What happens if the democrats win...in 2020 or down the road? Economic disaster.

By the time the Democrats even win the White House, it will be 2028.
Trump will be re-elected in 2020 and Nikki Haley will be next in 2024. I am sure she will be re-elected another term until 2028.

By then, the so-called New Green Deal will be an afterthought :)

Wishful thinking. My wish is Trump loses 46 states and his opponent wins by over 6 million votes. As Lincoln said, "You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.
Stock Tip for Democrats:

If you think that your Party will win in 2020, then invest now in Coleman tents and camping gear.
Their ticker symbol is CLN.
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This is a description of what we are looking at if the democrats win in 2020 or beyond...


The Green New Deal, renewed regulations, Medicare for All, free college, as well as the 70-90% tax rates proposed by Democrats, will tank the stock market and US economic growth, leading to higher unemployment and reduced wage gains. All these programs require higher taxes and not just the soak the rich fantasy of the 70-90% rates. Most of the Democratic candidates have pledged to roll back the 2017 Republican tax cuts that fueled the renewal of economic growth in the US.

Open borders will flood the US with poverty stricken immigrants and their competition for jobs will depress wages. The social welfare needs of the immigrants will skyrocket government expenditures. So while taxes receipts are falling due to slower economic growth rates, expenditures will be rising, leading to increased government debt and consequently higher interest rates. If the Federal Reserve tries to keep interest rates low to prevent a deepening recession, then the increase in the money supply and the expanding deficit will eventually destroy the value of the dollar. So much for my safe harbor in cash.
When the Democrats once again, start to cheat because their voter registrars must find those extra votes, I think it will be time to start hunting some liberal cheaters. When the empty ballots have a few holes in them along with the counter, then the Dimwitocraps might get the message that we are tired of their fucking games.

You gonna shoot them dumb ass?
Okay , moron, why is it that in Democrat held counties, the registrars always end up undercounting the ballots, when a Republican wins? Why do they end up finding in the trunk of their car just the right amount of ballots to turn the election to a win for a Democrat? Are you really that stupid? Dont answer that, you are. Again, back when I was younger, we used to line up traitors to the country in front of a firing squad, and yes, shot them dead.
By the time the Democrats even win the White House, it will be 2028.
Trump will be re-elected in 2020 and Nikki Haley will be next in 2024. I am sure she will be re-elected another term until 2028.

By then, the so-called New Green Deal will be an afterthought :)

Wishful thinking. My wish is Trump loses 46 states and his opponent wins by over 6 million votes. As Lincoln said, "You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.
But you can fool a Democrat all the time, just say that you are for them and they believe.

By the time the Democrats even win the White House, it will be 2028.
Trump will be re-elected in 2020 and Nikki Haley will be next in 2024. I am sure she will be re-elected another term until 2028.

By then, the so-called New Green Deal will be an afterthought :)

Wishful thinking. My wish is Trump loses 46 states and his opponent wins by over 6 million votes. As Lincoln said, "You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.
But you can fool a Democrat all the time, just say that you are for them and they believe.


Carville was right.
But that was pre-Trump!
Wishful thinking. My wish is Trump loses 46 states and his opponent wins by over 6 million votes. As Lincoln said, "You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.

We will see in November 2020...won't we? I am sure you will be the fool. :)
This is a description of what we are looking at if the democrats win in 2020 or beyond...

American Thinker. If ever there was an oxymoron...

If the Democrats win, cats will lie down with dogs! Lions will become transgender vegans! Asteroids will smash into Kansas! Ebola! Ebola! Ebola!

Poor, poor, gay putin lover...There is no way in hell, that the Demonrats are going to win, their only hope went down the drain when Herr Mueller didnt know what was in "HIS" report. All the lame stream media were showing how feckless the Dims were and how they were lied to. Even the base is now going to not show up. I said it before and I will say it again, Landslide like President Reagan...And the libs will do this again.

This is a description of what we are looking at if the democrats win in 2020 or beyond...

American Thinker. If ever there was an oxymoron...

If the Democrats win, cats will lie down with dogs! Lions will become transgender vegans! Asteroids will smash into Kansas! Ebola! Ebola! Ebola!

Poor, poor, gay putin lover...There is no way in hell, that the Demonrats are going to win, their only hope went down the drain when Herr Mueller didnt know what was in "HIS" report. All the lame stream media were showing how feckless the Dims were and how they were lied to. Even the base is now going to not show up. I said it before and I will say it again, Landslide like President Reagan...And the libs will do this again.

Here's a Butthurt Flashback from 2012: Just How Bad Was It?
Stock Tip for Democrats:

If you think that your Party will win in 2020, then invest now in Coleman tents and camping gear.
Their ticker symbol is CLN.

With the tax breaks that Trump gave to the plutocrats in this country, and the bait-and-switch tax fraud that he pulled on the middle class, I think your advice is suggested for both Dems and Republicans.....

Especially those toothless, illiterate, non-college-educated, tattooed, trailer-trash whites that just love him.
By the time the Democrats even win the White House, it will be 2028.
Trump will be re-elected in 2020 and Nikki Haley will be next in 2024. I am sure she will be re-elected another term until 2028.

By then, the so-called New Green Deal will be an afterthought :)

Wishful thinking. My wish is Trump loses 46 states and his opponent wins by over 6 million votes. As Lincoln said, "You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.
But you can fool a Democrat all the time, just say that you are for them and they believe.

I'm not surprised you are stupid enough to bleev that's an actual quote by James Carville.
This is a description of what we are looking at if the democrats win in 2020 or beyond...


The Green New Deal, renewed regulations, Medicare for All, free college, as well as the 70-90% tax rates proposed by Democrats, will tank the stock market and US economic growth, leading to higher unemployment and reduced wage gains. All these programs require higher taxes and not just the soak the rich fantasy of the 70-90% rates. Most of the Democratic candidates have pledged to roll back the 2017 Republican tax cuts that fueled the renewal of economic growth in the US.

Open borders will flood the US with poverty stricken immigrants and their competition for jobs will depress wages. The social welfare needs of the immigrants will skyrocket government expenditures. So while taxes receipts are falling due to slower economic growth rates, expenditures will be rising, leading to increased government debt and consequently higher interest rates. If the Federal Reserve tries to keep interest rates low to prevent a deepening recession, then the increase in the money supply and the expanding deficit will eventually destroy the value of the dollar. So much for my safe harbor in cash.
There was no economic disaster under Obama
There was one under Bush
The country’s swirling the drain now, thanks to the two criminal gangs and the oligarchs. Too late to blame one party and stupid too.
By the time the Democrats even win the White House, it will be 2028.
Trump will be re-elected in 2020 and Nikki Haley will be next in 2024. I am sure she will be re-elected another term until 2028.

By then, the so-called New Green Deal will be an afterthought :)

Wishful thinking. My wish is Trump loses 46 states and his opponent wins by over 6 million votes. As Lincoln said, "You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.
But you can fool a Democrat all the time, just say that you are for them and they believe.

I'm not surprised you are stupid enough to bleev that's an actual quote by James Carville.

This is the kind of stuff that Russia is infusing into social media, KNOWING that tiny weak minds will take it as fact and not bother to verify.

It's how Trump got elected.
Obama came very close to completely fucking up this country to the point where it couldn't rebound. Thank god Trump stepped in and was able to undo some of the damage.

However, I think the next time we get a Democrat President this country will be too fucked up to ever get back on track. If (god forbid) we get a Democrat President and Democrat Congress then we will quickly turn into a socialist shithole and we are really fucked then.

I've read your posts. You're already fucked up. Seek counseling.

Says the stupid Moon Bat that wants this country to be a socialist shithole so he can get all that free stuff.
Stock Tip for Democrats:

If you think that your Party will win in 2020, then invest now in Coleman tents and camping gear.
Their ticker symbol is CLN.

With the tax breaks that Trump gave to the plutocrats in this country, and the bait-and-switch tax fraud that he pulled on the middle class, I think your advice is suggested for both Dems and Republicans.....

Especially those toothless, illiterate, non-college-educated, tattooed, trailer-trash whites that just love him.

Actually, I have an executive friend at Coleman that informed me that they have a UCL project in the planning stages.
They can have it in stores, at the earliest, 6 months after, if and when, a Dem President gets sworn in Jan. 2021.
UCL stands for Urban Camping Line.
By the time the Democrats even win the White House, it will be 2028.
Trump will be re-elected in 2020 and Nikki Haley will be next in 2024. I am sure she will be re-elected another term until 2028.

By then, the so-called New Green Deal will be an afterthought :)

Wishful thinking. My wish is Trump loses 46 states and his opponent wins by over 6 million votes. As Lincoln said, "You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.
But you can fool a Democrat all the time, just say that you are for them and they believe.


I'm not surprised you are stupid enough to bleev that's an actual quote by James Carville.
I am not surprised you are stupid enough not to bleev that's an actual quote, want another one showing how fucking stupid you guys are? Your elites think you are such stupid "Homer Simpsons", and guess what, you are, because you think they dont say this about you.


Shall I continue you fucking dumbass?
deutsche bank may take us all down before anyone else

Deutsche Bank is the bank Trump uses to launder money for Putin. Is that what you are referring to?
What the fuck?



Just Google " deutsche bank and trump money laundering for putin" and then stand back, it might be too much for your weak little mind to absorb.

You ain't gonna' see it on Fox, honey.
Or, you could provide some links backing up your psychotic tin-foil-hat claims.



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