What I learned during my months in the "Never Trump" movement...

No, she needed to play dirty . Especially when Comey and the FBI were out to fuck her over .

and yet she won the popular vote in spite of Comey.

Think about it

She had a big lead, peaking after the "pussy grab" tapes . And she let it slip away .

Should've been Biden .

are you a moron?

She won the popular vote by almost 3,000,000 votes, and you scream that Comey cost her the election?
What did she Win?


But I"m getting tired of these fools screaming in one thread that Comey cost her the election, and in the next that she beat Trump by almost 2 million votes in the popular.

Do they have any sense at all?

Really? You can ask that question....knowing that you are having a conversation with a leftist? I know, I make the same mistake myself....they are not rational...but being rational, we assume you can have a normal conversation with them....

It never works out.....
Bill Clinton was popular because he was a centrist who worked with the Republicans. I'm not sure why Hillary abandoned the centrist position that kept her husband popular, but she did. Maybe she believed that there aren't enough centrists left in the Democratic Party to get her elected, but she forgot that she needed independents and Republicans to vote for her if she was to beat Trump.
Have you not been watching the democrat party? It's full on socialism and hating white people with a large dose of climate change is going to kill us all. You can't be centrist with that platform.
The Democrats and the liberal media were doing victory laps before the election, congratulating themselves on a Hillary win even before one vote had been cast. This was probably a mistake, because it's possible that millions of Democrats didn't bother to vote because they thought Hillary had it in the bag. Also, Republicans traditionally are not easily suppressed by predictions their candidate will lose, if anything, that will motivate them that it is even more important to vote.

What happened is that the liberal media's polls missed millions of Trump voters, they simply weren't counted in the polls, but came out to vote for Trump on election day.

The lesson to be learned, is that once again, the polls are incredibly inaccurate. They are taken by liberals, not to accurately gauge the feelings of the American people, but to cause a certain result, which is always the defeat of the Republican candidate.
Bill Clinton was popular because he was a centrist who worked with the Republicans. I'm not sure why Hillary abandoned the centrist position that kept her husband popular, but she did. Maybe she believed that there aren't enough centrists left in the Democratic Party to get her elected, but she forgot that she needed independents and Republicans to vote for her if she was to beat Trump.
Have you not been watching the democrat party? It's full on socialism and hating white people with a large dose of climate change is going to kill us all. You can't be centrist with that platform.
Hillary Clinton, once she had the nomination locked, could have led the Democratic Party in a more moderate direction. But she is not a leader, she is a follower. Bernie Sanders is a leader, he didn't check the wind to determine what he would say, he said what he thought and people followed him. If Hillary had the strength of her convictions that Bernie Sanders had, she might have won.
The Democrats and the liberal media were doing victory laps before the election, congratulating themselves on a Hillary win even before one vote had been cast. This was probably a mistake, because it's possible that millions of Democrats didn't bother to vote because they thought Hillary had it in the bag. Also, Republicans traditionally are not easily suppressed by predictions their candidate will lose, if anything, that will motivate them that it is even more important to vote.

What happened is that the liberal media's polls missed millions of Trump voters, they simply weren't counted in the polls, but came out to vote for Trump on election day.

The lesson to be learned, is that once again, the polls are incredibly inaccurate. They are taken by liberals, not to accurately gauge the feelings of the American people, but to cause a certain result, which is always the defeat of the Republican candidate.

Also.....the same tactics are used by democrats every single election...the Republican is racist, sexist, stupid, they use the press to attack the Republican.......and after doing it for decades, Republican voters just had enough....they stopped letting democrat hit jobs effect their votes..........and then Trump reached out to blue collar democrats as well as blacks and hispanics.....getting more of both group's votes than Romney....
I think the Democratic Party has it's best days behind it. I do not see another great leader like Andrew Jackson, FDR, or JFK emerging within the party. The Democrats are bereft of ideas other than hatred of white people and destruction of the dominant white culture of America. I don't see this kind of nihilism as ever winning another election.
The bottom line is that he is a strong leader at a time in Americas history in which a strong leader is needed. He is headstrong and determined, patriotic and beholden to very few. For the first time in a long time, supporting the downtrodden and looking after national interests is a winning formula. Foreign interests won't be given top billing because Trump doesn't need their money. The average politician can be bought and sold because it is their career, this isn't Trumps lifelong source of success.

I wanted Rand Paul or Rubio, I couldn't take Trump seriously and was even worried he was throwing the race at times with all of the drama he created and I imagined a poor leader in Clinton winning the WH. As time went on, ironically, I started to understand why he had his beliefs, he was getting through to me, and I consider myself tolerant and intelligent, though thankfully curious. When he started to present numbers such as 11 million illegals in America, 70,000 lost factories, and the massive $800B trade deficit with China, I knew I had to rethink my own understanding of globalisation.

The fact is, this global economy needed a tweak and Trump will provide it in spades. One has to be very naive to think that allowing China to become so powerful so quickly is a good thing for global human rights and Western values. I know how Canada takes advantage of America and has done so for 30 years, I know now just how rampant the abuses of America are. He is angry and focused because so many Americans are angry, with good reason. America has been a doormat for too long and the world is worse off for it.

So far it's clear, he is in overdrive and so many dislike it because the country isn't going to remain a patsy for global exploitation. It's a disgrace how some willingly accept America losing grounds to serial trade abusers and backstabbers while caring little about the long term health of Americas economy and global presence.

God Bless America! Get 'er done Mr. Trump.
I think the Democratic Party has it's best days behind it. I do not see another great leader like Andrew Jackson, FDR, or JFK emerging within the party. The Democrats are bereft of ideas other than hatred of white people and destruction of the dominant white culture of America. I don't see this kind of nihilism as ever winning another election.

No....evil never dies....it just goes dormant till kids hold a party on halloween.............
Anyone who was paying attention knows that I was one of Trump's biggest critics during the primary season. At one point, I got so desperate to stop Trump that I even flirted with the possibility of voting for Hillary Clinton. Up until the final weeks before the election, I was firm in my conviction that I would vote for NEITHER candidate, even if it meant Hillary might win.

But family members who supported Trump worked on me, and I eventually relented. Now I am one of Trump's most enthusastic supporters.

But I learned something from my experience, and the number one lesson I learned is that Trump is an irresistible force, a person who cannot be stopped by any of the usual methods. He cannot be shamed into stopping what he says and does. He cannot be forced to stop by boycotts and financial pressures. The media cannot stop him with all its usual Alinsky tactics. Hollywood stars cannot stop him even when they compare him to Hitler.

Trump is unstoppable because he knows who he's working for, the American people, he cares about us, and he doesn't give a flying fuck what his opponents say about him. And that is because his opponents are the very people who have been oppressing the American people, destroying our standard of living, and destroying our culture: the elites who run the east coast universities, the big corporate media, the Democratic Party, Hollywood, etc. Trump is determined to take these people down, and throw them out of the power positions that they have been using to hurt the rest of us, so he knows they will squeal and complain while he does it.
I opposed Trump. I NEVER considered voting for that BITCH.
Anyone who was paying attention knows that I was one of Trump's biggest critics during the primary season. At one point, I got so desperate to stop Trump that I even flirted with the possibility of voting for Hillary Clinton. Up until the final weeks before the election, I was firm in my conviction that I would vote for NEITHER candidate, even if it meant Hillary might win.

But family members who supported Trump worked on me, and I eventually relented. Now I am one of Trump's most enthusastic supporters.

But I learned something from my experience, and the number one lesson I learned is that Trump is an irresistible force, a person who cannot be stopped by any of the usual methods. He cannot be shamed into stopping what he says and does. He cannot be forced to stop by boycotts and financial pressures. The media cannot stop him with all its usual Alinsky tactics. Hollywood stars cannot stop him even when they compare him to Hitler.

Trump is unstoppable because he knows who he's working for, the American people, he cares about us, and he doesn't give a flying fuck what his opponents say about him. And that is because his opponents are the very people who have been oppressing the American people, destroying our standard of living, and destroying our culture: the elites who run the east coast universities, the big corporate media, the Democratic Party, Hollywood, etc. Trump is determined to take these people down, and throw them out of the power positions that they have been using to hurt the rest of us, so he knows they will squeal and complain while he does it.

Trump is a fearless leader and a true American homage to the great Don Quixote.

I think the Democratic Party has it's best days behind it. I do not see another great leader like Andrew Jackson, FDR, or JFK emerging within the party. The Democrats are bereft of ideas other than hatred of white people and destruction of the dominant white culture of America. I don't see this kind of nihilism as ever winning another election.
Just as you perhaps underestimated Trump, don't underestimate the democrat party. Both the republicans and the democrats have been predicted to be irrelevant many times after the other party had won the presidency or both houses in congress; however, the pendulum has never failed to swing back the other way.
I think the Democratic Party has it's best days behind it. I do not see another great leader like Andrew Jackson, FDR, or JFK emerging within the party. The Democrats are bereft of ideas other than hatred of white people and destruction of the dominant white culture of America. I don't see this kind of nihilism as ever winning another election.
Just as you perhaps underestimated Trump, don't underestimate the democrat party. Both the republicans and the democrats have been predicted to be irrelevant many times after the other party had won the presidency or both houses in congress; however, the pendulum has never failed to swing back the other way.
I agree that the Democrats COULD make a comeback, but the extremism of the Women's March makes me think that's not going to happen soon.
I think the Democratic Party has it's best days behind it. I do not see another great leader like Andrew Jackson, FDR, or JFK emerging within the party. The Democrats are bereft of ideas other than hatred of white people and destruction of the dominant white culture of America. I don't see this kind of nihilism as ever winning another election.

No....evil never dies....it just goes dormant till kids hold a party on halloween.............
Don't say Hillary Rodham Clinton in front of a mirror 3 times because it will cause her to run for president again.
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I think the Democratic Party has it's best days behind it. I do not see another great leader like Andrew Jackson, FDR, or JFK emerging within the party. The Democrats are bereft of ideas other than hatred of white people and destruction of the dominant white culture of America. I don't see this kind of nihilism as ever winning another election.

No....evil never dies....it just goes dormant till kids hold a party on halloween.............
Don't say Hillary Rodham Clinton in from of a mirror 3 times because it will cause her to run for president again.

If she runs for Mayor of New York, I might even give to her campaign.....they deserve every thing she would do to them....
I think the Democratic Party has it's best days behind it. I do not see another great leader like Andrew Jackson, FDR, or JFK emerging within the party. The Democrats are bereft of ideas other than hatred of white people and destruction of the dominant white culture of America. I don't see this kind of nihilism as ever winning another election.
Just as you perhaps underestimated Trump, don't underestimate the democrat party. Both the republicans and the democrats have been predicted to be irrelevant many times after the other party had won the presidency or both houses in congress; however, the pendulum has never failed to swing back the other way.
I agree that the Democrats COULD make a comeback, but the extremism of the Women's March makes me think that's not going to happen soon.
It's going to happen. When one party is in power, it gets blamed for anything that goes wrong. Murphy's law ensures that something will go wrong. The deems will be back.
I think the Democratic Party has it's best days behind it. I do not see another great leader like Andrew Jackson, FDR, or JFK emerging within the party. The Democrats are bereft of ideas other than hatred of white people and destruction of the dominant white culture of America. I don't see this kind of nihilism as ever winning another election.

No....evil never dies....it just goes dormant till kids hold a party on halloween.............
Don't say Hillary Rodham Clinton in from of a mirror 3 times because it will cause her to run for president again.

If she runs for Mayor of New York, I might even give to her campaign.....they deserve every thing she would do to them....
She is a damn carpet bagger.

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