What if Trump comes out of today's briefing with a major change of heart?

I am still chuckling about the fact that trumptards demand proof. Lol.
A lot of these idiots believe the most absurd, baroque conspiracy horseshit like Pizzagate, but can't conceive Russian leaders would seek to disrupt an election
-- they buy into the wildest, darkest, lunatic theories ("Hillary is a pedophile cannibal!") but ignore the conclusions of the entire intel community.

Just whack.
Nope. Instead it will be bring on the congressional Investigations...from a few minutes ago:

Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump

"I am asking the chairs of the House and Senate committees to investigate top secret intelligence shared with NBC prior to me seeing it."
Since when does NBC get top secret intelligence? Something is wrong here.
They didn't.

It's Trump being an idiot. Again.

There is a classified report being given to Trump, and an unclassified report being released to the public.

Trump is a fucking retard. I've never known a single huckster who was not stupid in so many ways.
And change of view on the Russian hacking? What if he is convinced by the intel people that their assessment is valid?

1. Will the Trumpbots stand firm in their own beliefs and throw Trump under the bus?

2. or will they all do a synchronized massive flip flop in obedience to their Master?
#2 for sure. Just watch.
If they release actual evidence, and their mind changes, wouldn't that just be intellectual honesty?
The head Spooks are telling you how they knew and that they KNOW. No one should ever have taken Trump's stance on this to begin with. I do not ever recall the populace insisting on MORE evidence from our intelligence services when they have already given us a good deal more than is usual. It is all to shore up Trump and it was not intellectually honest from the get go.
You do get it, right, that Trump only objects to the part where Russia might have helped him WIN? Otherwise, he's good with whatever.
But there isn't any evidence... IDK about the rest. But I wouldn't doubt it.
What kind of evidence would satisfy you?
And change of view on the Russian hacking? What if he is convinced by the intel people that their assessment is valid?

1. Will the Trumpbots stand firm in their own beliefs and throw Trump under the bus?

2. or will they all do a synchronized massive flip flop in obedience to their Master?
That's a big if.

But IF Vladimir Trump flip flops, you can absolutely depend on his Chumps obediently mimicking him.

However, Trump's ego can't handle the fact he got a leg up from a hostile foreign power, and that his legitimacy as President is therefore in serious doubt.

So if he does flip flop and agree his man crush Putin interfered in our electoral process, he will claim it had no impact. Even though he and his Chumps thought the leaks had a huge impact on the election, and said so all last summer and fall.

Just curious, what do you rabid Trump-Haters want him to do? Start WWIII just because your Party was exposed for being one of the most corrupt institutions on earth? I mean, i'm willing to listen. What do you haters want Trump to do? I'll wait for a response.
Trump needs to live in reality, and stop making shit up. That would be a fucking GREAT start. A beginning.

You couldn't figure that out without his help, kid?

It's terrifying we have a President who lives in a constant state of delusion, and that he has millions of you rubes willingly following him down whatever fucking rabbit hole he takes you.

That's all fine for a reality TV personality, but horrifying in a leader of the free world.
And change of view on the Russian hacking? What if he is convinced by the intel people that their assessment is valid?

1. Will the Trumpbots stand firm in their own beliefs and throw Trump under the bus?

2. or will they all do a synchronized massive flip flop in obedience to their Master?
What if the queen had balls? Then she would be king.
And change of view on the Russian hacking? What if he is convinced by the intel people that their assessment is valid?

1. Will the Trumpbots stand firm in their own beliefs and throw Trump under the bus?

2. or will they all do a synchronized massive flip flop in obedience to their Master?
That's a big if.

But IF Vladimir Trump flip flops, you can absolutely depend on his Chumps obediently mimicking him.

However, Trump's ego can't handle the fact he got a leg up from a hostile foreign power, and that his legitimacy as President is therefore in serious doubt.

So if he does flip flop and agree his man crush Putin interfered in our electoral process, he will claim it had no impact. Even though he and his Chumps thought the leaks had a huge impact on the election, and said so all last summer and fall.

Just curious, what do you rabid Trump-Haters want him to do? Start WWIII just because your Party was exposed for being one of the most corrupt institutions on earth? I mean, i'm willing to listen. What do you haters want Trump to do? I'll wait for a response.
Trump needs to live in reality, and stop making shit up. That would be a fucking GREAT start. A beginning.

You couldn't figure that out without his help, kid?

It's terrifying we have a President who lives in a constant state of delusion, and that he has millions of you rubes willingly following him down whatever fucking rabbit hole he takes you.

Ok, you rambled on incoherently there. So i'll try again. What do you haters want Trump to do? Be specific.
What if Trump comes out of today's briefing with a major change of heart?

Even the rank and file spooks in the field know Brennen and Clapper are Obama butt boys...
And change of view on the Russian hacking? What if he is convinced by the intel people that their assessment is valid?

1. Will the Trumpbots stand firm in their own beliefs and throw Trump under the bus?

2. or will they all do a synchronized massive flip flop in obedience to their Master?
That's a big if.

But IF Vladimir Trump flip flops, you can absolutely depend on his Chumps obediently mimicking him.

However, Trump's ego can't handle the fact he got a leg up from a hostile foreign power, and that his legitimacy as President is therefore in serious doubt.

So if he does flip flop and agree his man crush Putin interfered in our electoral process, he will claim it had no impact. Even though he and his Chumps thought the leaks had a huge impact on the election, and said so all last summer and fall.

Just curious, what do you rabid Trump-Haters want him to do? Start WWIII just because your Party was exposed for being one of the most corrupt institutions on earth? I mean, i'm willing to listen. What do you haters want Trump to do? I'll wait for a response.
you keep repeating that LINE like you are a Bot....

Care to tell us how the wikileaks showed us the DNC was one of the most corrupt institutions on Earth?

put up, or shut up.

Do you know what was in the private RNC emails that you can compare the DNC to?

Do you know what was in Priebus's private emails the past decade that you can compare to?

Do you know what was in the Trump campaign emails to compare them with?
And change of view on the Russian hacking? What if he is convinced by the intel people that their assessment is valid?

1. Will the Trumpbots stand firm in their own beliefs and throw Trump under the bus?

2. or will they all do a synchronized massive flip flop in obedience to their Master?
That's a big if.

But IF Vladimir Trump flip flops, you can absolutely depend on his Chumps obediently mimicking him.

However, Trump's ego can't handle the fact he got a leg up from a hostile foreign power, and that his legitimacy as President is therefore in serious doubt.

So if he does flip flop and agree his man crush Putin interfered in our electoral process, he will claim it had no impact. Even though he and his Chumps thought the leaks had a huge impact on the election, and said so all last summer and fall.

Just curious, what do you rabid Trump-Haters want him to do? Start WWIII just because your Party was exposed for being one of the most corrupt institutions on earth? I mean, i'm willing to listen. What do you haters want Trump to do? I'll wait for a response.
Trump needs to live in reality, and stop making shit up. That would be a fucking GREAT start. A beginning.

You couldn't figure that out without his help, kid?

It's terrifying we have a President who lives in a constant state of delusion, and that he has millions of you rubes willingly following him down whatever fucking rabbit hole he takes you.

Ok, you rambled on incoherently there. So i'll try again. What do you haters want Trump to do? Be specific.
And here we see the willful stupidity of a Trump Chump.

I very clearly explained what Trump needs to do.

He needs to accept the TRUTH. You dumb fucks have been living in such a state of constant lies that the truth has become fatal to you.
I am still chuckling about the fact that trumptards demand proof. Lol.
A lot of these idiots believe the most absurd, baroque conspiracy horseshit like Pizzagate, but can't conceive Russian leaders would seek to disrupt an election
-- they buy into the wildest, darkest, lunatic theories ("Hillary is a pedophile cannibal!") but ignore the conclusions of the entire intel community.

Just whack.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

The tards have been fooled THOUSANDS of times.

I have to wonder what it will take for these people to come to their senses since...

...Fox News said there was a "stand down order", and there was no stand down order…

Since The Blaze said a Mexican was stuffing an Arizona ballot box, and that Mexican was NOT stuffing an Arizona ballot box…

Since Breitbart said Chuck Hagel met with Friends of Hamas, and there is no such thing as the Friends of Hamas.

Since Bill O'Reilly said he was in combat, when he was a thousand miles from combat...

Since Fox News said the Marines guarding our embassy in Egypt were denied live ammo, and our Marines were NOT denied live ammo…

Since the right wing media hacks said 93 million people will lose their employer health insurance by the end of 2014, and 93 million people have NOT lost their health insurance…

Since Laura Ingraham said Obama was going to be impeached within three weeks, and Obama was NOT impeached…

Since Fox News said you can print ballots at home in Colorado, and you CANNOT print ballots at home in Colorado…

Since the credulous were told Michelle Obama and Elizabeth Warren had deleted Hillary from their Twitter accounts, and they did NOT delete Hillary from their Twitter accounts…

Since the credulous were told Obama was born in Kenya, and Obama was NOT born in Kenya…

Since the rubes were told Obama demanded to be sworn in on the Koran, and Obama did NOT demand to be sworn in on the Koran…

Since the credulous were told Obama banned Christmas cards on Military Bases, and Obama did NOT ban Christmas cards on military bases…

Since Fox News reported Obama banned Nativity scenes by Executive Order, and Obama did NOT ban Nativity scenes…

Since the credulous were told Obama cut God out of his Thanksgiving addresses every year, and believed it without even…you know…LOOKING to see if that was true, and Obama did NOT leave God out of any of his Thanksgiving or Christmas messages…

Since Fox News reported Obama used his own money to keep a Muslim museum openduring a government shutdown, and Obama did NOT use his own money to keep a Muslim museum open during the shutdown…

Since World News Daily reported Obama wears a Muslim ring which says “There Is No God But Allah”, and Obama does NOT wear a Muslim ring which says “There Is No God But Allah”…

Since Fox News reported “far more children died last year drowning in their bath tubs than were accidentally killed by guns”, and far more children died from accidental gun deaths…

Since Fox News reported the Texas School Board of Education is considering banning references to Christmas and the Constitution, and the Texas School Board of Education is NOT considering banning references to Christmas and the Constitution…

Since the credulous bleeved Obama banned the Confederate flag by Executive Order

Since the credulous bleeved Operation Jade Helm was a joint UN/US government takeover of the American southwest…

Since the credulous fell for a hoax that said Obama has banned the Pledge of Allegiance

Since the credulous fell for a hoax about a Bill Clinton rape video

Since the credulous fell for a hoax that Yoko Ono had an affair with Hillary Clinton

Since the credulous fell for a hoax about a postal worker destroying Trump ballots

Since the credulous fell for a hoax that Clinton’s campaign chairman wrote a racist screedthat was actually written by a Netherlands nazi…

Since Donald Trump and millions of his Chumps fell for a hoax that John Podesta wrote something about Benghazi that a Newsweek reporter actually wrote…

Since the credulous fell for a hoax the Oregon mass shooter was on a Russian terror watch list which Obama refused to take…

Since the credulous fell for
a hoax that the Pope said there is no true religion and there is no hell

Since the credulous fell for
a hoax about a Hillary body double on 9/11

Since the credulous fell for
a hoax video about Democratic primary voting fraud which was actually a video of Russian voting fraud which had been deliberately manipulated…

Since the credulous parroted a lie that Obama was trying to get us all killed by Ebola, and that Ebola was going to kill millions of American last year…

Since the credulous fell for
a hoax about Obama being snubbed for handshakes

Since the credulous fell for the “death panels” hoax…

Since the credulous fell for
a hoax that 70 Congressional Democrats are members of the Communist party

Since the credulous fell for a hoax that DHS had bought 1.6 billion rounds of ammo…

Now you can see why I don't think these Chumps will EVER wake up.
And change of view on the Russian hacking? What if he is convinced by the intel people that their assessment is valid?

1. Will the Trumpbots stand firm in their own beliefs and throw Trump under the bus?

2. or will they all do a synchronized massive flip flop in obedience to their Master?
That's a big if.

But IF Vladimir Trump flip flops, you can absolutely depend on his Chumps obediently mimicking him.

However, Trump's ego can't handle the fact he got a leg up from a hostile foreign power, and that his legitimacy as President is therefore in serious doubt.

So if he does flip flop and agree his man crush Putin interfered in our electoral process, he will claim it had no impact. Even though he and his Chumps thought the leaks had a huge impact on the election, and said so all last summer and fall.

Just curious, what do you rabid Trump-Haters want him to do? Start WWIII just because your Party was exposed for being one of the most corrupt institutions on earth? I mean, i'm willing to listen. What do you haters want Trump to do? I'll wait for a response.
you keep repeating that LINE like you are a Bot....

Care to tell us how the wikileaks showed us the DNC was one of the most corrupt institutions on Earth?

put up, or shut up.

Do you know what was in the private RNC emails that you can compare the DNC to?

Do you know what was in Priebus's private emails the past decade that you can compare to?

Do you know what was in the Trump campaign emails to compare them with?
Nope. Instead it will be bring on the congressional Investigations...from a few minutes ago:

Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump

"I am asking the chairs of the House and Senate committees to investigate top secret intelligence shared with NBC prior to me seeing it."
That is awesome. He does not complain about ts intelligence allegedly shared with nbc, but about nbc getting this info prior to him. Lol.
And change of view on the Russian hacking? What if he is convinced by the intel people that their assessment is valid?

1. Will the Trumpbots stand firm in their own beliefs and throw Trump under the bus?

2. or will they all do a synchronized massive flip flop in obedience to their Master?
That's a big if.

But IF Vladimir Trump flip flops, you can absolutely depend on his Chumps obediently mimicking him.

However, Trump's ego can't handle the fact he got a leg up from a hostile foreign power, and that his legitimacy as President is therefore in serious doubt.

So if he does flip flop and agree his man crush Putin interfered in our electoral process, he will claim it had no impact. Even though he and his Chumps thought the leaks had a huge impact on the election, and said so all last summer and fall.

Just curious, what do you rabid Trump-Haters want him to do? Start WWIII just because your Party was exposed for being one of the most corrupt institutions on earth? I mean, i'm willing to listen. What do you haters want Trump to do? I'll wait for a response.
you keep repeating that LINE like you are a Bot....

Care to tell us how the wikileaks showed us the DNC was one of the most corrupt institutions on Earth?

put up, or shut up.

Do you know what was in the private RNC emails that you can compare the DNC to?

Do you know what was in Priebus's private emails the past decade that you can compare to?

Do you know what was in the Trump campaign emails to compare them with?

Wow, disturbing denial. But anyway, what do you haters want Trump to do? I'm willing to listen.
And change of view on the Russian hacking? What if he is convinced by the intel people that their assessment is valid?

1. Will the Trumpbots stand firm in their own beliefs and throw Trump under the bus?

2. or will they all do a synchronized massive flip flop in obedience to their Master?
That's a big if.

But IF Vladimir Trump flip flops, you can absolutely depend on his Chumps obediently mimicking him.

However, Trump's ego can't handle the fact he got a leg up from a hostile foreign power, and that his legitimacy as President is therefore in serious doubt.

So if he does flip flop and agree his man crush Putin interfered in our electoral process, he will claim it had no impact. Even though he and his Chumps thought the leaks had a huge impact on the election, and said so all last summer and fall.

Just curious, what do you rabid Trump-Haters want him to do? Start WWIII just because your Party was exposed for being one of the most corrupt institutions on earth? I mean, i'm willing to listen. What do you haters want Trump to do? I'll wait for a response.
Trump needs to live in reality, and stop making shit up. That would be a fucking GREAT start. A beginning.

You couldn't figure that out without his help, kid?

It's terrifying we have a President who lives in a constant state of delusion, and that he has millions of you rubes willingly following him down whatever fucking rabbit hole he takes you.

Ok, you rambled on incoherently there. So i'll try again. What do you haters want Trump to do? Be specific.
And here we see the willful stupidity of a Trump Chump.

I very clearly explained what Trump needs to do.

He needs to accept the TRUTH. You dumb fucks have been living in such a state of constant lies that the truth has become fatal to you.

That's it? Wow, y'all haters got nothin. Pretty embarrassing.
And change of view on the Russian hacking? What if he is convinced by the intel people that their assessment is valid?

1. Will the Trumpbots stand firm in their own beliefs and throw Trump under the bus?

2. or will they all do a synchronized massive flip flop in obedience to their Master?
That's a big if.

But IF Vladimir Trump flip flops, you can absolutely depend on his Chumps obediently mimicking him.

However, Trump's ego can't handle the fact he got a leg up from a hostile foreign power, and that his legitimacy as President is therefore in serious doubt.

So if he does flip flop and agree his man crush Putin interfered in our electoral process, he will claim it had no impact. Even though he and his Chumps thought the leaks had a huge impact on the election, and said so all last summer and fall.

Just curious, what do you rabid Trump-Haters want him to do? Start WWIII just because your Party was exposed for being one of the most corrupt institutions on earth? I mean, i'm willing to listen. What do you haters want Trump to do? I'll wait for a response.
you keep repeating that LINE like you are a Bot....

Care to tell us how the wikileaks showed us the DNC was one of the most corrupt institutions on Earth?

put up, or shut up.

Do you know what was in the private RNC emails that you can compare the DNC to?

Do you know what was in Priebus's private emails the past decade that you can compare to?

Do you know what was in the Trump campaign emails to compare them with?

Wow, disturbing denial. But anyway, what do you haters want Trump to do? I'm willing to listen.
You've shown you aren't the slightest bit interested in listening.

If you had been listening all along, you wouldn't have to keep asking, retard.
Change of heart about what? That Hillary Clinton is the most corrupt candidate that ever ran for office, and no matter how much her and the Main Stream Media tried to smear Trump with 17 year old Hot Mic locker room talks, or unfounded accusations of Misogyny, Racism, Homophobia, Latinophobia, Xenophobia, Islamophobia, beating his dog, kicking children, and legally filing for tax exemptions, they still couldn't get over on The American People?

Why would he have a change of heart over that? He had an entire army arrayed against him to stop him from being elected, and every dirty trick in the book plus the kitchen sink thrown at him.

Think about it. You had Every MSM Network vomiting hatred and lies daily about Trump.
Every Liberal Ass Licking America Hating Newspapers attacking him 24-7.
17 Candidates running against him in the GOP and much of the GOP Establishment bashing him daily.
You had The DNC rigging primaries.
You had the Clinton campaign conspiring with journalists to funnel her "DNC approved questions" and had Moderators of these debates in the bag for Hillary Clinton Hell Bent on destroying Trump in the debates. The Bias was clearly palpable. They didn't even bother to conceal their intentions.
You had the head of the DNC conspiring to rip off Bernie Sanders and make Hillary the nominee no matter if Bernie won any states or all the states.
You had Super Delegates being given to Hillary despite Sanders winning certain states.
You had one head of The DNC fired for being exposed for her The DNC Primary Rigging Scandal.
You had her replacement Donna Brazille steal Debate Questions on 3 occassions and hand them to Clinton.
You even had Hillary Clinton using ear pieces and being fed answers in debates.
You had Hillary Clinton and the DNC hiring Felons, The Mentally Ill, and The Homeless, to start riots and fights at Trump Rallies.

The only People that voted for Hillary were Welfare Recipients, Illegals, Felons, and Liberals of the lowest character in the most densely populated cesspools of America.

You had all this machinery arrayed against Trump, and Hillary and Obama both got utterly rejected and slapped in the face.

There is zero proof Russians hacked any voting machines.
Zero proof they influenced the MSM which was in the bag for Hillary Clinton.
This is nothing but a political attempt by Obama and his Cronies to destabilize our government, and delegtitimize Trump before he takes office.

I doubt he'll have a change of heart.
And change of view on the Russian hacking? What if he is convinced by the intel people that their assessment is valid?

1. Will the Trumpbots stand firm in their own beliefs and throw Trump under the bus?

2. or will they all do a synchronized massive flip flop in obedience to their Master?
That's a big if.

But IF Vladimir Trump flip flops, you can absolutely depend on his Chumps obediently mimicking him.

However, Trump's ego can't handle the fact he got a leg up from a hostile foreign power, and that his legitimacy as President is therefore in serious doubt.

So if he does flip flop and agree his man crush Putin interfered in our electoral process, he will claim it had no impact. Even though he and his Chumps thought the leaks had a huge impact on the election, and said so all last summer and fall.

Just curious, what do you rabid Trump-Haters want him to do? Start WWIII just because your Party was exposed for being one of the most corrupt institutions on earth? I mean, i'm willing to listen. What do you haters want Trump to do? I'll wait for a response.
you keep repeating that LINE like you are a Bot....

Care to tell us how the wikileaks showed us the DNC was one of the most corrupt institutions on Earth?

put up, or shut up.

Do you know what was in the private RNC emails that you can compare the DNC to?

Do you know what was in Priebus's private emails the past decade that you can compare to?

Do you know what was in the Trump campaign emails to compare them with?

Wow, disturbing denial. But anyway, what do you haters want Trump to do? I'm willing to listen.
You've shown you aren't the slightest bit interested in listening.

If you had been listening all along, you wouldn't have to keep asking, retard.
There's nothing to listen to from you idiots except the broken record sound.
TARD: What do you want?

EARTHLING: I want you to stop drinking piss.

TARD: Are you going to tell me what you want? I'm listening.

EARLTHLING: You keep drinking piss, and then when you are shown you drank some piss, you get back in line for more. Stop doing that.

TARD: I'll ask once again. What do you want?
Change of heart about what? That Hillary Clinton is the most corrupt candidate that ever ran for office, and no matter how much her and the Main Stream Media tried to smear Trump with 17 year old Hot Mic locker room talks, or unfounded accusations of Misogyny, Racism, Homophobia, Latinophobia, Xenophobia, Islamophobia, beating his dog, kicking children, and legally filing for tax exemptions, they still couldn't get over on The American People?

Why would he have a change of heart over that? He had an entire army arrayed against him to stop him from being elected, and every dirty trick in the book plus the kitchen sink thrown at him.

Think about it. You had Every MSM Network vomiting hatred and lies daily about Trump.
Every Liberal Ass Licking America Hating Newspapers attacking him 24-7.
17 Candidates running against him in the GOP and much of the GOP Establishment bashing him daily.
You had The DNC rigging primaries.
You had the head of the DNC conspiring to rip off Bernie Sanders and make Hillary the nominee no matter if Bernie won any states or all the states.
You had Super Delegates being given to Hillary despite Sanders winning certain states.
You had one head of The DNC fired for being exposed for her The DNC Primary Rigging Scandal.
You had her replacement Donna Brazille steal Debate Questions on 3 occassions and hand them to Clinton.
You even had Hillary Clinton using ear pieces and being fed answers in debates.
You had Hillary Clinton and the DNC hiring Felons, The Mentally Ill, and The Homeless, to start riots and fights at Trump Rallies.

The only People that voted for Hillary were Welfare Recipients, Illegals, Felons, and Liberals of the lowest character in the most densely populated cesspools of America.

You had all this machinery arrayed against Trump, and Hillary and Obama both got utterly rejected and slapped in the face.

There is zero proof Russians hacked any voting machines.
Zero proof they influenced the MSM which was in the bag for Hillary Clinton.
This is nothing but a political attempt by Obama and his Cronies to destabilize our government, and delegtitimize Trump before he takes office.

I doubt he'll have a change of heart.
Boy, that's a lot of smoke to cover up the fact the Russians hacked the DNC and were behind the leaks!

Leaks which the pseudocons were crowing about all summer and fall. Crowing that the leaks were killing Clinton's election chances.

Yeah. So keep trying to throw up smoke, kid. You aren't fooling anyone.

A hostile foreign power interfered in our electoral process, and you are condoning it. Traitor.
And change of view on the Russian hacking? What if he is convinced by the intel people that their assessment is valid?

1. Will the Trumpbots stand firm in their own beliefs and throw Trump under the bus?

2. or will they all do a synchronized massive flip flop in obedience to their Master?
That's a big if.

But IF Vladimir Trump flip flops, you can absolutely depend on his Chumps obediently mimicking him.

However, Trump's ego can't handle the fact he got a leg up from a hostile foreign power, and that his legitimacy as President is therefore in serious doubt.

So if he does flip flop and agree his man crush Putin interfered in our electoral process, he will claim it had no impact. Even though he and his Chumps thought the leaks had a huge impact on the election, and said so all last summer and fall.

Just curious, what do you rabid Trump-Haters want him to do? Start WWIII just because your Party was exposed for being one of the most corrupt institutions on earth? I mean, i'm willing to listen. What do you haters want Trump to do? I'll wait for a response.
you keep repeating that LINE like you are a Bot....

Care to tell us how the wikileaks showed us the DNC was one of the most corrupt institutions on Earth?

put up, or shut up.

Do you know what was in the private RNC emails that you can compare the DNC to?

Do you know what was in Priebus's private emails the past decade that you can compare to?

Do you know what was in the Trump campaign emails to compare them with?

Wow, disturbing denial. But anyway, what do you haters want Trump to do? I'm willing to listen.
You've shown you aren't the slightest bit interested in listening.

If you had been listening all along, you wouldn't have to keep asking, retard.

Give specifics. What do you propose Donald Trump do in response to 'Russian Hacking?' I mean, we get that you hate Trump. So put that aside for a moment and try to focus. What do you want him to do?

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