What if Glenn Beck is Actually Mentally Retarded?

what's wrong with bill maher

What "I" find "wrong" with him is that he went from a rather inciteful, funny guy to a raving lunatic.. EXAMPLE:

"Does anybody doubt that if [Clinton] had been president when [Katrina] hit, the people, you know, the actual people of New Orleans, would have been better off? I mean, he would have first of all, that's okay. First of all, he would have read about it before it happened. You know, fag stuff. He would have been down there before it happened. He would have not slept for a week. He would have stayed up working on it. That's who he was."

Dumfuck quote of the millenium.
what's wrong with bill maher

What "I" find "wrong" with him is that he went from a rather inciteful, funny guy to a raving lunatic.. EXAMPLE:

"Does anybody doubt that if [Clinton] had been president when [Katrina] hit, the people, you know, the actual people of New Orleans, would have been better off? I mean, he would have first of all, that's okay. First of all, he would have read about it before it happened. You know, fag stuff. He would have been down there before it happened. He would have not slept for a week. He would have stayed up working on it. That's who he was."

Dumfuck quote of the millenium.

well he's right bill would have been on it all night. he was one of the hardest working presidents. it would have been handled differently and better under clinton. the only thing i find weird is the fag stuff comment
the only thing i find weird is the fag stuff comment

The whole thing is retarded.. pure conjecture. But then there is the notion that Clinton would have read about it before it hapenned.

BTW - Visited the Clinton Center in LR this weekend... wierd stuff. Looked like a giant double-wide trailer. Good Panini sandwiches though.
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Shit Dimbulb/No Logic, you've been speaking out for Blech, even though that fucker lies like a rug.

But then again, I'd figure as much from an all hat/no cattle type such as yourself.

Beck offers opinion and uses facts to support his position, you can disagree with him but that netiher makes him wrong or a liar. Now if you can dispute the facts he presents I'd be willing to listen. But until then, I'll consider you nothing but a gaybikershithead troll.

Really? Then please explain this clip of him on the View. Now, the thing that he lied about was something OF NO CONSEQUENCE so therefore, he shouldn't have lied, but he did, because it drove up his ratings on tv and radio.

Now.............just like conservatives (the family values people), tell us that if someone cheats on their spouse, they're likely to cheat on other things as well, which is why when politicians get involved in sex scandals, they lose a lot of credibility.

So, if Blech is willing to lie about this petty shit, what makes you think he's telling the truth on the important things?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-uHCxcHT_dk]YouTube - Glenn Beck vs The View (part 1)[/ame]

They never let Beck offer an explanation.
Oh, and Fox lies

Got an example?

You are kidding right?
Yeah, FOX lied about Rather and CBS news. That must be why CBS threw Rather under the bus.
FOX lied about Charley Rangel. That must be why the DNC is now throwing him under the bus.
FOX lied about Reverend Wright. That must be why Obama threw him under the bus.
FOX lied about Van Jones. That must be why Obama threw him under the bus.
FOX lied about ACORN. That must be why ACORN is on the ropes. Must be why The Fed's threw them under the bus. Must be why the Census Beureau threw them under the bus. Must be why BofA threw them under the bus. Must be why the american people, save for the far left liberal morons, are throwing them under the bus.
FOX is lying about Kevin Jennings, that must be why Obama will soon be throwing him under the bus.

FOX news is telling the truth in exposing these dirtbags. And that just drives you liberal loons friggin' bonkers!. GOOD!
Deal with it!...The exposures have only just begun!
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LewRockwell.com? No agenda there, huh? Next time try Democratic Socialists of America...you probably could get some good stories there. :cuckoo:

Where there any lies in that link? Agenda or not, where the quotes true?

The way it was formatted, it's a tough call, Zona.
You, and Eric can't say for any cetainty either looking at Eric's source. It needs to be put into context, not just snippets. Eric is pretty young, and I will give him a pass, but you Zona? No way
The way it was formatted, it's a tough call, Zona.
You, and Eric can't say for any cetainty either looking at Eric's source. It needs to be put into context, not just snippets. Eric is pretty young, and I will give him a pass, but you Zona? No way

Heck, Snippets would be an improvement to what he's provided. He just says so and so lied about such and such on this date. No quote, no snippet, no evidence of intentional deciet or that no one else was reporting the same exact thing. He gives us nothing.
The way it was formatted, it's a tough call, Zona.
You, and Eric can't say for any cetainty either looking at Eric's source. It needs to be put into context, not just snippets. Eric is pretty young, and I will give him a pass, but you Zona? No way

Heck, Snippets would be an improvement to what he's provided. He just says so and so lied about such and such on this date. No quote, no snippet, no evidence of intentional deciet or that no one else was reporting the same exact thing. He gives us nothing.

link please. :)

OH and fox (Hannity) ies.

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The way it was formatted, it's a tough call, Zona.
You, and Eric can't say for any cetainty either looking at Eric's source. It needs to be put into context, not just snippets. Eric is pretty young, and I will give him a pass, but you Zona? No way

Heck, Snippets would be an improvement to what he's provided. He just says so and so lied about such and such on this date. No quote, no snippet, no evidence of intentional deciet or that no one else was reporting the same exact thing. He gives us nothing.

link please. :)

OH and fox (Hannity) ies.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sc4l4pBTDm8]YouTube - Sean Hannity Lies and Distorts Obama's Comment Regarding Insurance Execs[/ame]

That's the comment that I've come to expect out of you Zona. :doubt:

Did you watch the clip? :eusa_liar:
Zona.....no I didn't, it really makes no difference to me. You bring up one, and I don't know the context in which it was said. But, having said that...how many times has Hannity been on the radio and TV? How many reports has he done? You show one where he misstated, and that is the one you hang your hat on? Give me a break. We could say the same with MSNBC, but I sure won't go there. Have a good day.

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