What If We Actually Had Poor People In This Country?

There is no "lie" in that article. People are working (no unemployment) but not making ends meet.

It cant be both ways. You cant be seeing a cutback and at the same time be seeing more food stamps which indicates something wrong. Its simply not possible. Cogitative dissonance again?

However we need to admit that signals can be conflicting. We've reached a point of complexity where nothing is plain any more. And I will say that I was taught as a child that planned economies never work for that reason.

But as to people working and not making ends meet..not only that but TWO people often working and not making ends meet. Is it progress when it takes two workers to keep the lifestyle one worker provided in the past?
I will tell you this..whether correlation, causation or just coincidence..before the "war on poverty" it took one salary to make a middle class living. I am old enough to remember so dont try and blow smoke about it.

And perhaps give a thought to who benefits from destroyed families.

GK Chesterson once said "these women demanding the right to work will soon find that they have no choice but to work"
I will not lay this ALL at Reagan's feet, devolves instantly into partisanshitheadism, and in the end, it is the system, not parties or personalities. But yeah, that's when "we" began to re-rig the economic system and engage in full implementation of the Powell Memorandum. There is the societal wealth redistribution everyone is always incorrectly blathering on about.

But absolutely true. Reaganites demonized - still do - all but the non-aristocratic AND a govt of, by, for we the people to address the needs of society.
And mainly blocked all efforts of democrats for reform. See Health Care daycare living wage, cheap college and training, good infrastructure and vacations, taxing the rich more percentage wise than the middle class, and an ID card to end illegal immigration. Duh. So we have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world, and because they also have the worst propaganda machine in our history, they can brainwash the ignorant and bigots.

And yet when the Dems "gave" us a healthcare plan, they "gave" us one concocted in large at the Heritage Foundation and it turned out to be not so much for the people as for big pharma and the insurance industry still leaving millions uncovered.
Anything wrong with it is from sabotage from the GOP. For the first time big Pharma and insurance corporations are being regulated. For example they can only spend 20% on non medical Care, instead of the 27% they'd spent before. ACA is a framework that should be added to and tinkered with forever. It passed by the skin of its teeth, thank God finally and it's not going anywhere. Most people now realize all the fear-mongering from the GOP was total b*******. Not super dupers like you of course...

Of course the Dems will tell you single payer is pipe dream stuff, that's rather the point isn't it. Dick Gephardt set up a lobbying firm to fight it less than a month after he "left" 3 decades in "public" service.
whatever, BS propaganda. The Democrats finally passed a health system and it's not going anywhere. Democrats are hardly raving socialists.they were able to pass a capitalist health system that can be tinkered with forever. everything you complain about is caused by Republicans. If you can't tell the difference you're an idiot. Duped by Republican garbage propaganda again...

I'm sorry, I simply do not buy into partisanshithead percetual reality.

I'm well aware of the aristocracy's need to keep the masses divided, goes all the way back to Bacon's Rebellion on this land mass. The so called "left"/Democratic Party/liberal elite exists to act as a relief valve for the frustrations of the unsubstantial people. "Both" of our political parties answer to the the corporate state and the Wall Street/donor/"job creator" class who they rely upon for funding.
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And mainly blocked all efforts of democrats for reform. See Health Care daycare living wage, cheap college and training, good infrastructure and vacations, taxing the rich more percentage wise than the middle class, and an ID card to end illegal immigration. Duh. So we have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world, and because they also have the worst propaganda machine in our history, they can brainwash the ignorant and bigots.

And yet when the Dems "gave" us a healthcare plan, they "gave" us one concocted in large at the Heritage Foundation and it turned out to be not so much for the people as for big pharma and the insurance industry still leaving millions uncovered.
Anything wrong with it is from sabotage from the GOP. For the first time big Pharma and insurance corporations are being regulated. For example they can only spend 20% on non medical Care, instead of the 27% they'd spent before. ACA is a framework that should be added to and tinkered with forever. It passed by the skin of its teeth, thank God finally and it's not going anywhere. Most people now realize all the fear-mongering from the GOP was total b*******. Not super dupers like you of course...

Of course the Dems will tell you single payer is pipe dream stuff, that's rather the point isn't it. Dick Gephardt set up a lobbying firm to fight it less than a month after he "left" 3 decades in "public" service.
whatever, BS propaganda. The Democrats finally passed a health system and it's not going anywhere. Democrats are hardly raving socialists.they were able to pass a capitalist health system that can be tinkered with forever. everything you complain about is caused by Republicans. If you can't tell the difference you're an idiot. Duped by Republican garbage propaganda again...

I'm sorry, I simply do not buy into partisnashithead percetual reality.

I'm well aware of the aristocracy's need to keep the masses divided, goes all the way back to Bacon's Rebellion on this land mass. The so called "left"/Democratic Party/liberal elite exists to act as a relief valve for the frustrations of the unsubstantial people. "Both" of our political parties answer to the the corporate state and the Wall Street/donor/"job creastort" class who they rely upon for funding.
Yep, you're an idiot. Unfortunately the Democrats need 60 votes in the Senate to pass anything. Obama had 30 days in session of 60 votes and passed ACA, the greatest social reform since LBJ had 60 votes, the middle of another corrupt GOP economic meltdown is no time to pass reforms that scare the hell out of brainwashed Republicans. Wake up and smell the coffee.
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And yet when the Dems "gave" us a healthcare plan, they "gave" us one concocted in large at the Heritage Foundation and it turned out to be not so much for the people as for big pharma and the insurance industry still leaving millions uncovered.
Anything wrong with it is from sabotage from the GOP. For the first time big Pharma and insurance corporations are being regulated. For example they can only spend 20% on non medical Care, instead of the 27% they'd spent before. ACA is a framework that should be added to and tinkered with forever. It passed by the skin of its teeth, thank God finally and it's not going anywhere. Most people now realize all the fear-mongering from the GOP was total b*******. Not super dupers like you of course...

Of course the Dems will tell you single payer is pipe dream stuff, that's rather the point isn't it. Dick Gephardt set up a lobbying firm to fight it less than a month after he "left" 3 decades in "public" service.
whatever, BS propaganda. The Democrats finally passed a health system and it's not going anywhere. Democrats are hardly raving socialists.they were able to pass a capitalist health system that can be tinkered with forever. everything you complain about is caused by Republicans. If you can't tell the difference you're an idiot. Duped by Republican garbage propaganda again...

I'm sorry, I simply do not buy into partisnashithead percetual reality.

I'm well aware of the aristocracy's need to keep the masses divided, goes all the way back to Bacon's Rebellion on this land mass. The so called "left"/Democratic Party/liberal elite exists to act as a relief valve for the frustrations of the unsubstantial people. "Both" of our political parties answer to the the corporate state and the Wall Street/donor/"job creastort" class who they rely upon for funding.
Yep, you're an idiot. Unfortunately the Democrats need 60 votes in the Senate to pass anything. Obama had 30 days in session of 60 volts and passed ACA, the greatest social reform since LBJ had 60 votes, the middle of a another corrupt GOP economic meltdown is no time to pass reforms that scare the hell out of brainwashed Republicans. Wake up and smell the coffee.

Partisanshitheads gonna partisanshithead.
Anything wrong with it is from sabotage from the GOP. For the first time big Pharma and insurance corporations are being regulated. For example they can only spend 20% on non medical Care, instead of the 27% they'd spent before. ACA is a framework that should be added to and tinkered with forever. It passed by the skin of its teeth, thank God finally and it's not going anywhere. Most people now realize all the fear-mongering from the GOP was total b*******. Not super dupers like you of course...

Of course the Dems will tell you single payer is pipe dream stuff, that's rather the point isn't it. Dick Gephardt set up a lobbying firm to fight it less than a month after he "left" 3 decades in "public" service.
whatever, BS propaganda. The Democrats finally passed a health system and it's not going anywhere. Democrats are hardly raving socialists.they were able to pass a capitalist health system that can be tinkered with forever. everything you complain about is caused by Republicans. If you can't tell the difference you're an idiot. Duped by Republican garbage propaganda again...

I'm sorry, I simply do not buy into partisnashithead percetual reality.

I'm well aware of the aristocracy's need to keep the masses divided, goes all the way back to Bacon's Rebellion on this land mass. The so called "left"/Democratic Party/liberal elite exists to act as a relief valve for the frustrations of the unsubstantial people. "Both" of our political parties answer to the the corporate state and the Wall Street/donor/"job creastort" class who they rely upon for funding.
Yep, you're an idiot. Unfortunately the Democrats need 60 votes in the Senate to pass anything. Obama had 30 days in session of 60 volts and passed ACA, the greatest social reform since LBJ had 60 votes, the middle of a another corrupt GOP economic meltdown is no time to pass reforms that scare the hell out of brainwashed Republicans. Wake up and smell the coffee.

Partisanshitheads gonna partisanshithead.
The scumbag GOP loves idiots like you. Democrats want to raise taxes on the rich and invest in America and Americans. GOP wants to cut taxes on the rich and screw you over, brainwashed functional moron.
Some things to add to the list that more and more young people are discovering that will help the nation..
1) .get an education
2) dont get married at all
3) .dont have children
4) .Focus on your career
5). Save for retirement so you arentarworking in your early 60s
6). Slowly aquiresthe posessions you desire as you save up for them.
You don't really believe that ....do you????
1. "The entire world population could fit in the state of Texas and it’d only have the population density of New York City!

There goes the political slut barking at the moon again. Whether actually true or not, it say nothing about resources and practicality. Water, electricity, food, sewerage, waste, transportation, roads, housing, education, medical care, carbon emissions and on and on, these are all strapped to the limit. You have mass quantities of people trying to invade the USA because their native lands cannot support them, mass migration from war torn places, islands of plastic floating in the ocean washing ashore; it goes on and on. Traffic, congestion, stress. The USA should have been capped off when it was 200 million. The traffic anymore even in the suburbs is unbearable.

The facts stand against you. Admit you were wrong and move on.

Ask any animal in nature if there aren't too many people whose land we have all taken. Ask the bear, ask the wolf, ask the fox, ask the coyote, ask the steer crowded into fenced in ranches, ask the buffalo hunted to near extinction, ask the cattle, ask the poultry caged in boxes, ask the American Indian, ask the depleted oceans nearly bereft of fish, ask the farmer who must use chemicals to force growth to meet demand, ask the deer starving with no place left to go, ask the rabbit, ask the woods and trees and rain-forest all cut down and cleared if not there are too many people. Ask any mountain strip mined of all its minerals. The entire Earth stands in mute witness of the ravages of having too many people on the planet Earth.

Did you really say “ask an animal “? :lol:
You don't really believe that ....do you????
1. "The entire world population could fit in the state of Texas and it’d only have the population density of New York City!

There goes the political slut barking at the moon again. Whether actually true or not, it say nothing about resources and practicality. Water, electricity, food, sewerage, waste, transportation, roads, housing, education, medical care, carbon emissions and on and on, these are all strapped to the limit. You have mass quantities of people trying to invade the USA because their native lands cannot support them, mass migration from war torn places, islands of plastic floating in the ocean washing ashore; it goes on and on. Traffic, congestion, stress. The USA should have been capped off when it was 200 million. The traffic anymore even in the suburbs is unbearable.

Its doable. It takes a culture and a society dedicated to the common good while appreciating the individual as the basis of that common good. Small area and high population is no impediment. Want an example? Singapore. An entire nation built on 200 sq miles. How about two examples. Add Hong Kong.

Singapore also has low low taxes. But it is against the law to not provide for your parents. Unemployment averages 1.9% because the government will not pay you not to work and the government does not hammer you and your employer when you do work. They never fell to the Marxist politics of grievance. They accepted the British gifts of government and language and built on them instead of whining. Government spending is less than 20% GDP and still they enjoy outstanding infrastructure and some of the best schools and hospitals in the world. Singapore has no minimum wage law yet their small nation handles 200,000 unskilled worker visas a year.

Cal Thomas: Singapore an example of effective government

The Economist speaking of Singapore: “The state’s attitude can be simply put: being poor here is your own fault. Citizens are obliged to save for the future, rely on their families and not expect any handouts from the government unless they hit rock bottom.”

Sounds harsh...until you witness some of the best living conditions in the world in just about the most cramped conditions imaginable.

The stingy nanny
Some things to add to the list that more and more young people are discovering that will help the nation..
2) dont get married at all
3) .dont have children...

These would absolutely NOT “help the nation.” Quite the contrary.
Some things to add to the list that more and more young people are discovering that will help the nation..
2) dont get married at all
3) .dont have children...

These would absolutely NOT “help the nation.” Quite the contrary.

The person with whom you are conversing is not an American.

His quotes:

now I have not a patriotic bone in my body
Now....On To The Future!

. Of course I will admit I don't have a patriotic bone in my body eventhough i was born in america
The pledge
why are women such Scrooges with their wealth of human sexuality?

most guys would for a line for free full body massage with happy ending.

how serious can women be if they can't even make appointments.
Did you really say “ask an animal “? :lol:

Do you really choose dripping poop as your personal moniker? Yeah, it sorta fits. Idiot -- -- -- you didn't know you can talk to animals? Animals are far better and more honest communicators than people. The animals around you are talking to you all the time, too bad your ears are too full of shit to hear their words. Probably why the plight they are in. By the way, I said ANY animal, you can't even get that much right.
Did you really say “ask an animal “? :lol:

...The animals around you are talking to you all the time...

No, they aren’t. Animals communicate, but they don’t use language.

Show me where I ever said animals had a verbal LANGUAGE as humans do? They have both an audible and body language. Animals communicate far more and better than people, just not on a higher cognitive level. Yet one animal understands another perfectly. Start learning to READ better and stop trying to put words in people's mouths and changing the subject through parsing. Part of your poopy communication problem. Animals don't need contracts. People need contracts with every word spelled out so that the other party can't lie or dodge. Animals survive through strength and honesty. People survive through lies, tricks and deception.

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