what if Kyle Rittenhouse was black ?

If Kyle was black none of us would even know his name. He would have already been sentenced and no one would give a shit. He imperfectly almost kinda matches up with the vigilante fantasies of right wingers. As a hero he's pretty weak because the entire incident was a shameful spasm of cowardice and a failure of resolve. He probably pissed himself.
I was thinking the same thing about Kyle being too timid. Had he gone full blood-lust and threaten to fucking shoot every motherfucker in sight in the first encounter, nobody else would have fucked with him and 2 others would not have been shot. He was weak, low-hanging fruit for those scum bags.

The whole "you won't do shit" provocation could have (should have) ended much worse for those leftist cuuunts.

I would have gone to work on anyone getting anywhere near me after Rosenbaum's execution.

And I would have done so NOT in commie Kenosha, so this is all theoretical anyway. Shit like that never goes down in Texas. They KNOW their commie bitch asses get smoked with NO charges. Fucking twats.
He imperfectly almost kinda matches up with the vigilante fantasies of right wingers.
Not nearly as much as the former soldier who set up a hide in a parking deck and sniped FIVE police officers that were protecting a BLM protest. FIVE. I think they dispatched the evil bastard with an explosives laden robot. Of course, he wasn't a "RW" he was a black man who wanted to kill cops from ambush.
He would have a very long rap sheet.

His pants would be saggin.

Lots of bling bling.

A fat white girlfriend.


The media would use his 8th grade picture.

His momma would say he didn due nuffin.

And he would have held his stolen gun sideways and missed.
i highly doubt a black man cleaning graffiti and trying to prevent harm from blm and antifa to a city would have a long rap sheet or would be wearing his pants with half of his ass showing .. the point is the left is saying that the right is supporting Rittenhouse only because hes white .. but the truth is the right would still be defending him and his right to protect himself from leftist terrorists even if he were black . the vile left is deflecting and pulling the race card on something that has absolutely nothing to do with race .
i highly doubt a black man cleaning graffiti and trying to prevent harm from blm and antifa to a city would have a long rap sheet or would be wearing his pants with half of his ass showing .. the point is the left is saying that the right is supporting Rittenhouse only because hes white .. but the truth is the right would still be defending him and his right to protect himself from leftist terrorists even if he were black . the vile left is deflecting and pulling the race card on something that has absolutely nothing to do with race .

Find an example?

Have not heard.

If somebody is being wrongfully held, I will get behind the effort.

In 2018 an Uber Driver named Michael Hancock who had a valid CCW shot and killed his passenger. He claimed it was in self defense. The passenger had a blood alcohol level 4 times the legal limit.

He was later arrested and charged with First Degree Murder.

The Jury came back last month. Not Guilty.
this is an argument many leftist are spewing on msm outlets .. the left is claiming that if a black man shot 3 white people that the right would be screaming for his head ! this claim by the leftist media is pure bull ! the fact is the right would have no problem with a black man defending himself against antifa rioters and thugs and the right would still be defending his right to self defense against leftwing terrorists trying to harm him ! but lets play their game and assume Rittenhouse were black ! the question is would the left come to his defense or would they continue to label him as a white supremacist and would the add the label as uncle tom to the descriptions they promote ? you can bet your ass the left would be demonizing a black Rittenhouse as an uncle tom and a white supremacist if he shot 3 of their leftist shock troops ! dont believe it ? dont believe the left labels blacks that disagree with as white supremacists ? ask Larry Elder ...

If Rittenhouse was black, they'd............

Wait a minute. Hold the phone. If Rittenhouse was black, the left wouldn't even be reporting about this. It would go so far under the radar, they wouldn't even make a story about Kenosha for a year. Just to make sure no one heard about it,
Couldn't Ritrenhouse identify as Black and cut out the middleman? Progressives would eat that shit up.

That's not allowed. One can only identify differently under the following circumstances:

Blacks can identify as white... (Michael Jackson)
Men can identify as women.
Women can identify as men.
Really weird people can identify as dogs.

But white people aren't allowed to identify as any other than white.
See Pocahontas Warren and Rachel Dolezal
I was thinking the same thing about Kyle being too timid. Had he gone full blood-lust and threaten to fucking shoot every motherfucker in sight in the first encounter, nobody else would have fucked with him and 2 others would not have been shot. He was weak, low-hanging fruit for those scum bags.

The whole "you won't do shit" provocation could have (should have) ended much worse for those leftist cuuunts.

I would have gone to work on anyone getting anywhere near me after Rosenbaum's execution.

And I would have done so NOT in commie Kenosha, so this is all theoretical anyway. Shit like that never goes down in Texas. They KNOW their commie bitch asses get smoked with NO charges. Fucking twats.

I loved how the defense shut down that "active shooter" BS in their closing statements. The prosecution never brought it back up.
The funny thing about this is that MacDonald is actually making fun of the black racist. But they don't even know it.


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