What if Glenn Beck is Actually Mentally Retarded?

The way it was formatted, it's a tough call, Zona.
You, and Eric can't say for any cetainty either looking at Eric's source. It needs to be put into context, not just snippets. Eric is pretty young, and I will give him a pass, but you Zona? No way

Heck, Snippets would be an improvement to what he's provided. He just says so and so lied about such and such on this date. No quote, no snippet, no evidence of intentional deciet or that no one else was reporting the same exact thing. He gives us nothing.
Things didn't work out on this thread for him either.


LewRockwell.com? No agenda there, huh? Next time try Democratic Socialists of America...you probably could get some good stories there. :cuckoo:
Wow. You're not familiar with Lew Rockwell, the staunch libertarian, I can see.

I see you finally came out of the thread bashing Ca. Girl.
Did you look at the source supplied by Eric? Doesn't look all that believable to me, but I know those on the left will use it like it was a Bible.
LewRockwell.com? No agenda there, huh? Next time try Democratic Socialists of America...you probably could get some good stories there. :cuckoo:
Wow. You're not familiar with Lew Rockwell, the staunch libertarian, I can see.

I see you finally came out of the thread bashing Ca. Girl.
Did you look at the source supplied by Eric? Doesn't look all that believable to me, but I know those on the left will use it like it was a Bible.
1st: What the hell are you talking about? I had 4 minor posts in that stupid thread of over 700.
What...are you one of her groupies?

2nd: You bashed Lew Rockwell. He's quite well know for being a staunch libertarian. What your inference to that his site being akin to Democratic Socialists is I'll never know. Lew Rockwell libertarians despise democrats and socialism.
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Shit Dimbulb/No Logic, you've been speaking out for Blech, even though that fucker lies like a rug.

But then again, I'd figure as much from an all hat/no cattle type such as yourself.

Beck offers opinion and uses facts to support his position, you can disagree with him but that netiher makes him wrong or a liar. Now if you can dispute the facts he presents I'd be willing to listen. But until then, I'll consider you nothing but a gaybikershithead troll.

Really? Then please explain this clip of him on the View. Now, the thing that he lied about was something OF NO CONSEQUENCE so therefore, he shouldn't have lied, but he did, because it drove up his ratings on tv and radio.

Now.............just like conservatives (the family values people), tell us that if someone cheats on their spouse, they're likely to cheat on other things as well, which is why when politicians get involved in sex scandals, they lose a lot of credibility.

So, if Blech is willing to lie about this petty shit, what makes you think he's telling the truth on the important things?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-uHCxcHT_dk]YouTube - Glenn Beck vs The View (part 1)[/ame]
Sorry clown
Glenn Beck - Pop Culture - Stu's 2 minute investigation
Glenn Beck - Pop Culture - Even More Proof!
Wow. You're not familiar with Lew Rockwell, the staunch libertarian, I can see.

I see you finally came out of the thread bashing Ca. Girl.
Did you look at the source supplied by Eric? Doesn't look all that believable to me, but I know those on the left will use it like it was a Bible.
1st: What the hell are you talking about? I had 4 minor posts in that stupid thread of over 700.
What...are you one of her groupies?

2nd: You bashed Lew Rockwell. He's quite well know for being a staunch libertarian. What your inference to that his site being akin to Democratic Socialists is I'll never know. Lew Rockwell libertarians despise democrats and socialism.

I see you didn't hook up to the link that Eric supplied. The reason I "akinned" the two sites was because if Eric is going to believe that crap he supplied in the context it was given, he would also believe the crap on the Democratic American Socialist site.

I'm no groupie of anyone, But, I did notice your mob mentality with your stupid posts on the thread, Paper. It was noticed by others than just me, by the way.
I wouldn't go so far as to call the man mentally retarded... but I do think he's an onion and a slice of tomato short of a cheesburger.

The man pretends to be looking out for the American People, then turns around and defends the Establishment. I don't trust any of the egomaniacs on TV seeking attention.
I see you finally came out of the thread bashing Ca. Girl.
Did you look at the source supplied by Eric? Doesn't look all that believable to me, but I know those on the left will use it like it was a Bible.
1st: What the hell are you talking about? I had 4 minor posts in that stupid thread of over 700.
What...are you one of her groupies?

2nd: You bashed Lew Rockwell. He's quite well know for being a staunch libertarian. What your inference to that his site being akin to Democratic Socialists is I'll never know. Lew Rockwell libertarians despise democrats and socialism.

I see you didn't hook up to the link that Eric supplied. The reason I "akinned" the two sites was because if Eric is going to believe that crap he supplied in the context it was given, he would also believe the crap on the Democratic American Socialist site.

I'm no groupie of anyone, But, I did notice your mob mentality with your stupid posts on the thread, Paper. It was noticed by others than just me, by the way.
OK. Perhaps you can tell me in my 4 measly posts there what was so noticeable by everyone exactly what was so gang mentality that I contributed.

I addressed G-girl ONCE in that thread - and that was after she referred to a friend a mine, jillian, as a no smarter than a "plank of wood" and an idiot.

Blow it out your corkhole you humping, lying SOB.
1st: What the hell are you talking about? I had 4 minor posts in that stupid thread of over 700.
What...are you one of her groupies?

2nd: You bashed Lew Rockwell. He's quite well know for being a staunch libertarian. What your inference to that his site being akin to Democratic Socialists is I'll never know. Lew Rockwell libertarians despise democrats and socialism.

I see you didn't hook up to the link that Eric supplied. The reason I "akinned" the two sites was because if Eric is going to believe that crap he supplied in the context it was given, he would also believe the crap on the Democratic American Socialist site.

I'm no groupie of anyone, But, I did notice your mob mentality with your stupid posts on the thread, Paper. It was noticed by others than just me, by the way.
OK. Perhaps you can tell me in my 4 measly posts there what was so noticeable by everyone exactly what was so gang mentality that I contributed.

I addressed G-girl ONCE in that thread - and that was after she referred to a friend a mine, jillian, as a no smarter than a "plank of wood" and an idiot.

Blow it out your corkhole you humping, lying SOB.

It's CG, not G-girl..... the C being California and G being Girl. I have no idea what the 'G' in your G-girl stands for.

Jillian is not alone.
I see you didn't hook up to the link that Eric supplied. The reason I "akinned" the two sites was because if Eric is going to believe that crap he supplied in the context it was given, he would also believe the crap on the Democratic American Socialist site.

I'm no groupie of anyone, But, I did notice your mob mentality with your stupid posts on the thread, Paper. It was noticed by others than just me, by the way.
OK. Perhaps you can tell me in my 4 measly posts there what was so noticeable by everyone exactly what was so gang mentality that I contributed.

I addressed G-girl ONCE in that thread - and that was after she referred to a friend a mine, jillian, as a no smarter than a "plank of wood" and an idiot.

Blow it out your corkhole you humping, lying SOB.

It's CG, not G-girl..... the C being California and G being Girl. I have no idea what the 'G' in your G-girl stands for.

Jillian is not alone.
It stands for Guttersnipe, wench.
1st: What the hell are you talking about? I had 4 minor posts in that stupid thread of over 700.
What...are you one of her groupies?

2nd: You bashed Lew Rockwell. He's quite well know for being a staunch libertarian. What your inference to that his site being akin to Democratic Socialists is I'll never know. Lew Rockwell libertarians despise democrats and socialism.

I see you didn't hook up to the link that Eric supplied. The reason I "akinned" the two sites was because if Eric is going to believe that crap he supplied in the context it was given, he would also believe the crap on the Democratic American Socialist site.

I'm no groupie of anyone, But, I did notice your mob mentality with your stupid posts on the thread, Paper. It was noticed by others than just me, by the way.
OK. Perhaps you can tell me in my 4 measly posts there what was so noticeable by everyone exactly what was so gang mentality that I contributed.

I addressed G-girl ONCE in that thread - and that was after she referred to a friend a mine, jillian, as a no smarter than a "plank of wood" and an idiot.

Blow it out your corkhole you humping, lying SOB.

It's all about perception, Paper. Yes you and several others were in the mob mentality. You don't need to "help" Jillian, she was fully capable of handling whatever situation that was between Ca. Girl, and herself. And, it was more than just 1 post from you, so you are the lying sack of shit. So stick your head up your ass, and roll down the sidewalk.

After doing a little research on your claim of "just 1 post" I came up with these all directed toward Ca. Girl.
Post #48 #51, #53, #60, #62, #68, #80, and #128
Where did you come up with just 4 posts? So you were in the mob mentality. I guess this kinda makes you a lying SOB, Paper
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I see you didn't hook up to the link that Eric supplied. The reason I "akinned" the two sites was because if Eric is going to believe that crap he supplied in the context it was given, he would also believe the crap on the Democratic American Socialist site.

I'm no groupie of anyone, But, I did notice your mob mentality with your stupid posts on the thread, Paper. It was noticed by others than just me, by the way.
OK. Perhaps you can tell me in my 4 measly posts there what was so noticeable by everyone exactly what was so gang mentality that I contributed.

I addressed G-girl ONCE in that thread - and that was after she referred to a friend a mine, jillian, as a no smarter than a "plank of wood" and an idiot.

Blow it out your corkhole you humping, lying SOB.

It's all about perception, Paper. Yes you and several others were in the mob mentality. You don't need to "help" Jillian, she was fully capable of handling whatever situation that was between Ca. Girl, and herself. And, it was more than just 1 post from you, so you are the lying sack of shit. So stick your head up your ass, and roll down the sidewalk.
Don't tell me what the fuck I can do, you hear. If someone calls a friend who is a brilliant woman - as dumb as a "plank of wood" you bet your ass I'll reply if I feel like it.

Now bring that reply here to show all the people you are LYING.

No, on second thought: I'LL bring it here: http://www.usmessageboard.com/1603529-post121.html

What was my reply to her INSULT?

Now you find me ONE other post where I responded to her. I made FOUR, count them FOUR posts in that thread. Only ONE to her/

Stop lying, creep.
OK. Perhaps you can tell me in my 4 measly posts there what was so noticeable by everyone exactly what was so gang mentality that I contributed.

I addressed G-girl ONCE in that thread - and that was after she referred to a friend a mine, jillian, as a no smarter than a "plank of wood" and an idiot.

Blow it out your corkhole you humping, lying SOB.

It's all about perception, Paper. Yes you and several others were in the mob mentality. You don't need to "help" Jillian, she was fully capable of handling whatever situation that was between Ca. Girl, and herself. And, it was more than just 1 post from you, so you are the lying sack of shit. So stick your head up your ass, and roll down the sidewalk.
Don't tell me what the fuck I can do, you hear. If someone calls a friend who is a brilliant woman - as dumb as a "plank of wood" you bet your ass I'll reply if I feel like it.

Now bring that reply here to show all the people you are LYING.

No, on second thought: I'LL bring it here: http://www.usmessageboard.com/1603529-post121.html

What was my reply to her INSULT?

Now you find me ONE other post where I responded to her. I made FOUR, count them FOUR posts in that thread. Only ONE to her/

Stop lying, creep.
Meh, it's the typical level of quality of your input - little to no thought and the ever-popular, but no less logical, ad hominem. You own it.
...and it's pretty fucking rich to be telling me jillian was "fully capable of handling whatever situation that was between Ca. Girl, and herself"
(especially considering the post where jillian addressed everyone - and considering the other nasty insults hurled at Jillian and others from the C-thing in other threads prior to that...)
Pretty fucking rich to be complaining about a poster being able to handle themselves -- as you are here licking up her crotch to defend her.

You picked the wrong person for this one, asshole.
...and it's pretty fucking rich to be telling me jillian was "fully capable of handling whatever situation that was between Ca. Girl, and herself"
(especially considering the post where jillian addressed everyone - and considering the other nasty insults hurled at Jillian and others from the C-thing in other threads prior to that...)
Pretty fucking rich to be complaining about a poster being able to handle themselves -- as you are here licking up her crotch to defend her.

You picked the wrong person for this one, asshole.

Hey your the lying one here, Paper. You had 8 posts directed at CG. Jillian didn't need your input on the thread....didn't need anyone's input, she was handling herself quite well IMHO. Sorry you take offense at the truth. Just remember your posts of 48,51,53,60,62,68,128. I think I did pick the right person...Paperview, right? Just a side note, I didn't see you go after Gunny, when he went after Jillian. I guess that would make you have no balls. :lol:
...and it's pretty fucking rich to be telling me jillian was "fully capable of handling whatever situation that was between Ca. Girl, and herself"
(especially considering the post where jillian addressed everyone - and considering the other nasty insults hurled at Jillian and others from the C-thing in other threads prior to that...)
Pretty fucking rich to be complaining about a poster being able to handle themselves -- as you are here licking up her crotch to defend her.

You picked the wrong person for this one, asshole.

Hey your the lying one here, Paper. You had 8 posts directed at CG. Jillian didn't need your input on the thread....didn't need anyone's input, she was handling herself quite well IMHO. Sorry you take offense at the truth. Just remember your posts of 48,51,53,60,62,68,128. I think I did pick the right person...Paperview, right? Just a side note, I didn't see you go after Gunny, when he went after Jillian. I guess that would make you have no balls. :lol:

I didn't even come on the thread until the post #121 I linked above.


Just remember your posts of 48,51,53,60,62,68,128
Post 48: http://www.usmessageboard.com/1597692-post48.html

Post 51: http://www.usmessageboard.com/1599615-post51.html

Post 53: http://www.usmessageboard.com/1599648-post53.html

Where are my posts?

Need I go on?

No. I don't. You click on "Who posted" and you'll see I made a total of 4 posts, and THESE were them:



Everyone can see now that clear and for certain.
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...and it's pretty fucking rich to be telling me jillian was "fully capable of handling whatever situation that was between Ca. Girl, and herself"
(especially considering the post where jillian addressed everyone - and considering the other nasty insults hurled at Jillian and others from the C-thing in other threads prior to that...)
Pretty fucking rich to be complaining about a poster being able to handle themselves -- as you are here licking up her crotch to defend her.

You picked the wrong person for this one, asshole.

Hey your the lying one here, Paper. You had 8 posts directed at CG. Jillian didn't need your input on the thread....didn't need anyone's input, she was handling herself quite well IMHO. Sorry you take offense at the truth. Just remember your posts of 48,51,53,60,62,68,128. I think I did pick the right person...Paperview, right? Just a side note, I didn't see you go after Gunny, when he went after Jillian. I guess that would make you have no balls. :lol:

I didn't even come on the thread until the post #121 I linked above.


Just remember your posts of 48,51,53,60,62,68,128
Post 48: http://www.usmessageboard.com/1597692-post48.html

Post 51: http://www.usmessageboard.com/1599615-post51.html

Post 53: http://www.usmessageboard.com/1599648-post53.html

Where are my posts?

Need I go on?

No. I don't. You click on "Who posted" and you'll see I made a total of 4 posts, and THESE were them:



Everyone can see now that clear and for certain.

I just went to the thread....I don't know what thread you are even talking about. I checked the Al Franken thread...and all those posts that I have listed are from you, and they are addressing Ca. Girl. So I don't know what meds you are on. But, you are what you are.
Hey your the lying one here, Paper. You had 8 posts directed at CG. Jillian didn't need your input on the thread....didn't need anyone's input, she was handling herself quite well IMHO. Sorry you take offense at the truth. Just remember your posts of 48,51,53,60,62,68,128. I think I did pick the right person...Paperview, right? Just a side note, I didn't see you go after Gunny, when he went after Jillian. I guess that would make you have no balls. :lol:

I didn't even come on the thread until the post #121 I linked above.


Just remember your posts of 48,51,53,60,62,68,128
Post 48: http://www.usmessageboard.com/1597692-post48.html

Post 51: http://www.usmessageboard.com/1599615-post51.html

Post 53: http://www.usmessageboard.com/1599648-post53.html

Where are my posts?

Need I go on?

No. I don't. You click on "Who posted" and you'll see I made a total of 4 posts, and THESE were them:



Everyone can see now that clear and for certain.

I just went to the thread....I don't know what thread you are even talking about. I checked the Al Franken thread...and all those posts that I have listed are from you, and they are addressing Ca. Girl. So I don't know what meds you are on. But, you are what you are.
The thread was her introduction thread...you know...the 700 post thread referred to...where she was given a pass by Gunny and the subject of such bro-haa. That was the supposed 'pile on.' A thread, I might add, I basically ignored.

Now ANY post directed at her - in any thread - where she comes on with a direct threat to a poster is the subject.,. I see. Seems YOU are mixing it up. Gunny didn't go after Jillian in that thread. It was the Introduction thread he did that.

Another fail on your part, but you are doing a fine job of slurping up to your little bo-peep.

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