What if a Jewish baker refused to create a Hitler cake?


I'd like to see public accommodation laws revised so that, if there are other bakeries within some radius of this one, the bakery owner can quite legally tell the losers to shove their fucking cake.

Requests from anyone else, of course, could be met with the same response.

But then, I'm not a control freak.


Are you 100% sure about that last sentence?
A question for our leftist friends:

2 Nazis walk into a Jewish bakery. The want to order a cake for their wedding, to be held on April 20.
Naturally, it will be festooned with all the appropriate colors and iconography.

Does the baker have the right to refuse to bake their cake, based on his religious views and how they clash with the beliefs of said Nazis?
Please be sure to elaborate on your reasoning.
I doubt seriously that Jewish baker would moan and groan as much about baking that cake as many Righties here have.
It's a legitimate question. Do you think a Black Southern Baptist run caterer can be force to cater a KKK event?

And these are legitimate questions:

If a Christian run business cannot be forced to do business because of the owners religious belief- can he refuse to do business with a Jew?
With an African American?
With a woman?
With a veteran?


And so it goes. Around and around. You fucktards made it perfectly clear what you thought of freedom of religion and freedom of speech with the ridiculous queer marriage and hate speech legislations. At this point, I think we should just go to war.

And these are legitimate questions for you fucktards- especially the 'brave' fucktwards as yourself who volunteer others to go kill homosexuals...

If a Christian run business cannot be forced to do business because of the owners religious belief- can he refuse to do business with a Jew?
With an African American?
With a woman?
With a veteran?

If he claims to be a Christian, he would need to show where Christian belief can be construed to make those people sinful for being black, female, or a veteran. I don't think he could.

Show to who?

Who is going to be judging what is a 'Christian belief'?

There were ministers in the 1960's who actively preached that God commanded that Blacks and Whites were to be seperated- and going back to the slavery days, there were ministers who preached that slavery of blacks was right out of the Bible.

This is the thing with saying that anyone can refuse to do anything because of 'their closely held religious belief'- who decides what is a genuine closely held religious belief- and which is just an excuse for discrimination?
Show to whomever is trying to force him to do business. There's a fundamental conflict going on here. On the one hand, you have the 1st Amendment, which is supposed to protect a person's right to practice his/her religious beliefs without interference from the government. There is also the constitutional right to freedom of assembly, to interact with those a person wishes to interact (and by inference, avoid those he/she wishes to avoid), also without interference from the government. OTOH, we have the expressed desire to force people to do business with and enter into contracts with others that they do not wish to. Quite frankly, I think we should address this conflict before going any further. Drop the 1st and replace it, then you won't have this conflict.
A question for our leftist friends:

2 Nazis walk into a Jewish bakery. The want to order a cake for their wedding, to be held on April 20.
Naturally, it will be festooned with all the appropriate colors and iconography.

Does the baker have the right to refuse to bake their cake, based on his religious views and how they clash with the beliefs of said Nazis?
Please be sure to elaborate on your reasoning.
I doubt seriously that Jewish baker would moan and groan as much about baking that cake as many Righties here have.

In fact, in NYC, there are documented cases of Jewish businesses like jewelers, tailors, having White Supremacist customers. They served those customers, the customers paid, end of story. But it does not happen often.

I'd like to see public accommodation laws revised so that, if there are other bakeries within some radius of this one, the bakery owner can quite legally tell the losers to shove their fucking cake.

Requests from anyone else, of course, could be met with the same response.

But then, I'm not a control freak.


Are you 100% sure about that last sentence?
Hey, everything is relative.

At least not compared to the PC Police.


I'd like to see public accommodation laws revised so that, if there are other bakeries within some radius of this one, the bakery owner can quite legally tell the losers to shove their fucking cake.

Requests from anyone else, of course, could be met with the same response.

But then, I'm not a control freak.


Are you 100% sure about that last sentence?
Hey, everything is relative.

At least not compared to the PC Police.


well, ok...
A question for our leftist friends:

2 Nazis walk into a Jewish bakery. The want to order a cake for their wedding, to be held on April 20.
Naturally, it will be festooned with all the appropriate colors and iconography.

Does the baker have the right to refuse to bake their cake, based on his religious views and how they clash with the beliefs of said Nazis?
Please be sure to elaborate on your reasoning.
Religious views?
Do you people understand the difference between believing gays are yucky and the wholesale slaughter of millions of Jews? are those the same to you?
Please answer the question.
Please elaborate on your answer.

Please...I dont do false comparisons
A question for our leftist friends:

2 Nazis walk into a Jewish bakery. The want to order a cake for their wedding, to be held on April 20.
Naturally, it will be festooned with all the appropriate colors and iconography.

Does the baker have the right to refuse to bake their cake, based on his religious views and how they clash with the beliefs of said Nazis?
Please be sure to elaborate on your reasoning.
Religious views?
Do you people understand the difference between believing gays are yucky and the wholesale slaughter of millions of Jews? are those the same to you?
Please answer the question.
Please elaborate on your answer.
Please...I dont do false comparisons
Running away from another issue, I see.
No surprise.
A question for our leftist friends:

2 Nazis walk into a Jewish bakery. The want to order a cake for their wedding, to be held on April 20.
Naturally, it will be festooned with all the appropriate colors and iconography.

Does the baker have the right to refuse to bake their cake, based on his religious views and how they clash with the beliefs of said Nazis?
Please be sure to elaborate on your reasoning.
Religious views?
Do you people understand the difference between believing gays are yucky and the wholesale slaughter of millions of Jews? are those the same to you?
Please answer the question.
Please elaborate on your answer.
Please...I dont do false comparisons
Running away from another issue, I see.
No surprise.

Its not an issue is fuckery...yes, I do run away from fuckery. Try your "ya chicken?" routine somewhere else
A question for our leftist friends:

2 Nazis walk into a Jewish bakery. The want to order a cake for their wedding, to be held on April 20.
Naturally, it will be festooned with all the appropriate colors and iconography.

Does the baker have the right to refuse to bake their cake, based on his religious views and how they clash with the beliefs of said Nazis?
Please be sure to elaborate on your reasoning.
Or this? What if the happy couple wants to put a noose between those pointy hats? Then what? It works both ways. I don't think these gay pride morons are thinking this one through. Do you really want to eat a cake made by someone hostile to your situation?
I can guarantee you that if they are forced to make that cake they will spit in it.


I'd like to see public accommodation laws revised so that, if there are other bakeries within some radius of this one, the bakery owner can quite legally tell the losers to shove their fucking cake.

Requests from anyone else, of course, could be met with the same response.

But then, I'm not a control freak.


Are you 100% sure about that last sentence?
Hey, everything is relative.

At least not compared to the PC Police.


well, ok...
If you have a point to make, you can certainly make it.

A question for our leftist friends:

2 Nazis walk into a Jewish bakery. The want to order a cake for their wedding, to be held on April 20.
Naturally, it will be festooned with all the appropriate colors and iconography.

Does the baker have the right to refuse to bake their cake, based on his religious views and how they clash with the beliefs of said Nazis?
Please be sure to elaborate on your reasoning.
Or this? What if the happy couple wants to put a noose between those pointy hats? Then what? It works both ways. I don't think these gay pride morons are thinking this one through. Do you really want to eat a cake made by someone hostile to your situation?
I can guarantee you that if they are forced to make that cake they will spit in it.

To white people gays loving each other is the equivalent to the Holocaust and the KKK. See how much they've been thru? When they see things like this as being equal? They have it so nice that they believe someone making a cake is akin to murdering them.

Reminds me of the kid with a plate full of food that they are "starving"
Then you have these douchebags. I removed the cake images but you get the Idea from the title of "how to send a Penis cake". If you want to see them you can go to the link.

How To Send A Penis Cake To The Homophobic Governor Of In...


Published March 31, 2015 More Info »

We ordered three penis cakes because we have a large budget for bothering governors.

Governor of Indiana Mike Pence signed the Religious Freedom Act into law this week. Critics say the law is designed to allow Indiana businesses to refuse service to gay people if they claim it violates their religion.

We are big believers in religious freedom ourselves. Our religion requires us to send penis cakes to homophobic governors, in the hopes that it will make them reconsider their prudish asshole ways. Here’s how you can do the same.

1. Call an erotic bakery.It turns out there is essentially a nationwide hotline for this. Like hospitals and police officers, they deliver around the clock, within the day, virtually anywhere in the nation. We’re not sure how they do this and they seemed a little annoyed that we asked, but their phone number is 1-888-214-8211.

2. Tell them you want a penis cake. You can also include a fun little message to set your penis cake apart from the many we are sure he will receive.

3. Here are the three penis cakes that we personally ordered to bother Governor Pence. One has a squiggle of frosting jizz. One has a little smiley face. One is a black penis, because it is Jesus’. #cakespiration:

Penis cake makers are good at a lot of things but not spelling “religious.”

This cake portrays Gov. Pence’s penis, which is cumming a little bit from fucking over Indianans’ civil rights.

This shiny hard Jesus cake wants to make beautiful sugary love to Gov. Pence’s taste buds.

4. Mail penisy goodness to:

Governor Mike Pence 200 W. Washington St., Rm. 206 Indianapolis, IN 46204

Or if you prefer that he receive your sweet sticky penis when the working day is done, send it to the governor’s residence at:

Governor Mike Pence 4750 N Meridian Indianapolis, Indiana46208

Protip: Attach the address label securely to your dick cake.

Do people with normal jobs hate sharing an office building with Funny Or Die when we fill the elevator with penis cakes? Or do they love it and think it’s hilarious?

Wonder if this mailbox has ever taken two penis cakes at once before. Why are we doing this again? Oh right, political protest.

5. Wow, penis cakes are expensive, huh? If you would like to explore a more cost-effective option, consider a mail-order cookie cake. We suggest shipacookie.com. You can send them a JPEG and they will slap it on a cookie and mail it wherever you wish. They do amazing work. Here is a cookie with Garfield fucking Odie that we ordered from them for unrelated personal reasons:
Modern Christians have become so accommodating to the riff-raff they see us as weak and easy prey....I say a little OLD TIME RELIGION is now in order:

Attack us at your peril:


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