What happens if the democrats win...in 2020 or down the road? Economic disaster.

Rightwinger is right.

The worst recession since 1929 started rolling into place in late 2007 and firmly in place in 2008, when Bear Stearns failed.
The recession officially ended in June 2009 when the downturn leveled off and the bleeding stopped.
But what was left was a wasteland of lost jobs, foreclosed homes and banks that were too fucking big to fail.
And no one went to jail for it.
And that happened under a REPUBLICAN. Not Obama.
This is a description of what we are looking at if the democrats win in 2020 or beyond...


The Green New Deal, renewed regulations, Medicare for All, free college, as well as the 70-90% tax rates proposed by Democrats, will tank the stock market and US economic growth, leading to higher unemployment and reduced wage gains. All these programs require higher taxes and not just the soak the rich fantasy of the 70-90% rates. Most of the Democratic candidates have pledged to roll back the 2017 Republican tax cuts that fueled the renewal of economic growth in the US.

Open borders will flood the US with poverty stricken immigrants and their competition for jobs will depress wages. The social welfare needs of the immigrants will skyrocket government expenditures. So while taxes receipts are falling due to slower economic growth rates, expenditures will be rising, leading to increased government debt and consequently higher interest rates. If the Federal Reserve tries to keep interest rates low to prevent a deepening recession, then the increase in the money supply and the expanding deficit will eventually destroy the value of the dollar. So much for my safe harbor in cash.

It's all to be paid for, the tax on each round of ammunition for all long guns, short guns, zip guns and cap guns will be $10,000 each, or $100k for a dozen.
Unconstitutional, and that that wouldn't pay for 1/1000th of it.
In the spirit of the movie 'The Graduate', I only have one word for Democrat investors and one word only: TENTS.

You're welcome.
In the spirit of the movie 'The Graduate', I only have one word for Democrat investors and one word only: TENTS.

You're welcome.

In the spirit of the series, "The Last Czars", I have only one word for the middle class, both parties if Trump wins: LINES. Get used to standing in lines.

I don't know why you're singling out Democrats. Some of the poorest-housed people in the country are Republicans in RED states. You know, where Trump holds rallies: W Virginia, North and South Carolina, Florida, Alabama, etc.
In the spirit of the movie 'The Graduate', I only have one word for Democrat investors and one word only: TENTS.

You're welcome.

In the spirit of the series, "The Last Czars", I have only one word for the middle class, both parties if Trump wins: LINES. Get used to standing in lines.

Lines? Really, the unemployment line has shrunk under Trump, especially for Blacks, Hispanics, and Women...who are now seeing the lowest unemployment rate in decades....thanks to Trump and his policies...

the tent cities in democrat controlled voting districts are on the verge of seeing the Plague return.....that is what you get with democrats.
Rightwinger is right.

The worst recession since 1929 started rolling into place in late 2007 and firmly in place in 2008, when Bear Stearns failed.
The recession officially ended in June 2009 when the downturn leveled off and the bleeding stopped.
But what was left was a wasteland of lost jobs, foreclosed homes and banks that were too fucking big to fail.
And no one went to jail for it.
And that happened under a REPUBLICAN. Not Obama.
June 2009 Obama was 5 months into HIS presidency and not one person went to jail, GM and Chrysler got bailed out, Solyndra got 1/2 billion dollars and went bankrupt anyway, cash for clunkers failed, 800 billion dollars for infrastructure was supposed to be Joe Biden's responsibility and the money was laundered to Obama's very rich voters as rewards instead of shovel ready jobs, yuk yuk(Said Obama) weren't really shovel ready. Then came the job killing regulations, more companies went to China, and the most in poverty since the war on poverty started, and then you dumbass liberal wonder why we hate you so fucking much....
In the spirit of the movie 'The Graduate', I only have one word for Democrat investors and one word only: TENTS.

You're welcome.

In the spirit of the series, "The Last Czars", I have only one word for the middle class, both parties if Trump wins: LINES. Get used to standing in lines.

I don't know why you're singling out Democrats. Some of the poorest-housed people in the country are Republicans in RED states. You know, where Trump holds rallies: W Virginia, North and South Carolina, Florida, Alabama, etc.

But most of 'em ain't living in tents! Otherwise, the Dem controlled media would've been all over it by now!
This is a description of what we are looking at if the democrats win in 2020 or beyond...


The Green New Deal, renewed regulations, Medicare for All, free college, as well as the 70-90% tax rates proposed by Democrats, will tank the stock market and US economic growth, leading to higher unemployment and reduced wage gains. All these programs require higher taxes and not just the soak the rich fantasy of the 70-90% rates. Most of the Democratic candidates have pledged to roll back the 2017 Republican tax cuts that fueled the renewal of economic growth in the US.

Open borders will flood the US with poverty stricken immigrants and their competition for jobs will depress wages. The social welfare needs of the immigrants will skyrocket government expenditures. So while taxes receipts are falling due to slower economic growth rates, expenditures will be rising, leading to increased government debt and consequently higher interest rates. If the Federal Reserve tries to keep interest rates low to prevent a deepening recession, then the increase in the money supply and the expanding deficit will eventually destroy the value of the dollar. So much for my safe harbor in cash.

It's all to be paid for, the tax on each round of ammunition for all long guns, short guns, zip guns and cap guns will be $10,000 each, or $100k for a dozen.
Unconstitutional, and that that wouldn't pay for 1/1000th of it.

LOL, Are you so biased (yes!) you can't recognize sarcasm?
This is a description of what we are looking at if the democrats win in 2020 or beyond...


The Green New Deal, renewed regulations, Medicare for All, free college, as well as the 70-90% tax rates proposed by Democrats, will tank the stock market and US economic growth, leading to higher unemployment and reduced wage gains. All these programs require higher taxes and not just the soak the rich fantasy of the 70-90% rates. Most of the Democratic candidates have pledged to roll back the 2017 Republican tax cuts that fueled the renewal of economic growth in the US.

Open borders will flood the US with poverty stricken immigrants and their competition for jobs will depress wages. The social welfare needs of the immigrants will skyrocket government expenditures. So while taxes receipts are falling due to slower economic growth rates, expenditures will be rising, leading to increased government debt and consequently higher interest rates. If the Federal Reserve tries to keep interest rates low to prevent a deepening recession, then the increase in the money supply and the expanding deficit will eventually destroy the value of the dollar. So much for my safe harbor in cash.

It's all to be paid for, the tax on each round of ammunition for all long guns, short guns, zip guns and cap guns will be $10,000 each, or $100k for a dozen.
Unconstitutional, and that that wouldn't pay for 1/1000th of it.

LOL, Are you so biased (yes!) you can't recognize sarcasm?
Leftwingers are capable of anything.
This is a description of what we are looking at if the democrats win in 2020 or beyond...


The Green New Deal, renewed regulations, Medicare for All, free college, as well as the 70-90% tax rates proposed by Democrats, will tank the stock market and US economic growth, leading to higher unemployment and reduced wage gains. All these programs require higher taxes and not just the soak the rich fantasy of the 70-90% rates. Most of the Democratic candidates have pledged to roll back the 2017 Republican tax cuts that fueled the renewal of economic growth in the US.

Open borders will flood the US with poverty stricken immigrants and their competition for jobs will depress wages. The social welfare needs of the immigrants will skyrocket government expenditures. So while taxes receipts are falling due to slower economic growth rates, expenditures will be rising, leading to increased government debt and consequently higher interest rates. If the Federal Reserve tries to keep interest rates low to prevent a deepening recession, then the increase in the money supply and the expanding deficit will eventually destroy the value of the dollar. So much for my safe harbor in cash.
When the Democrats once again, start to cheat because their voter registrars must find those extra votes, I think it will be time to start hunting some liberal cheaters. When the empty ballots have a few holes in them along with the counter, then the Dimwitocraps might get the message that we are tired of their fucking games.

You gonna shoot them dumb ass?
Okay , moron, why is it that in Democrat held counties, the registrars always end up undercounting the ballots, when a Republican wins? Why do they end up finding in the trunk of their car just the right amount of ballots to turn the election to a win for a Democrat? Are you really that stupid? Dont answer that, you are. Again, back when I was younger, we used to line up traitors to the country in front of a firing squad, and yes, shot them dead.

So no answer about you shooting people. You spout a lot of crap that has been shown to be lies, but I guess that never bothered crazy right wingers before. What happened to Trump's commission that was going to show what you claim is true? What was their determination?
Obama came very close to completely fucking up this country to the point where it couldn't rebound. Thank god Trump stepped in and was able to undo some of the damage.

However, I think the next time we get a Democrat President this country will be too fucked up to ever get back on track. If (god forbid) we get a Democrat President and Democrat Congress then we will quickly turn into a socialist shithole and we are really fucked then.

I've read your posts. You're already fucked up. Seek counseling.

Says the stupid Moon Bat that wants this country to be a socialist shithole so he can get all that free stuff.

You have an opponent that doesn't exist. Your outrageous claims about what you think I want doesn't make them true, dumb ass,
This is a description of what we are looking at if the democrats win in 2020 or beyond...


The Green New Deal, renewed regulations, Medicare for All, free college, as well as the 70-90% tax rates proposed by Democrats, will tank the stock market and US economic growth, leading to higher unemployment and reduced wage gains. All these programs require higher taxes and not just the soak the rich fantasy of the 70-90% rates. Most of the Democratic candidates have pledged to roll back the 2017 Republican tax cuts that fueled the renewal of economic growth in the US.

Open borders will flood the US with poverty stricken immigrants and their competition for jobs will depress wages. The social welfare needs of the immigrants will skyrocket government expenditures. So while taxes receipts are falling due to slower economic growth rates, expenditures will be rising, leading to increased government debt and consequently higher interest rates. If the Federal Reserve tries to keep interest rates low to prevent a deepening recession, then the increase in the money supply and the expanding deficit will eventually destroy the value of the dollar. So much for my safe harbor in cash.
When the Democrats once again, start to cheat because their voter registrars must find those extra votes, I think it will be time to start hunting some liberal cheaters. When the empty ballots have a few holes in them along with the counter, then the Dimwitocraps might get the message that we are tired of their fucking games.

You gonna shoot them dumb ass?
Okay , moron, why is it that in Democrat held counties, the registrars always end up undercounting the ballots, when a Republican wins? Why do they end up finding in the trunk of their car just the right amount of ballots to turn the election to a win for a Democrat? Are you really that stupid? Dont answer that, you are. Again, back when I was younger, we used to line up traitors to the country in front of a firing squad, and yes, shot them dead.

So no answer about you shooting people. You spout a lot of crap that has been shown to be lies, but I guess that never bothered crazy right wingers before. What happened to Trump's commission that was going to show what you claim is true? What was their determination?
I beg to differ you twit, when Nadler and Schiff lied to you about Russian Collusion, why haven't you even bothered to ask, where did the Steele dossier come from? Why did the Hillary campaign collude with Russians to try to get dirt on then Candidate Trump? Want more proof that you are a stupid person, just look in the mirror.
right wing policies are unsustainable now


What is so funny is that the Dems now identify the big spending of the post 1998 GOP as "right wing."

There is "right wing" big spending and left wing big spending.

But there is no option to reduce or slow spending.....

and our debt keeps climbing as a result.
the right wing is for tax cut economics.
Why doesnt welfare ever get cut? Why do the libtards always threaten SS and Medicare that "supposedly" is going to go bankrupt, but welfare and Medicaid never seems to? Cut off all welfare, save 1 trillion dollars a year, put that towards the debt, in 15 years no debt, the most people working and for those who dont and want to steal other peoples stuff, when they are shot, no more worries.
right wing policies are unsustainable now


What is so funny is that the Dems now identify the big spending of the post 1998 GOP as "right wing."

There is "right wing" big spending and left wing big spending.

But there is no option to reduce or slow spending.....

and our debt keeps climbing as a result.
the right wing is for tax cut economics.
Why doesnt welfare ever get cut? Why do the libtards always threaten SS and Medicare that "supposedly" is going to go bankrupt, but welfare and Medicaid never seems to? Cut off all welfare, save 1 trillion dollars a year, put that towards the debt, in 15 years no debt, the most people working and for those who dont and want to steal other peoples stuff, when they are shot, no more worries.
there is no drug war clause. why is that never cut, right wingers.
We have yet to see the long term impacts of Trumps trade wars

Whoever follows Trump will bear the economic impacts
right wing policies are unsustainable now


What is so funny is that the Dems now identify the big spending of the post 1998 GOP as "right wing."

There is "right wing" big spending and left wing big spending.

But there is no option to reduce or slow spending.....

and our debt keeps climbing as a result.
the right wing is for tax cut economics.
Why doesnt welfare ever get cut? Why do the libtards always threaten SS and Medicare that "supposedly" is going to go bankrupt, but welfare and Medicaid never seems to? Cut off all welfare, save 1 trillion dollars a year, put that towards the debt, in 15 years no debt, the most people working and for those who dont and want to steal other peoples stuff, when they are shot, no more worries.
Why would you want people to lose their homes and starve?
This is a description of what we are looking at if the democrats win in 2020 or beyond...


The Green New Deal, renewed regulations, Medicare for All, free college, as well as the 70-90% tax rates proposed by Democrats, will tank the stock market and US economic growth, leading to higher unemployment and reduced wage gains. All these programs require higher taxes and not just the soak the rich fantasy of the 70-90% rates. Most of the Democratic candidates have pledged to roll back the 2017 Republican tax cuts that fueled the renewal of economic growth in the US.

Open borders will flood the US with poverty stricken immigrants and their competition for jobs will depress wages. The social welfare needs of the immigrants will skyrocket government expenditures. So while taxes receipts are falling due to slower economic growth rates, expenditures will be rising, leading to increased government debt and consequently higher interest rates. If the Federal Reserve tries to keep interest rates low to prevent a deepening recession, then the increase in the money supply and the expanding deficit will eventually destroy the value of the dollar. So much for my safe harbor in cash.
When the Democrats once again, start to cheat because their voter registrars must find those extra votes, I think it will be time to start hunting some liberal cheaters. When the empty ballots have a few holes in them along with the counter, then the Dimwitocraps might get the message that we are tired of their fucking games.

You gonna shoot them dumb ass?
Okay , moron, why is it that in Democrat held counties, the registrars always end up undercounting the ballots, when a Republican wins? Why do they end up finding in the trunk of their car just the right amount of ballots to turn the election to a win for a Democrat? Are you really that stupid? Dont answer that, you are. Again, back when I was younger, we used to line up traitors to the country in front of a firing squad, and yes, shot them dead.

So no answer about you shooting people. You spout a lot of crap that has been shown to be lies, but I guess that never bothered crazy right wingers before. What happened to Trump's commission that was going to show what you claim is true? What was their determination?
I beg to differ you twit, when Nadler and Schiff lied to you about Russian Collusion, why haven't you even bothered to ask, where did the Steele dossier come from? Why did the Hillary campaign collude with Russians to try to get dirt on then Candidate Trump? Want more proof that you are a stupid person, just look in the mirror.

Such absurd claims. I read the report that had lots of information about Trump's campaign having lots of contact with Russian agents. Obviously you didn't read it, and believe what right wing radio is saying. You really should get new material. You can't campaign against Hillary forever,

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