What if Bernie wins in 2020?

What if Bernie Wins in 2020?

  • Total voters
No. The 1% might suffer. Are you a one percenter?

I am evidently a 1 percenter based on what I have read, but even when I wasn't, I would have never been in favor or taking their money. It is just flat out wrong.

There is also a significant difference between being a one percenter and a 10+ millionaire.
I’d rather have the 1% give up a little of their money, than 90% of Americans suffering. Why do you want the poor and middle class suffering and the extreme wealthy doing great? Have you been duped?

The wealthy being wealthy has nothing to do with the poor being poor. I wouldn't consider my family extremely wealthy, but we are in the top 1% and I don't take money from the poor to make money. If we have to pay a 70% tax to help people who have chosen not to help themsevles, why would I continue to strive to make good money? I may as well work less hours and take it easy a bit and take a paycut. Lets also get real. Raising taxes on the wealthy will not make the less wealthy wealthier. It doesn't work that way.

Did you see the clip showing Warren being confronted by a father about her free college nonsense? The father said he saved and sacrficed to send his daughter to college while his neighbor bought new cars and the like. The father asked if he would get a refund and she said "of course not". Democrats foster irresponsibility every chance they get.

You are the one that has been duped.
I know you only want the 1% enjoying life in America. I guess I’m different.

I am not in the 1% and I am "enjoying life". How do you explain that? So you don't think anyone in the middle class in America is "enjoying life"?
Me too. It’s easily explained. Some of us are doing okay, but clearly many aren’t. If you can’t see this, you’re blind.

How else would you explain Donnie’s winning? Or, Bernie’s appeal. Americans are feed up with our scam of a government.
Prove it asshole.

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Here is a pic of him with Linda Sarsour...a hater of Jews and pro BDS Leftist Islamist. They are chummy.

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You asked me to prove it. I did. Are you drunk?

I don’t drink, asshole.

Still waiting for actual proof.

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You should start and get rid of that hideous avatar. You're a dude, what is wrong with you?

For your information my av is a very good friend of mine who passed away last weekend.

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Prove it asshole.

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Here is a pic of him with Linda Sarsour...a hater of Jews and pro BDS Leftist Islamist. They are chummy.

View attachment 302284


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You asked me to prove it. I did. Are you drunk?

I don’t drink, asshole.

Still waiting for actual proof.

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You should start and get rid of that hideous avatar. You're a dude, what is wrong with you?


Is Bernie Sanders an atheist?

Yes, even, Bernie Sanders. Although raised Jewish, Sanders has acknowledged that he is “not actively involved in organized religion.

"I am not actively involved with organized religion," he told the outlet. "I think everyone believes in God in their own ways. To me, it means that all of us are connected, all of life is connected, and that we are all tied together."

If I were you I wouldn't be talking about anyone else's hideous avatar.

How am I suffering? I live in a home, I have my health, my family has their health, we have the latest and greatest in tech. We take a vacation here and there together. We don't drive Ferraris or live in Chateaus but we aren't "struggling". What is your operational definition of "Struggle"?

So I just vilify Tom Brady because he has more money than I do? He should vilify Robert Kraft because he has more money than Brady? Kraft should vilify Jeff Bezos because Bezos has more money than Kraft? Where does it end? Please explain.
You think I’m talking about YOU? LOL.

I’m doing great. Retired at 55 and traveling the country. The thing is you and I are different. I care about my fellow Americans and you don’t.

Why do you want the poor and middle class suffering and the extreme wealthy doing great?

Your quote. I am "middle class". How am I suffering? I do care, hence I pay taxes, coach youth sports, give to charities. What else would you like me to do? While you travel and have fun I am helping every day. You're a hypocrite.
Dummy...do you really think because you aren’t suffering no one is? Please let’s think logically.

Straw man. "No one else is". Obviously some are but middle class is not suffering...hence the name middle class. So how are they "suffering". You also said 90% of the people are "suffering". You have lost all credibility and you didn't have much to begin with.

The social group between the upper and working classes, including professional and business workers and their families.
I don’t think you understand the issues facing many middle class and working class people. Please get informed.
Is it many, all or some? Is it middle or working? Your story keeps changing. Maybe if you post a coherent post instead of babble we can debate it.
I am evidently a 1 percenter based on what I have read, but even when I wasn't, I would have never been in favor or taking their money. It is just flat out wrong.

There is also a significant difference between being a one percenter and a 10+ millionaire.
I’d rather have the 1% give up a little of their money, than 90% of Americans suffering. Why do you want the poor and middle class suffering and the extreme wealthy doing great? Have you been duped?

The wealthy being wealthy has nothing to do with the poor being poor. I wouldn't consider my family extremely wealthy, but we are in the top 1% and I don't take money from the poor to make money. If we have to pay a 70% tax to help people who have chosen not to help themsevles, why would I continue to strive to make good money? I may as well work less hours and take it easy a bit and take a paycut. Lets also get real. Raising taxes on the wealthy will not make the less wealthy wealthier. It doesn't work that way.

Did you see the clip showing Warren being confronted by a father about her free college nonsense? The father said he saved and sacrficed to send his daughter to college while his neighbor bought new cars and the like. The father asked if he would get a refund and she said "of course not". Democrats foster irresponsibility every chance they get.

You are the one that has been duped.
I know you only want the 1% enjoying life in America. I guess I’m different.

I am not in the 1% and I am "enjoying life". How do you explain that? So you don't think anyone in the middle class in America is "enjoying life"?
Me too. It’s easily explained. Some of us are doing okay, but clearly many aren’t. If you can’t see this, you’re blind.

How else would you explain Donnie’s winning? Or, Bernie’s appeal. Americans are feed up with our scam of a government.
Many or some? Make up your mind.
Here is a pic of him with Linda Sarsour...a hater of Jews and pro BDS Leftist Islamist. They are chummy.

View attachment 302284


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You asked me to prove it. I did. Are you drunk?

I don’t drink, asshole.

Still waiting for actual proof.

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You should start and get rid of that hideous avatar. You're a dude, what is wrong with you?

For your information my av is a very good friend of mine who passed away last weekend.

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Bullshit. Complete bullshit. Nice try though
Here is a pic of him with Linda Sarsour...a hater of Jews and pro BDS Leftist Islamist. They are chummy.

View attachment 302284


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You asked me to prove it. I did. Are you drunk?

I don’t drink, asshole.

Still waiting for actual proof.

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You should start and get rid of that hideous avatar. You're a dude, what is wrong with you?


Is Bernie Sanders an atheist?

Yes, even, Bernie Sanders. Although raised Jewish, Sanders has acknowledged that he is “not actively involved in organized religion.

"I am not actively involved with organized religion," he told the outlet. "I think everyone believes in God in their own ways. To me, it means that all of us are connected, all of life is connected, and that we are all tied together."

If I were you I wouldn't be talking about anyone else's hideous avatar.
Handsome Orc!!! LOL
I am evidently a 1 percenter based on what I have read, but even when I wasn't, I would have never been in favor or taking their money. It is just flat out wrong.

There is also a significant difference between being a one percenter and a 10+ millionaire.
I’d rather have the 1% give up a little of their money, than 90% of Americans suffering. Why do you want the poor and middle class suffering and the extreme wealthy doing great? Have you been duped?

The wealthy being wealthy has nothing to do with the poor being poor. I wouldn't consider my family extremely wealthy, but we are in the top 1% and I don't take money from the poor to make money. If we have to pay a 70% tax to help people who have chosen not to help themsevles, why would I continue to strive to make good money? I may as well work less hours and take it easy a bit and take a paycut. Lets also get real. Raising taxes on the wealthy will not make the less wealthy wealthier. It doesn't work that way.

Did you see the clip showing Warren being confronted by a father about her free college nonsense? The father said he saved and sacrficed to send his daughter to college while his neighbor bought new cars and the like. The father asked if he would get a refund and she said "of course not". Democrats foster irresponsibility every chance they get.

You are the one that has been duped.
I know you only want the 1% enjoying life in America. I guess I’m different.

I am not in the 1% and I am "enjoying life". How do you explain that? So you don't think anyone in the middle class in America is "enjoying life"?
Me too. It’s easily explained. Some of us are doing okay, but clearly many aren’t. If you can’t see this, you’re blind.

How else would you explain Donnie’s winning? Or, Bernie’s appeal. Americans are feed up with our scam of a government.

Easy. Trump won, and will win again, because the Democrats have completely lost their way. Bernie's appeal is largely among the very young who have been brainwashed to believe they should get everything for free. For our country's sake, we can only hope they emotionally mature with age, unlike Bernie, otherwise, all but the ruling class will be equally suffering.
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Come on. Gang murders and abortion have been around for decades. Falling life expectancy is new. So, there goes your second point.

Millions of Americans use Medicare and love it. It is one of the most approved of government programs. There goes your first point.

Stop listening to Rush and dumb ass Hannity.
Abortion rates have been falling for a decade or more.

Induced Abortion in the United States

correct, but 863,000 is not a small number, and most of those were minorities
Gee, it's almost like we should provide them with birth control.

Whaddya say?

Education and birth control.

education yes, BC no. the government is not responsible for your BC
Republican contradiction and denial of reality.

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You asked me to prove it. I did. Are you drunk?

I don’t drink, asshole.

Still waiting for actual proof.

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You should start and get rid of that hideous avatar. You're a dude, what is wrong with you?

For your information my av is a very good friend of mine who passed away last weekend.

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Bullshit. Complete bullshit. Nice try though

Fuck off and die, scumbag. I’m so fucking done with you!!!

You assholes have no heart.

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You asked me to prove it. I did. Are you drunk?

I don’t drink, asshole.

Still waiting for actual proof.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You should start and get rid of that hideous avatar. You're a dude, what is wrong with you?

For your information my av is a very good friend of mine who passed away last weekend.

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Bullshit. Complete bullshit. Nice try though

Fuck off and die, scumbag. I’m so fucking done with you!!!

You assholes have no heart.

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Love you too.
There are many reasons to cut rates. One is the world economy stinks and their rates are in negative territory in some cases. Another is our inflation rate is very low, indicating we need to increase demand. It is a balancing act. At this point, it is very difficult to argue that our economy is not doing well, but it can still be tweaked.

Actually, it's terrible policy and it's going to bite us in the ass when the real recession shows up and we have nothing to fight it with.

I can give you a litany of reasons why my family is solidly in the top 20% and it has nothing to do with government policies that assisted us.

1) Don't really believe you are.
2) The only reason why we have a middle class at all is because of government policies.

We were under the same system as you and others stuck in the lower percentage of earners but we somehow managed to climb the ladder. I can tell you it was due to hard work and making good finanical decisions and not being frivolous.

Again, no one really thinks you are, Cleetus.. You live in fucking Jesus-land. That's practically a third world country. I'm sure you are really proud of your deluxe double wide, but the fact is, the rest of us are pretty tired of a system where we all have to work two jobs to make ends meet...

This is why you are going to eventually get a guy like Bernie. Maybe not this time, the DNC might save you and nominate Biden. But eventually, um, yeah. Gonna happen...
If Kasich were nominated he would have lost IMO. I am far from super rich and I love free markets. It’s the only fair way to operate. You want to sell a car the market decides value. When Govt interferes it ruins it. Fewer regulations and more free markets. Including in healthcare.

Uh, guy. Let's look at that.

Cars. Okay. The free market brought us the Pinto. Ford knew the Pinto was dangerous, but some bean counters figured it would be cheaper to pay out the people who got burned to death than to do a complete recall of millions of units and do an $11.00 repair. This is what the "Market" decided. 180 people died before the government MADE Ford fix the problem.

The fact is, the reason why our cars are so safe right now is that the government demanded safety features. The reason why American cars lost out to the Japanese and Germans was because they produced a better car (stricter government standards) and because they could be more competitive with universal health care and strong worker's rights.

On to Kasich. Do you really think there were any Trump supporters who would have voted for Hillary over Kasich? I can't think of a one. Some of them might have stayed home, but not many. Their hatred of Hillary was just too strong. They'd have rather destroyed the country than let her run it... and they pretty much have.

On the other hand a lot of people who voted for Hillary probably would have been fine with Kasich. You know, because he's not a crazy racist like Trump is. A lot of people who pissed away their votes on third parties probably would have voted for him.
There are many reasons to cut rates. One is the world economy stinks and their rates are in negative territory in some cases. Another is our inflation rate is very low, indicating we need to increase demand. It is a balancing act. At this point, it is very difficult to argue that our economy is not doing well, but it can still be tweaked.

Actually, it's terrible policy and it's going to bite us in the ass when the real recession shows up and we have nothing to fight it with.

I can give you a litany of reasons why my family is solidly in the top 20% and it has nothing to do with government policies that assisted us.

1) Don't really believe you are.
2) The only reason why we have a middle class at all is because of government policies.

We were under the same system as you and others stuck in the lower percentage of earners but we somehow managed to climb the ladder. I can tell you it was due to hard work and making good finanical decisions and not being frivolous.

Again, no one really thinks you are, Cleetus.. You live in fucking Jesus-land. That's practically a third world country. I'm sure you are really proud of your deluxe double wide, but the fact is, the rest of us are pretty tired of a system where we all have to work two jobs to make ends meet...

This is why you are going to eventually get a guy like Bernie. Maybe not this time, the DNC might save you and nominate Biden. But eventually, um, yeah. Gonna happen...

Actually, it's terrible policy and it's going to bite us in the ass when the real recession shows up and we have nothing to fight it with.

I want to make sure I have this straight. When Obama was in office, the fed was cutting rates every chance they had. You stated that we are still benefiting from Obama's economy under Trump. If so, shouldn't the fed still be cutting rates? Does the fed only cut rates when the economy is NOT on solid footing, like the entire time Obama was in office?
1) Don't really believe you are.
2) The only reason why we have a middle class at all is because of government policies.

1) After doing some more research, we are actually much higher than that, but I don't really care what you believe. Based on your posts, I can believe you are about where you say you are economically speaking. The reason you haven't climbed further up the economic ladder seems in part due to an attitude problem(get the man) and in part due to living in a Democratically controlled state that keeps people down with extremely high taxes and high real estate costs.

2) What policies would that be?

Again, no one really thinks you are, Cleetus.. You live in fucking Jesus-land. That's practically a third world country. I'm sure you are really proud of your deluxe double wide, but the fact is, the rest of us are pretty tired of a system where we all have to work two jobs to make ends meet...

This is why you are going to eventually get a guy like Bernie. Maybe not this time, the DNC might save you and nominate Biden. But eventually, um, yeah. Gonna happen...

I guess you don't get out much. Maybe you can't afford it, living in a high cost of living blue state, but as I have stated before, all of you wingnuts come to my state to vacation and many to live. Your perception of red states has evidently been formed by some trips to bad areas. It is like me going to the Bronx and deeming all of NY a dump. If I had gone to the Hamptons, I may have a slightly different perspective. Anyway, don't care. Stay in the high tax red state and work 2 jobs to live in a very modest home. That is very cool with me.

I don't disagree that eventually those that don't want to work will outnumber those of us that do. That is the nature of things. This is what will eventually destroy our country. The Democrats have us on the fast track towards this demise. Those who actually are working and making a decent living while voting Democrat either have some screws lose and/or are brainwashed and ignorant.
I want to make sure I have this straight. When Obama was in office, the fed was cutting rates every chance they had. You stated that we are still benefiting from Obama's economy under Trump. If so, shouldn't the fed still be cutting rates? Does the fed only cut rates when the economy is NOT on solid footing, like the entire time Obama was in office?

Obama dealt with the worst recession in 80 years... Trump is cutting rates to keep the economy going because the minute Wall Street sneezes, he knows the Republicans will turn on him.

1) After doing some more research, we are actually much higher than that, but I don't really care what you believe. Based on your posts, I can believe you are about where you say you are economically speaking. The reason you haven't climbed further up the economic ladder seems in part due to an attitude problem(get the man) and in part due to living in a Democratically controlled state that keeps people down with extremely high taxes and high real estate costs.

Hey, guy, just because you suck capitalist dick doesn't mean the rest of us want to.

Next year, they'll give you personalized kneepads.

2) What policies would that be?

New Deal. Promotion of labor rights. Progressive tax rates on the rich.

I guess you don't get out much. Maybe you can't afford it, living in a high cost of living blue state, but as I have stated before, all of you wingnuts come to my state to vacation and many to live. Your perception of red states has evidently been formed by some trips to bad areas. It is like me going to the Bronx and deeming all of NY a dump. If I had gone to the Hamptons, I may have a slightly different perspective. Anyway, don't care. Stay in the high tax red state and work 2 jobs to live in a very modest home. That is very cool with me.

They go there for the weather. They avoid dealing with you inbred, bible thumping rednecks. They also go to Mexico for vacation... no one wants to live there, either.

My view of the South is that you are all inbred, bible thumping morons...

I don't disagree that eventually those that don't want to work will outnumber those of us that do. That is the nature of things. This is what will eventually destroy our country. The Democrats have us on the fast track towards this demise. Those who actually are working and making a decent living while voting Democrat either have some screws lose and/or are brainwashed and ignorant.

Fuckwad, most of us are working very hard. We're just done with making the rich richer.

You'll be standing at the edge of a ditch with one of those people pointing a gun at you, wondering what you did wrong as your last thought.
Abortion rates have been falling for a decade or more.

Induced Abortion in the United States

correct, but 863,000 is not a small number, and most of those were minorities
Gee, it's almost like we should provide them with birth control.

Whaddya say?

Education and birth control.

education yes, BC no. the government is not responsible for your BC
As you run in circles screaming about abortions. Yopu do know that there is a relationship between fucking & pregnancies, right?

there is also a relationship between fucking and being responsible for your actions.
Could voters under 30 really turn out in huge numbers? Over 2/3 want Trump removed from office if not the free world. They support Bernie by nearly the same numbers.

I just don't see how he wins the nomination without black support, and he did nothing on racial issues till he decided to run for potus after age 70. He is dead to them.

But assuming conventional wisdom is right, and Biden wins the nomination …. there isn't any one who rallies the young voters like he does. Warren's a distant second.

Bernie rallys the young because young people have not yet lived long enough to see for themselves that socialism cannot work, has never worked, and is in every way contrary to human nature.

Not sure who said it but it applies here "if not liberal when young you have no heart, if not conservative when older you have no brain"
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My thoughts are:

  • He tries to break up the big banks;
  • Taxes Wall St and corporate America at a much higher rate than what they are comfortable with;
  • Pushes Green New Deal Agenda;
  • Pushes UH;
  • Pushes for a two state solution in Israel and destroys those relations, making the Middle East that much more dangerous;
  • More regulations.
As a result the stock market drops significantly, corporate America pulls back on hiring and CAPEX, unemployment rises and this message board blows up (not literally).

I welcome your thoughts.
He will not be the nominee. Do not waste your VOTE voting for him. He is unelectable.
My thoughts are:

  • He tries to break up the big banks;
  • Taxes Wall St and corporate America at a much higher rate than what they are comfortable with;
  • Pushes Green New Deal Agenda;
  • Pushes UH;
  • Pushes for a two state solution in Israel and destroys those relations, making the Middle East that much more dangerous;
  • More regulations.
As a result the stock market drops significantly, corporate America pulls back on hiring and CAPEX, unemployment rises and this message board blows up (not literally).

I welcome your thoughts.
He will not be the nominee. Do not waste your VOTE voting for him. He is unelectable.

Did your crystal ball tell you that?


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