What if the better-educated, more successful states refused to subsidize the ones on the take?

A little hint.... California has 12% of the total U.S. population. Even a dumbass can figure out why they pay more in taxes than other states.
The statist states should be wary of the donor states that subsidize them via the reallocation of resources by the federal government.
Little hint simpleton... guess what state has the highest U.S. population?
New York City alone has more citizens than half of other U.S. entire states.
Gee...ya think they just might pay more in taxes???
What a genius. :D
Me either.
Politicians in the Dangling Appendage State should be especially concerned about anthropogenic climate change seeking revenge.

They'll be begging the federal government for money to bail them out.


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When times get tough, country folk will survive, and our cities will go into the eternal antifa-BLM summer of 2020.
My love of sun and surf is counter balanced by my fear of catching the disease and becoming "a Florida man..."

I do not share that love. I like water, not a fan of sand or the sun. Went to High School in Fla and basically lived at the beach...the price of that is now two sites of skin cancer removed.

We were down in Ft Myers beach a couple weeks ago. Great place to visit, could not live there is someone bought the house for me.
I see Dems are telling the 'blue states subsidize red states' LIE again. Go ahead you lying scum Dems, break down the actual federal revenue coming back to red states. Lets see how much of that federal spending is for the military which benefits the BLUE states more than the red states. Now lets see how much of that federal spending benefits your dirt poor DEMS in red states in your Dem run red state shithole cities.

Dems LIE, I summarized.

Who is depicted in the schmidlump avatar image?

I see Dems are telling the 'blue states subsidize red states' LIE again. Go ahead you lying scum Dems, break down the actual federal revenue coming back to red states. Lets see how much of that federal spending is for the military which benefits the BLUE states more than the red states. Now lets see how much of that federal spending benefits your dirt poor DEMS in red states in your Dem run red state shithole cities.

Dems LIE, I summarized.
Military bases, federally controlled lands, size and scope of other federal bureaucratic infestations, accounting for population density, etcetera, never ever get accounted for in this pack of lies of omission, which seems to pop up again and again and again on a quarterly basis..
Military bases, federally controlled lands, size and scope of other federal bureaucratic infestations, accounting for population density, etcetera, never ever get accounted for in this pack of lies of omission, which seems to pop up again and again and again on a quarterly basis..
Dems LIE on purpose and with intent. The OP is either a blithering idiot or a Dem drone who drinks the Kool-Aid.
No, neither are allocation of federal resources to state coffers.

The donor states, via the federal government, subsidize the ones on the take.
Most of the Federal welfare money that goes to Red States goes to the Democrat controlled big city shitholes. Like Atlanta, Houston, Dallas, Birmingham, Memphis, Miami, New Orleans, etc.
No, neither are allocation of federal resources to state coffers.

The donor states, via the federal government, subsidize the ones on the take.

So break it down, exactly how much federal spending goes to the States and how much goes to federal entities within the State.

Chief Jones, from the Seaview.

Poster isn't old enough to have ever seen Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea.
Thanks. The face did look familiar. But I drew a complete blank.
So break it down, exactly how much federal spending goes to the States and how much goes to federal entities within the State.

The federal government's funding of federal entities is a disparate matter. You can research the information if it is of interest to you.

New York is the largest donor state in the U.S., with a negative balance of payments at $22,798,000,000.

The next six donor states and the negative balances of their contributions to the federal government are:
On the other end of the spectrum are these state with the amount they grab from the general coffers, a transfer of wealth from the fiscally successful ones:
Balance of payments is the amount of revenue paid to the federal government from a state’s residents and economy (taxes) minus the amount of federal spending in that state. Donor states pay more to the federal government in taxes than they receive back in funding.

Advanced states have been bankrolling the ne'er-do-wells, who often bite the generous hands that feed them by enacting retrogressive, discriminatory laws.

New York is the largest donor state in the U.S., with a negative balance of payments at $22,798,000,000.

The next six donor states and the negative balances of their contributions to the federal government are:

On the other end of the spectrum are these state with the amount they grab from the general coffers, a transfer of wealth from the fiscally successful ones:
If beggar states insist on using their largesse from their benefactor states to fund their repressive statism - suppressing freedom and equality in such matters of public interest as voting, reproductive rights, public health, climatology, science teaching - instead financing rabid Statism in the form of gag orders, book banning, bureaucratic womb control, denial of an American's equality despite differences, why fund them?

I cannot pass an indigent on the street without giving him a few bucks, inquiring after his well-being, and listening to his concerns, but, if I found that he was using my meager benefaction for noxious purposes, would I not be justified in desisting from such discretionary allocation of my resources?

An individual and a society honoring the corporal works of mercy is a benison to both, but there is an assumption of responsibility.

In sharing one's prosperity, one should do no harm.
Wow I remember when California was King. Immigration has destroyed them.
New York? New York tops the list because that's where Wall Street is a DBA....it's as it should be. But as for the rest....I'm gonna shock you and agree.
It's the only way to get people of their asses.
Politicians in the Dangling Appendage State should be especially concerned about anthropogenic climate change seeking revenge.

They'll be begging the federal government for money to bail them out.


New Orleans still hasn't recovered from Katrina after 17 years.
While Houston recovered from Harvey in a few years.
Dem cities "Chocolate cities" like NO are a fucken waste of oxygen.

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