What if Bernie wins in 2020?

What if Bernie Wins in 2020?

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I agree. I want it to be free market. It is not.
Unfortunately, the only way to fix this scam of a HC system is take out the profit motive. Just put all Americans on Medicare.

The Koch Brothers study proved it would be cheaper to go full government run, rather than continue this farce and scam that harms millions of Americans. Makes sense when you realize the absurd costs of this absurd system.

Also for the first time in our history, American’s life spans are shortening. This might be a good indication that our HC system is failing.

so you want all medical care to be like the pre-Trump VA? Dude, think about what you are asking for.

as to life spans, take abortion and gang related murder out of those stats and you get a quite different picture, but I get it, that would destroy your rhetoric.
Come on. Gang murders and abortion have been around for decades. Falling life expectancy is new. So, there goes your second point.

Millions of Americans use Medicare and love it. It is one of the most approved of government programs. There goes your first point.

Stop listening to Rush and dumb ass Hannity.
Abortion rates have been falling for a decade or more.

Induced Abortion in the United States

correct, but 863,000 is not a small number, and most of those were minorities
Gee, it's almost like we should provide them with birth control.

Whaddya say?
Unfortunately, the only way to fix this scam of a HC system is take out the profit motive. Just put all Americans on Medicare.

The Koch Brothers study proved it would be cheaper to go full government run, rather than continue this farce and scam that harms millions of Americans. Makes sense when you realize the absurd costs of this absurd system.

Also for the first time in our history, American’s life spans are shortening. This might be a good indication that our HC system is failing.

so you want all medical care to be like the pre-Trump VA? Dude, think about what you are asking for.

as to life spans, take abortion and gang related murder out of those stats and you get a quite different picture, but I get it, that would destroy your rhetoric.
Come on. Gang murders and abortion have been around for decades. Falling life expectancy is new. So, there goes your second point.

Millions of Americans use Medicare and love it. It is one of the most approved of government programs. There goes your first point.

Stop listening to Rush and dumb ass Hannity.
Abortion rates have been falling for a decade or more.

Induced Abortion in the United States

correct, but 863,000 is not a small number, and most of those were minorities
Gee, it's almost like we should provide them with birth control.

Whaddya say?

maybe they should keep their legs together or buy their own birth control.

Whaddya say?
No. The 1% might suffer. Are you a one percenter?

Just like in Venezuela.
Are you Rush Limbaugh?

Are you a socialist?

If not, why are you falling for the old bullshit?
Why do you support the 1%? You have nothing in common them.

the 1% pay 70% of the income taxes. the government could not operate without them.

should we start taxing the bottom 50% who currently pay nothing?
As a percentage of income the 1% pay less than I do.

Eliminate all the shelters and tax capital gains as income.
Just like in Venezuela.
Are you Rush Limbaugh?

Are you a socialist?

If not, why are you falling for the old bullshit?
Why do you support the 1%? You have nothing in common them.

the 1% pay 70% of the income taxes. the government could not operate without them.

should we start taxing the bottom 50% who currently pay nothing?
As a percentage of income the 1% pay less than I do.

Eliminate all the shelters and tax capital gains as income.

Maybe, but who wrote the tax code that contains all those loopholes? Hint: which party has controlled congress for most of the last 80 years? answer that and you will understand who is taking care of the ultra rich in this country.
No. The 1% might suffer. Are you a one percenter?

Just like in Venezuela.
Are you Rush Limbaugh?

Are you a socialist?

If not, why are you falling for the old bullshit?
Why do you support the 1%? You have nothing in common them.

the 1% pay 70% of the income taxes. the government could not operate without them.

should we start taxing the bottom 50% who currently pay nothing?
As they should.
Unfortunately, the only way to fix this scam of a HC system is take out the profit motive. Just put all Americans on Medicare.

The Koch Brothers study proved it would be cheaper to go full government run, rather than continue this farce and scam that harms millions of Americans. Makes sense when you realize the absurd costs of this absurd system.

Also for the first time in our history, American’s life spans are shortening. This might be a good indication that our HC system is failing.

so you want all medical care to be like the pre-Trump VA? Dude, think about what you are asking for.

as to life spans, take abortion and gang related murder out of those stats and you get a quite different picture, but I get it, that would destroy your rhetoric.
Come on. Gang murders and abortion have been around for decades. Falling life expectancy is new. So, there goes your second point.

Millions of Americans use Medicare and love it. It is one of the most approved of government programs. There goes your first point.

Stop listening to Rush and dumb ass Hannity.
Abortion rates have been falling for a decade or more.

Induced Abortion in the United States

correct, but 863,000 is not a small number, and most of those were minorities
Gee, it's almost like we should provide them with birth control.

Whaddya say?

Education and birth control.
Just like in Venezuela.
Are you Rush Limbaugh?

Are you a socialist?

If not, why are you falling for the old bullshit?
Why do you support the 1%? You have nothing in common them.

the 1% pay 70% of the income taxes. the government could not operate without them.

should we start taxing the bottom 50% who currently pay nothing?
As they should.

so you want all medical care to be like the pre-Trump VA? Dude, think about what you are asking for.

as to life spans, take abortion and gang related murder out of those stats and you get a quite different picture, but I get it, that would destroy your rhetoric.
Come on. Gang murders and abortion have been around for decades. Falling life expectancy is new. So, there goes your second point.

Millions of Americans use Medicare and love it. It is one of the most approved of government programs. There goes your first point.

Stop listening to Rush and dumb ass Hannity.
Abortion rates have been falling for a decade or more.

Induced Abortion in the United States

correct, but 863,000 is not a small number, and most of those were minorities
Gee, it's almost like we should provide them with birth control.

Whaddya say?

Education and birth control.

education yes, BC no. the government is not responsible for your BC
If Sanders wins, everyone but lowlifes will suffer.
No. The 1% might suffer. Are you a one percenter?

I am evidently a 1 percenter based on what I have read, but even when I wasn't, I would have never been in favor or taking their money. It is just flat out wrong.

There is also a significant difference between being a one percenter and a 10+ millionaire.
All of these comments by the same assholes that think it is great we went 1.5 trillion tn debt to give wealthy people & well off corporations a tax break.
Furthermore, Trump made your part to expire in a few years while the others are permanent.

You pretend to be Republicans/conservatives but Trump has turned you all into feeble minded dupes as he fucks all pf you over while he rakes in millions.

Thank for for the trillion dollar deficits Mr IMPOTUS.
Come on. Gang murders and abortion have been around for decades. Falling life expectancy is new. So, there goes your second point.

Millions of Americans use Medicare and love it. It is one of the most approved of government programs. There goes your first point.

Stop listening to Rush and dumb ass Hannity.
Abortion rates have been falling for a decade or more.

Induced Abortion in the United States

correct, but 863,000 is not a small number, and most of those were minorities
Gee, it's almost like we should provide them with birth control.

Whaddya say?

Education and birth control.

education yes, BC no. the government is not responsible for your BC
As you run in circles screaming about abortions. Yopu do know that there is a relationship between fucking & pregnancies, right?
It’s unlikely he’ll be able to get much done. Obama got Obamacare. Trump got his tax cuts. Presidents tend to not get much done.
See what you will accept?...."presidents don't get much done" because you sit back and accept it...that is why we voted for Trump....we wanted someone that doesn't care about re election and will get things done....Tax cuts....ridiculous regulations cut....undo the banking hamstrings the dems put in place...undo the Obamacare mandate...and restore religious rights and defend our nation from enemies....take back the Iranian deal and get us out of the costly carbon debacle where we were sure to get screwed......and his first term is not over yet.....
Yeah lots of executive orders and he still can’t hit 3% annual gdp growth. He sure increased those deficits too. Yippee
Lowest unemployment in 50 years, 3.5% unemployment, and NO MAGIC WAND, JUST BUSINESS SENSE....BUT RATBOY....
Business sense is borrowing 1.5 trillion & pumping it into the economy. Works great if you ignore the skrrocketing deficits.
It’s unlikely he’ll be able to get much done. Obama got Obamacare. Trump got his tax cuts. Presidents tend to not get much done.
See what you will accept?...."presidents don't get much done" because you sit back and accept it...that is why we voted for Trump....we wanted someone that doesn't care about re election and will get things done....Tax cuts....ridiculous regulations cut....undo the banking hamstrings the dems put in place...undo the Obamacare mandate...and restore religious rights and defend our nation from enemies....take back the Iranian deal and get us out of the costly carbon debacle where we were sure to get screwed......and his first term is not over yet.....
Yeah lots of executive orders and he still can’t hit 3% annual gdp growth. He sure increased those deficits too. Yippee
Lowest unemployment in 50 years, 3.5% unemployment, and NO MAGIC WAND, JUST BUSINESS SENSE....BUT RATBOY....
Business sense is borrowing 1.5 trillion & pumping it into the economy. Works great if you ignore the skrrocketing deficits.
Didn't bother you under the Surrender Monkey and actually is WORKING this time with proper management and not corruption to your friends and donors. Another failed eco101 student!
Could voters under 30 really turn out in huge numbers? Over 2/3 want Trump removed from office if not the free world. They support Bernie by nearly the same numbers.

I just don't see how he wins the nomination without black support, and he did nothing on racial issues till he decided to run for potus after age 70. He is dead to them.

But assuming conventional wisdom is right, and Biden wins the nomination …. there isn't any one who rallies the young voters like he does. Warren's a distant second.
My thoughts are:

  • He tries to break up the big banks;
  • Taxes Wall St and corporate America at a much higher rate than what they are comfortable with;
  • Pushes Green New Deal Agenda;
  • Pushes UH;
  • Pushes for a two state solution in Israel and destroys those relations, making the Middle East that much more dangerous;
  • More regulations.
As a result the stock market drops significantly, corporate America pulls back on hiring and CAPEX, unemployment rises and this message board blows up (not literally).

I welcome your thoughts.

Do you really?

Okay, first, it's unlikely he'll get the nomination this time, and if he does beat Trump (anyone can beat Trump because he's so universally hated) it's unlikely he'll get much through Congress because the moderate democrats will probably stymie him.

If he pushes for a Two-State solution (really the only real option Israel has, as they can't maintain Apartheid forever) It will be fun to watch people like you claim he's an anti-Semite. "Um, he's Jewish!"

I suspect we are going to have a recession late this year or early next year no matter who wins. The real problem- once again- is that unemployment probably won't be seriously affected because we have the same problem we have now. We have 360K baby boomers retiring every month and not enough young people joining the workforce to replace them.

I have reservations about Bernie getting the nomination. He's completely ineffective in Congress because no one wants to work with him. He's been there for 40 years, and has accomplished- not that much. My guess, if he becomes president, it will be similar to Jimmy Carter, who was a reaction to Nixon's corruption. But once he gets in, he'll be ineffective.

Much like Trump, Bernie represents an electorate that has kind of given up on politics. They are two sides of the same coin. The GOP rejected 10 guys who would have made perfectly fine presidents without almost starting WWIII or alienating our allies. Bernie represents the part of the Democrats who just kind of have given up as well. It's not that Socialism is a wonderful idea, it's that these kids look at Capitalism, working two jobs to pay off that college loan, and think it sucks.

Since you won't be able to process any of this, please proceed to whine about me personally... I wouldn't expect anything less.
He is as Jewish as Bin Laden. Sanders is an Atheist and has embraced the BDS wing of the Leftists in the party formerly known as the Democrat party. There are zero signs that a recession will happen at year end or early next year. Working two jobs to pay off a loan for a degree in botany does suck. Get a real major and choose a less expensive school. Israel is not an Apartheid state and a two state solution is impossible. Trump won because the people voted him in, the party didn’t want him.

In terms of you personally, I am glad you didn’t reproduce so your racism and stupidity dies with you and soon since you’re old.

Ignorant is no way to go through life.
Educate yourself.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
My thoughts are:

  • He tries to break up the big banks;
  • Taxes Wall St and corporate America at a much higher rate than what they are comfortable with;
  • Pushes Green New Deal Agenda;
  • Pushes UH;
  • Pushes for a two state solution in Israel and destroys those relations, making the Middle East that much more dangerous;
  • More regulations.
As a result the stock market drops significantly, corporate America pulls back on hiring and CAPEX, unemployment rises and this message board blows up (not literally).

I welcome your thoughts.

Do you really?

Okay, first, it's unlikely he'll get the nomination this time, and if he does beat Trump (anyone can beat Trump because he's so universally hated) it's unlikely he'll get much through Congress because the moderate democrats will probably stymie him.

If he pushes for a Two-State solution (really the only real option Israel has, as they can't maintain Apartheid forever) It will be fun to watch people like you claim he's an anti-Semite. "Um, he's Jewish!"

I suspect we are going to have a recession late this year or early next year no matter who wins. The real problem- once again- is that unemployment probably won't be seriously affected because we have the same problem we have now. We have 360K baby boomers retiring every month and not enough young people joining the workforce to replace them.

I have reservations about Bernie getting the nomination. He's completely ineffective in Congress because no one wants to work with him. He's been there for 40 years, and has accomplished- not that much. My guess, if he becomes president, it will be similar to Jimmy Carter, who was a reaction to Nixon's corruption. But once he gets in, he'll be ineffective.

Much like Trump, Bernie represents an electorate that has kind of given up on politics. They are two sides of the same coin. The GOP rejected 10 guys who would have made perfectly fine presidents without almost starting WWIII or alienating our allies. Bernie represents the part of the Democrats who just kind of have given up as well. It's not that Socialism is a wonderful idea, it's that these kids look at Capitalism, working two jobs to pay off that college loan, and think it sucks.

Since you won't be able to process any of this, please proceed to whine about me personally... I wouldn't expect anything less.
He is as Jewish as Bin Laden. Sanders is an Atheist and has embraced the BDS wing of the Leftists in the party formerly known as the Democrat party. There are zero signs that a recession will happen at year end or early next year. Working two jobs to pay off a loan for a degree in botany does suck. Get a real major and choose a less expensive school. Israel is not an Apartheid state and a two state solution is impossible. Trump won because the people voted him in, the party didn’t want him.

In terms of you personally, I am glad you didn’t reproduce so your racism and stupidity dies with you and soon since you’re old.

Ignorant is no way to go through life.
Educate yourself.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I have an undergrad from Duke and an MBA from NU. I work in Management Consulting. How much more of an education would I need? Based on your posts, my 12 year old is smarter than you.
My thoughts are:

  • He tries to break up the big banks;
  • Taxes Wall St and corporate America at a much higher rate than what they are comfortable with;
  • Pushes Green New Deal Agenda;
  • Pushes UH;
  • Pushes for a two state solution in Israel and destroys those relations, making the Middle East that much more dangerous;
  • More regulations.
As a result the stock market drops significantly, corporate America pulls back on hiring and CAPEX, unemployment rises and this message board blows up (not literally).

I welcome your thoughts.

Do you really?

Okay, first, it's unlikely he'll get the nomination this time, and if he does beat Trump (anyone can beat Trump because he's so universally hated) it's unlikely he'll get much through Congress because the moderate democrats will probably stymie him.

If he pushes for a Two-State solution (really the only real option Israel has, as they can't maintain Apartheid forever) It will be fun to watch people like you claim he's an anti-Semite. "Um, he's Jewish!"

I suspect we are going to have a recession late this year or early next year no matter who wins. The real problem- once again- is that unemployment probably won't be seriously affected because we have the same problem we have now. We have 360K baby boomers retiring every month and not enough young people joining the workforce to replace them.

I have reservations about Bernie getting the nomination. He's completely ineffective in Congress because no one wants to work with him. He's been there for 40 years, and has accomplished- not that much. My guess, if he becomes president, it will be similar to Jimmy Carter, who was a reaction to Nixon's corruption. But once he gets in, he'll be ineffective.

Much like Trump, Bernie represents an electorate that has kind of given up on politics. They are two sides of the same coin. The GOP rejected 10 guys who would have made perfectly fine presidents without almost starting WWIII or alienating our allies. Bernie represents the part of the Democrats who just kind of have given up as well. It's not that Socialism is a wonderful idea, it's that these kids look at Capitalism, working two jobs to pay off that college loan, and think it sucks.

Since you won't be able to process any of this, please proceed to whine about me personally... I wouldn't expect anything less.
He is as Jewish as Bin Laden. Sanders is an Atheist and has embraced the BDS wing of the Leftists in the party formerly known as the Democrat party. There are zero signs that a recession will happen at year end or early next year. Working two jobs to pay off a loan for a degree in botany does suck. Get a real major and choose a less expensive school. Israel is not an Apartheid state and a two state solution is impossible. Trump won because the people voted him in, the party didn’t want him.

In terms of you personally, I am glad you didn’t reproduce so your racism and stupidity dies with you and soon since you’re old.

Ignorant is no way to go through life.
Educate yourself.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I have an undergrad from Duke and an MBA from NU. I work in Management Consulting. How much more of an education would I need? Based on your posts, my 12 year old is smarter than you.

Yet you don’t know that Bernie is a Jew.

Might wanna get your money back from college.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
My thoughts are:

  • He tries to break up the big banks;
  • Taxes Wall St and corporate America at a much higher rate than what they are comfortable with;
  • Pushes Green New Deal Agenda;
  • Pushes UH;
  • Pushes for a two state solution in Israel and destroys those relations, making the Middle East that much more dangerous;
  • More regulations.
As a result the stock market drops significantly, corporate America pulls back on hiring and CAPEX, unemployment rises and this message board blows up (not literally).

I welcome your thoughts.

Do you really?

Okay, first, it's unlikely he'll get the nomination this time, and if he does beat Trump (anyone can beat Trump because he's so universally hated) it's unlikely he'll get much through Congress because the moderate democrats will probably stymie him.

If he pushes for a Two-State solution (really the only real option Israel has, as they can't maintain Apartheid forever) It will be fun to watch people like you claim he's an anti-Semite. "Um, he's Jewish!"

I suspect we are going to have a recession late this year or early next year no matter who wins. The real problem- once again- is that unemployment probably won't be seriously affected because we have the same problem we have now. We have 360K baby boomers retiring every month and not enough young people joining the workforce to replace them.

I have reservations about Bernie getting the nomination. He's completely ineffective in Congress because no one wants to work with him. He's been there for 40 years, and has accomplished- not that much. My guess, if he becomes president, it will be similar to Jimmy Carter, who was a reaction to Nixon's corruption. But once he gets in, he'll be ineffective.

Much like Trump, Bernie represents an electorate that has kind of given up on politics. They are two sides of the same coin. The GOP rejected 10 guys who would have made perfectly fine presidents without almost starting WWIII or alienating our allies. Bernie represents the part of the Democrats who just kind of have given up as well. It's not that Socialism is a wonderful idea, it's that these kids look at Capitalism, working two jobs to pay off that college loan, and think it sucks.

Since you won't be able to process any of this, please proceed to whine about me personally... I wouldn't expect anything less.
He is as Jewish as Bin Laden. Sanders is an Atheist and has embraced the BDS wing of the Leftists in the party formerly known as the Democrat party. There are zero signs that a recession will happen at year end or early next year. Working two jobs to pay off a loan for a degree in botany does suck. Get a real major and choose a less expensive school. Israel is not an Apartheid state and a two state solution is impossible. Trump won because the people voted him in, the party didn’t want him.

In terms of you personally, I am glad you didn’t reproduce so your racism and stupidity dies with you and soon since you’re old.

Ignorant is no way to go through life.
Educate yourself.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I have an undergrad from Duke and an MBA from NU. I work in Management Consulting. How much more of an education would I need? Based on your posts, my 12 year old is smarter than you.

Yet you don’t know that Bernie is a Jew.

Might wanna get your money back from college.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

He is a Jew by birth only. He is an atheist. You are dumb so you didn't get my point. He is as Jewish as Bin Laden. He does not practice, doesn't see himself as one and supports BDS, which would be the end of Israel.

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