What if Glenn Beck is Actually Mentally Retarded?


I didn't even come on the thread until the post #121 I linked above.


Post 48: http://www.usmessageboard.com/1597692-post48.html

Post 51: http://www.usmessageboard.com/1599615-post51.html

Post 53: http://www.usmessageboard.com/1599648-post53.html

Where are my posts?

Need I go on?

No. I don't. You click on "Who posted" and you'll see I made a total of 4 posts, and THESE were them:



Everyone can see now that clear and for certain.

I just went to the thread....I don't know what thread you are even talking about. I checked the Al Franken thread...and all those posts that I have listed are from you, and they are addressing Ca. Girl. So I don't know what meds you are on. But, you are what you are.
The thread was her introduction thread...you know...the 700 post thread referred to...where she was given a pass by Gunny and the subject of such bro-haa. That was the supposed 'pile on.' A thread, I might add, I basically ignored.

Now ANY post directed at her - in any thread - where she comes on with a direct threat to a poster is the subject.,. I see. Seems YOU are mixing it up. Gunny didn't go after Jillian in that thread. It was the Introduction thread, he did that idiot.

Another fail on your part, but you are doing a fine job of slurping up to your little bo-peep.


I see you don't comprehend reading. His posts are there, and you just need to read them. I wasn't mixed up at all, I stated you were part of the mob mentality, and you were. You didn't seem to ignore that thread when you were posting on it for 2 days. What's this direct threat crap...are you Jillian's goon? Thought she was going to get beat up by Ca. Girl? For the love of God, this is a message board, and that's what it is.
Like i said, Jillian can handle herself without your help, Paperview. She has done nicely before you ever came on this board.
I just went to the thread....I don't know what thread you are even talking about. I checked the Al Franken thread...and all those posts that I have listed are from you, and they are addressing Ca. Girl. So I don't know what meds you are on. But, you are what you are.
The thread was her introduction thread...you know...the 700 post thread referred to...where she was given a pass by Gunny and the subject of such bro-haa. That was the supposed 'pile on.' A thread, I might add, I basically ignored.

Now ANY post directed at her - in any thread - where she comes on with a direct threat to a poster is the subject.,. I see. Seems YOU are mixing it up. Gunny didn't go after Jillian in that thread. It was the Introduction thread, he did that idiot.

Another fail on your part, but you are doing a fine job of slurping up to your little bo-peep.


I see you don't comprehend reading. His posts are there, and you just need to read them. I wasn't mixed up at all, I stated you were part of the mob mentality, and you were. You didn't seem to ignore that thread when you were posting on it for 2 days. What's this direct threat crap...are you Jillian's goon? Thought she was going to get beat up by Ca. Girl? For the love of God, this is a message board, and that's what it is.
Like i said, Jillian can handle herself without your help, Paperview. She has done nicely before you ever came on this board.
The C-Girl made a direct threat to a poster on that thread, telling them to "Get a lawyer" and their ass would be called to court for "defaming" a government official. Laughable on it's face. Her first post. She was called on it by Jillian. Jillian pummeled her. IN addition she continued on and on about how smarter she was than others there. Smooth way to make an entrance.

Her posts in that thread deserved derision and she cowardly ran away from it.

In fact, thanks for bringing me back to that thread so I can repost a classic made my RadiomanATL:

Jillian - 4
Cali Girl - 0

Lets go ringside.....

"It was an interesting matchup going into today, Bob. On one side we had the fiery newcomer CaliGirl. Being new means she was an unknown quality and could have really sent Jillian reeling because of the unpredictability factor."

"Thats right Jim. But unfortunately CaliGirl didn't use her unpredictability to her advantage. She made a basic rookie mistake...thinking that she knew how people would respond without really knowing enough about them. While this would work on some posters here who are not as quick on their feet, such as Chris, Bass, and Bfgrn, unfortunately for CaliGirl, Jillian is too seasoned a poster to be easily lured into a trap.

"Yeah Bob. And Jillian delivered what turned out to be the knockout punch in her very first response to CaliGirl. By calling her bluff on the legal defamation issue, she sent her into the ropes. And while CaliGirl tried to feint a few times in order to buy some time and possibly deflect the boards attention away from the failed bluff, it was unsuccessful."

"You're right Jim. Jillian kept hammering her on her deflections and inability to answer. And this is what ultimately sent CaliGirl onto the mat."

"You're absolutely right Bob. And thats all for this week. Until next time, I'm Jim".

"and I'm Bob".

"..and we'll see you next time on USMB Catfight!!"


:lol: Your continuance in slurping up to the girl while telling me how jillian can handle herself is so ironic, it bleeds.

I've had enough of giving attention to you or Miss smarter than thou.

Have a nice day, fuckwit.
The thread was her introduction thread...you know...the 700 post thread referred to...where she was given a pass by Gunny and the subject of such bro-haa. That was the supposed 'pile on.' A thread, I might add, I basically ignored.

Now ANY post directed at her - in any thread - where she comes on with a direct threat to a poster is the subject.,. I see. Seems YOU are mixing it up. Gunny didn't go after Jillian in that thread. It was the Introduction thread, he did that idiot.

Another fail on your part, but you are doing a fine job of slurping up to your little bo-peep.


I see you don't comprehend reading. His posts are there, and you just need to read them. I wasn't mixed up at all, I stated you were part of the mob mentality, and you were. You didn't seem to ignore that thread when you were posting on it for 2 days. What's this direct threat crap...are you Jillian's goon? Thought she was going to get beat up by Ca. Girl? For the love of God, this is a message board, and that's what it is.
Like i said, Jillian can handle herself without your help, Paperview. She has done nicely before you ever came on this board.
The C-Girl made a direct threat to a poster on that thread, telling them to "Get a lawyer" and their ass would be called to court for "defaming" a government official. Laughable on it's face. Her first post. She was called on it by Jillian. Jillian pummeled her. IN addition she continued on and on about how smarter she was than others there. Smooth way to make an entrance.

Her posts in that thread deserved derision and she cowardly ran away from it.

In fact, thanks for bringing me back to that thread so I can repost a classic made my RadiomanATL:

Jillian - 4
Cali Girl - 0

Lets go ringside.....

"It was an interesting matchup going into today, Bob. On one side we had the fiery newcomer CaliGirl. Being new means she was an unknown quality and could have really sent Jillian reeling because of the unpredictability factor."

"Thats right Jim. But unfortunately CaliGirl didn't use her unpredictability to her advantage. She made a basic rookie mistake...thinking that she knew how people would respond without really knowing enough about them. While this would work on some posters here who are not as quick on their feet, such as Chris, Bass, and Bfgrn, unfortunately for CaliGirl, Jillian is too seasoned a poster to be easily lured into a trap.

"Yeah Bob. And Jillian delivered what turned out to be the knockout punch in her very first response to CaliGirl. By calling her bluff on the legal defamation issue, she sent her into the ropes. And while CaliGirl tried to feint a few times in order to buy some time and possibly deflect the boards attention away from the failed bluff, it was unsuccessful."

"You're right Jim. Jillian kept hammering her on her deflections and inability to answer. And this is what ultimately sent CaliGirl onto the mat."

"You're absolutely right Bob. And thats all for this week. Until next time, I'm Jim".

"and I'm Bob".

"..and we'll see you next time on USMB Catfight!!"


:lol: Your continuance in slurping up to the girl while telling me how jillian can handle herself is so ironic, it bleeds.

I've had enough of giving attention to you or Miss smarter than thou.

Have a nice day, fuckwit.

I see you are dumber than dirt, paperview, and what people say about you are true. I was just pointing out the obvious to you, You have a mob mentality, and that Jillian really didn't need your help, then, or ever. She is very capable, and in a lot tighter fights too, I might add. If I was so much in Ca. Girls corner....where were my posts. I just had one, making an observation on your type of mentality. It usual follows those who have low IQ's, and are weak minded. The shoe sure fit with you. :lol:
C-Girl (probably stands for "****" as she appears to be a big stinky one) has posted in several threads, and far as I can tell, she's nothing more than a catty bitch with a nasty attitude.

If her looks match her personality on here, she's a shoe in for next year's Ugly Dog contest.
Zona.....no I didn't, it really makes no difference to me. You bring up one, and I don't know the context in which it was said. But, having said that...how many times has Hannity been on the radio and TV? How many reports has he done? You show one where he misstated, and that is the one you hang your hat on? Give me a break. We could say the same with MSNBC, but I sure won't go there. Have a good day.

Do you really want all the lies hannity has told? Lets get recent where he keeps saying Jennings was involved with statutory rape or some damn thing. He keeps insisting the kid was 15 (which would be underage) and the kid was 16.

Need a link to tat one?

I have a lot of instances where hannity and fox lied. Seriously, you are defending that liar? Its late, but I will link you in the morning. When I do, will you say they all mispoke?
Nice thread.

Internet is SERIOUS business for the ankle biters.

ZOMG! Ar-ar-ar-ar-ar! My strong buddy is being attacked!!! Ar-ar-ar-ar-ar!

Well, that about sums it up.:clap2:

Interestingly, I thought this thread was about Glen Beck but apparently not...... IT'S ALL ABOUT ME! WHOOOOO HOOO!
C-Girl (probably stands for "****" as she appears to be a big stinky one) has posted in several threads, and far as I can tell, she's nothing more than a catty bitch with a nasty attitude.

If her looks match her personality on here, she's a shoe in for next year's Ugly Dog contest.

That's rich coming from the message boards resident troll. I see you resorted to attacking women, tired of getting your ass whooped by the guys on here I suppose.
Zona.....no I didn't, it really makes no difference to me. You bring up one, and I don't know the context in which it was said. But, having said that...how many times has Hannity been on the radio and TV? How many reports has he done? You show one where he misstated, and that is the one you hang your hat on? Give me a break. We could say the same with MSNBC, but I sure won't go there. Have a good day.

Do you really want all the lies hannity has told? Lets get recent where he keeps saying Jennings was involved with statutory rape or some damn thing. He keeps insisting the kid was 15 (which would be underage) and the kid was 16.

Need a link to tat one?

I have a lot of instances where hannity and fox lied. Seriously, you are defending that liar? Its late, but I will link you in the morning. When I do, will you say they all mispoke?

Show some "Fox" lies!! You've hammered on the couple of misstatements from Hannity. And you have yet to defend the lies of MSNBC. Perhaps because there is no defense for MSNBC. So how about those "Fox" lies?

Race bait: MSNBC lies, edits out black gun owner, says 'white people with guns' threaten Obama
C-Girl (probably stands for "****" as she appears to be a big stinky one) has posted in several threads, and far as I can tell, she's nothing more than a catty bitch with a nasty attitude.

If her looks match her personality on here, she's a shoe in for next year's Ugly Dog contest.

That's rich coming from the message boards resident troll. I see you resorted to attacking women, tired of getting your ass whooped by the guys on here I suppose.

It's gonna be embarrassing for him when I decide to stop rising above the baiting and kick his ass.

Lonestar_Logic. What MSNBC does not justify Fox's outright lies. Either your media outlet has integrity or it does not. Simply, it does not. Let's mov eon.
Lonestar_Logic. What MSNBC does not justify Fox's outright lies. Either your media outlet has integrity or it does not. Simply, it does not. Let's mov eon.

You say Fox News has no integrity? What do you base your opinion on? If you're going to focus on the two opinion shows Hannity and Beck, then I'd have to say that these guys offer opinion based on facts as they know it. So other than these two guys, show me where "Fox News" has been outright lying.
C-Girl (probably stands for "****" as she appears to be a big stinky one) has posted in several threads, and far as I can tell, she's nothing more than a catty bitch with a nasty attitude.

If her looks match her personality on here, she's a shoe in for next year's Ugly Dog contest.

That's rich coming from the message boards resident troll. I see you resorted to attacking women, tired of getting your ass whooped by the guys on here I suppose.

It's gonna be embarrassing for him when I decide to stop rising above the baiting and kick his ass.


He's an embarrassment to his entire family I'm sure. He can't engage in any type of intelligent debate because he lacks basic intelligence, so he resorts to insuilts, which is a sign of ignorance.
That's rich coming from the message boards resident troll. I see you resorted to attacking women, tired of getting your ass whooped by the guys on here I suppose.

It's gonna be embarrassing for him when I decide to stop rising above the baiting and kick his ass.


He's an embarrassment to his entire family I'm sure. He can't engage in any type of intelligent debate because he lacks basic intelligence, so he resorts to insuilts, which is a sign of ignorance.

True. He's very spiteful but it's clearly designed to bait me to respond and lower myself to his level. I tend not to indugle in the sort of extremely low class trailor park name calling that some posters appear to think is tough talk. I'll dismiss on intellect without resorting to the kind of talk that most of us grow out of before we hit puberty.

The upside is that he shows himself for the idiot that he is, without any effort on my part.
It's gonna be embarrassing for him when I decide to stop rising above the baiting and kick his ass.


He's an embarrassment to his entire family I'm sure. He can't engage in any type of intelligent debate because he lacks basic intelligence, so he resorts to insuilts, which is a sign of ignorance.

True. He's very spiteful but it's clearly designed to bait me to respond and lower myself to his level. I tend not to indugle in the sort of extremely low class trailor park name calling that some posters appear to think is tough talk. I'll dismiss on intellect without resorting to the kind of talk that most of us grow out of before we hit puberty.

The upside is that he shows himself for the idiot that he is, without any effort on my part.

I agree 100%.
Zona.....no I didn't, it really makes no difference to me. You bring up one, and I don't know the context in which it was said. But, having said that...how many times has Hannity been on the radio and TV? How many reports has he done? You show one where he misstated, and that is the one you hang your hat on? Give me a break. We could say the same with MSNBC, but I sure won't go there. Have a good day.

Do you really want all the lies hannity has told? Lets get recent where he keeps saying Jennings was involved with statutory rape or some damn thing. He keeps insisting the kid was 15 (which would be underage) and the kid was 16.

Need a link to tat one?

I have a lot of instances where hannity and fox lied. Seriously, you are defending that liar? Its late, but I will link you in the morning. When I do, will you say they all mispoke?

Show some "Fox" lies!! You've hammered on the couple of misstatements from Hannity. And you have yet to defend the lies of MSNBC. Perhaps because there is no defense for MSNBC. So how about those "Fox" lies?

Race bait: MSNBC lies, edits out black gun owner, says 'white people with guns' threaten Obama

Everytime I link you to fox lying, you say they mis spoke.

California truth squad counters Sean Hannity's lies
Conservative talk show host Sean Hannity aired live from the San Joaquin Valley tonight to garner national attention for California’s water crisis. Instead of illustrating how outrageous water speculation and irresponsible agricultural practices are adding to a natural drought, Hannity fueled partisan politics and blamed President Obama for refusing to lift a series of federal mandates and environmental rulings that order a small amount of water to be used to restore regional fisheries and protect the balance of the entire Northern California coastal ecosystem. State water experts counted a total of 10 incorrect statements in Hannity’s broadcast.
California truth squad counters Sean Hannity's lies | Badlands Journal

Read the story, Hannity is such a hack.

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