What if Glenn Beck is Actually Mentally Retarded?

Lonestar_Logic. What MSNBC does not justify Fox's outright lies. Either your media outlet has integrity or it does not. Simply, it does not. Let's mov eon.

You say Fox News has no integrity? What do you base your opinion on? If you're going to focus on the two opinion shows Hannity and Beck, then I'd have to say that these guys offer opinion based on facts as they know it. So other than these two guys, show me where "Fox News" has been outright lying.

So your saying, other than those two liars who work for fox, show me where fox lies? :clap2: :lol:
Do you really want all the lies hannity has told? Lets get recent where he keeps saying Jennings was involved with statutory rape or some damn thing. He keeps insisting the kid was 15 (which would be underage) and the kid was 16.

Need a link to tat one?

I have a lot of instances where hannity and fox lied. Seriously, you are defending that liar? Its late, but I will link you in the morning. When I do, will you say they all mispoke?

Show some "Fox" lies!! You've hammered on the couple of misstatements from Hannity. And you have yet to defend the lies of MSNBC. Perhaps because there is no defense for MSNBC. So how about those "Fox" lies?

Race bait: MSNBC lies, edits out black gun owner, says 'white people with guns' threaten Obama

Everytime I link you to fox lying, you say they mis spoke.

California truth squad counters Sean Hannity's lies
Conservative talk show host Sean Hannity aired live from the San Joaquin Valley tonight to garner national attention for California’s water crisis. Instead of illustrating how outrageous water speculation and irresponsible agricultural practices are adding to a natural drought, Hannity fueled partisan politics and blamed President Obama for refusing to lift a series of federal mandates and environmental rulings that order a small amount of water to be used to restore regional fisheries and protect the balance of the entire Northern California coastal ecosystem. State water experts counted a total of 10 incorrect statements in Hannity’s broadcast.
California truth squad counters Sean Hannity's lies | Badlands Journal

Read the story, Hannity is such a hack.

No you attempt to show Hannity lying. Hannity is not Fox. Hannity is a Reagan conservative and operates an opinion show on Fox. Do you know the difference between an opinion and a news report? Your obsession with Hannity is quite obvious. Hopefully there's a therapist somewhere in your future.
He's an embarrassment to his entire family I'm sure. He can't engage in any type of intelligent debate because he lacks basic intelligence, so he resorts to insuilts, which is a sign of ignorance.

True. He's very spiteful but it's clearly designed to bait me to respond and lower myself to his level. I tend not to indugle in the sort of extremely low class trailor park name calling that some posters appear to think is tough talk. I'll dismiss on intellect without resorting to the kind of talk that most of us grow out of before we hit puberty.

The upside is that he shows himself for the idiot that he is, without any effort on my part.

I agree 100%.

He's welcome to debate me on any topic but the minute the trailor trash idiot rants start, I'll claim the victory - moral and intellectual - and be done with it.
Lonestar_Logic. What MSNBC does not justify Fox's outright lies. Either your media outlet has integrity or it does not. Simply, it does not. Let's mov eon.

You say Fox News has no integrity? What do you base your opinion on? If you're going to focus on the two opinion shows Hannity and Beck, then I'd have to say that these guys offer opinion based on facts as they know it. So other than these two guys, show me where "Fox News" has been outright lying.

No, you have to show, first, why you can excuse Fox by what MSNBC does.

That's where the argument is right now, son. Stay on track, please.
Lonestar_Logic. What MSNBC does not justify Fox's outright lies. Either your media outlet has integrity or it does not. Simply, it does not. Let's mov eon.

You say Fox News has no integrity? What do you base your opinion on? If you're going to focus on the two opinion shows Hannity and Beck, then I'd have to say that these guys offer opinion based on facts as they know it. So other than these two guys, show me where "Fox News" has been outright lying.

So your saying, other than those two liars who work for fox, show me where fox lies? :clap2: :lol:

What I'm saying is Beck and Hannity offer opinions based on the facts as they know them. Can they be wrong? Sure. We all can't be right all the time. But to say that these two guys are Fox is disingenuous and a lie. So while you try to frame Hannity as a liar, you, yourself resort to lies.
You say Fox News has no integrity? What do you base your opinion on? If you're going to focus on the two opinion shows Hannity and Beck, then I'd have to say that these guys offer opinion based on facts as they know it. So other than these two guys, show me where "Fox News" has been outright lying.

So your saying, other than those two liars who work for fox, show me where fox lies? :clap2: :lol:

What I'm saying is Beck and Hannity offer opinions based on the facts as they know them. Can they be wrong? Sure. We all can't be right all the time. But to say that these two guys are Fox is disingenuous and a lie. So while you try to frame Hannity as a liar, you, yourself resort to lies.

It would be great if people could grasp the concept that 'commentators' are employed for their ability to commentate and opine about topics. They are not representative of the news organization they are under contract to. I fear that that logic will be too deep for some to understand.

Fox employs commentators across the political spectrum - some of them are contraversial (such as Hannity for his conservativism and Beck for his Libertariamism) but it appears that many liberals can't graps the simple concept of differing views and need to brand all as GOP. This is obviously their tactic to dismiss any differing opinions. Unfortunately, it actually just makes them look incapable of independent thought and kinda stupid.
Lonestar_Logic. What MSNBC does not justify Fox's outright lies. Either your media outlet has integrity or it does not. Simply, it does not. Let's mov eon.

You say Fox News has no integrity? What do you base your opinion on? If you're going to focus on the two opinion shows Hannity and Beck, then I'd have to say that these guys offer opinion based on facts as they know it. So other than these two guys, show me where "Fox News" has been outright lying.

No, you have to show, first, why you can excuse Fox by what MSNBC does.

That's where the argument is right now, son. Stay on track, please.

I'm not your son dickwad! And I'm not excusing anyone, before I can offer an excuse or an explanation I need to know what specifically it is I'm supposed to be excusing. MSNBC is in the tank for Obama and has been since Obama first entered the political arena and has gone out of their way to defend him and promote his agenda. They have blatantly misled and lied to their viewers. Fox is far more balanced in their news coverage of Obama than MSNBC.

Pennsylvania governor and former DNC chairman Ed Rendell appeared this morning on Fox & Friends, and complimented the network saying "Fox has done the fairest job, has remained most objective of all the cable networks — you hate both our candidates," Rendell said. "No, I'm only kidding, but you actually have done a very balanced job of reporting the news.".
You say Fox News has no integrity? What do you base your opinion on? If you're going to focus on the two opinion shows Hannity and Beck, then I'd have to say that these guys offer opinion based on facts as they know it. So other than these two guys, show me where "Fox News" has been outright lying.

No, you have to show, first, why you can excuse Fox by what MSNBC does.

That's where the argument is right now, son. Stay on track, please.

I'm not your son dickwad! And I'm not excusing anyone, before I can offer an excuse or an explanation I need to know what specifically it is I'm supposed to be excusing. MSNBC is in the tank for Obama and has been since Obama first entered the political arena and has gone out of their way to defend him and promote his agenda. They have blatantly misled and lied to their viewers. Fox is far more balanced in their news coverage of Obama than MSNBC.

Pennsylvania governor and former DNC chairman Ed Rendell appeared this morning on Fox & Friends, and complimented the network saying "Fox has done the fairest job, has remained most objective of all the cable networks — you hate both our candidates," Rendell said. "No, I'm only kidding, but you actually have done a very balanced job of reporting the news.".

And, let's not forget that, back in the Bush days, many on the left praised Glenn Beck for his criticism of that Administration. Interesting how they think he was great for calling Bush out but seriously hate him now that he's doing it to their boy.
I think Beck and Hannity are both entertainers. They aren't after some universal or political truth. They simply opine on the news of the day, and look to stir shit up to keep their ratings up.

Srsly you guys. If you don't like them, simply shut up about them. These whisper campaigns, boycotts and gnashing of teeth against them only helps them, not hurts them you 'tards.
No, you have to show, first, why you can excuse Fox by what MSNBC does.

That's where the argument is right now, son. Stay on track, please.

I'm not your son dickwad! And I'm not excusing anyone, before I can offer an excuse or an explanation I need to know what specifically it is I'm supposed to be excusing. MSNBC is in the tank for Obama and has been since Obama first entered the political arena and has gone out of their way to defend him and promote his agenda. They have blatantly misled and lied to their viewers. Fox is far more balanced in their news coverage of Obama than MSNBC.

Pennsylvania governor and former DNC chairman Ed Rendell appeared this morning on Fox & Friends, and complimented the network saying "Fox has done the fairest job, has remained most objective of all the cable networks — you hate both our candidates," Rendell said. "No, I'm only kidding, but you actually have done a very balanced job of reporting the news.".

And, let's not forget that, back in the Bush days, many on the left praised Glenn Beck for his criticism of that Administration. Interesting how they think he was great for calling Bush out but seriously hate him now that he's doing it to their boy.

Excellent point!
C-Girl may think that blonde isn't stupid, but watching the way that her and Lonesome Logic are reinforcing each other's bullshit, she's kinda proving her tagline wrong.

By the way C-Girl, thanks for the neg rep. How'd you like the one I sent back?

Like I said, if your looks are anywhere close to your personality, you're a shoe in for next years Ugly Dog Contest.
C-Girl may think that blonde isn't stupid, but watching the way that her and Lonesome Logic are reinforcing each other's bullshit, she's kinda proving her tagline wrong.

By the way C-Girl, thanks for the neg rep. How'd you like the one I sent back?

Like I said, if your looks are anywhere close to your personality, you're a shoe in for next years Ugly Dog Contest.

Wow, such an intelligent and informative post from you ABS...your hair blonde?
C-Girl may think that blonde isn't stupid, but watching the way that her and Lonesome Logic are reinforcing each other's bullshit, she's kinda proving her tagline wrong.

By the way C-Girl, thanks for the neg rep. How'd you like the one I sent back?

Like I said, if your looks are anywhere close to your personality, you're a shoe in for next years Ugly Dog Contest.
Whiner needs some anger management.
C-Girl may think that blonde isn't stupid, but watching the way that her and Lonesome Logic are reinforcing each other's bullshit, she's kinda proving her tagline wrong.

By the way C-Girl, thanks for the neg rep. How'd you like the one I sent back?

Like I said, if your looks are anywhere close to your personality, you're a shoe in for next years Ugly Dog Contest.

I have no problem with you returning the neg rep. It is no less than I expected from you. Childish behavior appears to be your forte. You deserved your neg - it is the first time in all the forums I belong to that I have ever done it. I fully expected your reaction - you are quite predicable.

So that everyone knows who said what, when I neg repped AB my comment was: "Highly childish, AB. Raise your game.

AB's comment to me is : Neg rep returned you cock smoking **** whore. Fuck you and all you represent you dumb slut.

You are welcome to insult me all you want - I'm not concerned about your opinion. In fact, you may be right. After all, Obama 'won' a Nobel Peace Prize so maybe there is hope for me in the Ugly Dog Contest. LOL.
Last edited:
The rabid anger from some for Beck is obvious. They are convinced he is retarded, yet their obsession with this retarded man makes him rich and richer every day.

Ouch, that obviously must be painful for them to see even a retarded man out do them.
LewRockwell.com? No agenda there, huh? Next time try Democratic Socialists of America...you probably could get some good stories there. :cuckoo:

lewrockwell is a libertarian website. these are all REAL quotes and lies regardless
but that list doesnt prove "lies"
just errors
there IS a difference ya know

March 14: On The Fox Report anchor Shepard Smith reports that Saddam is planning to use flood water as a weapon by blowing up dams and causing severe flood damage.
Since no proof has been used for this report it is dishonesty.

March 28: Repeated assertions by Fox News anchors of a red ring around Baghdad in which Republican Guard forces were planning to use chemical weapons on coalition forces. A Fox "Breaking News" flash reports that Iraqi soldiers were seen by coalition forces moving 55-gallon drums almost certainly containing chemical agents.

a lie

May 22: O'Reilly fails to live up to his promise to make a big stink if no WMDs are found by today. In his Talking Points Memo he wonders why the U.S. has caught such informed Iraqis as Dr. Germ and Ms. Anthrax and has gotten no leads. He states that more time is needed [contradicting what he said more than a month ago, when he said that if no WMDs were found after 2 months U.S. credibility would be "shot" and there would be big trouble]. He ends his Memo saying Bush must candidly address the situation soon.

this is no mistake, this is a lie.

but i don't expect you to admit you are wrong on this
C-Girl may think that blonde isn't stupid, but watching the way that her and Lonesome Logic are reinforcing each other's bullshit, she's kinda proving her tagline wrong.

By the way C-Girl, thanks for the neg rep. How'd you like the one I sent back?

Like I said, if your looks are anywhere close to your personality, you're a shoe in for next years Ugly Dog Contest.
Whiner needs some anger management.

Or maybe Mommy needs to cut down his sugar intake.
lewrockwell is a libertarian website. these are all REAL quotes and lies regardless
but that list doesnt prove "lies"
just errors
there IS a difference ya know

March 14: On The Fox Report anchor Shepard Smith reports that Saddam is planning to use flood water as a weapon by blowing up dams and causing severe flood damage.
Since no proof has been used for this report it is dishonesty.

March 28: Repeated assertions by Fox News anchors of a red ring around Baghdad in which Republican Guard forces were planning to use chemical weapons on coalition forces. A Fox "Breaking News" flash reports that Iraqi soldiers were seen by coalition forces moving 55-gallon drums almost certainly containing chemical agents.

a lie

May 22: O'Reilly fails to live up to his promise to make a big stink if no WMDs are found by today. In his Talking Points Memo he wonders why the U.S. has caught such informed Iraqis as Dr. Germ and Ms. Anthrax and has gotten no leads. He states that more time is needed [contradicting what he said more than a month ago, when he said that if no WMDs were found after 2 months U.S. credibility would be "shot" and there would be big trouble]. He ends his Memo saying Bush must candidly address the situation soon.

this is no mistake, this is a lie.

but i don't expect you to admit you are wrong on this

Fact is Saddam did use water as a weapon. SADDAM water wars

At Karbala, U.S. troops stumbled upon 55-gallon drums of pesticides at what appeared to be a very large "agricultural supply" area, Hanson says. Some of the drums were stored in a "camouflaged bunker complex" that was shown to reporters - with unpleasant results. "More than a dozen soldiers, a Knight-Ridder reporter, a CNN cameraman, and two Iraqi POWs came down with symptoms consistent with exposure to a nerve agent,"

A rocket that can accept toxic chemicals into its warhead near a 55-gallon drum of cyclosarin-based "pesticide" is a chemical weapon, and it should be defined as such.

Oh and I guess O'Reilly lied, if you claim that changing one's opinion is lying.

I'm sure I can find more to defend these Fox reports, but unfortunately I have work to do.
C-Girl may think that blonde isn't stupid, but watching the way that her and Lonesome Logic are reinforcing each other's bullshit, she's kinda proving her tagline wrong.

By the way C-Girl, thanks for the neg rep. How'd you like the one I sent back?

Like I said, if your looks are anywhere close to your personality, you're a shoe in for next years Ugly Dog Contest.
Whiner needs some anger management.

Or maybe Mommy needs to cut down his sugar intake.

easy fellas. i know we're all capable of intelligent discussion right?

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