CDZ What if this Nation was subdivided into small Nations

Dan Stubbs

May 4, 2017
Some where in the Deep South.
I have thought lately due to the strong divide in the country that would it be wise to break up the Nation into several Sub-Nations each controlling their own area in the manner that they want it to be. This would take away the control that DC has managed to take over. We would still be apart of the USA but so many power would be given back to the regions and the local people. The High Court would still be the place to go with problems and the Bill of Rights and the Constitution would still be the rule of law. I know the power problems would be hard to overcome but they would be as the understanding became more normal. This would remove the Congress but the Senate would remain. Kind of a strange idea but it is not a new one. Some futurist predicted that this would happen someday.
What if this Nation was subdivided into small Nations

Essentially, it already is...

Just what I was going to say.

The so-called "states rights" does enormous harm but very little good.

The US should decide if they really are "one nation, indivisible" or not.

As it is, when some politician doesn't have the gumption to make a decision and stand up for it, he/she will say the states should decide for their own state but no others. And yet, all the states taxpayers have no choice but to support things with which we disagree.
I have thought lately due to the strong divide in the country that would it be wise to break up the Nation into several Sub-Nations each controlling their own area in the manner that they want it to be. This would take away the control that DC has managed to take over. We would still be apart of the USA but so many power would be given back to the regions and the local people. The High Court would still be the place to go with problems and the Bill of Rights and the Constitution would still be the rule of law. I know the power problems would be hard to overcome but they would be as the understanding became more normal. This would remove the Congress but the Senate would remain. Kind of a strange idea but it is not a new one. Some futurist predicted that this would happen someday.

It's time to actually break up the union. Three or four smaller countries would form. It's past time. There is a faction in the US that is hellbent on forcing their religion to become national policy so I say let them go form their own country. Call it FakeJesusLand or The New Confederacy of Slavery and Preachin'. Whatever. Outlaw all religions except theirs, put up a wall around their new country 30 feet high, and force all women regardless of age or if they were raped or by incest to carry a pregnancy to term.

Go, be happy. This small but sizable cohort in the US is a ball and chain that keeps the rest of us from moving forward. They whine about everything. So go, be happy. Bitch to each other how you have now found your red state utopia with your huge wall and mandatory worship of guns.

The rest of the world can then continue on with sane reality rather than 2,000 year old religious dogma.
All the new nations would spend decades battling to the death over these bits of land:

I have thought lately due to the strong divide in the country that would it be wise to break up the Nation into several Sub-Nations each controlling their own area in the manner that they want it to be. This would take away the control that DC has managed to take over. We would still be apart of the USA but so many power would be given back to the regions and the local people. The High Court would still be the place to go with problems and the Bill of Rights and the Constitution would still be the rule of law. I know the power problems would be hard to overcome but they would be as the understanding became more normal. This would remove the Congress but the Senate would remain. Kind of a strange idea but it is not a new one. Some futurist predicted that this would happen someday.

The left wing nations would end up 3rd world rat holes...then they would start invading the wealthier Conservative, better run nations....just like we saw in the 1940s onward...
I have thought lately due to the strong divide in the country that would it be wise to break up the Nation into several Sub-Nations each controlling their own area in the manner that they want it to be. This would take away the control that DC has managed to take over. We would still be apart of the USA but so many power would be given back to the regions and the local people. The High Court would still be the place to go with problems and the Bill of Rights and the Constitution would still be the rule of law. I know the power problems would be hard to overcome but they would be as the understanding became more normal. This would remove the Congress but the Senate would remain. Kind of a strange idea but it is not a new one. Some futurist predicted that this would happen someday.

It's time to actually break up the union. Three or four smaller countries would form. It's past time. There is a faction in the US that is hellbent on forcing their religion to become national policy so I say let them go form their own country. Call it FakeJesusLand or The New Confederacy of Slavery and Preachin'. Whatever. Outlaw all religions except theirs, put up a wall around their new country 30 feet high, and force all women regardless of age or if they were raped or by incest to carry a pregnancy to term.

Go, be happy. This small but sizable cohort in the US is a ball and chain that keeps the rest of us from moving forward. They whine about everything. So go, be happy. Bitch to each other how you have now found your red state utopia with your huge wall and mandatory worship of guns.

The rest of the world can then continue on with sane reality rather than 2,000 year old religious dogma.

The New Confederacy of Slavery

How long do you think it would take the democrat party to reinstitute actual slavery of blacks and hispanics in their new nations? I don't think it would take very long, since they have been trying to control minorities in this country since before they were officially called democrats....

As to a victim of rape allowing the baby to live....there is a show on one of the cable channels.....Long Lost Family....on this show they reunite adopted children with the families that gave them up for one of the episodes a young woman was reunited with the woman who gave her up for adoption.....the woman had been raped by her uncle. Now....over 20 years later, the child and the woman came together and now have a relationship....

But you would rather the baby was murdered.....

Good for you....
I have thought lately due to the strong divide in the country that would it be wise to break up the Nation into several Sub-Nations each controlling their own area in the manner that they want it to be. This would take away the control that DC has managed to take over. We would still be apart of the USA but so many power would be given back to the regions and the local people. The High Court would still be the place to go with problems and the Bill of Rights and the Constitution would still be the rule of law. I know the power problems would be hard to overcome but they would be as the understanding became more normal. This would remove the Congress but the Senate would remain. Kind of a strange idea but it is not a new one. Some futurist predicted that this would happen someday.

It's time to actually break up the union. Three or four smaller countries would form. It's past time. There is a faction in the US that is hellbent on forcing their religion to become national policy so I say let them go form their own country. Call it FakeJesusLand or The New Confederacy of Slavery and Preachin'. Whatever. Outlaw all religions except theirs, put up a wall around their new country 30 feet high, and force all women regardless of age or if they were raped or by incest to carry a pregnancy to term.

Go, be happy. This small but sizable cohort in the US is a ball and chain that keeps the rest of us from moving forward. They whine about everything. So go, be happy. Bitch to each other how you have now found your red state utopia with your huge wall and mandatory worship of guns.

The rest of the world can then continue on with sane reality rather than 2,000 year old religious dogma.

and here.....another story of a child of rape....who was only allowed to live because people like you were not allowed to murder her....

This is what can happen when you don't murder the baby after a rape.........

Rebecca Kiessling discovers she was conceived by RAPE after tracking birth mother | Daily Mail Online

A woman who discovered she was conceived by rape has been adopted by her birth mother more than 40 years after she was given away.

Rebecca Kiessling always knew she wasn't brought up by her biological parents, but it was not until she searched for her birth mother that she found out why.

The 45-year-old, from Michigan, US, waited until she was 18 to track down Joann, who revealed she had considered aborting her daughter – and later told her that her biological father was a rapist.


The attacker was never caught but Joann discovered she was pregnant with his baby.

Rebecca explained: 'Abortion was illegal in Michigan. Mum admitted if it had been legal at the time she would have had an abortion.

'That really upset me. She even went to two backstreet abortion clinics but in the end was too fearful for her life when she saw the conditions there.


She received a reply with her mother's full name and Rebecca's name at birth - Judy Ann Miracle.

She said: 'I was scared she wouldn't want to meet me but she was thrilled to hear from me.'

But she said: 'When I first met her, it felt natural to call Joann 'Mum' and she has said she sees me as a blessing.

'I'm so happy something so good came from something so awful.'

Joann was thrilled to hear from her biological daughter. And when Rebecca married husband Robert Kiessling in 1998, Joann was the mother of the bride.

Rebecca said: 'I didn't know if I would ever see her let alone have her at my wedding. It was an amazing day.'

Rebecca revealed that she even told her own children what had happened.

She said: 'I'd always felt compelled to adopt children so we did that before we had our own.

I have thought lately due to the strong divide in the country that would it be wise to break up the Nation into several Sub-Nations each controlling their own area in the manner that they want it to be. This would take away the control that DC has managed to take over. We would still be apart of the USA but so many power would be given back to the regions and the local people. The High Court would still be the place to go with problems and the Bill of Rights and the Constitution would still be the rule of law. I know the power problems would be hard to overcome but they would be as the understanding became more normal. This would remove the Congress but the Senate would remain. Kind of a strange idea but it is not a new one. Some futurist predicted that this would happen someday.

It's time to actually break up the union. Three or four smaller countries would form. It's past time. There is a faction in the US that is hellbent on forcing their religion to become national policy so I say let them go form their own country. Call it FakeJesusLand or The New Confederacy of Slavery and Preachin'. Whatever. Outlaw all religions except theirs, put up a wall around their new country 30 feet high, and force all women regardless of age or if they were raped or by incest to carry a pregnancy to term.

Go, be happy. This small but sizable cohort in the US is a ball and chain that keeps the rest of us from moving forward. They whine about everything. So go, be happy. Bitch to each other how you have now found your red state utopia with your huge wall and mandatory worship of guns.

The rest of the world can then continue on with sane reality rather than 2,000 year old religious dogma.

The New Confederacy of Slavery

How long do you think it would take the democrat party to reinstitute actual slavery of blacks and hispanics in their new nations? I don't think it would take very long, since they have been trying to control minorities in this country since before they were officially called democrats....

As to a victim of rape allowing the baby to live....there is a show on one of the cable channels.....Long Lost Family....on this show they reunite adopted children with the families that gave them up for one of the episodes a young woman was reunited with the woman who gave her up for adoption.....the woman had been raped by her uncle. Now....over 20 years later, the child and the woman came together and now have a relationship....

But you would rather the baby was murdered.....

Good for you....
The slave thing is already in force, but its call welfare, free food, special jobs, forced employment. Killing of unborn is wide spread but not condoned in some areas. Yet the general will of the Citizens are being upsurped by a close knit group of Conservatives with a wide agenda to over throw are basic believes. This is being done via the media, special interest groups by baby steps and brain washing.
I have thought lately due to the strong divide in the country that would it be wise to break up the Nation into several Sub-Nations each controlling their own area in the manner that they want it to be. This would take away the control that DC has managed to take over. We would still be apart of the USA but so many power would be given back to the regions and the local people. The High Court would still be the place to go with problems and the Bill of Rights and the Constitution would still be the rule of law. I know the power problems would be hard to overcome but they would be as the understanding became more normal. This would remove the Congress but the Senate would remain. Kind of a strange idea but it is not a new one. Some futurist predicted that this would happen someday.

The left wing nations would end up 3rd world rat holes...then they would start invading the wealthier Conservative, better run nations....just like we saw in the 1940s onward...
Invasion by Progressive State would not end well bcause the other states would defend.
I have thought lately due to the strong divide in the country that would it be wise to break up the Nation into several Sub-Nations each controlling their own area in the manner that they want it to be. This would take away the control that DC has managed to take over. We would still be apart of the USA but so many power would be given back to the regions and the local people. The High Court would still be the place to go with problems and the Bill of Rights and the Constitution would still be the rule of law. I know the power problems would be hard to overcome but they would be as the understanding became more normal. This would remove the Congress but the Senate would remain. Kind of a strange idea but it is not a new one. Some futurist predicted that this would happen someday.

It's time to actually break up the union. Three or four smaller countries would form. It's past time. There is a faction in the US that is hellbent on forcing their religion to become national policy so I say let them go form their own country. Call it FakeJesusLand or The New Confederacy of Slavery and Preachin'. Whatever. Outlaw all religions except theirs, put up a wall around their new country 30 feet high, and force all women regardless of age or if they were raped or by incest to carry a pregnancy to term.

Go, be happy. This small but sizable cohort in the US is a ball and chain that keeps the rest of us from moving forward. They whine about everything. So go, be happy. Bitch to each other how you have now found your red state utopia with your huge wall and mandatory worship of guns.

The rest of the world can then continue on with sane reality rather than 2,000 year old religious dogma.

You might consider emigrating to one of the other nations in the "rest of the world" and leave the US to those who support it.
What if this Nation was subdivided into small Nations

Essentially, it already is...

Just what I was going to say.

The so-called "states rights" does enormous harm but very little good.

The US should decide if they really are "one nation, indivisible" or not.

As it is, when some politician doesn't have the gumption to make a decision and stand up for it, he/she will say the states should decide for their own state but no others. And yet, all the states taxpayers have no choice but to support things with which we disagree.

Or move.
I have thought lately due to the strong divide in the country that would it be wise to break up the Nation into several Sub-Nations each controlling their own area in the manner that they want it to be. This would take away the control that DC has managed to take over. We would still be apart of the USA but so many power would be given back to the regions and the local people. The High Court would still be the place to go with problems and the Bill of Rights and the Constitution would still be the rule of law. I know the power problems would be hard to overcome but they would be as the understanding became more normal. This would remove the Congress but the Senate would remain. Kind of a strange idea but it is not a new one. Some futurist predicted that this would happen someday.

then it wouldn't be our nation. the founders rejected having a loose group of states when they rejected the articles of confederation.

you can't pick out the pieces of the constitution you like and reject everything else. the POINT of it was a strong central government.


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