What if Bernie wins in 2020?

What if Bernie Wins in 2020?

  • Total voters
Listen asshole.
Last weekend a very dear friend of mine passed away.
I did what I always do and used her picture as my av.
You being the lowlife cocksucker that you are called her hideous then called me a liar.
Call me whatever you want but you start insulting my friends we have an issue.
This is how things are now.
Every time you reply to a post of mine I’m gonna tell you to fuck off.
I’m telling you this because you obviously lack the intelligence to figure it out for yourself.
If you think I’m kidding, wait and see.


Is that clear enough for you to grasp you stupid motherfucker??!

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I'll gladly apologize. Post a link to the obit. Feel free to put me on ignore. Feel free to come to Boston and call me name to my face and see what happens. LOL

Triggered loser.

Go fuck yourself asshole.

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That’s what I thought. Lying loser

This is how things are now.
Every time you reply to a post of mine I’m gonna tell you to fuck off.

Go fuck yourself.

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LMaO. I broke Another Leftist. Love it.

Go fuck yourself.

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I'll gladly apologize. Post a link to the obit. Feel free to put me on ignore. Feel free to come to Boston and call me name to my face and see what happens. LOL

Triggered loser.

Go fuck yourself asshole.

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That’s what I thought. Lying loser

This is how things are now.
Every time you reply to a post of mine I’m gonna tell you to fuck off.

Go fuck yourself.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
LMaO. I broke Another Leftist. Love it.

Go fuck yourself.

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WHEN Bernie wins in 2020, people won’t be dying because they can’t afford health care.

WHEN Bernie wins in 2020 corporations will pay taxes.

WHEN Bernie wins in 2020 he will get the price of prescription drugs lowered so that everyone can afford them.

WHEN Bernie wins in 2020 I will treat republicans the same way they have treated us for the last three years.

To quote from the ever so wicked witch of the west wing: "Nobody likes Bernie". His underlings like Gulag reeducation camps and guillotines for us bourgeoisie. Go figure...
I won't vote for him but it would be hilarious to watch and I'm all about entertainment above serious politics.
It's something that a candidate like Bernie exists...unreal. it gives the nation hope that the nation is so diverse.
#1) Loss of market share is still loss of market share. As a public company their BOD would require change, aka safer vehicles. Gov't didn't need to step in.

Uh, guy, how many people have to die before they "change"? The government got them to do that recall THAT YEAR.

#2) Getting rid of the EC is fine but you cannot do it overnight as people already began campaigning. Want to do so in 2028? I am perfectly fine with that.

We could get rid of it right now. Simply have the state legislators sign on to the interstate compact.

#3) Stupid? Gladly compare resumes. Duke undergrad and NU grad. W

Nobody believes that, given the ignorance and immaturity you demonstrate here every day.

#4) Trans did impact me. I stated that numerous times on this board. Don't care what you do in your private life but when it impacts my kids in athletics, I do care. We all have prejudices. You hate Jews for example as is your right.

I don't hate Jews. I just don't beleive that we should put Zionism in front of America's interests. Shit, I've worked for Jews, I voted for Jewish candidates, I've had them as customers...

Moving right along.

Besides the fact that it is completely unlikely any child will encounter a trans athlete (they are, after all, only .3% of the population. In 58 years I think I've encountered maybe two trans people) . I also have no problem with excluding pre-operative trans people from athletics.

I find it kind of amusing that we are fighting over this, as most of these sports, certainly all the ones that girls participate in, no one really cares about. The only reason WHY it's an issue is because government requires colleges to give out scholarships under Title IX for girls they probably wouldn't otherwise. Left to the market forces, Colleges would only give out scholarships to boys who play

So you are upset that girls might have less of a chance get benefits the government mandates because of a government mandate that includes a small group. If we got rid of Title IX and girls no longer got scholarships for playing Volleyball, would anyone care?

#5) I want Gov't that stays the F*CK out of my business. It should be there for roads, bridges and military. Other than that let free markets reign.

Again, this is where you get confused. You want government that protects your privileges and perks... you just don't want one that protects those perks other people.

Lastly, the fact that you do not believe that I am entitled to my opinion because it is different from yours makes you a terrible Leftist. This is why I am glad you did not reproduce and that you're old so you won't be around much longer.

Your opinion doesn't count because you aren't terribly intelligent and have the temperament of a retarded five year old.
#1) Loss of market share is still loss of market share. As a public company their BOD would require change, aka safer vehicles. Gov't didn't need to step in.

Uh, guy, how many people have to die before they "change"? The government got them to do that recall THAT YEAR.

#2) Getting rid of the EC is fine but you cannot do it overnight as people already began campaigning. Want to do so in 2028? I am perfectly fine with that.

We could get rid of it right now. Simply have the state legislators sign on to the interstate compact.

#3) Stupid? Gladly compare resumes. Duke undergrad and NU grad. W

Nobody believes that, given the ignorance and immaturity you demonstrate here every day.

#4) Trans did impact me. I stated that numerous times on this board. Don't care what you do in your private life but when it impacts my kids in athletics, I do care. We all have prejudices. You hate Jews for example as is your right.

I don't hate Jews. I just don't beleive that we should put Zionism in front of America's interests. Shit, I've worked for Jews, I voted for Jewish candidates, I've had them as customers...

Moving right along.

Besides the fact that it is completely unlikely any child will encounter a trans athlete (they are, after all, only .3% of the population. In 58 years I think I've encountered maybe two trans people) . I also have no problem with excluding pre-operative trans people from athletics.

I find it kind of amusing that we are fighting over this, as most of these sports, certainly all the ones that girls participate in, no one really cares about. The only reason WHY it's an issue is because government requires colleges to give out scholarships under Title IX for girls they probably wouldn't otherwise. Left to the market forces, Colleges would only give out scholarships to boys who play

So you are upset that girls might have less of a chance get benefits the government mandates because of a government mandate that includes a small group. If we got rid of Title IX and girls no longer got scholarships for playing Volleyball, would anyone care?

#5) I want Gov't that stays the F*CK out of my business. It should be there for roads, bridges and military. Other than that let free markets reign.

Again, this is where you get confused. You want government that protects your privileges and perks... you just don't want one that protects those perks other people.

Lastly, the fact that you do not believe that I am entitled to my opinion because it is different from yours makes you a terrible Leftist. This is why I am glad you did not reproduce and that you're old so you won't be around much longer.

Your opinion doesn't count because you aren't terribly intelligent and have the temperament of a retarded five year old.
I am not terribly intelligent? Hmmmm...you have lost every debate to me. You do not deserve respect or even temperament and you’re too stupid to see that when we help Israel we actually help America.

What privileges and perks of mine does the Govt protect that it doesn’t protect for you? Do tell. This should be most interesting.

You fell for my trap, little man. “Your opinion doesn’t count”. No, it does. I am an American Citizen. If you went to a real school you would see that all opinions count.

Lastly, you cannot change rules as people have already begun campaigning. Want to change it for 2028, go ahead. Give all the parties plenty of time to gather their respective strategies and viable candidates as eliminating the EC would be a massive game changer.
If Commie Bernie wins he will appoint this as Sec of Education.

My thoughts are:

  • He tries to break up the big banks;
  • Taxes Wall St and corporate America at a much higher rate than what they are comfortable with;
  • Pushes Green New Deal Agenda;
  • Pushes UH;
  • Pushes for a two state solution in Israel and destroys those relations, making the Middle East that much more dangerous;
  • More regulations.
As a result the stock market drops significantly, corporate America pulls back on hiring and CAPEX, unemployment rises and this message board blows up (not literally).

I welcome your thoughts.

If enthusiasm is high enough to elect Sanders, it will also be high enough to flip the Senate, and create an even larger majority in the House.

The great Republican tax scam goes away. Which will be first order of business. At which point he presses Congress for an expansion, and shoring up bill for Social Security. Which cements the senior vote.

He then pushes for his main objective of a Medicare for all national health care system. If he has enough Democrats in the Senate, he can pass it with 51 votes.

It's hard to make predictions as to what happens after that, on the domestic side, but with companies no longer on the hook for trillions in health care coverage for their employees, it should create a GDP growth cycle for a few quarters.

Which will expand the following year, because of the trade tariffs completely lifted, and more products going across the Canada, and Mexico borders.

Big fossil fuel goes into a deep depression, because the Green New Deal gets a foothold, and all of Trumps deregulatory environmental policies go into the trash. We resign our commitment to the Paris Accord, and hear the whining and crying from the usual suspects.

Foreign policy is a question mark. I think he closely follows advice from the Pentagon, and his ambassadors, and has a more hands off approach in many areas, but Russia is going to face much harsher sanctions, while he eases tensions with Iran, and Iraq.

Saudi Arabia and Israel get some comeuppance coming their way.

After that, who knows.
I’d vote for Bernie over Trump in a second. He’s a good man. He has virtues and principles that don’t waiver. He’s been on the right side even when it was unpopular.

Plus it’d be amazing to see the first Jewish president.

Today, January 21st...
1924: Vladimir Lenin, who led the Russian Revolution (1917) and later served as the first head (1917–24) of the Soviet state, died. [ Discover the significant events of the Russian Revolution .]

....'else you could have voted for Bernie's mentor.

Condolences on today's memorial for Lenin......you dunce.

Bernie Sanders arrested for protesting segregation:
View attachment 301788

Donald Trump was fined by the government for discriminating against black residents.

Which one are you going to go with?
Wrong, Trump was not fined for discrimination against black residents. Total fake news.
My thoughts are:

  • He tries to break up the big banks;
  • Taxes Wall St and corporate America at a much higher rate than what they are comfortable with;
  • Pushes Green New Deal Agenda;
  • Pushes UH;
  • Pushes for a two state solution in Israel and destroys those relations, making the Middle East that much more dangerous;
  • More regulations.
As a result the stock market drops significantly, corporate America pulls back on hiring and CAPEX, unemployment rises and this message board blows up (not literally).

I welcome your thoughts.

If enthusiasm is high enough to elect Sanders, it will also be high enough to flip the Senate, and create an even larger majority in the House.

The great Republican tax scam goes away. Which will be first order of business. At which point he presses Congress for an expansion, and shoring up bill for Social Security. Which cements the senior vote.

He then pushes for his main objective of a Medicare for all national health care system. If he has enough Democrats in the Senate, he can pass it with 51 votes.

It's hard to make predictions as to what happens after that, on the domestic side, but with companies no longer on the hook for trillions in health care coverage for their employees, it should create a GDP growth cycle for a few quarters.

Which will expand the following year, because of the trade tariffs completely lifted, and more products going across the Canada, and Mexico borders.

Big fossil fuel goes into a deep depression, because the Green New Deal gets a foothold, and all of Trumps deregulatory environmental policies go into the trash. We resign our commitment to the Paris Accord, and hear the whining and crying from the usual suspects.

Foreign policy is a question mark. I think he closely follows advice from the Pentagon, and his ambassadors, and has a more hands off approach in many areas, but Russia is going to face much harsher sanctions, while he eases tensions with Iran, and Iraq.

Saudi Arabia and Israel get some comeuppance coming their way.

After that, who knows.

Love it. Another Leftists showing his Jew hate. Thank you for making my point. People like you are ruining this country.
My thoughts are:

  • He tries to break up the big banks;
  • Taxes Wall St and corporate America at a much higher rate than what they are comfortable with;
  • Pushes Green New Deal Agenda;
  • Pushes UH;
  • Pushes for a two state solution in Israel and destroys those relations, making the Middle East that much more dangerous;
  • More regulations.
As a result the stock market drops significantly, corporate America pulls back on hiring and CAPEX, unemployment rises and this message board blows up (not literally).

I welcome your thoughts.

If enthusiasm is high enough to elect Sanders, it will also be high enough to flip the Senate, and create an even larger majority in the House.

The great Republican tax scam goes away. Which will be first order of business. At which point he presses Congress for an expansion, and shoring up bill for Social Security. Which cements the senior vote.

He then pushes for his main objective of a Medicare for all national health care system. If he has enough Democrats in the Senate, he can pass it with 51 votes.

It's hard to make predictions as to what happens after that, on the domestic side, but with companies no longer on the hook for trillions in health care coverage for their employees, it should create a GDP growth cycle for a few quarters.

Which will expand the following year, because of the trade tariffs completely lifted, and more products going across the Canada, and Mexico borders.

Big fossil fuel goes into a deep depression, because the Green New Deal gets a foothold, and all of Trumps deregulatory environmental policies go into the trash. We resign our commitment to the Paris Accord, and hear the whining and crying from the usual suspects.

Foreign policy is a question mark. I think he closely follows advice from the Pentagon, and his ambassadors, and has a more hands off approach in many areas, but Russia is going to face much harsher sanctions, while he eases tensions with Iran, and Iraq.

Saudi Arabia and Israel get some comeuppance coming their way.

After that, who knows.

Love it. Another Leftists showing his Jew hate. Thank you for making my point. People like you are ruining this country.

You read that response, and from it ascertained Jew hate?

That's mind like a steel trap you got there pal.
I’d vote for Bernie over Trump in a second. He’s a good man. He has virtues and principles that don’t waiver. He’s been on the right side even when it was unpopular.

Plus it’d be amazing to see the first Jewish president.

Today, January 21st...
1924: Vladimir Lenin, who led the Russian Revolution (1917) and later served as the first head (1917–24) of the Soviet state, died. [ Discover the significant events of the Russian Revolution .]

....'else you could have voted for Bernie's mentor.

Condolences on today's memorial for Lenin......you dunce.

Bernie Sanders arrested for protesting segregation:
View attachment 301788

Donald Trump was fined by the government for discriminating against black residents.

Which one are you going to go with?
Wrong, Trump was not fined for discrimination against black residents. Total fake news.
Sure he was. It was a while ago. They used to put little "c" on the corner of the applications of black people so they knew which ones they would throw in the trash.
I’d vote for Bernie over Trump in a second. He’s a good man. He has virtues and principles that don’t waiver. He’s been on the right side even when it was unpopular.

Plus it’d be amazing to see the first Jewish president.

Today, January 21st...
1924: Vladimir Lenin, who led the Russian Revolution (1917) and later served as the first head (1917–24) of the Soviet state, died. [ Discover the significant events of the Russian Revolution .]

....'else you could have voted for Bernie's mentor.

Condolences on today's memorial for Lenin......you dunce.

Bernie Sanders arrested for protesting segregation:
View attachment 301788

Donald Trump was fined by the government for discriminating against black residents.

Which one are you going to go with?
Wrong, Trump was not fined for discrimination against black residents. Total fake news.
Sure he was. It was a while ago. They used to put little "c" on the corner of the applications of black people so they knew which ones they would throw in the trash.

Every builder was sued.
Guess what happened.

"It is true that there was no legal decision about whether or not the Trump Management Corporation did engage in discriminatory practices. It is also true that the case was part of something bigger."
Trump's 1973 Discrimination Case Was Part of Larger Case

What's amusing is that they were all sued by the Democrat who blocked every anti-lynching bill to get to Congress.....LbJ.
I’d vote for Bernie over Trump in a second. He’s a good man. He has virtues and principles that don’t waiver. He’s been on the right side even when it was unpopular.

Plus it’d be amazing to see the first Jewish president.

Today, January 21st...
1924: Vladimir Lenin, who led the Russian Revolution (1917) and later served as the first head (1917–24) of the Soviet state, died. [ Discover the significant events of the Russian Revolution .]

....'else you could have voted for Bernie's mentor.

Condolences on today's memorial for Lenin......you dunce.

Bernie Sanders arrested for protesting segregation:
View attachment 301788

Donald Trump was fined by the government for discriminating against black residents.

Which one are you going to go with?
Wrong, Trump was not fined for discrimination against black residents. Total fake news.
Sure he was. It was a while ago. They used to put little "c" on the corner of the applications of black people so they knew which ones they would throw in the trash.
This is an allegation, not a fact. If it there was any evidence that this was not just an allegation, you would be able to link to it.
I’d vote for Bernie over Trump in a second. He’s a good man. He has virtues and principles that don’t waiver. He’s been on the right side even when it was unpopular.

Plus it’d be amazing to see the first Jewish president.

Today, January 21st...
1924: Vladimir Lenin, who led the Russian Revolution (1917) and later served as the first head (1917–24) of the Soviet state, died. [ Discover the significant events of the Russian Revolution .]

....'else you could have voted for Bernie's mentor.

Condolences on today's memorial for Lenin......you dunce.

Bernie Sanders arrested for protesting segregation:
View attachment 301788

Donald Trump was fined by the government for discriminating against black residents.

Which one are you going to go with?
Wrong, Trump was not fined for discrimination against black residents. Total fake news.
Sure he was. It was a while ago. They used to put little "c" on the corner of the applications of black people so they knew which ones they would throw in the trash.
When this case was dismissed, the court labeled all this crap as allegations. Here, read the wording from the court:

"It is hereby ORDERED, ADJUDGED and DECREED that in
consideration of their affirmative assumption of responsibility
contained in part III herein, the complaint against Fred C.
Trump and Donald J. Trump is dismissed against them in their
personal capacity, with prejudice, as to all allegations
contained therein, and predating this Order."

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