What if Tlaib and Omar were citizens of another country and wanted to vist the US?

The issue is not that Israel wasn't going to let them in. What another country does in this regard is their business. The issue was Trump advocating for them to be barred over their rights of free speech.
What century are you living in? Keeping them out of Israel in no way limited their freedom of speech. What it limited was their ability to incite more violence in Israel.

What violence are you insinuating?
I'm guessing you meant to ask what potential violence I was referring to. Their itinerary showed they intended to only speak to groups groups of Palestinians in Judea and Samaria and Jerusalem and if they continue to rant the anti Israeli nonsense they spout here it likely would have incited more terror attacks against Jews and caused the deaths of more Palestinians who attempted to carry out those attacks.

What rant against Israel? And why would they have to speak to every group or groups that Israel approved of?
Try to understand this even if it is difficult for you. No foreigner has the right to be in Israel unless Israel grants them that right just as no foreigner has the right to be in the US unless the US grants them that right.
A stunningly simple fact but doesn’t match up with feelings.
Libbies want to spout off and see how it floats but if it sinks then it’s because of an ist or ism.
I didn't condemn Israel. But you know that.
I didn't say you did. I responded to your false claim about limiting their freedom of speech.

I said he advocated for punishing them over their freedom of speech. Trump has this issue where he thinks he absolutely has to comment on anything and everything. He often times makes himself look bad by doing that.
Nonsense, he said he thought it would be foolish for Israel to allow them in, that's all.

Reps. Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib were barred from visiting Israel. Here's what we know

WASHINGTON – Israeli officials announced Thursday that Reps. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., and Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., will be blocked from entering the country ahead of their planned visit this weekend, following a tweet from President Donald Trump urging the country to not allow them to make their trip.

Punished for their opinions. OK for Israel, not OK for Trump.
And now you think Trump should be punished for expressing his opinions.

Do I support his anti-American actions? No, I do not. Punished? No idea what you are talking about.
What violence are you insinuating?
I'm guessing you meant to ask what potential violence I was referring to. Their itinerary showed they intended to only speak to groups groups of Palestinians in Judea and Samaria and Jerusalem and if they continue to rant the anti Israeli nonsense they spout here it likely would have incited more terror attacks against Jews and caused the deaths of more Palestinians who attempted to carry out those attacks.

What rant against Israel? And why would they have to speak to every group or groups that Israel approved of?
Try to understand this even if it is difficult for you. No foreigner has the right to be in Israel unless Israel grants them that right just as no foreigner has the right to be in the US unless the US grants them that right.

Sure, it's their right. Even to stupidity deny US Congress members who control the purse strings of foreign aid.
Don't be ridiculous. These two are an embarrassment to the Democratic Party. As Nancy Pelosi has said of "the squad", they are not a movement, just four votes.
Damn good thing they didn't grab any crotches or lie 1000 times Then they'd be a REAL embarrassment
Given their long histories of anti semitic and anti American rants, it is likely they would not be allowed in.
Of course they would be allowed in. Most of us believe in a free society
Not Barack Obama. He banned a Knesset member because he didn't like his politics in2012.
So Obama bans a believed member of a terrorist organization and Israel bans two US congresswomen and you are drawing equivalencies?! Really?
Given their long histories of anti semitic and anti American rants, it is likely they would not be allowed in.
Of course they would be allowed in. Most of us believe in a free society
Not Barack Obama. He banned a Knesset member because he didn't like his politics in2012.
So Obama bans a believed member of a terrorist organization and Israel bans two US congresswomen and you are drawing equivalencies?! Really?

Obama's failures do not justify Trump's.
I didn't say you did. I responded to your false claim about limiting their freedom of speech.

I said he advocated for punishing them over their freedom of speech. Trump has this issue where he thinks he absolutely has to comment on anything and everything. He often times makes himself look bad by doing that.
Nonsense, he said he thought it would be foolish for Israel to allow them in, that's all.

Reps. Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib were barred from visiting Israel. Here's what we know

WASHINGTON – Israeli officials announced Thursday that Reps. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., and Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., will be blocked from entering the country ahead of their planned visit this weekend, following a tweet from President Donald Trump urging the country to not allow them to make their trip.

Punished for their opinions. OK for Israel, not OK for Trump.
And now you think Trump should be punished for expressing his opinions.

Do I support his anti-American actions? No, I do not. Punished? No idea what you are talking about.
Clearly, you have no idea what you are talking about either. Trump expressed his opinion that Israel would be foolish to allow them in, and you call that punishment, so when you express your opinion that Trump shouldn't have done that, wouldn't that also be punishment?
I said he advocated for punishing them over their freedom of speech. Trump has this issue where he thinks he absolutely has to comment on anything and everything. He often times makes himself look bad by doing that.
Nonsense, he said he thought it would be foolish for Israel to allow them in, that's all.

Reps. Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib were barred from visiting Israel. Here's what we know

WASHINGTON – Israeli officials announced Thursday that Reps. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., and Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., will be blocked from entering the country ahead of their planned visit this weekend, following a tweet from President Donald Trump urging the country to not allow them to make their trip.

Punished for their opinions. OK for Israel, not OK for Trump.
And now you think Trump should be punished for expressing his opinions.

Do I support his anti-American actions? No, I do not. Punished? No idea what you are talking about.
Clearly, you have no idea what you are talking about either. Trump expressed his opinion that Israel would be foolish to allow them in, and you call that punishment, so when you express your opinion that Trump shouldn't have done that, wouldn't that also be punishment?

No, it's sticking up for our rights. I can do nothing. Trump did. Again, if Trump had simply condemned their position I am not here arguing what I did. He advocated for Israel to punish them for their opinion.
I'm guessing you meant to ask what potential violence I was referring to. Their itinerary showed they intended to only speak to groups groups of Palestinians in Judea and Samaria and Jerusalem and if they continue to rant the anti Israeli nonsense they spout here it likely would have incited more terror attacks against Jews and caused the deaths of more Palestinians who attempted to carry out those attacks.

What rant against Israel? And why would they have to speak to every group or groups that Israel approved of?
Try to understand this even if it is difficult for you. No foreigner has the right to be in Israel unless Israel grants them that right just as no foreigner has the right to be in the US unless the US grants them that right.

Sure, it's their right. Even to stupidity deny US Congress members who control the purse strings of foreign aid.
Don't be ridiculous. These two are an embarrassment to the Democratic Party. As Nancy Pelosi has said of "the squad", they are not a movement, just four votes.
Damn good thing they didn't grab any crotches or lie 1000 times Then they'd be a REAL embarrassment
Oh, they are a real embarrassment, even more than Bill Clinton screwing teenage hookers on Pedaphia Island and dressing up in drag.
WHY is this story still an issue?

Omar and Tlaib are DOCUMENTED, unabashed, unapologetic terrorist-supporting anti-Semites...their trip to Israel was put together based on an anti-Israel agenda by a terrorist-supporting organization.

Just because the United States has lost its damn mind and continues to allow treasonous Democrats to sacrifice our sovereignty, eliminate our borders, prevent the enforcement of existing US law, and facilitates the continuous criminal illegal invasion of 60,000 criminal almost completely unidentified illegals into the US does not mean other nations / our allies have to do so ... and certainly does not mean 4 Anti-Semitic Freshman Socialist Democrats can hold a press conference intended to emotionally manipulate Americans can bully them into allowing them into their country to engage in activities to undermine their government.

The 2 most Anti-Semitic terrorist-supporting 'Squad' Members got on TV today, taking advantage of their government positions to spew anti-Semitic HATE-driven OPINIONS. The fact that they are US Congresswomen make their propaganda no less that - propaganda.

If anything, they just gave Israel justification for preventing them from entering Israel. As far as Tlaib's 'crocodile' tears, Israel told her she could enter Israel...but she threw 'grandma' under the 'Hate Bus', choosing to change her mind about going, after her fellow Anti-Semite and the rest of the Israel-hating Dems told her that accepting their offer would undermine their agenda / message.

The fact that anyone is giving them air time to carry out their disgusting campaign of anti-Semitic, pro-terrorist, emotional-manipulating political theatrics is just sad, almost as sad as what the Democratic Party has become.
What rant against Israel? And why would they have to speak to every group or groups that Israel approved of?
Try to understand this even if it is difficult for you. No foreigner has the right to be in Israel unless Israel grants them that right just as no foreigner has the right to be in the US unless the US grants them that right.

Sure, it's their right. Even to stupidity deny US Congress members who control the purse strings of foreign aid.
Don't be ridiculous. These two are an embarrassment to the Democratic Party. As Nancy Pelosi has said of "the squad", they are not a movement, just four votes.
Damn good thing they didn't grab any crotches or lie 1000 times Then they'd be a REAL embarrassment
Oh, they are a real embarrassment, even more than Bill Clinton screwing teenage hookers on Pedaphia Island and dressing up in drag.
Any proof ,any witnesses besides Trump?
Oh, they are a real embarrassment, even more than Bill Clinton screwing teenage hookers on Pedaphia Island and dressing up in drag.
Ummm, I have to disagree. Anti-Semitic, terrorist-supporting Liberal Socialist Democrats is not completely all that shocking or rare...not as much as an Ex-Democrat President who was, as you described, 'screwing teenage hookers on Pedaphia Island and dressing up in drag'.
Any proof ,any witnesses besides Trump?
...speaking of which....anyone notice the report out that Epstein's fem Enabler / 'Pedo-Recruit' has 'disappeared'?

If she is smart she will drop off the grid before the Clinton's 'Cleaner' finds her....
What century are you living in? Keeping them out of Israel in no way limited their freedom of speech. What it limited was their ability to incite more violence in Israel.

What violence are you insinuating?
I'm guessing you meant to ask what potential violence I was referring to. Their itinerary showed they intended to only speak to groups groups of Palestinians in Judea and Samaria and Jerusalem and if they continue to rant the anti Israeli nonsense they spout here it likely would have incited more terror attacks against Jews and caused the deaths of more Palestinians who attempted to carry out those attacks.

What rant against Israel? And why would they have to speak to every group or groups that Israel approved of?
Try to understand this even if it is difficult for you. No foreigner has the right to be in Israel unless Israel grants them that right just as no foreigner has the right to be in the US unless the US grants them that right.
And no nation should collect billions from the nation whose reps are refused entrance
The subhuman s in question were not acting as reps.

Not only were the things not scheduled to meet with a single Isaeli offocial, but they listed "Palestine" rather than Israel as their destination.

I realize you are a very stupid young child born after the invention of this brand new people called "Palestinian" but I steal did not prevent representatives from entering Isral. They blocked entry to two subhuman s planning on meeting with terrorist support groups for the purpose of eliminating Israel.
WHY is this story still an issue?

Omar and Tlaib are DOCUMENTED, unabashed, unapologetic terrorist-supporting anti-Semites...their trip to Israel was put together based on an anti-Israel agenda by a terrorist-supporting organization.

Just because the United States has lost its damn mind and continues to allow treasonous Democrats to sacrifice our sovereignty, eliminate our borders, prevent the enforcement of existing US law, and facilitates the continuous criminal illegal invasion of 60,000 criminal almost completely unidentified illegals into the US does not mean other nations / our allies have to do so ... and certainly does not mean 4 Anti-Semitic Freshman Socialist Democrats can hold a press conference intended to emotionally manipulate Americans can bully them into allowing them into their country to engage in activities to undermine their government.

The 2 most Anti-Semitic terrorist-supporting 'Squad' Members got on TV today, taking advantage of their government positions to spew anti-Semitic HATE-driven OPINIONS. The fact that they are US Congresswomen make their propaganda no less that - propaganda.

If anything, they just gave Israel justification for preventing them from entering Israel. As far as Tlaib's 'crocodile' tears, Israel told her she could enter Israel...but she threw 'grandma' under the 'Hate Bus', choosing to change her mind about going, after her fellow Anti-Semite and the rest of the Israel-hating Dems told her that accepting their offer would undermine their agenda / message.

The fact that anyone is giving them air time to carry out their disgusting campaign of anti-Semitic, pro-terrorist, emotional-manipulating political theatrics is just sad, almost as sad as what the Democratic Party has become.
It’s s feelings frenzy, poor widdle women done wrong
Ragshithole Taliban does not even speak for the 30,000 dummies who elected her much less the USA and the 300+ million who reside here.
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Nonsense, he said he thought it would be foolish for Israel to allow them in, that's all.

Reps. Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib were barred from visiting Israel. Here's what we know

WASHINGTON – Israeli officials announced Thursday that Reps. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., and Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., will be blocked from entering the country ahead of their planned visit this weekend, following a tweet from President Donald Trump urging the country to not allow them to make their trip.

Punished for their opinions. OK for Israel, not OK for Trump.
And now you think Trump should be punished for expressing his opinions.

Do I support his anti-American actions? No, I do not. Punished? No idea what you are talking about.
Clearly, you have no idea what you are talking about either. Trump expressed his opinion that Israel would be foolish to allow them in, and you call that punishment, so when you express your opinion that Trump shouldn't have done that, wouldn't that also be punishment?

No, it's sticking up for our rights. I can do nothing. Trump did. Again, if Trump had simply condemned their position I am not here arguing what I did. He advocated for Israel to punish them for their opinion.
You don't HAVE the right to go to a foreign country in order to conspire against it .
Anyone ALSO notice how Omar and Tlaib, with the help of the Leftist propaganda-pushing media, completely ignored the Palestinian Ban on LGBTs....?!

Bwuhahahaha.....just got to hate when reality / truth gets in the way. :p
Given their long histories of anti semitic and anti American rants, it is likely they would not be allowed in.
Of course they would be allowed in. Most of us believe in a free society
Not Barack Obama. He banned a Knesset member because he didn't like his politics in2012.
So Obama bans a believed member of a terrorist organization and Israel bans two US congresswomen and you are drawing equivalencies?! Really?
In fact, when the Obama administration was challenged on this decision, they were unable to present evidence of membership in any terrorist organization, but clearly he held views Obama disapproved of. However much Obama may have disliked Michael Ben Ari's political opinions, his presence here in the US would have provided no danger to Americans, but in the volatile situation in Judea and Samaria and Jerusalem where the two intended to go, attempted terrorist attacks against Jews occur everyday and if they continued their anti semitic and anti Israel rants there they would likely have incited more violence. Obama made a political gesture based only on his personal political biases whereas Netanyahu made his decision to prevent violence in Israel.
Given their long histories of anti semitic and anti American rants, it is likely they would not be allowed in.
Of course they would be allowed in. Most of us believe in a free society
Not Barack Obama. He banned a Knesset member because he didn't like his politics in2012.
So Obama bans a believed member of a terrorist organization and Israel bans two US congresswomen and you are drawing equivalencies?! Really?

Obama's failures do not justify Trump's.
Try to calm down. Trump merel expressed an opinion.

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