come and you dumbasses voted for her. What the hell were you thinking?
So it's a huge conspiracy that protects her, dupe? LOL! Not a ridiculous RW propaganda machine and fools like you? How are all the special prosecutors for all the ridiculous phony scandals coming, superdupe? The corruption and stupidity that gave us the S+L scandal, the stupidest wars ever, the corrupt world depression of 2008 all came from the New BS GOP, DUHHHHHH. And now they're at it again. Enjoy the giant tax cut for the rich, dupe. And the corrupt bubble as usual no doubt...
So you are a stupid treasonous Libtard asshole that didn't want the truth about that Crooked Hillary bitch's corruption to be exposed?

Moron.......if you're searching for the "truth" about Hillary.....DO IT DOMESTICALLY and not ask for a foreign, adversarial power to do it for you.....Find a grown up to explain this to you.....LOL

Hillary deleting 30,000 government emails isn't proof enough?

Nope. Without knowing what was asked for in the subpoena, we can't assume HRC was guilty of anything anyone of us does - clean out our e-mail. She did nothing more than Tillerson, both had someone delete their mail box for them.

Under the testimony of her tech, he was told to empty the e-mail basket in December, well before the subpoena was issued.
SOme small percentage of people are going to be bat shit crazy. We cant' live our lives tip toeing around them.

It was obviously sarcasm aimed at HIllary for "losing" the emails, and the media for not making a bigger deal of that fact that hillary defied a subpoena.

Please post the Subpoena, and what was listed within it?
Since you are interested in the details of the actual subpoena then I suggest you research it and find what is listed in it.

Nice non answer, I have written subpoenas and in terms of a subpoena the material evidence needs to be exact and the reason explicit. I've made no claim as to the subpoena ordered by the court, and asked the person who claimed she defied the court order what specifically she deleted.

My question was germane to the issue; I do not take any allegation of wrong doing of anyone, by someone on this message board, seriously. I withhold my judgment until an investigation has been completed. In the case of HRC, she was absolved by Comey of criminal wrong doing.

Of course that does not satisfy those who hoped differently, so they continue their quest to assassinate the character of Sect. Clinton, former FBI director Comey and the FBI.

FBI: No evidence Clinton ordered deletion of subpoenaed email archive

Was that comey......who obeyed loretta lynch and didn't investigate her meeting with clinton...or was that mccabe, his second in command who is under 3 internal investigations, at least one involving his activities in association with clinton operative terry mcauliffe?

Thank you, conspiracy theories are NOT evidence. Now, go stoke that gun, your fetish will give you pleasure and calm you.
Of course, Trump ass-kissers will shrug this off....or worse, think that Trump is just the cutest pumpkin when he opens his tiny mouth......but for others with a few more brain cells.

Here's what I consider to be the WORST of the orange clown's moments, when asking a FOREIGN and ADVERSARIAL power to "help" his sorry ass in the election.

“Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,”
Trump said in reference to the emails deleted by Hillary Clinton as secretary of state.
I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”
Take off his mask he's Boris and Melania is natasha
That comment is why I voted for him.

Great proves what a fucking idiot you are.....Good for confirming that....

You are believing the misinterpretation of the left.
It's not true and it is not what he meant.
Conservatives and moderates have no problem with it because they know what he was talking about.
It's the far left who don't.
Yeah, the RWers know the stooopid hate bs. Those were personal e-mails the Sec of State is allowed to delete. You jackasses don't even have a crime that she's supposedly covering up!! You START with she's a criminal! No evidence, all investigated, DUHHHHHHH....
And you know they were personal emails how? MSNBC'd again dupe?
Yep I see gnat is on thin ice again with another hate Trump bogus thread. Stop the hate, Trump is and will be president for a long time gnat...so chill out and go with it. The nation will be great again and when it is you will look pretty stupid. So take a pill a day and calm yourself down.
Of course, Trump ass-kissers will shrug this off....or worse, think that Trump is just the cutest pumpkin when he opens his tiny mouth......but for others with a few more brain cells.

Here's what I consider to be the WORST of the orange clown's moments, when asking a FOREIGN and ADVERSARIAL power to "help" his sorry ass in the election.

“Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,”
Trump said in reference to the emails deleted by Hillary Clinton as secretary of state.
I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”
Take off his mask he's Boris and Melania is natasha

I have Rocky and Bullwinkle on speed dial - they can do the job!
That comment is why I voted for him.

Great proves what a fucking idiot you are.....Good for confirming that....
You're the fuckin idiot - living your life trashing the President at every turn. A sad little dumass you are.

"a fucking idiot"? That's hostile.

Whining about trashing the President at every turn is a low blow, it paints him as someone like you, and the other racists who trashed President Obama for 8 years.
The emails from Podesta exposed the corruption of the media collusion, the DNC, and the Hillary campaign.

That is what the focus of investigations should be.
Of course, Trump ass-kissers will shrug this off....or worse, think that Trump is just the cutest pumpkin when he opens his tiny mouth......but for others with a few more brain cells.

Here's what I consider to be the WORST of the orange clown's moments, when asking a FOREIGN and ADVERSARIAL power to "help" his sorry ass in the election.

“Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,”
Trump said in reference to the emails deleted by Hillary Clinton as secretary of state.
I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”
Take off his mask he's Boris and Melania is natasha
Snowflake idiocy would be charming if it wasn't so dangerous.

You're a kook. You know that, don't you?
Please post the Subpoena, and what was listed within it?
Since you are interested in the details of the actual subpoena then I suggest you research it and find what is listed in it.

Nice non answer, I have written subpoenas and in terms of a subpoena the material evidence needs to be exact and the reason explicit. I've made no claim as to the subpoena ordered by the court, and asked the person who claimed she defied the court order what specifically she deleted.

My question was germane to the issue; I do not take any allegation of wrong doing of anyone, by someone on this message board, seriously. I withhold my judgment until an investigation has been completed. In the case of HRC, she was absolved by Comey of criminal wrong doing.

Of course that does not satisfy those who hoped differently, so they continue their quest to assassinate the character of Sect. Clinton, former FBI director Comey and the FBI.

FBI: No evidence Clinton ordered deletion of subpoenaed email archive

Was that comey......who obeyed loretta lynch and didn't investigate her meeting with clinton...or was that mccabe, his second in command who is under 3 internal investigations, at least one involving his activities in association with clinton operative terry mcauliffe?

Thank you, conspiracy theories are NOT evidence. Now, go stoke that gun, your fetish will give you pleasure and calm you.
Of course, Trump ass-kissers will shrug this off....or worse, think that Trump is just the cutest pumpkin when he opens his tiny mouth......but for others with a few more brain cells.

Here's what I consider to be the WORST of the orange clown's moments, when asking a FOREIGN and ADVERSARIAL power to "help" his sorry ass in the election.

“Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,”
Trump said in reference to the emails deleted by Hillary Clinton as secretary of state.
I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”

To me it was probably calling the media the enemy of the people. Followed closely by this about face on the goofy cyber security collaboration with the Russians. At least in the latter case he wised up.
The media is the enemy of the people, so I applaud him for pointing that out. The media is little more than the ministry of propaganda. It exists to promote the interests of government, not the people.
Except, of course, FOX News, Breitbart, Infowars, etc. Because they are always truthful, never parrot propaganda, and have no interests to promote other than giving the truth to the American people.

Pretty much, yes. They are the alternative media. They only exist because there was a market niche for new sources that didn't function as government propaganda organs. They do make mistakes, sometimes, but they don't have a agenda of deliberate lying as the DNC propaganda organs do.

Man, I envy you. I read the news and worry about bias and try to decipher the truth. But you? I'm guessing you run on automatic — pro-Trump news good, everything else bad. I'm jealous how you can turn of critical thinking like that.

Sorry, turd, but do you expect anyone to believe you worry about bias when you swallow this CNN fakes news Russian hack conspiracy theory without any reservation? Please show us any of your so-called "critical thinking."
So you are a stupid treasonous Libtard asshole that didn't want the truth about that Crooked Hillary bitch's corruption to be exposed?

Moron.......if you're searching for the "truth" about Hillary.....DO IT DOMESTICALLY and not ask for a foreign, adversarial power to do it for you.....Find a grown up to explain this to you.....LOL

Hillary deleting 30,000 government emails isn't proof enough?
They're personal e-mails and the Sec. of State is allowed duhhhh. Only hater dupes START with the Sec of State being a criminal, with NO EVIDENCE but BS/HATE propaganda, for dupes only. A disgrace.
She's not allowed after they have been subpoenaed, moron. The ones she deleted are precisely the ones they wanted to look at because those are the ones that contain incriminating evidence.
The fact that you think he committed treason only proves that you're an idiot snowflake.

First of all as the title CLEARLY states "almost treasonous" (I know, I know that reading comprehension is a bitch for you).....
But, to make you feel better, there are OTHER fuck ups by Trump that may be treasonous.......LOL

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