What if Bernie wins in 2020?

What if Bernie Wins in 2020?

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Lets make a friendly bet. If Trump wins, barring something out of left field(world wide virus, huge terrorist attack, etc.), the economy will remain strong and continue to steadlily rise until at least June of 2021. If one of the Democrats gets elected, barring the same stuff coming out of left field, the economy will be in a downfall by June of 2021. Of course, what is lilkely to happen is that Trump will win and you guys will continue your "we are headed for a recession" diatribe until it actually happens. In the unlikely event that our country really is dumb enough to elect one of the looney left, and the economy tanks, you guys will blame it on Trump.

Again, we'd blame it on Trump because we are ALREADY heading into a recession now. It's not "going strong".

The real problem- and I know you don't get this- is that Trump is doing all the shit we do during a recession to keep the economy going. So when the recession does hit, the Fed won't really have anything to combat it.

If the economy was doing great, they'd be increasing interest rates, not cutting them.

There are many reasons to cut rates. One is the world economy stinks and their rates are in negative territory in some cases. Another is our inflation rate is very low, indicating we need to increase demand. It is a balancing act. At this point, it is very difficult to argue that our economy is not doing well, but it can still be tweaked.

The economy is doing very, very well. The Democrats are in full spin mode. If the world economy can pick up, the US economy will get even stronger.
Just because you are a loser and need to steal the money of other Americans in your attempts to avoid work, does not mean "most people" feel that way.

Free markets are the greatest invention humans have made, even greater than wheel. USA is the country of liberty, country that embraces the free markets wherever possible.

Okay, let's look at that.


The Bottom 40% of the population controls 0.6% of the wealth. The free market is a shit sandwich for them. Most of them are one paycheck from being broke. Preyed on by predatory payday lenders.

The middle 20 controls maybe four percent of the wealth. They are pretty much eating a shit sandwich, too.

The next 20% (where my income puts me) controls less than 10% of the wealth. We are doing okay, but frankly, not great. Maybe some mustard on that shit sandwich

Then you have the top 20%. They control nearly 90% of the wealth and growing... The top 1% controls 43% of the wealth. Yes, they are doing well.

I can give you a litany of reasons why my family is solidly in the top 20% and it has nothing to do with government policies that assisted us. We didn't start in the top 20%, but we have ended up there. That is all you need to know. We were under the same system as you and others stuck in the lower percentage of earners but we somehow managed to climb the ladder. I can tell you it was due to hard work and making good finanical decisions and not being frivolous. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. The US has plenty of accessible troughs, but some of you jackases can't figure out how to drink.
If Sanders wins, everyone but lowlifes will suffer.
No. The 1% might suffer. Are you a one percenter?

Just like in Venezuela.
Are you Rush Limbaugh?

Are you a socialist?

If not, why are you falling for the old bullshit?
Why do you support the 1%? You have nothing in common them.

I don't support the elite who wants to screw people for free pork. If someone accomplishes the American dream, good for them.

This demonization of the rich is total bullshit. These people often work 80 hours a week for the American good. Why the hell would I want to stop them in that task?
No. The 1% might suffer. Are you a one percenter?

Just like in Venezuela.
Are you Rush Limbaugh?

Are you a socialist?

If not, why are you falling for the old bullshit?
Why do you support the 1%? You have nothing in common them.

I don't support the elite who wants to screw people for free pork. If someone accomplishes the American dream, good for them.

This demonization of the rich is total bullshit. These people often work 80 hours a week for the American good. Why the hell would I want to stop them in that task?
But you do and don’t know it. You are your own worst enemy. You buy the right wing propaganda just like libs buy left wing propaganda. Stop it. Get informed.
Just like in Venezuela.
Are you Rush Limbaugh?

Are you a socialist?

If not, why are you falling for the old bullshit?
Why do you support the 1%? You have nothing in common them.

I don't support the elite who wants to screw people for free pork. If someone accomplishes the American dream, good for them.

This demonization of the rich is total bullshit. These people often work 80 hours a week for the American good. Why the hell would I want to stop them in that task?
But you do and don’t know it. You are your own worst enemy. You buy the right wing propaganda just like libs buy left wing propaganda. Stop it. Get informed.

You talk about propaganda while believing all rich folks are evil. Comical!
Are you Rush Limbaugh?

Are you a socialist?

If not, why are you falling for the old bullshit?
Why do you support the 1%? You have nothing in common them.

I don't support the elite who wants to screw people for free pork. If someone accomplishes the American dream, good for them.

This demonization of the rich is total bullshit. These people often work 80 hours a week for the American good. Why the hell would I want to stop them in that task?
But you do and don’t know it. You are your own worst enemy. You buy the right wing propaganda just like libs buy left wing propaganda. Stop it. Get informed.

You talk about propaganda while believing all rich folks are evil. Comical!
I don’t believe that. Comical.
Are you a socialist?

If not, why are you falling for the old bullshit?
Why do you support the 1%? You have nothing in common them.

I don't support the elite who wants to screw people for free pork. If someone accomplishes the American dream, good for them.

This demonization of the rich is total bullshit. These people often work 80 hours a week for the American good. Why the hell would I want to stop them in that task?
But you do and don’t know it. You are your own worst enemy. You buy the right wing propaganda just like libs buy left wing propaganda. Stop it. Get informed.

You talk about propaganda while believing all rich folks are evil. Comical!
I don’t believe that. Comical.

Sanders will only increase the size of the power elite, in socialism they are under absolute control. The rest are simply drones who do as they command.

It's the ultimate leftist plutocracy that he is after. Didn't he already admit that he wants to open the border? Just listen to what he says and everything becomes clear.
Why do you support the 1%? You have nothing in common them.

I don't support the elite who wants to screw people for free pork. If someone accomplishes the American dream, good for them.

This demonization of the rich is total bullshit. These people often work 80 hours a week for the American good. Why the hell would I want to stop them in that task?
But you do and don’t know it. You are your own worst enemy. You buy the right wing propaganda just like libs buy left wing propaganda. Stop it. Get informed.

You talk about propaganda while believing all rich folks are evil. Comical!
I don’t believe that. Comical.

Sanders will only increase the size of the power elite, in socialism they are under absolute control. The rest are simply drones who do as they command.

It's the ultimate leftist plutocracy that he is after. Didn't he already admit that he wants to open the border?
Stop believing the right wing fear mongering. No doubt you thought Ears was going to destroy the nation, if elected. Why repeat the same foolishness?
I was a liberal idiot when I was 18. I did not understand taxation fully or the advantages of free markets. 18 and 22 year olds should be liberals. But 30 year olds? It gets tricky. There they should move to becoming an Independent. At 39 I am still an Independent and I support many Liberal policies. I just Dislike the Progressive Left. To me they are as bad as the Alt Right. Unfortunately the progressive left runs the Democrat party now. If the moderates ran it then Trump would have never won. You reap what you sow.

Has it occured to you that most people are starting to realize what a shit sandwich "Free markets" are for most of us? Free markets means the rich abusing the rest of us. Hard Pass, these kids are saying, and you really can't blame them. No one wants to end up like their parents.

If the GOP nominated a moderate, he'd have won the popular vote and we wouldn't have, "Crazy Tweet of the week".
If Kasich were nominated he would have lost IMO. I am far from super rich and I love free markets. It’s the only fair way to operate. You want to sell a car the market decides value. When Govt interferes it ruins it. Fewer regulations and more free markets. Including in healthcare.
If Sanders wins, everyone but lowlifes will suffer.
No. The 1% might suffer. Are you a one percenter?
I'm no one percenter. Actually, I have no desire to be anything but what I am. So the way I see this guy Sanders is that he has high hopes which will involve much higher spending which necessitates much higher taxes. But you never know if higher taxes will translate into higher tax receipts. If it doesn't, which I suspect it won't, our goose is cooked and you can probably kiss SS and Medicare and much of our social safety net good bye.
If Sanders wins, everyone but lowlifes will suffer.
No. The 1% might suffer. Are you a one percenter?
I'm no one percenter. Actually, I have no desire to be anything but what I am. So the way I see this guy Sanders is that he has high hopes which will involve much higher spending which necessitates much higher taxes. But you never know if higher taxes will translate into higher tax receipts. If it doesn't, which I suspect it won't, our goose is cooked and you can probably kiss SS and Medicare and much of our social safety net good bye.
I don’t think so. We have a corrupt government spending trillions annually, mostly on stupid shit that enriches the wealthy. Just adjust the spending to help 90% of Americans.

It has been proven that Medicare for all would be CHEAPER than our currently absurdly expensive and corrupt crony HC system.
I disagree.

I believe healthcare should be a free markets system not UH. I believe anything privatized is better than if it is run by the Gov't. Socialism goes directly against that. I am not sure why you're using ad Hominems but whatever floats your boat, Crep.
Wrong. Our HC system is far from a free market. It is a perfect example of corruption and cronyism. WTF!

I agree. I want it to be free market. It is not.
Unfortunately, the only way to fix this scam of a HC system is take out the profit motive. Just put all Americans on Medicare.

The Koch Brothers study proved it would be cheaper to go full government run, rather than continue this farce and scam that harms millions of Americans. Makes sense when you realize the absurd costs of this absurd system.

Also for the first time in our history, American’s life spans are shortening. This might be a good indication that our HC system is failing.

so you want all medical care to be like the pre-Trump VA? Dude, think about what you are asking for.

as to life spans, take abortion and gang related murder out of those stats and you get a quite different picture, but I get it, that would destroy your rhetoric.
Come on. Gang murders and abortion have been around for decades. Falling life expectancy is new. So, there goes your second point.

Millions of Americans use Medicare and love it. It is one of the most approved of government programs. There goes your first point.

Stop listening to Rush and dumb ass Hannity.

I agree that most people on medicare like it. Medicare advantage is a great plan (administered by for profit insurance companies BTW).

yes, abortion and gang violence have been around for a long time, but not to the extent we are seeing today, suicides are also at record levels.

Veterans had a government program that was "medicare for all veterans" it was called the VA and it was terrible and let vets die waiting for treatment.

Ask a Brit or Canadian if they like their "free" socialized medicine. Ask them why they come to the US when they are seriously ill. the government does not do anything well or efficiently. just look at the millions that are being wasted on this foolish partisan impeachment charade.

Russia and Venezuela also have free medical care. Ever hear of anyone going to those countries when seriously ill?
Wrong. Our HC system is far from a free market. It is a perfect example of corruption and cronyism. WTF!

I agree. I want it to be free market. It is not.
Unfortunately, the only way to fix this scam of a HC system is take out the profit motive. Just put all Americans on Medicare.

The Koch Brothers study proved it would be cheaper to go full government run, rather than continue this farce and scam that harms millions of Americans. Makes sense when you realize the absurd costs of this absurd system.

Also for the first time in our history, American’s life spans are shortening. This might be a good indication that our HC system is failing.

so you want all medical care to be like the pre-Trump VA? Dude, think about what you are asking for.

as to life spans, take abortion and gang related murder out of those stats and you get a quite different picture, but I get it, that would destroy your rhetoric.
Come on. Gang murders and abortion have been around for decades. Falling life expectancy is new. So, there goes your second point.

Millions of Americans use Medicare and love it. It is one of the most approved of government programs. There goes your first point.

Stop listening to Rush and dumb ass Hannity.
Abortion rates have been falling for a decade or more.

Induced Abortion in the United States

correct, but 863,000 is not a small number, and most of those were minorities
If Sanders wins, everyone but lowlifes will suffer.
No. The 1% might suffer. Are you a one percenter?

Just like in Venezuela.
Are you Rush Limbaugh?

Are you a socialist?

If not, why are you falling for the old bullshit?
Why do you support the 1%? You have nothing in common them.

the 1% pay 70% of the income taxes. the government could not operate without them.

should we start taxing the bottom 50% who currently pay nothing?

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