What if a Jewish baker refused to create a Hitler cake?

To white people gays loving each other is the equivalent to the Holocaust and the KKK. See how much they've been thru? When they see things like this as being equal? They have it so nice that they believe someone making a cake is akin to murdering them.

Reminds me of the kid with a plate full of food that they are "starving"
Maybe gays should worry less about cakes and more about gays being hung and pushed off buildings in Muslim countries. J/S

Maybe they should and maybe they shouldnt. We're tallking about...in America? Yes?

This is a non issue. If someone refuses your business because you are gay don't do business with them. Spend your cash elsewhere. The big stores like Walmart, Stop and Shop and CVS will never refuse gay business nor hire anyone who refuses to serve them based on religion. Plenty of Gay friendly businesses come forward and will advertise the fact. As for the Mom and Pop stores word will get around where to go and where not to go. It's not like they won't get served at all. A minority of businesses might refuse, it's not the end of the world. I've only heard of one bakery that refused and I think that place is now our of business.

Thats always the solution of the people who dont have to do it. Anytime someone says they have an easy answer its always because they arent the ones who will have to do it. From your armchair everything is easy aint it.

Nobody has the right to infringe on someones religious rights, end of story. Gay rights aren't any better or worse than someone else's religious rights. What makes gays think they have the authority to stomp on other peoples beliefs. Acknowledge they have the right to refuse and move on.

Your religious rights arent as important as murder. Dont believe me? Go hold up a cross and stab someone with it and see what you go to jail for

I thought you were the guy who said "I do not deal in false comparisons?"

His example was far more germane than yours.

Aww ya got me
In Indiana Sexual Orientation (Gays) and Gender ID folks (Trans lets say) are not protected either.
In your book does that mean I'm OK with that too?
You did not answer my questions.
Why are you OK with discriminating against people because of their political beliefs?
I can post a sign that says "No Democrats"?
Because it's a stupid question.
Only because you want to avoid it.

You argue that political beliefs not protected by law and to discriminating against people because of them does not violate the law.
That being the case, a Christian baker can post a sign that says "We refuse to serve people who support gay marriage" and not run afoul of laws against discrimination.
Depends on the state. Several states do recognize gays and trans as protected and several states do not.
Gays? No one said anything about gays. The baker here refuses to serve people with a political belief - supporting gay marriage - regardless of sexual orientation.

If, as you argue, political beliefs not protected by law and to discriminating against people because of them does not violate the law, a Christian baker can post a sign that says "We refuse to serve people who support gay marriage" and not run afoul of laws against discrimination.


Let some bakery in Co give that a whirl the next time they turn away business by refusing to bake a wedding cake for gay couples and see how the Co courts decide.

Indiana on the other hand still has no such protection for gay couples.
Maybe gays should worry less about cakes and more about gays being hung and pushed off buildings in Muslim countries. J/S

Maybe they should and maybe they shouldnt. We're tallking about...in America? Yes?

This is a non issue. If someone refuses your business because you are gay don't do business with them. Spend your cash elsewhere. The big stores like Walmart, Stop and Shop and CVS will never refuse gay business nor hire anyone who refuses to serve them based on religion. Plenty of Gay friendly businesses come forward and will advertise the fact. As for the Mom and Pop stores word will get around where to go and where not to go. It's not like they won't get served at all. A minority of businesses might refuse, it's not the end of the world. I've only heard of one bakery that refused and I think that place is now our of business.

Thats always the solution of the people who dont have to do it. Anytime someone says they have an easy answer its always because they arent the ones who will have to do it. From your armchair everything is easy aint it.

Nobody has the right to infringe on someones religious rights, end of story. Gay rights aren't any better or worse than someone else's religious rights. What makes gays think they have the authority to stomp on other peoples beliefs. Acknowledge they have the right to refuse and move on.

Your religious rights arent as important as murder. Dont believe me? Go hold up a cross and stab someone with it and see what you go to jail for
Who is getting murdered by this law? Nobody.

Which is why I'm confused at the pic of the KKK asking a black guy for a cake is in this discussion.
The implication is if a black guy was working in a bakery and two KKK members asked for him to bake a wedding cake with pointy hats and a noose on top, should he have to knowing how they feel about him. Should he have to put his resentment aside or do something that goes against his beliefs and promotes views he finds repugnant. Haters have the right to exist as long as they don't hurt anyone and people have the right to refuse based on personal beliefs. If the black man refused the KKK cake nobody would say a damn thing about it. They would probably applaud him for standing up for his rights. Just because the religious right isn't as PC popular as black rights doesn't make it any less valid. Some people firmly believe they would be betraying God by baking a gay cake because the bible says homosexuality is wrong. It's their right to have that belief and it's their right to refuse. Why do gays think they have the right to trample other peoples rights?
You did not answer my questions.
Why are you OK with discriminating against people because of their political beliefs?
I can post a sign that says "No Democrats"?
Because it's a stupid question.
Only because you want to avoid it.

You argue that political beliefs not protected by law and to discriminating against people because of them does not violate the law.
That being the case, a Christian baker can post a sign that says "We refuse to serve people who support gay marriage" and not run afoul of laws against discrimination.
Depends on the state. Several states do recognize gays and trans as protected and several states do not.
Gays? No one said anything about gays. The baker here refuses to serve people with a political belief - supporting gay marriage - regardless of sexual orientation.

If, as you argue, political beliefs not protected by law and to discriminating against people because of them does not violate the law, a Christian baker can post a sign that says "We refuse to serve people who support gay marriage" and not run afoul of laws against discrimination.

Let some bakery in Co give that a whirl the next time they turn away business by refusing to bake a wedding cake for gay couples and see how the Co courts decide.
Why? According to you, political beliefs are not protected by anti-discrimination law and to discriminating against people because of them does not violate the law. Are you not so sure of yourself?

Assuming you are correct and that political beliefs are not protected by anti-discrimination law and so discriminating against people because of them does not violate the law, on what grounds could someone then argue that a sign that says "We refuse to serve people who support gay marriage" discriminates against a protected class?
Because it's a stupid question.
Only because you want to avoid it.

You argue that political beliefs not protected by law and to discriminating against people because of them does not violate the law.
That being the case, a Christian baker can post a sign that says "We refuse to serve people who support gay marriage" and not run afoul of laws against discrimination.
Depends on the state. Several states do recognize gays and trans as protected and several states do not.
Gays? No one said anything about gays. The baker here refuses to serve people with a political belief - supporting gay marriage - regardless of sexual orientation.

If, as you argue, political beliefs not protected by law and to discriminating against people because of them does not violate the law, a Christian baker can post a sign that says "We refuse to serve people who support gay marriage" and not run afoul of laws against discrimination.

Let some bakery in Co give that a whirl the next time they turn away business by refusing to bake a wedding cake for gay couples and see how the Co courts decide.
Why? According to you, political beliefs are not protected by anti-discrimination law and to discriminating against people because of them does not violate the law. Are you not so sure of yourself?

Assuming you are correct and that political beliefs are not protected by anti-discrimination law and so discriminating against people because of them does not violate the law, on what grounds could someone then argue that a sign that says "We refuse to serve people who support gay marriage" discriminates against a protected class?

A sign is not a protected class. Here is the federal list of protected classes.

Protected class - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Several states have added Gay and Trans to the list .

"It's not personal Sonny, Strictly business"

Only because you want to avoid it.

You argue that political beliefs not protected by law and to discriminating against people because of them does not violate the law.
That being the case, a Christian baker can post a sign that says "We refuse to serve people who support gay marriage" and not run afoul of laws against discrimination.
Depends on the state. Several states do recognize gays and trans as protected and several states do not.
Gays? No one said anything about gays. The baker here refuses to serve people with a political belief - supporting gay marriage - regardless of sexual orientation.

If, as you argue, political beliefs not protected by law and to discriminating against people because of them does not violate the law, a Christian baker can post a sign that says "We refuse to serve people who support gay marriage" and not run afoul of laws against discrimination.

Let some bakery in Co give that a whirl the next time they turn away business by refusing to bake a wedding cake for gay couples and see how the Co courts decide.
Why? According to you, political beliefs are not protected by anti-discrimination law and to discriminating against people because of them does not violate the law. Are you not so sure of yourself?

Assuming you are correct and that political beliefs are not protected by anti-discrimination law and so discriminating against people because of them does not violate the law, on what grounds could someone then argue that a sign that says "We refuse to serve people who support gay marriage" discriminates against a protected class?
A sign is not a protected class. Here is the federal list of protected classes.
You continue to refuse to address the point to put to you - ironic, as the point under discussion is yours.

-You- argue that political beliefs are not protected by anti-discrimination law and so discriminating against people because of them
does not violate the law.
Support of gay marriage is a political belief
How does a baker who refuses to serve people who support gay marriage violate laws against discrimination?
Depends on the state. Several states do recognize gays and trans as protected and several states do not.
Gays? No one said anything about gays. The baker here refuses to serve people with a political belief - supporting gay marriage - regardless of sexual orientation.

If, as you argue, political beliefs not protected by law and to discriminating against people because of them does not violate the law, a Christian baker can post a sign that says "We refuse to serve people who support gay marriage" and not run afoul of laws against discrimination.

Let some bakery in Co give that a whirl the next time they turn away business by refusing to bake a wedding cake for gay couples and see how the Co courts decide.
Why? According to you, political beliefs are not protected by anti-discrimination law and to discriminating against people because of them does not violate the law. Are you not so sure of yourself?

Assuming you are correct and that political beliefs are not protected by anti-discrimination law and so discriminating against people because of them does not violate the law, on what grounds could someone then argue that a sign that says "We refuse to serve people who support gay marriage" discriminates against a protected class?
A sign is not a protected class. Here is the federal list of protected classes.
You continue to refuse to address the point to put to you - ironic, as the point under discussion is yours.

-You- argue that political beliefs are not protected by anti-discrimination law and so discriminating against people because of them
does not violate the law.
Support of gay marriage is a political belief
How does a baker who refuses to serve people who support gay marriage violate laws against discrimination?

Do you see political affiliation on the list.

If some dumb-ass wants to thread that needle when refusing service to gays let them take it to court and let the coiurts decide. Refusing to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple in certain states is discrimination.
Gays? No one said anything about gays. The baker here refuses to serve people with a political belief - supporting gay marriage - regardless of sexual orientation.

If, as you argue, political beliefs not protected by law and to discriminating against people because of them does not violate the law, a Christian baker can post a sign that says "We refuse to serve people who support gay marriage" and not run afoul of laws against discrimination.

Let some bakery in Co give that a whirl the next time they turn away business by refusing to bake a wedding cake for gay couples and see how the Co courts decide.
Why? According to you, political beliefs are not protected by anti-discrimination law and to discriminating against people because of them does not violate the law. Are you not so sure of yourself?

Assuming you are correct and that political beliefs are not protected by anti-discrimination law and so discriminating against people because of them does not violate the law, on what grounds could someone then argue that a sign that says "We refuse to serve people who support gay marriage" discriminates against a protected class?
A sign is not a protected class. Here is the federal list of protected classes.
You continue to refuse to address the point to put to you - ironic, as the point under discussion is yours.

-You- argue that political beliefs are not protected by anti-discrimination law and so discriminating against people because of them
does not violate the law.
Support of gay marriage is a political belief
How does a baker who refuses to serve people who support gay marriage violate laws against discrimination?
Do you see political affiliation on the list.
If some dumb-ass wants to thread that needle when refusing service to gays let them take it to court and let the coiurts decide.
What's there for a court to decide? According to you, political beliefs are not protected by anti-discrimination law.
The End.

Why do you refuse to stand by your position and agree that a a baker who refuses to serve people who support gay marriage does not violate laws against discrimination?
The smart Jewish baker (are there any dumb ones?) would comply, but in the course of mixing the chocolate frosting, a full package of ex lax chocolate would accidentally fall into the batter. Shit happen!
How does the baker defend against the lawsuit that follows?

Actually this is based on a true story. I won't name names but my sister's friend had gone steady with this boy all through Jr. Hi and High School. Upon graduation he went into the Navy and she Jr. College. They continued to call and write each other until she received a letter telling her he was going to get married.

In response she sent him toll house cookies laced with ex lax. No she didn't get sued or arrested; and BTW, I was not advocating a Jewish Baker should do the same in a cake for anyone - I thought that would be understood.
A question for our leftist friends:

2 Nazis walk into a Jewish bakery. The want to order a cake for their wedding, to be held on April 20.
Naturally, it will be festooned with all the appropriate colors and iconography.

Does the baker have the right to refuse to bake their cake, based on his religious views and how they clash with the beliefs of said Nazis?
Please be sure to elaborate on your reasoning.
Or this? What if the happy couple wants to put a noose between those pointy hats? Then what? It works both ways. I don't think these gay pride morons are thinking this one through. Do you really want to eat a cake made by someone hostile to your situation?
I can guarantee you that if they are forced to make that cake they will spit in it.

To white people gays loving each other is the equivalent to the Holocaust and the KKK. See how much they've been thru? When they see things like this as being equal? They have it so nice that they believe someone making a cake is akin to murdering them.

Reminds me of the kid with a plate full of food that they are "starving"
Maybe gays should worry less about cakes and more about gays being hung and pushed off buildings in Muslim countries. J/S

Maybe they should and maybe they shouldnt. We're tallking about...in America? Yes?

This is a non issue. If someone refuses your business because you are gay don't do business with them. Spend your cash elsewhere. The big stores like Walmart, Stop and Shop and CVS will never refuse gay business nor hire anyone who refuses to serve them based on religion. Plenty of Gay friendly businesses come forward and will advertise the fact. As for the Mom and Pop stores word will get around where to go and where not to go. It's not like they won't get served at all. A minority of businesses might refuse, it's not the end of the world. I've only heard of one bakery that refused and I think that place is now our of business.

Thats always the solution of the people who dont have to do it. Anytime someone says they have an easy answer its always because they arent the ones who will have to do it. From your armchair everything is easy aint it.

Nobody has the right to infringe on someones religious rights, end of story. Gay rights aren't any better or worse than someone else's religious rights. What makes gays think they have the authority to stomp on other peoples beliefs? Are they better than everyone else? Acknowledge they have the right to refuse and move on.

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

One can change occupations, but one cannot change their sexual orientation! If you are heterosexual, how easy would it be for you to change the object of your sexual desire to those of the same gender as are you?

A question for our leftist friends:

2 Nazis walk into a Jewish bakery. The want to order a cake for their wedding, to be held on April 20.
Naturally, it will be festooned with all the appropriate colors and iconography.

Does the baker have the right to refuse to bake their cake, based on his religious views and how they clash with the beliefs of said Nazis?
Please be sure to elaborate on your reasoning.
Nazis are not a protected class neither is political beliefs in any state of the union.
Why are you OK with discriminating against people because of their political beliefs?
I can post a sign that says "No Democrats"?
In Indiana Sexual Orientation (Gays) and Gender ID folks (Trans lets say) are not protected either.
In your book does that mean I'm OK with that too?
You did not answer my questions.
Why are you OK with discriminating against people because of their political beliefs?
I can post a sign that says "No Democrats"?

Because it's a stupid question. At no time did I say I agreed with it. In fact you failed to copy the rest of my post where I stated my personal opinion.

Failure to quote an entire post is a common technique used by the Rightists. It is mendacious; lies by omission and lies by commission are both efforts to mislead.
Maybe they should and maybe they shouldnt. We're tallking about...in America? Yes?

Thats always the solution of the people who dont have to do it. Anytime someone says they have an easy answer its always because they arent the ones who will have to do it. From your armchair everything is easy aint it.

Nobody has the right to infringe on someones religious rights, end of story. Gay rights aren't any better or worse than someone else's religious rights. What makes gays think they have the authority to stomp on other peoples beliefs. Acknowledge they have the right to refuse and move on.

Your religious rights arent as important as murder. Dont believe me? Go hold up a cross and stab someone with it and see what you go to jail for
Who is getting murdered by this law? Nobody.

Which is why I'm confused at the pic of the KKK asking a black guy for a cake is in this discussion.
The implication is if a black guy was working in a bakery and two KKK members asked for him to bake a wedding cake with pointy hats and a noose on top, should he have to knowing how they feel about him. Should he have to put his resentment aside or do something that goes against his beliefs and promotes views he finds repugnant. Haters have the right to exist as long as they don't hurt anyone and people have the right to refuse based on personal beliefs. If the black man refused the KKK cake nobody would say a damn thing about it. They would probably applaud him for standing up for his rights. Just because the religious right isn't as PC popular as black rights doesn't make it any less valid. Some people firmly believe they would be betraying God by baking a gay cake because the bible says homosexuality is wrong. It's their right to have that belief and it's their right to refuse. Why do gays think they have the right to trample other peoples rights?

Don't know much about history? Go see Selma, read about Rosa Parks, read about Cesar Chavez; read about M.L. King; then, keeping in mind this is 2015, not 1955 (at least for most of us): "Man is born free" now that the civil rights act of 1964 is the law of the land.

Leaving out the LGBT community from the act was a sign of the times; the times they are:

Come gather 'round people
Wherever you roam
And admit that the waters
Around you have grown
And accept it that soon
You'll be drenched to the bone.
If your time to you
Is worth savin'
Then you better start swimmin'
Or you'll sink like a stone
For the times they are a-changin'.

Come writers and critics
Who prophesize with your pen
And keep your eyes wide
The chance won't come again
And don't speak too soon
For the wheel's still in spin
And there's no tellin' who
That it's namin'.
For the loser now
Will be later to win
For the times they are a-changin'.

Come senators, congressmen
Please heed the call
Don't stand in the doorway
Don't block up the hall
For he that gets hurt
Will be he who has stalled
There's a battle outside
And it is ragin'.
It'll soon shake your windows
And rattle your walls
For the times they are a-changin'.

Come mothers and fathers
Throughout the land
And don't criticize
What you can't understand
Your sons and your daughters
Are beyond your command
Your old road is
Rapidly agin'.
Please get out of the new one
If you can't lend your hand
For the times they are a-changin'.

The line it is drawn
The curse it is cast
The slow one now
Will later be fast
As the present now
Will later be past
Your old road is
Rapidly fadin'.
And the first one now
Will later be last
For the times they are a-changin'.
What happens to a NAMBLA member who wants be a Boy Scout leader in Indiana?

Pedophiles are not protected. Nor does Scouting qualify as a public accommodation concern.

Better luck next time.........

Who are you to take away the rights of NAMBLA? Why are you the victims of civil rights violations and they not? Clearly you haven't thought this through.
Or this? What if the happy couple wants to put a noose between those pointy hats? Then what? It works both ways. I don't think these gay pride morons are thinking this one through. Do you really want to eat a cake made by someone hostile to your situation?
I can guarantee you that if they are forced to make that cake they will spit in it.

To white people gays loving each other is the equivalent to the Holocaust and the KKK. See how much they've been thru? When they see things like this as being equal? They have it so nice that they believe someone making a cake is akin to murdering them.

Reminds me of the kid with a plate full of food that they are "starving"
Maybe gays should worry less about cakes and more about gays being hung and pushed off buildings in Muslim countries. J/S

Maybe they should and maybe they shouldnt. We're tallking about...in America? Yes?

This is a non issue. If someone refuses your business because you are gay don't do business with them. Spend your cash elsewhere. The big stores like Walmart, Stop and Shop and CVS will never refuse gay business nor hire anyone who refuses to serve them based on religion. Plenty of Gay friendly businesses come forward and will advertise the fact. As for the Mom and Pop stores word will get around where to go and where not to go. It's not like they won't get served at all. A minority of businesses might refuse, it's not the end of the world. I've only heard of one bakery that refused and I think that place is now our of business.

Thats always the solution of the people who dont have to do it. Anytime someone says they have an easy answer its always because they arent the ones who will have to do it. From your armchair everything is easy aint it.

Nobody has the right to infringe on someones religious rights, end of story. Gay rights aren't any better or worse than someone else's religious rights. What makes gays think they have the authority to stomp on other peoples beliefs? Are they better than everyone else? Acknowledge they have the right to refuse and move on.

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

One can change occupations, but one cannot change their sexual orientation! If you are heterosexual, how easy would it be for you to change the object of your sexual desire to those of the same gender as are you?

Nobody's coming for anyone however that saying applies to both sides. Gays want their rights and theists want theirs too. Who's rights get tossed? We need to find a way that nobody's rights are stomped on. If folks are not happy with the law go back and take a harder look because neither side is right or wrong form a secular government point of view and neither side is going to back down. We have to come to an agreement. Their has to be give and take.

The laws not asking them too change their sexual orientation. But the same can be in reverse. How do you expect a heterosexual to stop thinking that homosexuality isn't disgusting? They are hard wired to be straight. Then add that their religion has confirmed what nature has already told them. It works both ways.
Nobody has the right to infringe on someones religious rights, end of story. Gay rights aren't any better or worse than someone else's religious rights. What makes gays think they have the authority to stomp on other peoples beliefs. Acknowledge they have the right to refuse and move on.

Your religious rights arent as important as murder. Dont believe me? Go hold up a cross and stab someone with it and see what you go to jail for
Who is getting murdered by this law? Nobody.

Which is why I'm confused at the pic of the KKK asking a black guy for a cake is in this discussion.
The implication is if a black guy was working in a bakery and two KKK members asked for him to bake a wedding cake with pointy hats and a noose on top, should he have to knowing how they feel about him. Should he have to put his resentment aside or do something that goes against his beliefs and promotes views he finds repugnant. Haters have the right to exist as long as they don't hurt anyone and people have the right to refuse based on personal beliefs. If the black man refused the KKK cake nobody would say a damn thing about it. They would probably applaud him for standing up for his rights. Just because the religious right isn't as PC popular as black rights doesn't make it any less valid. Some people firmly believe they would be betraying God by baking a gay cake because the bible says homosexuality is wrong. It's their right to have that belief and it's their right to refuse. Why do gays think they have the right to trample other peoples rights?

Don't know much about history? Go see Selma, read about Rosa Parks, read about Cesar Chavez; read about M.L. King; then, keeping in mind this is 2015, not 1955 (at least for most of us): "Man is born free" now that the civil rights act of 1964 is the law of the land.

Leaving out the LGBT community from the act was a sign of the times; the times they are:

Come gather 'round people
Wherever you roam
And admit that the waters
Around you have grown
And accept it that soon
You'll be drenched to the bone.
If your time to you
Is worth savin'
Then you better start swimmin'
Or you'll sink like a stone
For the times they are a-changin'.

Come writers and critics
Who prophesize with your pen
And keep your eyes wide
The chance won't come again
And don't speak too soon
For the wheel's still in spin
And there's no tellin' who
That it's namin'.
For the loser now
Will be later to win
For the times they are a-changin'.

Come senators, congressmen
Please heed the call
Don't stand in the doorway
Don't block up the hall
For he that gets hurt
Will be he who has stalled
There's a battle outside
And it is ragin'.
It'll soon shake your windows
And rattle your walls
For the times they are a-changin'.

Come mothers and fathers
Throughout the land
And don't criticize
What you can't understand
Your sons and your daughters
Are beyond your command
Your old road is
Rapidly agin'.
Please get out of the new one
If you can't lend your hand
For the times they are a-changin'.

The line it is drawn
The curse it is cast
The slow one now
Will later be fast
As the present now
Will later be past
Your old road is
Rapidly fadin'.
And the first one now
Will later be last
For the times they are a-changin'.

Sooo the Christians are the blacks at the lunch counter? Christians are the ones refusing to move on the bus?
Last edited:
But that's DIFFERENT:

" Opponents of the new law in Indiana clearly have no problem with a Christian business owner being forced to provide a product or service which is directly in conflict with their religious beliefs, but what if there were other religions involved? For one example, let’s say that a small family farmer has slaughtered one of his hogs but his usual butcher has either passed on or retired from business. Selecting a new butcher from the yellow pages, the farmer loads up his truck and heads down to a different shop. If that butcher turns out to be a Muslim, can he refuse to take the farmer’s business because it goes against his beliefs? This can’t be too far fetched of a story since Target has had to make accommodations for Muslim cashiers who don’t want to ring up purchases of pork products. If laws allowing for religious objections are so wrong, should the government come in and force the workers to handle and ring up the bacon? Should the Muslim butcher be sued and have his business shut down for not cutting up the hog?
"The second example isn’t specifically based on one religion, but speaks more to the freedom of a vendor to refuse service which they find objectionable regardless of the free speech rights of each party involved. It’s more interesting, though, because it is based on such an exact parallel to the gay wedding cake orders which are at the heart of the RFRA debate. What if the baker is Jewish, not Christian, and the customer in question wants to order a specialty “face cake” depicting Hitler?"

How would RFRA opponents deal with the Hitler cake Hot Air

Would a Christian offer a Hitler cake? Not a real Christian surely. And of course there is no law against not doing so. Non-sequitur.
Hitler aka, Nazis, Neo-Nazi, rabid right wing hate groups, are not a protected classes.

Little Adolf Hitler s unhappy birthday News The Guardian
But rabid left wing hate groups are protected classes?

In Indiana neither sexual orientation nor gender identity are recognized as a protected class now or before the new law was passed.
Oh please...Then why all the hullaballoo?
If its nothing, then...?...
Look, don't try to bullshit your way out of this.
You libs CREATE these protected classes. LBGT is your latest creation
What happens to a NAMBLA member who wants be a Boy Scout leader in Indiana?
NAMBLA is dealing with sex with minors and under the law being in possession of anything that has to do with sex and minors is a crime because minors can't give consent. NAMBLA cuts it close to being completely illegal so why would the Boy Scouts, a private organization, put themselves in harms way for a law suit by allowing someone they know is hot for boys to be a scout leader. They wouldn't because as a private organization they don't have too.
What happens to a NAMBLA member who wants be a Boy Scout leader in Indiana?

Pedophiles are not protected. Nor does Scouting qualify as a public accommodation concern.

Better luck next time.........

Who are you to take away the rights of NAMBLA? Why are you the victims of civil rights violations and they not? Clearly you haven't thought this through.

No matter how you defend NAMBLA Mikey, they never had the right to begin with. I have never claimed to be a victim of Civil rights violation.

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