What if Bernie wins in 2020?

What if Bernie Wins in 2020?

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I’m pro free market too but we have a scam/racket market that benefits the 1%, while harming the rest of us.

The stinking criminal government is going to spend trillions annually. Why not help the majority of Americans, rather than just the wealthy?

Nope. If I am selling my car I will get the best price. If I overprice I won't see, if I under price I will make less than I could have. Free markets. Nothing to do with some imaginary 1% and the 1% doesn't stay static, people constantly move in and out of it.
LOL. That certainly doesn’t apply to HC.
That’s exactly how LASIK worked. Insurance didn’t cover so at first it was very pricey and then more and more doctors entered the marketplace and now it’s very affordable. How do you explain that? May I ask what you do or did for work?
You are skirting around the issue and you know it. Please stop.
That is how I feel about you. Free markets works.
Of course they work. Our HC system isn’t a free market. Agreed?
I disagree.

I believe healthcare should be a free markets system not UH. I believe anything privatized is better than if it is run by the Gov't. Socialism goes directly against that. I am not sure why you're using ad Hominems but whatever floats your boat, Crep.
Wrong. Our HC system is far from a free market. It is a perfect example of corruption and cronyism. WTF!

I agree. I want it to be free market. It is not.
Unfortunately, the only way to fix this scam of a HC system is take out the profit motive. Just put all Americans on Medicare.

The Koch Brothers study proved it would be cheaper to go full government run, rather than continue this farce and scam that harms millions of Americans. Makes sense when you realize the absurd costs of this absurd system.

Also for the first time in our history, American’s life spans are shortening. This might be a good indication that our HC system is failing.

We could just make Health Care insurance illegal, then let the free market take over and see what happens!
Illegal? How would you possibly achieve that?
By executive order, like he does everything else.
My thoughts are:

  • He tries to break up the big banks;
  • Taxes Wall St and corporate America at a much higher rate than what they are comfortable with;
  • Pushes Green New Deal Agenda;
  • Pushes UH;
  • Pushes for a two state solution in Israel and destroys those relations, making the Middle East that much more dangerous;
  • More regulations.
As a result the stock market drops significantly, corporate America pulls back on hiring and CAPEX, unemployment rises and this message board blows up (not literally).

I welcome your thoughts.
better have some gold and silver stashed away. what most people dont understand about Bernie is that he's a radical communist full tilt ! and if the public voted him in it would be such a radical ideological shift that the left would also take control of both houses of congress ....i cant imagine Bernie winning and one or both houses go republican . it would be the of the end of this country as we know it !
My thoughts are:

  • He tries to break up the big banks;
  • Taxes Wall St and corporate America at a much higher rate than what they are comfortable with;
  • Pushes Green New Deal Agenda;
  • Pushes UH;
  • Pushes for a two state solution in Israel and destroys those relations, making the Middle East that much more dangerous;
  • More regulations.
As a result the stock market drops significantly, corporate America pulls back on hiring and CAPEX, unemployment rises and this message board blows up (not literally).

I welcome your thoughts.
better have some gold and silver stashed away. what most people dont understand about Bernie is that he's a radical communist full tilt ! and if the public voted him in it would be such a radical ideological shift that the left would also take control of both houses of congress ....i cant imagine Bernie winning and one or both houses go republican . it would be the of the end of this country as we know it !
Drama Queen. I thought you kooks said Ears would end the country.
I’m pro free market too but we have a scam/racket market that benefits the 1%, while harming the rest of us.

The stinking criminal government is going to spend trillions annually. Why not help the majority of Americans, rather than just the wealthy?

Nope. If I am selling my car I will get the best price. If I overprice I won't see, if I under price I will make less than I could have. Free markets. Nothing to do with some imaginary 1% and the 1% doesn't stay static, people constantly move in and out of it.
LOL. That certainly doesn’t apply to HC.
That’s exactly how LASIK worked. Insurance didn’t cover so at first it was very pricey and then more and more doctors entered the marketplace and now it’s very affordable. How do you explain that? May I ask what you do or did for work?
You are skirting around the issue and you know it. Please stop.
That is how I feel about you. Free markets works.
You believe this still applies.

No Medicare and Medicaid. Americans had a free-market healthcare system, one in which there was no government involvement. The result was the finest healthcare system in the world, one in which healthcare prices were low and stable, innovations were soaring, doctors loved what they did in life, and the poor were receiving free healthcare services from doctors and hospitals.
Nope. If I am selling my car I will get the best price. If I overprice I won't see, if I under price I will make less than I could have. Free markets. Nothing to do with some imaginary 1% and the 1% doesn't stay static, people constantly move in and out of it.
LOL. That certainly doesn’t apply to HC.
That’s exactly how LASIK worked. Insurance didn’t cover so at first it was very pricey and then more and more doctors entered the marketplace and now it’s very affordable. How do you explain that? May I ask what you do or did for work?
You are skirting around the issue and you know it. Please stop.
That is how I feel about you. Free markets works.
You believe this still applies.

No Medicare and Medicaid. Americans had a free-market healthcare system, one in which there was no government involvement. The result was the finest healthcare system in the world, one in which healthcare prices were low and stable, innovations were soaring, doctors loved what they did in life, and the poor were receiving free healthcare services from doctors and hospitals.
One way conversations don’t work.
I think Bernie would be bridled some by the party being spit, with moderates vs progressives.... Do not see him ever having full control, lock step Dems, like Trump`s bullying did to all republicans.

We'll be okay, and will survive.....
LOL. That certainly doesn’t apply to HC.
That’s exactly how LASIK worked. Insurance didn’t cover so at first it was very pricey and then more and more doctors entered the marketplace and now it’s very affordable. How do you explain that? May I ask what you do or did for work?
You are skirting around the issue and you know it. Please stop.
That is how I feel about you. Free markets works.
You believe this still applies.

No Medicare and Medicaid. Americans had a free-market healthcare system, one in which there was no government involvement. The result was the finest healthcare system in the world, one in which healthcare prices were low and stable, innovations were soaring, doctors loved what they did in life, and the poor were receiving free healthcare services from doctors and hospitals.
One way conversations don’t work.
That depends.
My thoughts are:

  • He tries to break up the big banks;
  • Taxes Wall St and corporate America at a much higher rate than what they are comfortable with;
  • Pushes Green New Deal Agenda;
  • Pushes UH;
  • Pushes for a two state solution in Israel and destroys those relations, making the Middle East that much more dangerous;
  • More regulations.
As a result the stock market drops significantly, corporate America pulls back on hiring and CAPEX, unemployment rises and this message board blows up (not literally).

I welcome your thoughts.
If he provides Americans with a cheap good health care service, and cheap higher education, cut the military budget, taxes the rich more and put more restrictions on guns I'm rooting for him.
He won't win because the elections are rigged, those who put trump the first time they will keep him for a second term. The elections are useless.
My thoughts are:

  • He tries to break up the big banks;
  • Taxes Wall St and corporate America at a much higher rate than what they are comfortable with;
  • Pushes Green New Deal Agenda;
  • Pushes UH;
  • Pushes for a two state solution in Israel and destroys those relations, making the Middle East that much more dangerous;
  • More regulations.
As a result the stock market drops significantly, corporate America pulls back on hiring and CAPEX, unemployment rises and this message board blows up (not literally).

I welcome your thoughts.
better have some gold and silver stashed away. what most people dont understand about Bernie is that he's a radical communist full tilt ! and if the public voted him in it would be such a radical ideological shift that the left would also take control of both houses of congress ....i cant imagine Bernie winning and one or both houses go republican . it would be the of the end of this country as we know it !
Drama Queen. I thought you kooks said Ears would end the country.
get job hippie ...
My thoughts are:

  • He tries to break up the big banks;
  • Taxes Wall St and corporate America at a much higher rate than what they are comfortable with;
  • Pushes Green New Deal Agenda;
  • Pushes UH;
  • Pushes for a two state solution in Israel and destroys those relations, making the Middle East that much more dangerous;
  • More regulations.
As a result the stock market drops significantly, corporate America pulls back on hiring and CAPEX, unemployment rises and this message board blows up (not literally).

I welcome your thoughts.
If he provides Americans with a cheap good health care service, and cheap higher education, cut the military budget, taxes the rich more and put more restrictions on guns I'm rooting for him.
He won't win because the elections are rigged, those who put trump the first time they will keep him for a second term. The elections are useless.

They have to be paid for. Cheap for some, more expensive for others.
My thoughts are:

  • He tries to break up the big banks;
  • Taxes Wall St and corporate America at a much higher rate than what they are comfortable with;
  • Pushes Green New Deal Agenda;
  • Pushes UH;
  • Pushes for a two state solution in Israel and destroys those relations, making the Middle East that much more dangerous;
  • More regulations.
As a result the stock market drops significantly, corporate America pulls back on hiring and CAPEX, unemployment rises and this message board blows up (not literally).

I welcome your thoughts.
Keep in mind that good ole Bernie was an actual card carrying member of the Communist party and only changed his political title to "Democratic Socialist" to get votes. His field operatives are openly admitting to creating gulags and re-education camps for those who do not support the party. When the Democratic Socialist party has their meetings, they introduce themselves as, "comrade." That's a common name for Communist party members.
We spent a couple of centuries trying to build up a nation that has been a beacon of individual liberty, with millions fleeing oppressive religious, military, socialist and communist regimes, only to not pay attention and see the potential oppressive regime rise up among us.
"DEMOCRATIC People's Republic of North Korea."
"PEOPLES Republic of China."
"SOCIALIST Republic of Vietnam."
"While now an Oligarchy, Russia was, "Union of Soviet SOCIALISTS Republic."
Nazi Germany was: "National SOCIALIST German Workers Party."
"Lao People's DEMOCRATIC Republic."
Vladimir Lenin once said, "Democracy is necessary for Socialism to win."
Once you convince the naïve public to choose Socialism, there is no turning back and the oppressions begin.
The MSM has been predicting a recession since Trump got elected. Eventually they will be right, but not this time. Barring something coming out of left field(like one of the Socialists getting elected), the economy is on VERY good footing. You guys lap up the negative stuff CNN and MSNBC and the WaPo feed you because it is what you WANT to happen. The numbers don't bear it out...not at all.

No, it really isn't. I work in manufacturing, they are already in a recession. it's going to spread to the rest of the economy soon enough. I guess the dream scenario for you is Trump gets voted out and then the recession hits, and you guys can try to claim they are related.
I was a liberal idiot when I was 18. I did not understand taxation fully or the advantages of free markets. 18 and 22 year olds should be liberals. But 30 year olds? It gets tricky. There they should move to becoming an Independent. At 39 I am still an Independent and I support many Liberal policies. I just Dislike the Progressive Left. To me they are as bad as the Alt Right. Unfortunately the progressive left runs the Democrat party now. If the moderates ran it then Trump would have never won. You reap what you sow.

Has it occured to you that most people are starting to realize what a shit sandwich "Free markets" are for most of us? Free markets means the rich abusing the rest of us. Hard Pass, these kids are saying, and you really can't blame them. No one wants to end up like their parents.

If the GOP nominated a moderate, he'd have won the popular vote and we wouldn't have, "Crazy Tweet of the week".
I was a liberal idiot when I was 18. I did not understand taxation fully or the advantages of free markets. 18 and 22 year olds should be liberals. But 30 year olds? It gets tricky. There they should move to becoming an Independent. At 39 I am still an Independent and I support many Liberal policies. I just Dislike the Progressive Left. To me they are as bad as the Alt Right. Unfortunately the progressive left runs the Democrat party now. If the moderates ran it then Trump would have never won. You reap what you sow.

Has it occured to you that most people are starting to realize what a shit sandwich "Free markets" are for most of us? Free markets means the rich abusing the rest of us. Hard Pass, these kids are saying, and you really can't blame them. No one wants to end up like their parents.

If the GOP nominated a moderate, he'd have won the popular vote and we wouldn't have, "Crazy Tweet of the week".

Just because you are a loser and need to steal the money of other Americans in your attempts to avoid work, does not mean "most people" feel that way.

Free markets are the greatest invention humans have made, even greater than wheel. USA is the country of liberty, country that embraces the free markets wherever possible.
The MSM has been predicting a recession since Trump got elected. Eventually they will be right, but not this time. Barring something coming out of left field(like one of the Socialists getting elected), the economy is on VERY good footing. You guys lap up the negative stuff CNN and MSNBC and the WaPo feed you because it is what you WANT to happen. The numbers don't bear it out...not at all.

No, it really isn't. I work in manufacturing, they are already in a recession. it's going to spread to the rest of the economy soon enough. I guess the dream scenario for you is Trump gets voted out and then the recession hits, and you guys can try to claim they are related.

Lets make a friendly bet. If Trump wins, barring something out of left field(world wide virus, huge terrorist attack, etc.), the economy will remain strong and continue to steadlily rise until at least June of 2021. If one of the Democrats gets elected, barring the same stuff coming out of left field, the economy will be in a downfall by June of 2021. Of course, what is lilkely to happen is that Trump will win and you guys will continue your "we are headed for a recession" diatribe until it actually happens. In the unlikely event that our country really is dumb enough to elect one of the looney left, and the economy tanks, you guys will blame it on Trump.

Here is the thing. You would be lucky to find any real economist who does not have something to gain from his/her "opinion" that believes the policies of Sanders, Warren, etc. will do anything but hurt the economy. Private sector economists overwhemingly agree that it would be a disaster. Those working in academia(democrats) or the public sector want so much for their side to be elected that they will flat out lie and even go as far as to convince themselves that it will be ok, when deep down, they know it isn't.
Just because you are a loser and need to steal the money of other Americans in your attempts to avoid work, does not mean "most people" feel that way.

Free markets are the greatest invention humans have made, even greater than wheel. USA is the country of liberty, country that embraces the free markets wherever possible.

Okay, let's look at that.


The Bottom 40% of the population controls 0.6% of the wealth. The free market is a shit sandwich for them. Most of them are one paycheck from being broke. Preyed on by predatory payday lenders.

The middle 20 controls maybe four percent of the wealth. They are pretty much eating a shit sandwich, too.

The next 20% (where my income puts me) controls less than 10% of the wealth. We are doing okay, but frankly, not great. Maybe some mustard on that shit sandwich

Then you have the top 20%. They control nearly 90% of the wealth and growing... The top 1% controls 43% of the wealth. Yes, they are doing well.
Lets make a friendly bet. If Trump wins, barring something out of left field(world wide virus, huge terrorist attack, etc.), the economy will remain strong and continue to steadlily rise until at least June of 2021. If one of the Democrats gets elected, barring the same stuff coming out of left field, the economy will be in a downfall by June of 2021. Of course, what is lilkely to happen is that Trump will win and you guys will continue your "we are headed for a recession" diatribe until it actually happens. In the unlikely event that our country really is dumb enough to elect one of the looney left, and the economy tanks, you guys will blame it on Trump.

Again, we'd blame it on Trump because we are ALREADY heading into a recession now. It's not "going strong".

The real problem- and I know you don't get this- is that Trump is doing all the shit we do during a recession to keep the economy going. So when the recession does hit, the Fed won't really have anything to combat it.

If the economy was doing great, they'd be increasing interest rates, not cutting them.

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