What if the church members in SC had guns and were trained how to use them...

Let's say one member who was at the prayer service had a gun and was trained how to use it.

Let's say two members had a gun

Let's say three members had a gun

There is no guarantee that their lives would be saved, but there is a much greater likelihood that their lives would have been saved had they been armed.

Also the more people there that were armed the more likelihood of success.

I have heard the anti-gun people say we don't want the "Wild West". I would rather have the "Wild West" than a massacre.

Are you suggesting that every church in the country be turned into an ammo dump?

You know that's what third world Arab Muslim shithole people do and I'd like to think people like you are better than that. Am I wrong to think that ?

Sadly, yes. You are wrong. Extremism took you there. You don't grasp the difference between a right to protect, and an ammo dump. Anyone with a concealed carry permit would have dropped that sucker as soon as he started shooting. But the liberals only want criminals to have guns.
I don't know what your Pastor is like, but I'm afraid to even ask my Presbyterian Minister if I can pack in our Church

I doubt any of the priests realize they are carrying. But if they said something I'd remind them some of Christ's followers carried weapons
I'm pretty sure, that wouldn't help, but I AM in California, so open carry permits are almost impossible to get unless you have a professional reason...so....
You mean concealed carry? But yeah, you are probably sunk.
You are in trouble if you have it on or about your person or car
What if one of them was a Samurai?
What if one of them was Bruce Lee???

He'd be useless, unless he clawed his way out of his coffin.
Okay....Brandon Lee........

Let's say one member who was at the prayer service had a gun and was trained how to use it.

Let's say two members had a gun

Let's say three members had a gun

There is no guarantee that their lives would be saved, but there is a much greater likelihood that their lives would have been saved had they been armed.

Also the more people there that were armed the more likelihood of success.

I have heard the anti-gun people say we don't want the "Wild West". I would rather have the "Wild West" than a massacre.

Are you suggesting that every church in the country be turned into an ammo dump?

You know that's what third world Arab Muslim shithole people do and I'd like to think people like you are better than that. Am I wrong to think that ?

Sadly, yes. You are wrong. Extremism took you there. You don't grasp the difference between a right to protect, and an ammo dump. Anyone with a concealed carry permit would have dropped that sucker as soon as he started shooting. But the liberals only want criminals to have guns.

You know there might be a hint of truth to extremism taking me there a little but you assume incorrectly that armed individuals will come to the aid of those in harms way.

There are now many documented cases where that's happened. They choose not to get involved.

For example A case in northern Nevada where a nutjob with a machine gun shot up a restaurant full of people killing some soldiers. Armed individuals could have made a difference but chose not to.
Let's say one member who was at the prayer service had a gun and was trained how to use it.

Let's say two members had a gun

Let's say three members had a gun

There is no guarantee that their lives would be saved, but there is a much greater likelihood that their lives would have been saved had they been armed.

Also the more people there that were armed the more likelihood of success.

I have heard the anti-gun people say we don't want the "Wild West". I would rather have the "Wild West" than a massacre.
Actually, it could have saved lives, especially if the members had firearms training.

It would have saved lives by preventing the gunman from reloading 5 ( FIVE ) times to take down 9 loving people! My heart is so sick. I'll never go into a gun-free zone and if I lived in a city, I would have a gun and would learn how to use it, accurately.
I don't know what your Pastor is like, but I'm afraid to even ask my Presbyterian Minister if I can pack in our Church

I doubt any of the priests realize they are carrying. But if they said something I'd remind them some of Christ's followers carried weapons
I'm pretty sure, that wouldn't help, but I AM in California, so open carry permits are almost impossible to get unless you have a professional reason...so....
You mean concealed carry? But yeah, you are probably sunk.
Let's say one member who was at the prayer service had a gun and was trained how to use it.

Let's say two members had a gun

Let's say three members had a gun

There is no guarantee that their lives would be saved, but there is a much greater likelihood that their lives would have been saved had they been armed.

Also the more people there that were armed the more likelihood of success.

I have heard the anti-gun people say we don't want the "Wild West". I would rather have the "Wild West" than a massacre.

Are you suggesting that every church in the country be turned into an ammo dump?

You know that's what third world Arab Muslim shithole people do and I'd like to think people like you are better than that. Am I wrong to think that ?

Sadly, yes. You are wrong. Extremism took you there. You don't grasp the difference between a right to protect, and an ammo dump. Anyone with a concealed carry permit would have dropped that sucker as soon as he started shooting. But the liberals only want criminals to have guns.

You know there might be a hint of truth to extremism taking me there a little but you assume incorrectly that armed individuals will come to the aid of those in harms way.

There are now many documented cases where that's happened. They choose not to get involved.

For example A case in northern Nevada where a nutjob with a machine gun shot up a restaurant full of people killing some soldiers. Armed individuals could have made a difference but chose not to.
You shouldn't get the impression that someone armed has any obligation to fight for your life.

You are responsible for taking the measures to protect your own life such as getting a gun and training for yourself.

However, he is at least able to protect his own life whereas he didn't have that ability during the active shooter incident without being armed.
Let's say one member who was at the prayer service had a gun and was trained how to use it.

Let's say two members had a gun

Let's say three members had a gun

There is no guarantee that their lives would be saved, but there is a much greater likelihood that their lives would have been saved had they been armed.

Also the more people there that were armed the more likelihood of success.

I have heard the anti-gun people say we don't want the "Wild West". I would rather have the "Wild West" than a massacre.

Fuck off and go blow your boyfriend.


He misses you already.
True. But anyone in that enclosure was next. That would bring self preservation into the mix. I'd have shot him. At least the gun out of his hand. Or stuck my barrel against his temple while he was reloading. None of those options appear to be viable. He had a gun. He will always be able to get a gun. It is the other side of the coin that is under attack, and dying.
Let's say one member who was at the prayer service had a gun and was trained how to use it.

Let's say two members had a gun

Let's say three members had a gun

There is no guarantee that their lives would be saved, but there is a much greater likelihood that their lives would have been saved had they been armed.

Also the more people there that were armed the more likelihood of success.

I have heard the anti-gun people say we don't want the "Wild West". I would rather have the "Wild West" than a massacre.

You're a fucking deranged psycho. Isn't their God supposed to protect them - especially in church?
I don't know what your Pastor is like, but I'm afraid to even ask my Presbyterian Minister if I can pack in our Church

I doubt any of the priests realize they are carrying. But if they said something I'd remind them some of Christ's followers carried weapons
I'm pretty sure, that wouldn't help, but I AM in California, so open carry permits are almost impossible to get unless you have a professional reason...so....
You mean concealed carry? But yeah, you are probably sunk.
Let's say one member who was at the prayer service had a gun and was trained how to use it.

Let's say two members had a gun

Let's say three members had a gun

There is no guarantee that their lives would be saved, but there is a much greater likelihood that their lives would have been saved had they been armed.

Also the more people there that were armed the more likelihood of success.

I have heard the anti-gun people say we don't want the "Wild West". I would rather have the "Wild West" than a massacre.

Are you suggesting that every church in the country be turned into an ammo dump?

You know that's what third world Arab Muslim shithole people do and I'd like to think people like you are better than that. Am I wrong to think that ?

Sadly, yes. You are wrong. Extremism took you there. You don't grasp the difference between a right to protect, and an ammo dump. Anyone with a concealed carry permit would have dropped that sucker as soon as he started shooting. But the liberals only want criminals to have guns.

You know there might be a hint of truth to extremism taking me there a little but you assume incorrectly that armed individuals will come to the aid of those in harms way.

There are now many documented cases where that's happened. They choose not to get involved.

For example A case in northern Nevada where a nutjob with a machine gun shot up a restaurant full of people killing some soldiers. Armed individuals could have made a difference but chose not to.
You shouldn't get the impression that someone armed has any obligation to fight for your life.

You are responsible for taking the measures to protect your own life such as getting a gun and training for yourself.

However, he is at least able to protect his own life whereas he didn't have that ability during the active shooter incident without being armed.

Your baseless assumption about my beliefs and impressions is utter fucking bullshit.

And I reject your proposal that we turn America into just another third world arab Muslim shithole.

We are better than they are.
Let's say one member who was at the prayer service had a gun and was trained how to use it.

Let's say two members had a gun

Let's say three members had a gun

There is no guarantee that their lives would be saved, but there is a much greater likelihood that their lives would have been saved had they been armed.

Also the more people there that were armed the more likelihood of success.

I have heard the anti-gun people say we don't want the "Wild West". I would rather have the "Wild West" than a massacre.

Fuck off and go blow your boyfriend.


He misses you already.

Hey asshole....nice post.......sad you missed that bible study.......
I don't know what your Pastor is like, but I'm afraid to even ask my Presbyterian Minister if I can pack in our Church

I doubt any of the priests realize they are carrying. But if they said something I'd remind them some of Christ's followers carried weapons
I'm pretty sure, that wouldn't help, but I AM in California, so open carry permits are almost impossible to get unless you have a professional reason...so....
You mean concealed carry? But yeah, you are probably sunk.
Let's say one member who was at the prayer service had a gun and was trained how to use it.

Let's say two members had a gun

Let's say three members had a gun

There is no guarantee that their lives would be saved, but there is a much greater likelihood that their lives would have been saved had they been armed.

Also the more people there that were armed the more likelihood of success.

I have heard the anti-gun people say we don't want the "Wild West". I would rather have the "Wild West" than a massacre.

Are you suggesting that every church in the country be turned into an ammo dump?

You know that's what third world Arab Muslim shithole people do and I'd like to think people like you are better than that. Am I wrong to think that ?

Sadly, yes. You are wrong. Extremism took you there. You don't grasp the difference between a right to protect, and an ammo dump. Anyone with a concealed carry permit would have dropped that sucker as soon as he started shooting. But the liberals only want criminals to have guns.

You know there might be a hint of truth to extremism taking me there a little but you assume incorrectly that armed individuals will come to the aid of those in harms way.

There are now many documented cases where that's happened. They choose not to get involved.

For example A case in northern Nevada where a nutjob with a machine gun shot up a restaurant full of people killing some soldiers. Armed individuals could have made a difference but chose not to.
You shouldn't get the impression that someone armed has any obligation to fight for your life.

You are responsible for taking the measures to protect your own life such as getting a gun and training for yourself.

However, he is at least able to protect his own life whereas he didn't have that ability during the active shooter incident without being armed.

Your baseless assumption about my beliefs and impressions is utter fucking bullshit.

And I reject your proposal that we turn America into just another third world arab Muslim shithole.

We are better than they are.

Yes...we are better than they are...at least right now...but each of us is responsible for our own safety...and a pistol on your hip is th most effective means of self defense we have...
One thing I hear missing from this conversation that most people armed don't use deadly force when the chips are down.

You find out what a guy or girl is really made of when their life is in danger.

I've never shot anyone, but I've been around people who have shot other people, and have been shot themselves.

It's very easy to consider yourself ready to shoot someone and kill them.

I've seen the terrifying crumble into milk sops, and the meek step up and take care of business. It all depends on your predetermined fight or flight response.

There were studies a while back about home invasion victims that had guns in the house. Something like 94% of them failed to discharge their weapons. The statistic is used by both sides of the gun control argument as they spin hasty conclusions from it.

All I got to add, is that you phony heroes that are sure you'll execute the shot at the moment of truth had better be right. And you people who aren't sure if you can probably shouldn't even try, even though it could go a different way.

I have not seen compelling proof that armed citizens make the best preventive police force, but I'm definitely not against open carry.

Just don't expect too much, or you'll give the anti gun people a better argument
I doubt any of the priests realize they are carrying. But if they said something I'd remind them some of Christ's followers carried weapons
I'm pretty sure, that wouldn't help, but I AM in California, so open carry permits are almost impossible to get unless you have a professional reason...so....
You mean concealed carry? But yeah, you are probably sunk.
Are you suggesting that every church in the country be turned into an ammo dump?

You know that's what third world Arab Muslim shithole people do and I'd like to think people like you are better than that. Am I wrong to think that ?

Sadly, yes. You are wrong. Extremism took you there. You don't grasp the difference between a right to protect, and an ammo dump. Anyone with a concealed carry permit would have dropped that sucker as soon as he started shooting. But the liberals only want criminals to have guns.

You know there might be a hint of truth to extremism taking me there a little but you assume incorrectly that armed individuals will come to the aid of those in harms way.

There are now many documented cases where that's happened. They choose not to get involved.

For example A case in northern Nevada where a nutjob with a machine gun shot up a restaurant full of people killing some soldiers. Armed individuals could have made a difference but chose not to.
You shouldn't get the impression that someone armed has any obligation to fight for your life.

You are responsible for taking the measures to protect your own life such as getting a gun and training for yourself.

However, he is at least able to protect his own life whereas he didn't have that ability during the active shooter incident without being armed.

Your baseless assumption about my beliefs and impressions is utter fucking bullshit.

And I reject your proposal that we turn America into just another third world arab Muslim shithole.

We are better than they are.

Yes...we are better than they are...at least right now...but each of us is responsible for our own safety...and a pistol on your hip is th most effective means of self defense we have...
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^one post back
Let's say one member who was at the prayer service had a gun and was trained how to use it.

Let's say two members had a gun

Let's say three members had a gun

There is no guarantee that their lives would be saved, but there is a much greater likelihood that their lives would have been saved had they been armed.

Also the more people there that were armed the more likelihood of success.

I have heard the anti-gun people say we don't want the "Wild West". I would rather have the "Wild West" than a massacre.

Fuck off and go blow your boyfriend.


He misses you already.
What a freak show, and what's with that Moe hair cut?

That boy is going to suffer as a convict

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