What I want to see from trump

1. Bring jobs home. Fix trade deals and wages go up.
2. Stop letting Muslims in
3. Stop illegal immigration
4. Beat Isis
5. Lower the debt
6. Fix the black community.

Republicans have control of everything. Good luck

Completely crazy, ignorant expectations and gullibility is thy affliction. Side effects include strong disappointment and depression.
Predict what you think will happen in 3 years from now. What do you see happening?
1. Bring jobs home. Fix trade deals and wages go up.
2. Stop letting Muslims in
3. Stop illegal immigration
4. Beat Isis
5. Lower the debt
6. Fix the black community.

Republicans have control of everything. Good luck
Obama made the divide even worse in this country most thought that was not even possible after Bush. Obama made black communities even poorer.
… But he was one hell of a gun salesman.
You make it hard to want to join your team
If a Black president couldn't fix the black community, what makes you think Trump has that power?
He will apply tough love. I agree with cons that when you give lifelong welfare that doesn't solve anything. That doesn't get people off welfare. It may be tough at first. Kids might go hungry and crime might go up and more black men might go to prison but Trump might be willing to do something about the black community.

They didn't vote so to me officially black people are second class citizens and they don't matter. BLM? NOT! Of course I'm not talking about good black individuals. I'm talking about "the black community" as a whole.
Very interesting.

I don't think government has the power to affect a solution. In fact, the elites are the cause of institutional racism. They purposely make sure that there is a divide in the races. They NEED there to be a caste system in the nation. They need the black community and the white community to have different styles of music, dress, food, religion, etc. This is the best way to keep the two communities segregated, socially, geographically, economically, and, politically.

The political, financial, and culture elites do this on purpose. Then they convince the black community to do this to themselves.

At one point, during the late 1950's and early 1960's, when segregation was nearing an end, integration and true community seemed to be at hand. This is when this sinister social engineering agenda was launched.

You don't see many whites in the hood, nor do you find many blacks in the trailer parks. Not many blacks go line dancing, nor do many whites listen to gansta rap. There are reasons for this.

Just to give you a taste of what is really going on. . . .

Get outside of the left/right bubble.

Once the ethnic culture is divided, then different morals and ethics can be promoted in the popular culture among the two different groups. The long term affects of this have begun to be apparent, have they not?

(just a note, that link will not work because it has the word "N!GGER" in the hotlink, it is from a black culture page, written by a former black United States Congresswomen, so you will have to edit it yourself if you wish to read it.) Thanks USMB CENSORSHIP!
There are plenty of whites listening to "gangsta" rap.

My brother(who voted for Trump btw)being one of them.
1. Bring jobs home. Fix trade deals and wages go up.
2. Stop letting Muslims in
3. Stop illegal immigration
4. Beat Isis
5. Lower the debt
6. Fix the black community.

Republicans have control of everything. Good luck
Obama made the divide even worse in this country most thought that was not even possible after Bush. Obama made black communities even poorer.
… But he was one hell of a gun salesman.
You make it hard to want to join your team
You got to get away from the delusion that Barry is some type of Saint... he's just a shit bag career politician like all the rest… Fact
1. Bring jobs home. Fix trade deals and wages go up.
2. Stop letting Muslims in
3. Stop illegal immigration
4. Beat Isis
5. Lower the debt
6. Fix the black community.

Republicans have control of everything. Good luck

Completely crazy, ignorant expectations and gullibility is thy affliction. Side effects include strong disappointment and depression.
Predict what you think will happen in 3 years from now. What do you see happening?

I see Trumps approval in the 20-35 range.

20 low if overdue recession hits, 35 high if his temporary sugar rush initiatives like corporate repatriation and tax cutting pushes it off and simply keeps economy flat, while deficits explode from revenue shortfalls.

Your 2. and 5 and 6 are complete fantasies with ZERO chance. 2 is unconstitutional and HIGHLY disgusting. For 5 to happen not only do we need to promptly undo 700 billion (and rising) deficit but also make for surplus WHILE giving tax cuts and WHILE growing economy - it is not possible. To think that Trump can significantly affect specifically blacks is insane.

Your 4 is likely, but that is happening now anyway, with ISIS pretty much beat back to their last stand. Trump will let Assad and Russians crush the rebels and maybe if they are not so busy killing rebels they'll do more of killing ISIS.

3. Impossible to stop all, not impossible to reduce some, but what is possible will be completely overshadowed by two things he promised - great big fantastical wall that will never happen and amnesty he forgot to mention that will drive his base crazy.

1. Is completely unpredictable tariff wars that MAY bring back some jobs but have price increasing effects that may do more damage then the jobs gain, especially considering that our unemployment is relatively low already.
Last edited:
1. Bring jobs home. Fix trade deals and wages go up.
2. Stop letting Muslims in
3. Stop illegal immigration
4. Beat Isis
5. Lower the debt
6. Fix the black community.

Republicans have control of everything. Good luck

ISIS is pretty much beaten now. The mop up will take place on Trump's watch and then the GOP will claim they won something.
Your pretty little graph proves nothing except that you lie, like it does.
Your pretty little graph proves nothing except that you lie, like it does.

I don't suppose you have something other than vague assertions of NO NO NO?

What is the lie and what do you consider it a lie based on?
Your pretty little graph proves nothing except that you lie, like it does.

I don't suppose you have something other than vague assertions of NO NO NO?

What is the lie and what do you consider it a lie based on?
I don't suppose you realize that I NEVER ever supply one of you idiots with any argument. All you do then is spin and lie more.
Your pretty little graph proves nothing except that you lie, like it does.

I don't suppose you have something other than vague assertions of NO NO NO?

What is the lie and what do you consider it a lie based on?
I don't suppose you realize that I NEVER ever supply one of you idiots with any argument. All you do then is spin and lie more.

Well then you may as well stfu since your baseless assertions are not credible.

Who am I going to belive, you or data?
1. Bring jobs home. Fix trade deals and wages go up.
2. Stop letting Muslims in
3. Stop illegal immigration
4. Beat Isis
5. Lower the debt
6. Fix the black community.

Republicans have control of everything. Good luck
Obama made the divide even worse in this country most thought that was not even possible after Bush. Obama made black communities even poorer.
… But he was one hell of a gun salesman.

OTH. . . I have a friend that knows folks in the Gun industry, like the mom and pop gun shops, and he tells me that a Trump victory is the worst thing for their business.

They are seeing a dip in sales (ammunition and guns.) The only folks considering arming up besides that regular sportsmen and survivalists, the only new business. . . . .

. . . . are terrified SJW's that don't want their friends to know they are now packing. And there aren't many of those. :badgrin:
1. Bring jobs home. Fix trade deals and wages go up.
2. Stop letting Muslims in
3. Stop illegal immigration
4. Beat Isis
5. Lower the debt
6. Fix the black community.

Republicans have control of everything. Good luck
and build the wall??
Since it was government policy that decimated poor Black communities, it is reasonable IMO that government policies be changed or enacted to help them succeed.

I'd like to agree with you, Mike....but tell me what sort of government policy would cure this problem?

1. Both Liberal welfare policies and Liberal propaganda ('the legacy of slavery) have persuaded large segments of the black population that they need not take the steps that lead out of poverty......rather, they cannot....and only big government programs will save them.

Here is the amazing consequence of half a century of indoctrination:


Overall, white homes had 2.5 times as many books as black homes. But the most surprising finding is that the top quintile of black homes reported having fewer books (69) than the bottom quintile of white homes (71).
Report: Negligent Parenting Hurts Black Students' Performance

2. The Economic Policy Institute [EPI] is a left-leaning think tank funded in part by unions. After noting that their report does not describe 'all lower-social-class families' the authors look at social factors which depress student performance. In its first key finding, the report focuses on the different parenting styles found in black and white households and argues that these cultural differences help create an achievement gap not fixable by schools." This is incredible!

The Economic Policy Institute is essentially saying that the black parenting style doesn't work and is responsible for the learning gap, because black learning is stunted even before they get to the schools. "The report states: 'White adults spend 36% more time than black adults reading to young children, and three times more time talking with and listening to them.'"

How about Daniel Patrick Moynihan's policy of 'benign neglect'?
1. Bring jobs home. Fix trade deals and wages go up.
2. Stop letting Muslims in
3. Stop illegal immigration
4. Beat Isis
5. Lower the debt
6. Fix the black community.

Republicans have control of everything. Good luck

Completely crazy, ignorant expectations and gullibility is thy affliction. Side effects include strong disappointment and depression.
Predict what you think will happen in 3 years from now. What do you see happening?

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