What if Mateen wasn't targeting gays?

Anti-American, anti-Christian propagandists and far left psychopaths on this forum are currently touting the "He was a confused homosexual who was driven to attack homosexuals by Evil America..it has nothing to do with his family, his religion or the fact that his family migrated from Afghanistan..."

Which doesn't explain why he also considered targeting Disneyland....or the issue of the fact that Isis is TELLING us who they will hit..and yet our anti-American criers still insist it isn't about Islam or immigration....that each Muslim attack on America is an individual case of some poor alienated fool and the blame rests firmly on the shoulders of American Christians, patriots, veterans, even children.

"CNN’s Sally Kohn wasted no time comparing right-wing Christians to radical Muslims, tweeting, “Hey right wing Christians desperately trying to point out that right wing Muslims are more anti-gay than you are: Your guilt is showing!” And: “Last I checked, it’s not Muslim religious extremists shooting up abortion clinics and killing abortion doctors.”

“Here’s what the Christian right’s got to wrestle with: They’re only a few points behind the Orlando shooter on the same political spectrum,” tweeted Sarah Jones of Americans United for Separation of Church and State.

"More abstractly, “toxic masculinity” was also to blame. “Overcompensation Nation: It’s time to admit that toxic masculinity drives gun violence,” declared a headline at Salon. Another at ThinkProgress announced “The Role Of Toxic Masculinity In Mass Shootings.”

"It wasn’t just the fault of Christians and masculinity. Guns and gun rights groups were also to blame. Hollywood luminaries Seth MacFarlane and Susan Sarandon, showing how little they know about firearms, incoherently called for a ban on “automatic weapons.” Even The New York Times’ Roger Cohen got in on the action, musing that “Mateen demonstrated again just how potent the mix of ISIS and National Rifle Association ideology is.”

Sound familiar? Have you been reading Care and Coyote today? And I'm sure all of the even less intelligent lefty posters I have on ignore....

"What if Mateen simply hated America, loved ISIS, considered himself an Islamist, and wanted to kill as many infidels as possible?

"Why else would Mateen have scouted out other locations like Walt Disney World? Could it be that this, too, is a place where large numbers of people gather and where Mateen could have launched a surprise attack against unsuspecting civilians? Mateen’s wife, Noor Sahi Salman, reportedly told People that recently he had been “scouting Downtown Disney and Pulse [nightclub] for attacks.”

"...in light of the going media narrative, that Mateen specifically targeted a gay nightclub because of his hatred of homosexuality, it seems a rather significant omission on his part. It would also undermine a plot that the Left and the mainstream media want desperately to advance. If the Orlando massacre turns out to be just another terrorist attack by a radical Muslim who hates the West and loves ISIS, what use would it be as a domestic political weapon?"

America is over unless we neutralize our enemies within. All of them.

What If Mateen Wasn't Targeting Gay People At All?

Hatred of gays is about equal between radical Muslims and conservative Christians.

In the US...there are some surprising statistics. Very little difference between Muslims and Christians (combined) in support of gay marriage but much more support among Muslims than Protestants and Evangelicals.

Sorry, KosherTwit but several of the survivors say they saw or were contacted by Mateen on Grinder and Adam4Adam, gay dating sites.
what if the op wasn't such a shit head..?


The father of suspected Orlando gunman Omar Mateen says his son was not driven by religious ideology, but did grow upset after seeing two gay men kissing in Miami a few months ago.

Orlando Gunman's Father Says Son Was Upset By Gay Kiss, Not Motivated By Religion

Shooter's Father Says 'God Himself Will Punish ... Homosexuality'

Omar Mateen: Gunman pledged allegiance to ISIS - CNN.com


The Orlando gunman's wife has told federal agents she tried to talk her husband out of carrying out the attack, NBC News has learned.

Orlando Shooter's Wife Dropped Him Off At Pulse; Tried To Talk Him Out Of Attack
http://The Orlando gunman's wife ha...arrying out the attack, NBC News has learned.
"We were in downtown Miami, Bayside, people were playing music. And he saw two men kissing each other in front of his wife and kid and he got very angry," Seddique told NBC. "They were kissing each other and touching each other and he said, 'Look at that. In front of my son they are doing that.' And then we were in the men's bathroom and men were kissing each other."

Omar Mateen got 'very angry' seeing two men kissing, father tells NBC
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what if the op wasn't such a shit head..?


The father of suspected Orlando gunman Omar Mateen says his son was not driven by religious ideology, but did grow upset after seeing two gay men kissing in Miami a few months ago.

Orlando Gunman's Father Says Son Was Upset By Gay Kiss, Not Motivated By Religion

Shooter's Father Says 'God Himself Will Punish ... Homosexuality'

Omar Mateen: Gunman pledged allegiance to ISIS - CNN.com


The Orlando gunman's wife has told federal agents she tried to talk her husband out of carrying out the attack, NBC News has learned.

"We were in downtown Miami, Bayside, people were playing music. And he saw two men kissing each other in front of his wife and kid and he got very angry," Seddique told NBC. "They were kissing each other and touching each other and he said, 'Look at that. In front of my son they are doing that.' And then we were in the men's bathroom and men were kissing each other."

Omar Mateen got 'very angry' seeing two men kissing, father tells NBC

Yup. That was one of the first things that came out, his father saying he was upset by seeing a gay couple kissing. Again sorry KosherTwit
he was scoping out their scene so he could inflict massive assault upon them..

"Mateen visited several Disney properties in recent months, and may have gone to Disney World during Gay Days Orlando, an annual event brings thousands of LGBT individuals and families to central Florida."
In the big picture does it really matter why he chose the club and who he was supposed to be targeting? No matter the reason 49 people are still dead.

So you're saying "What difference at this point does it make"?

Too funny...

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Apples and oranges comparison very sad and little pathetic.

No, not really.

"What difference at this point does it make? It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again,"

Apples to apples.

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Your are right in one respect about the attacks being similar neither was about a video beyond that no.
In the big picture does it really matter why he chose the club and who he was supposed to be targeting? No matter the reason 49 people are still dead.
It matters when you want to prevent the next attack. Pretending that these attacks have nothing in common only assures that we'll be "surprised" again when the next one occurs.
Well, he sure picked a funny place to do this if he wasn't.
The kind of abuse some righties, some Muslims, and some Family Values prudes heap onto gay people can cause serious problems.

The only difference between those who oppose gay marriage and countries that outlaw being gay, is the severity of the punishment.

Ranging from social isolation here in the US to death in some countries.

The list of those who oppose being gay has nothing but ass holes on it, no matter where they are.

However the only people who actually take it into their hands to slaughter huge numbers of gays at once...


And remember..this isn't a gay thing. It's about protecting and embracing a culture that systematically advocates the wholesale slaughter of innocents. Children, women, people on buses, planes, daycares, schools...Yes, let's embrace the culture that openly states their INTENT to slaughter on a daily basis.

Progressive American totalitarians love Islam because they can camoflauge their own murderous intent by hitching their wagon to the Islam star, and letting the muzzies take the flak.

Nazi's were Christians.
Another anti-American, pro-Nazi lie.

Nazis were never Christians. Hitler and his henchmen killed and incarcerated men and women of the cloth unless they took an oath of allegiance to the Nazi Party before God.

Which of course distinguishes them from Christians.

The only people allowed to speak in church had to wear the swastika emblem on their regalia. Hitler voiced his conviction that Christians were the most formidable enemy known to his brand of Nazism on multiple occasions. He promoted the restoration of Germany to an animalistic society of a much more primitive pagan bent than Christianity.

Again you showcase your ignorance. Or you're just lying. Either way, you're filth.
Well, he sure picked a funny place to do this if he wasn't.
The kind of abuse some righties, some Muslims, and some Family Values prudes heap onto gay people can cause serious problems.

The only difference between those who oppose gay marriage and countries that outlaw being gay, is the severity of the punishment.

Ranging from social isolation here in the US to death in some countries.

The list of those who oppose being gay has nothing but ass holes on it, no matter where they are.

However the only people who actually take it into their hands to slaughter huge numbers of gays at once...


And remember..this isn't a gay thing. It's about protecting and embracing a culture that systematically advocates the wholesale slaughter of innocents. Children, women, people on buses, planes, daycares, schools...Yes, let's embrace the culture that openly states their INTENT to slaughter on a daily basis.

Progressive American totalitarians love Islam because they can camoflauge their own murderous intent by hitching their wagon to the Islam star, and letting the muzzies take the flak.

Nazi's were Christians.
Another anti-American, pro-Nazi lie.

Nazis were never Christians. Hitler and his henchmen killed and incarcerated men and women of the cloth unless they took an oath of allegiance to the Nazi Party before God.

Which of course distinguishes them from Christians.

The only people allowed to speak in church had to wear the swastika emblem on their regalia. Hitler voiced his conviction that Christians were the most formidable enemy known to his brand of Nazism on multiple occasions. He promoted the restoration of Germany to an animalistic society of a much more primitive pagan bent than Christianity.

Again you showcase your ignorance. Or you're just lying. Either way, you're filth.
Hitler was a Christer and said so many times.
The fact that he cased Disney indicates he wanted to kill infidels, gay or not. He chose the bar because, after casing that out, he felt it was probably an easier target, IMHO.

He "may" have cased Disney - according to his wife (the words the articles use are "may"), but he spent 3 years going to that bar. You don't spend 3 years "casing".

You think his homosexuality is what caused him to kill homosexuals?

Okay. So what can we do to stop homosexuality? We need to focus on that. According to you.
Well, he sure picked a funny place to do this if he wasn't.
The kind of abuse some righties, some Muslims, and some Family Values prudes heap onto gay people can cause serious problems.

The only difference between those who oppose gay marriage and countries that outlaw being gay, is the severity of the punishment.

Ranging from social isolation here in the US to death in some countries.

The list of those who oppose being gay has nothing but ass holes on it, no matter where they are.

However the only people who actually take it into their hands to slaughter huge numbers of gays at once...


And remember..this isn't a gay thing. It's about protecting and embracing a culture that systematically advocates the wholesale slaughter of innocents. Children, women, people on buses, planes, daycares, schools...Yes, let's embrace the culture that openly states their INTENT to slaughter on a daily basis.

Progressive American totalitarians love Islam because they can camoflauge their own murderous intent by hitching their wagon to the Islam star, and letting the muzzies take the flak.

Nazi's were Christians.
Another anti-American, pro-Nazi lie.

Nazis were never Christians. Hitler and his henchmen killed and incarcerated men and women of the cloth unless they took an oath of allegiance to the Nazi Party before God.

Which of course distinguishes them from Christians.

The only people allowed to speak in church had to wear the swastika emblem on their regalia. Hitler voiced his conviction that Christians were the most formidable enemy known to his brand of Nazism on multiple occasions. He promoted the restoration of Germany to an animalistic society of a much more primitive pagan bent than Christianity.

Again you showcase your ignorance. Or you're just lying. Either way, you're filth.
Hitler was a Christer and said so many times.

No Hitler wasn't. Stop lying
The fact that he cased Disney indicates he wanted to kill infidels, gay or not. He chose the bar because, after casing that out, he felt it was probably an easier target, IMHO.

He "may" have cased Disney - according to his wife (the words the articles use are "may"), but he spent 3 years going to that bar. You don't spend 3 years "casing".

You think his homosexuality is what caused him to kill homosexuals?

Okay. So what can we do to stop homosexuality? We need to focus on that. According to you.
When his former wife was asked early on by CNN if he was gay, she hesitated and said she didn't know. Seems the story has changed. This woman only knew him for a short time before they married. She was only married to him for three months, and hasn't seen him for 8 years. She said he used to beat her. I don't think she is sure about much, apart from he beat her and she was frightened of him, naturally. Anyway, it irrelevant, IMHO, since he cased Disney world which is frequented by all and sundry. He was specifically casing out which parts of Dysney world had poor security.
Hitler lied to convince retarded sad sacks that he was a Christian, so Christians would be blamed for his acts. But when he was secure in his power, he killed them, and admitted he despised them and their ideology.

Exactly like progs today would do, if they ever had the opportunity.
Hitler lied to convince retarded sad sacks that he was a Christian, so Christians would be blamed for his acts.

Like anti-Christian progressives in the US today.

These loons are too stupid to live and know nothing of Hitler and the Nazis. To the Nazis the party was paramount, it was placed above anything and everything...including religion
In the big picture does it really matter why he chose the club and who he was supposed to be targeting? No matter the reason 49 people are still dead.
It matters when you want to prevent the next attack. Pretending that these attacks have nothing in common only assures that we'll be "surprised" again when the next one occurs.
We will be when the next one occurs from the Fort Hood attack to the Garland Texas one to San Bernardino to now Orlando the only common theme among them is they were ISIS inspired.
In the big picture does it really matter why he chose the club and who he was supposed to be targeting? No matter the reason 49 people are still dead.
It matters when you want to prevent the next attack. Pretending that these attacks have nothing in common only assures that we'll be "surprised" again when the next one occurs.
We will be when the next one occurs from the Fort Hood attack to the Garland Texas one to San Bernardino to now Orlando the only common theme among them is they were ISIS inspired.
The longer we try to pretend there is no common link, the more we will be "surprised" and the more people will die.

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