What if Mateen wasn't targeting gays?

However the only people who actually take it into their hands to slaughter huge numbers of gays at once...


And remember..this isn't a gay thing. It's about protecting and embracing a culture that systematically advocates the wholesale slaughter of innocents. Children, women, people on buses, planes, daycares, schools...Yes, let's embrace the culture that openly states their INTENT to slaughter on a daily basis.

Progressive American totalitarians love Islam because they can camoflauge their own murderous intent by hitching their wagon to the Islam star, and letting the muzzies take the flak.

Nazi's were Christians.
Another anti-American, pro-Nazi lie.

Nazis were never Christians. Hitler and his henchmen killed and incarcerated men and women of the cloth unless they took an oath of allegiance to the Nazi Party before God.

Which of course distinguishes them from Christians.

The only people allowed to speak in church had to wear the swastika emblem on their regalia. Hitler voiced his conviction that Christians were the most formidable enemy known to his brand of Nazism on multiple occasions. He promoted the restoration of Germany to an animalistic society of a much more primitive pagan bent than Christianity.

Again you showcase your ignorance. Or you're just lying. Either way, you're filth.
Hitler was a Christer and said so many times.

No Hitler wasn't. Stop lying
Yup, he was, as we're the majority of the nice white Aryan Nazi oarty.
Lolol...still working that angle, eh....So what church preaches their support of those lunatics? And when did the WhitebAryan Nazi Madeup Party last execute a mass killing???
The fact that he cased Disney indicates he wanted to kill infidels, gay or not. He chose the bar because, after casing that out, he felt it was probably an easier target, IMHO.

He "may" have cased Disney - according to his wife (the words the articles use are "may"), but he spent 3 years going to that bar. You don't spend 3 years "casing".

You think his homosexuality is what caused him to kill homosexuals?

Okay. So what can we do to stop homosexuality? We need to focus on that. According to you.

Interesting thought, but I'm afraid it's another "F" in reading comprehension for you.

Here are all the factors brought up by police, FBI, and people who knew him:

He was Muslim
He was interested radical groups but didn't know much about them
He might have been gay (multiple people stating this)
He hated gays or at least seeing public displays of affection
He had an explosive temper, may or may not have been bi-polar, took steroids, was mentally unbalanced or unhinged (multiple people stated that)
He may have cased out Disney.
He spent 3 years going to a gay night club, used a gay dating app, and was seen leaving with men.
He was raised in a strict conservative religious family who probably hated homosexuals.

Put it all together and you have this killer.
Nazi's were Christians.
Another anti-American, pro-Nazi lie.

Nazis were never Christians. Hitler and his henchmen killed and incarcerated men and women of the cloth unless they took an oath of allegiance to the Nazi Party before God.

Which of course distinguishes them from Christians.

The only people allowed to speak in church had to wear the swastika emblem on their regalia. Hitler voiced his conviction that Christians were the most formidable enemy known to his brand of Nazism on multiple occasions. He promoted the restoration of Germany to an animalistic society of a much more primitive pagan bent than Christianity.

Again you showcase your ignorance. Or you're just lying. Either way, you're filth.
Hitler was a Christer and said so many times.

No Hitler wasn't. Stop lying
Yup, he was, as we're the majority of the nice white Aryan Nazi oarty.
Lolol...still working that angle, eh....So what church preaches their support of those lunatics? And when did the WhitebAryan Nazi Madeup Party last execute a mass killing???

You guys have such an inability to own your own while demanding others apologize for theirs.

Review the sordid history of Christian attacks on gays here in this country - arson, shootings, bombings. Hear the words of your own preachers extorting on how gays should be killed. Look at what YOUR churches are doing in Uganda, and now Kenya (isn't stoning gays so civilized?) and then tell me what the difference is between that and, say, Afghanistan's attitude towards gays.

Others have provided plenty of links of your favorite preachers for your perusal :)
Another anti-American, pro-Nazi lie.

Nazis were never Christians. Hitler and his henchmen killed and incarcerated men and women of the cloth unless they took an oath of allegiance to the Nazi Party before God.

Which of course distinguishes them from Christians.

The only people allowed to speak in church had to wear the swastika emblem on their regalia. Hitler voiced his conviction that Christians were the most formidable enemy known to his brand of Nazism on multiple occasions. He promoted the restoration of Germany to an animalistic society of a much more primitive pagan bent than Christianity.

Again you showcase your ignorance. Or you're just lying. Either way, you're filth.
Hitler was a Christer and said so many times.

No Hitler wasn't. Stop lying
Yup, he was, as we're the majority of the nice white Aryan Nazi oarty.
Lolol...still working that angle, eh....So what church preaches their support of those lunatics? And when did the WhitebAryan Nazi Madeup Party last execute a mass killing???

You guys have such an inability to own your own while demanding others apologize for theirs.

Review the sordid history of Christian attacks on gays here in this country - arson, shootings, bombings. Hear the words of your own preachers extorting on how gays should be killed. Look at what YOUR churches are doing in Uganda, and now Kenya (isn't stoning gays so civilized?) and then tell me what the difference is between that and, say, Afghanistan's attitude towards gays.

Others have provided plenty of links of your favorite preachers for your perusal :)

Just own it Coyote, I'm weary of your lame attempts to turn this into a Christian thing. It was radical Islam, just like San Berdarnio, Boston, Ft Hood, etc. Just own it
Hitler was a Christer and said so many times.

No Hitler wasn't. Stop lying
Yup, he was, as we're the majority of the nice white Aryan Nazi oarty.
Lolol...still working that angle, eh....So what church preaches their support of those lunatics? And when did the WhitebAryan Nazi Madeup Party last execute a mass killing???

You guys have such an inability to own your own while demanding others apologize for theirs.

Review the sordid history of Christian attacks on gays here in this country - arson, shootings, bombings. Hear the words of your own preachers extorting on how gays should be killed. Look at what YOUR churches are doing in Uganda, and now Kenya (isn't stoning gays so civilized?) and then tell me what the difference is between that and, say, Afghanistan's attitude towards gays.

Others have provided plenty of links of your favorite preachers for your perusal :)

Just own it Coyote, I'm weary of your lame attempts to turn this into a Christian thing. It was radical Islam, just like San Berdarnio, Boston, Ft Hood, etc. Just own it

When you own your own.

Homophobia and homophobic attacks on gays are not the sole purvue of Islam. Eric Rudolph wasn't Islamic, nor was the guy who set the fire in the Upstairs Lounge gay club in New Orleans that burned 32 people to death, nor was Ronald Gay when he opened fire in a gay bar.

I'm weary of your lame attempts to overlook the fall out from religious homophobia, because it's much easier to simply focus on Islam.

The ultimate irony? Many of those here, claiming outrage - don't give a damn about gays.
No Hitler wasn't. Stop lying
Yup, he was, as we're the majority of the nice white Aryan Nazi oarty.
Lolol...still working that angle, eh....So what church preaches their support of those lunatics? And when did the WhitebAryan Nazi Madeup Party last execute a mass killing???

You guys have such an inability to own your own while demanding others apologize for theirs.

Review the sordid history of Christian attacks on gays here in this country - arson, shootings, bombings. Hear the words of your own preachers extorting on how gays should be killed. Look at what YOUR churches are doing in Uganda, and now Kenya (isn't stoning gays so civilized?) and then tell me what the difference is between that and, say, Afghanistan's attitude towards gays.

Others have provided plenty of links of your favorite preachers for your perusal :)

Just own it Coyote, I'm weary of your lame attempts to turn this into a Christian thing. It was radical Islam, just like San Berdarnio, Boston, Ft Hood, etc. Just own it

When you own your own.

Homophobia and homophobic attacks on gays are not the sole purvue of Islam. Eric Rudolph wasn't Islamic, nor was the guy who set the fire in the Upstairs Lounge gay club in New Orleans that burned 32 people to death, nor was Ronald Gay when he opened fire in a gay bar.

I'm weary of your lame attempts to overlook the fall out from religious homophobia, because it's much easier to simply focus on Islam.

The ultimate irony? Many of those here, claiming outrage - don't give a damn about gays.

Whatever....I don't condone any acts of terrorism...now stop trying to coddle your little goat fugging friends....I don't care for them, I don't trust them and I see right through you. I know far more about radical Islam than you and you'd be wise to get up to speed on it. Have a great night. I'm done listening to your deflection and spin
Hitler lied to convince retarded sad sacks that he was a Christian, so Christians would be blamed for his acts. But when he was secure in his power, he killed them, and admitted he despised them and their ideology.

Exactly like progs today would do, if they ever had the opportunity.


Why would Hitler even CARE who was blamed for his acts - HE didn't think he did anything wrong. That is the dumbest response I have ever heard. And no, he did not kill "Christians" as such. He killed Jehovah's Witness's - specifically, he killed others who were Christian, but not because they were Christian.

The German Nazi's were Christians - white Aryan Christians, like the White Supremacists.
If its true that he considered doing his shooting at Disney World like I have heard, then to me its possible that homosexuals were not his target.

God bless you always!!!

The kind of abuse some righties, some Muslims, and some Family Values prudes heap onto gay people can cause serious problems.

The only difference between those who oppose gay marriage and countries that outlaw being gay, is the severity of the punishment.

Ranging from social isolation here in the US to death in some countries.

The list of those who oppose being gay has nothing but ass holes on it, no matter where they are.

However the only people who actually take it into their hands to slaughter huge numbers of gays at once...


And remember..this isn't a gay thing. It's about protecting and embracing a culture that systematically advocates the wholesale slaughter of innocents. Children, women, people on buses, planes, daycares, schools...Yes, let's embrace the culture that openly states their INTENT to slaughter on a daily basis.

Progressive American totalitarians love Islam because they can camoflauge their own murderous intent by hitching their wagon to the Islam star, and letting the muzzies take the flak.

Nazi's were Christians.
Another anti-American, pro-Nazi lie.

Nazis were never Christians. Hitler and his henchmen killed and incarcerated men and women of the cloth unless they took an oath of allegiance to the Nazi Party before God.

Which of course distinguishes them from Christians.

The only people allowed to speak in church had to wear the swastika emblem on their regalia. Hitler voiced his conviction that Christians were the most formidable enemy known to his brand of Nazism on multiple occasions. He promoted the restoration of Germany to an animalistic society of a much more primitive pagan bent than Christianity.

Again you showcase your ignorance. Or you're just lying. Either way, you're filth.
Hitler was a Christer and said so many times.

No Hitler wasn't. Stop lying

Hitler was born and baptized as Catholic. His mother Klara was devoted catholic.
Hitler lied to convince retarded sad sacks that he was a Christian, so Christians would be blamed for his acts.

Like anti-Christian progressives in the US today.

These loons are too stupid to live and know nothing of Hitler and the Nazis. To the Nazis the party was paramount, it was placed above anything and everything...including religion

You've been eating paint chips too?
It matters when you want to prevent the next attack. Pretending that these attacks have nothing in common only assures that we'll be "surprised" again when the next one occurs.
We will be when the next one occurs from the Fort Hood attack to the Garland Texas one to San Bernardino to now Orlando the only common theme among them is they were ISIS inspired.
The longer we try to pretend there is no common link, the more we will be "surprised" and the more people will die.
One attacks at military base two attack a cartoon contest one along with his wife attacks his coworkers and this guy a gay bar other than being ISIS inspired what is the common link?
Radical Islam.
Wouldn't radical Islam and ISIS be pretty much the same thing?

That depends who is defining it. When you say.......... Radical Islam means all Islamics are radicals. Total of 2 billions world wide which includes 202 millions Indonesians and 172 millions Indians etc. etc. etc.......... According to history Muslims arrived here in large number since 1878.
That said. According to Trump and his cult followers all 2 billions Muslims belong to RADICAL ISLAM thus belong to ISIS. That is orgasmistically dumb and stupid.
There are approximately 100 to 120k ISIS but it's not 2 billions.
Thank you God that there are decent Americans and countries that do NOT think like Trump and his cult followers.

This is from wiki:
Between 1878 and 1924, Muslim immigrants from the Middle East, particularly from Syria and Lebanon, arrived in large numbers, with many settling in Ohio, Michigan, Iowa and even the Dakotas. Like most other migrants they were seeking greater economic opportunity than in their homeland and often worked as manual laborers. One of the first big employers of Muslims and blacks was the Ford Company—these were often the only people willing to work in the hot, difficult conditions of the factories.
We will be when the next one occurs from the Fort Hood attack to the Garland Texas one to San Bernardino to now Orlando the only common theme among them is they were ISIS inspired.
The longer we try to pretend there is no common link, the more we will be "surprised" and the more people will die.
One attacks at military base two attack a cartoon contest one along with his wife attacks his coworkers and this guy a gay bar other than being ISIS inspired what is the common link?
Radical Islam.
Wouldn't radical Islam and ISIS be pretty much the same thing?

That depends who is defining it. When you say.......... Radical Islam means all Islamics are radicals. Total of 2 billions world wide which includes 202 millions Indonesians and 172 millions Indians etc. etc. etc.......... According to history Muslims arrived here in large number since 1878.
That said. According to Trump and his cult followers all 2 billions Muslims belong to RADICAL ISLAM thus belong to ISIS. That is orgasmistically dumb and stupid.
There are approximately 100 to 120k ISIS but it's not 2 billions.
Thank you God that there are decent Americans and countries that do NOT think like Trump and his cult followers.

This is from wiki:
Between 1878 and 1924, Muslim immigrants from the Middle East, particularly from Syria and Lebanon, arrived in large numbers, with many settling in Ohio, Michigan, Iowa and even the Dakotas. Like most other migrants they were seeking greater economic opportunity than in their homeland and often worked as manual laborers. One of the first big employers of Muslims and blacks was the Ford Company—these were often the only people willing to work in the hot, difficult conditions of the factories.
Please spare us all this same old tired talking point that saying radical Islam equates to claiming that all Muslims or people who worship Islam are radical that is not and never has been true. There are right now the traditional form of Islam that does not promote jihad and killing infidels and the radical form that does ISIS and other groups fall under the radical version of Islam to pretend this split does not exist within Islam is just as foolish as acting like all Muslims are radical.
The longer we try to pretend there is no common link, the more we will be "surprised" and the more people will die.
One attacks at military base two attack a cartoon contest one along with his wife attacks his coworkers and this guy a gay bar other than being ISIS inspired what is the common link?
Radical Islam.
Wouldn't radical Islam and ISIS be pretty much the same thing?

That depends who is defining it. When you say.......... Radical Islam means all Islamics are radicals. Total of 2 billions world wide which includes 202 millions Indonesians and 172 millions Indians etc. etc. etc.......... According to history Muslims arrived here in large number since 1878.
That said. According to Trump and his cult followers all 2 billions Muslims belong to RADICAL ISLAM thus belong to ISIS. That is orgasmistically dumb and stupid.
There are approximately 100 to 120k ISIS but it's not 2 billions.
Thank you God that there are decent Americans and countries that do NOT think like Trump and his cult followers.

This is from wiki:
Between 1878 and 1924, Muslim immigrants from the Middle East, particularly from Syria and Lebanon, arrived in large numbers, with many settling in Ohio, Michigan, Iowa and even the Dakotas. Like most other migrants they were seeking greater economic opportunity than in their homeland and often worked as manual laborers. One of the first big employers of Muslims and blacks was the Ford Company—these were often the only people willing to work in the hot, difficult conditions of the factories.
Please spare us all this same old tired talking point that saying radical Islam equates to claiming that all Muslims or people who worship Islam are radical that is not and never has been true. There are right now the traditional form of Islam that does not promote jihad and killing infidels and the radical form that does ISIS and other groups fall under the radical version of Islam to pretend this split does not exist within Islam is just as foolish as acting like all Muslims are radical.

Do you want me to ask Adolfo Trump?
He may have been going to this bar to stake it out or he may have been gay. One of the nations of the world with the most closeted gay activity is Afghanistan. They hate gay sex and refer to it as a sin with death as a punishment.
But many of them participate in it as often as they can
I wonder where you get the inside information on this? Do you think enraging Muslims as an entire regional group by calling them closeted fags is going to help make parishioners of the Church of LGBT any more safe in the future? Is your head screwed on backwards?

It's interesting that the shooter's wife was helping him case the club before he shot it up. That sort of puts a wet blanket on the "he was at the club because he was gay" theory. If so, he would've kept his attendance at the club completely secret from his wife.

And there are law enforcement theories going around that gays claiming they saw him there on many occasions are doing just that: saying they saw him there on many occasions. The theory is that in that dimly lit night club, they may have mistaken him for any other of a number of hispanic/arab looking dudes...or making up the narrative because it fits the LGBT agenda of making the shooter look like a closeted homo/homophobe to bolster sympathy and their narrative that "the solution is to make everyone accept and love the Church of LGBT's cultural lifestyle".
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