What I learned during my months in the "Never Trump" movement...

Hillary Clinton needed moderates and conservatives to vote for her, and she could have had our vote had she not allied herself with far-leftist extremist groups like BLM and Planned Parenthood. She gave us NO REASON to vote for her, and once she declared that the preservation of Roe v. Wade was her only priority in who to appoint to the Supreme Court, we had COMPELLING REASONS TO VOTE AGAINST HER.
True . Hillary needed to fight Trump fire wh trump fire . Instead she played old school politics . She didnt learn from the GOP primary.
She didnt learn from the GOP primary.
She didn't learn from being a Washington insider since Bill ran in '92 that the electoral votes are the important ones

No, she needed to play dirty . Especially when Comey and the FBI were out to fuck her over .

and yet she won the popular vote in spite of Comey.

Think about it

She had a big lead, peaking after the "pussy grab" tapes . And she let it slip away .

Should've been Biden .
What the "pussy grab" tape proved is that Donald Trump used locker room talk when having a private conversation with another man. Any man who has spent time with men, and knows what men talk about when women are not around, was thinking the Democrats were fools to make a big issue of this.
All I could think of when that happened was all of these snowflakes back at their kitchen tables going on about a comment like that to their fathers, brothers, cousins, and classmates who had to be sitting there thinking..."Shit, I just told Todd how I wanted to fuck that chick on the treadmill yesterday".
True . Hillary needed to fight Trump fire wh trump fire . Instead she played old school politics . She didnt learn from the GOP primary.
She didnt learn from the GOP primary.
She didn't learn from being a Washington insider since Bill ran in '92 that the electoral votes are the important ones

No, she needed to play dirty . Especially when Comey and the FBI were out to fuck her over .

and yet she won the popular vote in spite of Comey.

Think about it

She had a big lead, peaking after the "pussy grab" tapes . And she let it slip away .

Should've been Biden .
Timmy, Clinton had more dirt on her than a pussy grabbing bullshit could overcome. She chose to tone it down to keep her dirt in a bag.
She didn't learn from being a Washington insider since Bill ran in '92 that the electoral votes are the important ones

No, she needed to play dirty . Especially when Comey and the FBI were out to fuck her over .

and yet she won the popular vote in spite of Comey.

Think about it

She had a big lead, peaking after the "pussy grab" tapes . And she let it slip away .

Should've been Biden .

are you a moron?

She won the popular vote by almost 3,000,000 votes, and you scream that Comey cost her the election?
What did she Win?


But I"m getting tired of these fools screaming in one thread that Comey cost her the election, and in the next that she beat Trump by almost 2 million votes in the popular.

Do they have any sense at all?
Anyone who was paying attention knows that I was one of Trump's biggest critics during the primary season. At one point, I got so desperate to stop Trump that I even flirted with the possibility of voting for Hillary Clinton. Up until the final weeks before the election, I was firm in my conviction that I would vote for NEITHER candidate, even if it meant Hillary might win.

But family members who supported Trump worked on me, and I eventually relented. Now I am one of Trump's most enthusastic supporters.

But I learned something from my experience, and the number one lesson I learned is that Trump is an irresistible force, a person who cannot be stopped by any of the usual methods. He cannot be shamed into stopping what he says and does. He cannot be forced to stop by boycotts and financial pressures. The media cannot stop him with all its usual Alinsky tactics. Hollywood stars cannot stop him even when they compare him to Hitler.

Trump is unstoppable because he knows who he's working for, the American people, he cares about us, and he doesn't give a flying fuck what his opponents say about him. And that is because his opponents are the very people who have been oppressing the American people, destroying our standard of living, and destroying our culture: the elites who run the east coast universities, the big corporate media, the Democratic Party, Hollywood, etc. Trump is determined to take these people down, and throw them out of the power positions that they have been using to hurt the rest of us, so he knows they will squeal and complain while he does it.
You did a lot of damage....
I'm glad you remember how hard I tried to defeat Trump WHILE IT MATTERED. It seems that our forum liberals can't remember.

The fact is, I was opposing Trump while the liberals on this forum were marking time, not putting an effort into defeating Trump. Maybe they were distracted during the primaries by Bernie Sanders, I don't know.

Now it is too late to defeat Trump, and NOW they oppose him.

All I can say to anti-Trump liberals is, "Welcome to the party, but the party is over and all the guests have gone home. Maybe you can clean up the dishes and take down the streamers. I'm going to bed."
No, she needed to play dirty . Especially when Comey and the FBI were out to fuck her over .

and yet she won the popular vote in spite of Comey.

Think about it

She had a big lead, peaking after the "pussy grab" tapes . And she let it slip away .

Should've been Biden .

are you a moron?

She won the popular vote by almost 3,000,000 votes, and you scream that Comey cost her the election?
What did she Win?


But I"m getting tired of these fools screaming in one thread that Comey cost her the election, and in the next that she beat Trump by almost 2 million votes in the popular.

Do they have any sense at all?

I'm getting tired of Trumpbots thinking he had the election all along and the pollsters were lying .

The polls showed Hilll losing it . By the last weekend it was neck n neck .
Anyone who was paying attention knows that I was one of Trump's biggest critics during the primary season. At one point, I got so desperate to stop Trump that I even flirted with the possibility of voting for Hillary Clinton. Up until the final weeks before the election, I was firm in my conviction that I would vote for NEITHER candidate, even if it meant Hillary might win.

But family members who supported Trump worked on me, and I eventually relented. Now I am one of Trump's most enthusastic supporters.

But I learned something from my experience, and the number one lesson I learned is that Trump is an irresistible force, a person who cannot be stopped by any of the usual methods. He cannot be shamed into stopping what he says and does. He cannot be forced to stop by boycotts and financial pressures. The media cannot stop him with all its usual Alinsky tactics. Hollywood stars cannot stop him even when they compare him to Hitler.

Trump is unstoppable because he knows who he's working for, the American people, he cares about us, and he doesn't give a flying fuck what his opponents say about him. And that is because his opponents are the very people who have been oppressing the American people, destroying our standard of living, and destroying our culture: the elites who run the east coast universities, the big corporate media, the Democratic Party, Hollywood, etc. Trump is determined to take these people down, and throw them out of the power positions that they have been using to hurt the rest of us, so he knows they will squeal and complain while he does it.
You did a lot of damage....
I'm glad you remember how hard I tried to defeat Trump WHILE IT MATTERED. It seems that our forum liberals can't remember.

The fact is, I was opposing Trump while the liberals on this forum were marking time, not putting an effort into defeating Trump. Maybe they were distracted during the primaries by Bernie Sanders, I don't know.

Now it is too late to defeat Trump, and NOW they oppose him.

All I can say to anti-Trump liberals is, "Welcome to the party, but the party is over and all the guests have gone home. Maybe you can clean up the dishes and take down the streamers. I'm going to bed."
Maybe I missed it but who were you for during the primaries?
and yet she won the popular vote in spite of Comey.

Think about it

She had a big lead, peaking after the "pussy grab" tapes . And she let it slip away .

Should've been Biden .

are you a moron?

She won the popular vote by almost 3,000,000 votes, and you scream that Comey cost her the election?
What did she Win?


But I"m getting tired of these fools screaming in one thread that Comey cost her the election, and in the next that she beat Trump by almost 2 million votes in the popular.

Do they have any sense at all?

I'm getting tired of Trumpbots thinking he had the election all along and the pollsters were lying .

The polls showed Hilll losing it . By the last weekend it was neck n neck .
Since day one...I'm sick of idiot liberals who think they understand America.....
Hillary Clinton's ads did not present a positive message, only told us, over, and over, that Trump said some insensitive things about women and handicapped people.

I was wondering the whole time who was advising her to take this strategy, since there were so many REAL ISSUES she could have touched on in her TV commercials.

The only issue I remember her discussing was her promise to raise taxes, and I have to say, that's always a stupid thing to promise. The vast majority of people don't like higher taxes, even if you say that it's higher taxes on someone else.
True . Hillary needed to fight Trump fire wh trump fire . Instead she played old school politics . She didnt learn from the GOP primary.
She didnt learn from the GOP primary.
She didn't learn from being a Washington insider since Bill ran in '92 that the electoral votes are the important ones

No, she needed to play dirty . Especially when Comey and the FBI were out to fuck her over .
She was already very dirty, being one of the most corrupt politicians in American history. I cannot fathom why you would want her to be even dirtier than she was. That's probably not even possible.
She was so dirty that someone might even consider her to be nasty!
and yet she won the popular vote in spite of Comey.

Think about it

She had a big lead, peaking after the "pussy grab" tapes . And she let it slip away .

Should've been Biden .

are you a moron?

She won the popular vote by almost 3,000,000 votes, and you scream that Comey cost her the election?
What did she Win?


But I"m getting tired of these fools screaming in one thread that Comey cost her the election, and in the next that she beat Trump by almost 2 million votes in the popular.

Do they have any sense at all?

I'm getting tired of Trumpbots thinking he had the election all along and the pollsters were lying .

The polls showed Hilll losing it . By the last weekend it was neck n neck .

Tell it to a Trumpbot.

You can't claim Comey cost Hillary the election on one hand, and shout she beat Trump by 3 million votes on the other.

It's asinine.
Anyone who was paying attention knows that I was one of Trump's biggest critics during the primary season. At one point, I got so desperate to stop Trump that I even flirted with the possibility of voting for Hillary Clinton. Up until the final weeks before the election, I was firm in my conviction that I would vote for NEITHER candidate, even if it meant Hillary might win.

But family members who supported Trump worked on me, and I eventually relented. Now I am one of Trump's most enthusastic supporters.

But I learned something from my experience, and the number one lesson I learned is that Trump is an irresistible force, a person who cannot be stopped by any of the usual methods. He cannot be shamed into stopping what he says and does. He cannot be forced to stop by boycotts and financial pressures. The media cannot stop him with all its usual Alinsky tactics. Hollywood stars cannot stop him even when they compare him to Hitler.

Trump is unstoppable because he knows who he's working for, the American people, he cares about us, and he doesn't give a flying fuck what his opponents say about him. And that is because his opponents are the very people who have been oppressing the American people, destroying our standard of living, and destroying our culture: the elites who run the east coast universities, the big corporate media, the Democratic Party, Hollywood, etc. Trump is determined to take these people down, and throw them out of the power positions that they have been using to hurt the rest of us, so he knows they will squeal and complain while he does it.
You did a lot of damage....
I'm glad you remember how hard I tried to defeat Trump WHILE IT MATTERED. It seems that our forum liberals can't remember.

The fact is, I was opposing Trump while the liberals on this forum were marking time, not putting an effort into defeating Trump. Maybe they were distracted during the primaries by Bernie Sanders, I don't know.

Now it is too late to defeat Trump, and NOW they oppose him.

All I can say to anti-Trump liberals is, "Welcome to the party, but the party is over and all the guests have gone home. Maybe you can clean up the dishes and take down the streamers. I'm going to bed."
Maybe I missed it but who were you for during the primaries?
I liked Scott Walker, but he dropped out even before the New Hampshire primary. Then I supported Ted Cruz, but I understand why he didn't win.
True . Hillary needed to fight Trump fire wh trump fire . Instead she played old school politics . She didnt learn from the GOP primary.

No......she did what she usually does...they lied and used the democrat press to attack him.....he just fought back, unlike all the other republicans who fall to the floor and assume the fetal position the first time a democrat lies about them.....they didn't understand Trump....and luckily, they still don't.
True . Hillary needed to fight Trump fire wh trump fire . Instead she played old school politics . She didnt learn from the GOP primary.

It's hard to teach an old bitch new tricks.
True . Hillary needed to fight Trump fire wh trump fire . Instead she played old school politics . She didnt learn from the GOP primary.
She didnt learn from the GOP primary.
She didn't learn from being a Washington insider since Bill ran in '92 that the electoral votes are the important ones

No, she needed to play dirty . Especially when Comey and the FBI were out to fuck her over .

Comey cleared her moron.....right near the end of the election...and that last week, he fucking cleared her again.......taking media attention away from Trump with the headline that hilary did nothing wrong.....She should have sent Comey a big box of chocolates and flowers for the huge effort he made on her behalf....
Anyone who was paying attention knows that I was one of Trump's biggest critics during the primary season. At one point, I got so desperate to stop Trump that I even flirted with the possibility of voting for Hillary Clinton. Up until the final weeks before the election, I was firm in my conviction that I would vote for NEITHER candidate, even if it meant Hillary might win.

But family members who supported Trump worked on me, and I eventually relented. Now I am one of Trump's most enthusastic supporters.

But I learned something from my experience, and the number one lesson I learned is that Trump is an irresistible force, a person who cannot be stopped by any of the usual methods. He cannot be shamed into stopping what he says and does. He cannot be forced to stop by boycotts and financial pressures. The media cannot stop him with all its usual Alinsky tactics. Hollywood stars cannot stop him even when they compare him to Hitler.

Trump is unstoppable because he knows who he's working for, the American people, he cares about us, and he doesn't give a flying fuck what his opponents say about him. And that is because his opponents are the very people who have been oppressing the American people, destroying our standard of living, and destroying our culture: the elites who run the east coast universities, the big corporate media, the Democratic Party, Hollywood, etc. Trump is determined to take these people down, and throw them out of the power positions that they have been using to hurt the rest of us, so he knows they will squeal and complain while he does it.
You did a lot of damage....
I'm glad you remember how hard I tried to defeat Trump WHILE IT MATTERED. It seems that our forum liberals can't remember.

The fact is, I was opposing Trump while the liberals on this forum were marking time, not putting an effort into defeating Trump. Maybe they were distracted during the primaries by Bernie Sanders, I don't know.

Now it is too late to defeat Trump, and NOW they oppose him.

All I can say to anti-Trump liberals is, "Welcome to the party, but the party is over and all the guests have gone home. Maybe you can clean up the dishes and take down the streamers. I'm going to bed."
Maybe I missed it but who were you for during the primaries?
I liked Scott Walker, but he dropped out even before the New Hampshire primary. Then I supported Ted Cruz, but I understand why he didn't win.
I think Walker could have been good, liked Cruz the most. In the end though I'm not sure either of them would have had the balls Trump does in getting things done. We may have just lucked out and got in at the right time.
Bill Clinton was popular because he was a centrist who worked with the Republicans. I'm not sure why Hillary abandoned the centrist position that kept her husband popular, but she did. Maybe she believed that there aren't enough centrists left in the Democratic Party to get her elected, but she forgot that she needed independents and Republicans to vote for her if she was to beat Trump.
True . Hillary needed to fight Trump fire wh trump fire . Instead she played old school politics . She didnt learn from the GOP primary.
She didnt learn from the GOP primary.
She didn't learn from being a Washington insider since Bill ran in '92 that the electoral votes are the important ones

No, she needed to play dirty . Especially when Comey and the FBI were out to fuck her over .
She was already very dirty, being one of the most corrupt politicians in American history. I cannot fathom why you would want her to be even dirtier than she was. That's probably not even possible.

Oh come on! When Trump brought up
Bills history she should've double barreled Don on his exact same behavior .

You truly are delusional........they smeared Trump 24/7 and attacked him on his treatment of women mercilessly.......her problem....she was corrupt to her core.....and she is sick with some illness that kept her from campaigning.....and then she just assumed she was going to beat Trump....big mistake...
True . Hillary needed to fight Trump fire wh trump fire . Instead she played old school politics . She didnt learn from the GOP primary.
She didnt learn from the GOP primary.
She didn't learn from being a Washington insider since Bill ran in '92 that the electoral votes are the important ones

No, she needed to play dirty . Especially when Comey and the FBI were out to fuck her over .

and yet she won the popular vote in spite of Comey.

Think about it

She had a big lead, peaking after the "pussy grab" tapes . And she let it slip away .

Should've been Biden .
What the "pussy grab" tape proved is that Donald Trump used locker room talk when having a private conversation with another man. Any man who has spent time with men, and knows what men talk about when women are not around, was thinking the Democrats were fools to make a big issue of this.

It also shows what morons all these women are.......they marched and complained about Trump, but you can bet they all voted for bill the rapist....who not only talked the same way as Trump....but all the time......he actually did it.....as a government official and then used his office to protect himself from the victims....

Vernon Jordan Bragged About Bill Clinton’s ‘P***y’ Talk

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