What If We Actually Had Poor People In This Country?

As generous as I am, my present today for our Democrat voters, is to remove any necessity for that hand-wringing, or living in that crisis-mode your masters keep you in.

Democrat voters….be prepared to be shocked: there is neither racism nor poverty in this country!
Yup…you’ve been double-lied to….and you bought it like it was on sale.

The thread will concentrate on the latter lie.

There's no poverty, you have no need to either prepare to step over dead bodies due to starvation.....nor to ever vote Democrat again.

1. There is no poverty, no need for you to fork over a third or more of your income to the bosses.
Not the sham perpetuated by the Left to manipulate the soft-hearted/soft-headed to vote Democrat. I mean actual poverty.

Here’s the real definition, not one that is based on some folks having a slightly smaller house than you, or only a 50inch TV….

No Home, No Heat, No Food…..real poverty. If there is such a category in America, it is no more than a rounding error.

2. If you have cable TV….you’re not poor.

3. If you don’t clip the coupons and shop at several grocery stores for the best prices….you know you’re not really poor.

4. If you live in the city, and you have a car….you’re not poor.

5.If you spend more time signing up for government welfare programs rather than looking for creative ways to make some money,….you’re not poor- there are other words to describe you, and they aren't compliments.

You are poor???
Here....let me help:

Some plans if you need some extra bucks: (When Money is Tight, These 9 Resources Can Help You)

6. Make a Little Extra Money While You Watch TV
Surveys aren’t the quickest way to make money, but they’re a great way to cash in on your downtime and pad your pockets for the next rainy day. Fill them out while you’re watching TV, riding the bus or waiting in line.

One survey site we love is called InboxDollars. It offers several short, daily surveys. You earn cash, so you don’t have to worry about exchanging points. It also offers more ways to earn, such as watching videos, playing scratch-off games and searching the internet.

Bonus: You’ll get a free $5 just for signing up!

7. Sell Your Stuff
When you’re short on cash, look to the back of your closet and in the depths of your attic or basement. You’ll almost certainly find a bunch of stuff you don’t use anymore.

A lot of people see this clutter and start plotting a garage sale to earn extra money. The prospect is tempting — but a garage sale might not be worth your time.

Try some alternatives, like selling your stuff online or in town to earn more money with less hassle than hosting a full-blown garage sale. Apps like Letgo and Decluttr make it super easy to sell your stuff without sitting in the front yard and dealing with strangers all day.

More ways to get money without putting your hand in your neighbor’s pocket….next.
You have to live in a big city

try living in a red state or a red part of any state. Want to see poverty?

What If We Actually Had Poor People In This Country?
Poverty is NoHome, NoHeat, NoFood
The only individuals who fit into this category are mentally ill.
So a person with only a tent, a campfire, and a fresh possum to cook over the campfire is not poor?

Poverty is NoHome, NoHeat, NoFood
The only individuals who fit into this category are mentally ill.
So your answer to my question is yes.

I believe my answer was clear.

Is your example a mentally ill person?
Then that is the life he wishes, and poverty has nothing to do with it.
It would have been truly clear if you had answered either yes or no.

You seem to like making up you own definitions. If your definition of poverty is used then of course you are right. However, your definition of poverty is not generally accepted by many people.
Is that because they have other agendas and her agenda get in their way?

you see, many people use differing definitions for many things in politics and I've discovered, that the definition most widely accepted is the one that does the most for them.

So why is that acceptable for you and those who disagree with her definition, but her definition is not acceptable at all?

Let's take the definition of racism. Most people think that racism is an act. In actuality, racism is a belief. However, since they need to be able to demonize those who disagree with them, they expand the definition to include anyone who disagrees with them.

She, at least, made the effort to be upfront with what constitutes the poor at the very beginning of the discussion whereas, most leftists don't because they need to shift and move the definition to change their argument.
Too funny.

You see if your bills are paid, and your refrigerator has enough food to last to the next paycheck and you have enough gas in your car to get you through to the next paycheck but your bank account is zero, you are NOT poor. In fact, you're actually doing pretty well for yourself.

How do you do better?

Start eliminating all of your bills except the bare minimum. Heat, water, electricity, rent/mortgage, clothing.

Do away paying for anything on time that is not part of your necessity. A TV, Phone, game console, expensive data plan, internet and any other hobby you may have.

Cut it right to the bone. Then see how much 'check' you have at the end of the month.

then start paying yourself 10% right off the top and pay yourself 10% regardless of the fact of paying your bills. You see, if you can't make your bills now, then that 10% won't matter in the here or now, but will in the future.

Make a plan to scrap every dime and pay off each bill according to the lowest to the highest. When you pay one off, take that monthly payment and apply it to the very next bill. Rince and repeat until you no longer have any bills but the necessity.

Then, and ONLY then, do you start adding a few wants to the list. However, once you reach that point NEVER again pay for anything on time.
Too funny.

You see if your bills are paid, and your refrigerator has enough food to last to the next paycheck and you have enough gas in your car to get you through to the next paycheck but your bank account is zero, you are NOT poor. In fact, you're actually doing pretty well for yourself.

How do you do better?

Start eliminating all of your bills except the bare minimum. Heat, water, electricity, rent/mortgage, clothing.

Do away paying for anything on time that is not part of your necessity. A TV, Phone, game console, expensive data plan, internet and any other hobby you may have.

Cut it right to the bone. Then see how much 'check' you have at the end of the month.

then start paying yourself 10% right off the top and pay yourself 10% regardless of the fact of paying your bills. You see, if you can't make your bills now, then that 10% won't matter in the here or now, but will in the future.

Make a plan to scrap every dime and pay off each bill according to the lowest to the highest. When you pay one off, take that monthly payment and apply it to the very next bill. Rince and repeat until you no longer have any bills but the necessity.

Then, and ONLY then, do you start adding a few wants to the list. However, once you reach that point NEVER again pay for anything on time.

As a teen in the 70's I often reflect to our style of living.

We had a color television set with rabbit ears that received three channels. We had a stereo with an 8 track player. We had Atari video games which were relatively inexpensive.

Mom cooked lunch and dinner everyday, and going to McDonald's was a twice a year treat. We had one landline telephone which the entire family shared. We only made local calls as distant calls were extra money. We went to a movie theater or drive-in about five times a year.

Now we live in a world where every member of the family has a cell phone plan. It costs several hundred dollars a month in many cases. We order movies over the cable which also provides us with 400 channels. If we need information, we don't go to the library for free, we have the internet which we pay a monthly fee.

However even though we lived without many of the conveniences and technology we have today, many consider these perks as a necessity instead of an option. After all, who could live without their cell phone today?
Too funny.

You see if your bills are paid, and your refrigerator has enough food to last to the next paycheck and you have enough gas in your car to get you through to the next paycheck but your bank account is zero, you are NOT poor. In fact, you're actually doing pretty well for yourself.

How do you do better?

Start eliminating all of your bills except the bare minimum. Heat, water, electricity, rent/mortgage, clothing.

Do away paying for anything on time that is not part of your necessity. A TV, Phone, game console, expensive data plan, internet and any other hobby you may have.

Cut it right to the bone. Then see how much 'check' you have at the end of the month.

then start paying yourself 10% right off the top and pay yourself 10% regardless of the fact of paying your bills. You see, if you can't make your bills now, then that 10% won't matter in the here or now, but will in the future.

Make a plan to scrap every dime and pay off each bill according to the lowest to the highest. When you pay one off, take that monthly payment and apply it to the very next bill. Rince and repeat until you no longer have any bills but the necessity.

Then, and ONLY then, do you start adding a few wants to the list. However, once you reach that point NEVER again pay for anything on time.

As a teen in the 70's I often reflect to our style of living.

We had a color television set with rabbit ears that received three channels. We had a stereo with an 8 track player. We had Atari video games which were relatively inexpensive.

Mom cooked lunch and dinner everyday, and going to McDonald's was a twice a year treat. We had one landline telephone which the entire family shared. We only made local calls as distant calls were extra money. We went to a movie theater or drive-in about five times a year.

Now we live in a world where every member of the family has a cell phone plan. It costs several hundred dollars a month in many cases. We order movies over the cable which also provides us with 400 channels. If we need information, we don't go to the library for free, we have the internet which we pay a monthly fee.

However even though we lived without many of the conveniences and technology we have today, many consider these perks as a necessity instead of an option. After all, who could live without their cell phone today?
I can. I carry one only out of courtesy to My wife who thinks I should have one for an emergency. However, we don't have expensive plans with telecom carriers. I have an old smartphone (galaxy s4 I bought third hand 4 years ago for less than 20 bucks) and I pay the minimum for the plan I have. $35 per month. Even though I can afford the 200 dollar plan from Verizon.

When I first moved out on My own, My first wife and I had a sofa her mother gave us (A seven-foot monstrosity that I had to push through apartment windows because the damn thing wouldn't go through a door in a hallway) We had no TV and I think we had like two pans and one pyrex dish for baking. I think we had 4 plates, two bowls, and a drawer of mismatched flatware. But we had gas in our car, food in the fridge and our bills were paid. We slowly expanded as we grew our income.

Today, I have far too much debt, far to much junk I hardly touch, and a wife that is a self-admitted hoarder. But I put 15% of My income away in retirement, I always have a full tank of gas and as fat as I am, I always have food and beer at the end of each month. I can, if needed, put My hands on $1000 dollars cash right now, and I can always get thousands if I'm willing to touch the retirement and wait a few weeks.

In truth, I'm not really better off now than I was when I was a teen first starting off. Because wealth isn't in the amount of money you have, but in a burned down she-shed that brought you great pleasure in burning down!

Start a thread on any of those and I’ll be right over.

Steer clear of discussions about language or you might hurt yourself.

Sure you would. Why don't you start a thread on the elimination of RIAA equalization by the simultaneous removal of magnetic hysteresis, and I'll jump right in to teach you a thing or three. Let's be serious here, shit-for-brains, all you Lefties who talk shit about how dumb conservatives are, in reality, most of you are lucky to pass a high school exam. You only THINK you're smart because you duck and run from any REAL examination of your intelligence.
You're repeating yourself with stats that have been shown to be out of date and manipulated by a super-conservative group. It's not even interesting anymore.

1. It must really irk you being revealed as a sucker.

Here's more of what you deserve:

2. In fact, since

President Obama took office, federal welfare

spending has increased by 41 percent, more

than $193 billion per year. Despite this government largess, more than 46 million Americans continue to live in poverty. Despite nearly $15

trillion in total welfare spending since Lyndon

Johnson declared war on poverty in 1964, the

poverty rate is perilously close to where we began more than 40 years ago.

3. Throwing money at the problem has neither

reduced poverty nor made the poor self-sufficient

a….the dramatically larger increase also suggests that part

of the program’s growth is due to conscious

policy choices by this administration to ease

eligibility rules and expand caseloads….income limits for eligibility have

risen twice as fast as inflation since 2007

and are now roughly 10 percent higher than

they were when Obama took office. Casey Mulligan, “The Sharp Increase in

the Food Stamps Program,” Economix,

The Sharp Increase in the Food Stamps Program

Study: More Than Half a Trillion Dollars Spent on Welfare But Poverty Levels Unaffected

I sure wish stupidity was painful.
That's not very nice to say.

Did you ever hear of the Great Recession we had? Your stats come from that time when we were losing up to half a million jobs per month. People were losing their homes left and right. The ripple effect was felt by all. Small businesses closed. Yes, benefits were made easier to get; those middle class folks with roofs and tv's who were suddenly unemployed needed to eat, too.


1. Typical propaganda.

Here's Reuters refuting it:
"The unemployment rate announced three days after his election was 6.5%....not particularly terrible. But it was the only economic news, and had Obama insisting we were suffering "the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression." Obama: U.S. in worst crisis since Depression | Reuters

2. The Democrat vote-buying scam has nothing to do with the condition of the economy.

a.. According to Obama administration projections, combined federal and state welfare spending will not drop significantly once the economy fully recovers. As we have seen, welfare spending has continued to increase. Office of Management and Budget, Analytical Perspectives: Budget of the U.S. Government, Fiscal
Year 2010 (Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2008), CD-ROM, Table 24-14, http:/ www.whitehouse.gov/omb/budget/Analytical Perspectives.

b. According to these

projections, over the next 10 years, federal

and state governments will spend $250,000

for every American currently living in poverty, or $1 million for every poor family of

four. Ibid.

How many times must I prove that you are as dumb as asphalt, i.e., a reliable Democrat voter?
I'm not a Democrat, but I too wonder why so many Americans are still eligible for Food Stamps in this stellar economy? It's not an indication that people are lazy, it is an indication that people are underemployed and not "making it" in Trump's wonder world.

Judging by the number of Americans on food stamps, it doesn’t feel like one of the best job markets in almost a half century and the second-longest economic expansion on record.

Enrollment in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, better known as food stamps, fell to 39.6 million in April, the most recent government data show. That’s down from a record 47.8 million in 2012, but as a share of the population it’s just back to where it was as the economy emerged from the longest and deepest downturn since the Great Depression.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

I can explain that since I work in industry.

Many of our customers use temporary services. They do this for two reasons: one is they can fluctuate their staff based on business activity, and two is they can try people out before offering them a full-time job.

If temp workers work out for an extended period of time and the economy is promising, they offer those temps a full-time job. After all, they're already trained, proven to be good workers for low wages, and already familiar with the company, products and services.

However supervisors have told me these people are few and far between. Most of them are lowlifes that don't want to work full-time. They want to work when they want and how they want. When a company gets busy, they ask some of those temp workers if they can put in extra hours? Most times those workers decline the offer. Why? Because more income means a reduction of government benefits.

If a worker puts in ten extra hours in a month, and makes a hundred dollars, it's working for free because their food stamps next month gets cut a hundred dollars. So they don't want to do it.

In other words our social programs deter people from advancing themselves. They are rewarded for not trying and not working. If they stay under a certain income, they get food stamps, Medicaid, HUD, a number of government goodies.

"Folks, if you pay people not to work, don't be too surprised when they don't!"
Rush Limbaugh
Means testing does that. It limits upward mobility. It is why compensation for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment is more cost effective. Any attempt to commit fraud should require a work ethic.
Too funny.

You see if your bills are paid, and your refrigerator has enough food to last to the next paycheck and you have enough gas in your car to get you through to the next paycheck but your bank account is zero, you are NOT poor. In fact, you're actually doing pretty well for yourself.

How do you do better?

Start eliminating all of your bills except the bare minimum. Heat, water, electricity, rent/mortgage, clothing.

Do away paying for anything on time that is not part of your necessity. A TV, Phone, game console, expensive data plan, internet and any other hobby you may have.

Cut it right to the bone. Then see how much 'check' you have at the end of the month.

then start paying yourself 10% right off the top and pay yourself 10% regardless of the fact of paying your bills. You see, if you can't make your bills now, then that 10% won't matter in the here or now, but will in the future.

Make a plan to scrap every dime and pay off each bill according to the lowest to the highest. When you pay one off, take that monthly payment and apply it to the very next bill. Rince and repeat until you no longer have any bills but the necessity.

Then, and ONLY then, do you start adding a few wants to the list. However, once you reach that point NEVER again pay for anything on time.

As a teen in the 70's I often reflect to our style of living.

We had a color television set with rabbit ears that received three channels. We had a stereo with an 8 track player. We had Atari video games which were relatively inexpensive.

Mom cooked lunch and dinner everyday, and going to McDonald's was a twice a year treat. We had one landline telephone which the entire family shared. We only made local calls as distant calls were extra money. We went to a movie theater or drive-in about five times a year.

Now we live in a world where every member of the family has a cell phone plan. It costs several hundred dollars a month in many cases. We order movies over the cable which also provides us with 400 channels. If we need information, we don't go to the library for free, we have the internet which we pay a monthly fee.

However even though we lived without many of the conveniences and technology we have today, many consider these perks as a necessity instead of an option. After all, who could live without their cell phone today?
I can. I carry one only out of courtesy to My wife who thinks I should have one for an emergency. However, we don't have expensive plans with telecom carriers. I have an old smartphone (galaxy s4 I bought third hand 4 years ago for less than 20 bucks) and I pay the minimum for the plan I have. $35 per month. Even though I can afford the 200 dollar plan from Verizon.

When I first moved out on My own, My first wife and I had a sofa her mother gave us (A seven-foot monstrosity that I had to push through apartment windows because the damn thing wouldn't go through a door in a hallway) We had no TV and I think we had like two pans and one pyrex dish for baking. I think we had 4 plates, two bowls, and a drawer of mismatched flatware. But we had gas in our car, food in the fridge and our bills were paid. We slowly expanded as we grew our income.

Today, I have far too much debt, far to much junk I hardly touch, and a wife that is a self-admitted hoarder. But I put 15% of My income away in retirement, I always have a full tank of gas and as fat as I am, I always have food and beer at the end of each month. I can, if needed, put My hands on $1000 dollars cash right now, and I can always get thousands if I'm willing to touch the retirement and wait a few weeks.

In truth, I'm not really better off now than I was when I was a teen first starting off. Because wealth isn't in the amount of money you have, but in a burned down she-shed that brought you great pleasure in burning down!


Today a kid couldn't move away from home unless the apartment or house is totally furnished with at least one 60 inch Super HD television.

Don't get me wrong, I'm one of the biggest victims of convenience and technology. I have an i-Phone X, an 80" HD television in my little living room, I start my car from my phone when it's extremely cold or hot outside, I increased my data time and got Pandora for work so I could get rid of my satellite radio. I love technology. However I'm conscious enough to realize where my money goes. I also realize they are still conveniences and not necessities even though if I lose my internet for some reason, I think it's the end of the Fn world.

People today often complain about not making enough money without examining where the money they have goes to. For crying out loud, even the poorest of our people have a cell phone with 250 anytime anywhere minutes we paying phone users provide. But again, for those people, all these things are a necessity and not an option.

I have to laugh though. My 87 year old father got his first smart phone. He loves it so much I think it will keep him alive another 10 years. Now every time we see each other, it's always "Ray, do you know how I can get.........." LOL.
I'm all for supporting people that can't work. Hell, I could be one of those people any year now. I'm barely getting past my physicals required by the government to keep my job, and they make it tougher every year.

If they finally tell me I can no longer drive a tractor-trailer, WTF am I supposed to do? I'm 58 years old, driving is all I've known to make a living, and even if I get training in another field, who would hire me at 60 or so with preexisting conditions as a rookie in a new field of work? Nobody!

Not only am I for supporting people who can't work, I'm also for subsidizing stupid people. I hate to put it like that, but some people simply don't have the intelligence to make money. Oh yes, they work and work hard, but will never be financially sound because of their limitations. These are the people who work for next to nothing loading my truck. Either that or they do assembly work or something that's mindless. They will never be anything in life due to no fault of their own.

But when I see my next door neighbors; more physically capable of working than I am, living in a HUD house in the suburbs, having several children and likely on other social programs, I see none of their vehicles ever leave the parking lot until 3:30 pm. The parents each weigh over 300 lbs. If they lost a couple hundred of pounds, there is no reason they can't work and make their own money instead of me waking up every morning at 5:00 am (when they are just getting home) to support them. If anything, they should be waking up and supporting me!

A kind hearted post. Bravo. Not everyone is equally capable. To say otherwise for theological or political correctness is a disservice to those who simply cant cut it more than it is a help to them.

And speaking of which I read an article a while back about a scam, mostly on mexican immigrants, where these companies claim you are the owner operator of the truck or are leasing it to you and they end up working 100 hours a week and still owing money. A damn shame. Ever hear of that?
I saved the article but finding it will be a different matter.

In my industry foreign drivers are a real problem. Not only are they keeping wages down, they can't do the job.

Every now and then when I'm waiting to get into a dock, some foreigner runs up to my truck and says "Please please Mister, I cannot back in trailer. Please back trailer for me, I no no how!!" Of course I refuse, but my compassionate conservatism leads me to helping them back in themselves.

In my company, we don't hire tractor-trailer drivers. Instead, we promote our straight truck drivers. One of our guys trains them, they have to take the test, and in most cases fail the first time. Second time they get their license upgrade. So I know what it takes to get licensed these days. HTF are these foreigners here and can't do something that's required on a test in the USA?

They are terrible drivers to boot because they don't know how to read highway signs. Very often you see them swerving four lanes on the highway to get off an exit or switch to another highway. These are vehicles that weigh up to 80,000 lbs, and they may be driving next to you and your family in the minivan.

Very aggravating.

Your post should be an addendum on this:

Obama's US Civil Rights Commission, 2010 Report:
"The United States Commission on Civil Rights (Commission) is pleased to transmit this report, The Impact of Illegal Immigration on the Wages and Employment Opportunities of Black Workers. A panel of experts briefed members of the Commission on April 4, 2008 regarding the evidence for economic loss and job opportunity costs to black workers attributable to illegal immigration. The panelists also described non-economic factors contributing to the depression of black wages and employment rates.

Illegal immigration to the United States in recent decades has tended to depress both wages and employment rates for low-skilled American citizens, a disproportionate number of whom are black men."
USCCR: Page Not Found

As generous as I am, my present today for our Democrat voters, is to remove any necessity for that hand-wringing, or living in that crisis-mode your masters keep you in.

Democrat voters….be prepared to be shocked: there is neither racism nor poverty in this country!
Yup…you’ve been double-lied to….and you bought it like it was on sale.

The thread will concentrate on the latter lie.

There's no poverty, you have no need to either prepare to step over dead bodies due to starvation.....nor to ever vote Democrat again.

1. There is no poverty, no need for you to fork over a third or more of your income to the bosses.
Not the sham perpetuated by the Left to manipulate the soft-hearted/soft-headed to vote Democrat. I mean actual poverty.

Here’s the real definition, not one that is based on some folks having a slightly smaller house than you, or only a 50inch TV….

No Home, No Heat, No Food…..real poverty. If there is such a category in America, it is no more than a rounding error.

2. If you have cable TV….you’re not poor.

3. If you don’t clip the coupons and shop at several grocery stores for the best prices….you know you’re not really poor.

4. If you live in the city, and you have a car….you’re not poor.

5.If you spend more time signing up for government welfare programs rather than looking for creative ways to make some money,….you’re not poor- there are other words to describe you, and they aren't compliments.

You are poor???
Here....let me help:

Some plans if you need some extra bucks: (When Money is Tight, These 9 Resources Can Help You)

6. Make a Little Extra Money While You Watch TV
Surveys aren’t the quickest way to make money, but they’re a great way to cash in on your downtime and pad your pockets for the next rainy day. Fill them out while you’re watching TV, riding the bus or waiting in line.

One survey site we love is called InboxDollars. It offers several short, daily surveys. You earn cash, so you don’t have to worry about exchanging points. It also offers more ways to earn, such as watching videos, playing scratch-off games and searching the internet.

Bonus: You’ll get a free $5 just for signing up!

7. Sell Your Stuff
When you’re short on cash, look to the back of your closet and in the depths of your attic or basement. You’ll almost certainly find a bunch of stuff you don’t use anymore.

A lot of people see this clutter and start plotting a garage sale to earn extra money. The prospect is tempting — but a garage sale might not be worth your time.

Try some alternatives, like selling your stuff online or in town to earn more money with less hassle than hosting a full-blown garage sale. Apps like Letgo and Decluttr make it super easy to sell your stuff without sitting in the front yard and dealing with strangers all day.

More ways to get money without putting your hand in your neighbor’s pocket….next.
You have to live in a big city

try living in a red state or a red part of any state. Want to see poverty?

What If We Actually Had Poor People In This Country?

Start with an accurate description of poverty....no home, no heat, no food.

Got any?

And this.........this country will never be saved until we get back to the truth....that 'Red' is a term that has always been reserved for anarchists, communists.....and Democrats.
The proof of their power in the media is the switch of Red and Blue as indicators of the two parties.
So a person with only a tent, a campfire, and a fresh possum to cook over the campfire is not poor?

Poverty is NoHome, NoHeat, NoFood
The only individuals who fit into this category are mentally ill.
So your answer to my question is yes.

I believe my answer was clear.

Is your example a mentally ill person?
Then that is the life he wishes, and poverty has nothing to do with it.
It would have been truly clear if you had answered either yes or no.

You seem to like making up you own definitions. If your definition of poverty is used then of course you are right. However, your definition of poverty is not generally accepted by many people.
Is that because they have other agendas and her agenda get in their way?

you see, many people use differing definitions for many things in politics and I've discovered, that the definition most widely accepted is the one that does the most for them.

So why is that acceptable for you and those who disagree with her definition, but her definition is not acceptable at all?

Let's take the definition of racism. Most people think that racism is an act. In actuality, racism is a belief. However, since they need to be able to demonize those who disagree with them, they expand the definition to include anyone who disagrees with them.

She, at least, made the effort to be upfront with what constitutes the poor at the very beginning of the discussion whereas, most leftists don't because they need to shift and move the definition to change their argument.

I really like this post.

I am thinking of, as you suggest, giving the real definition of 'racism,' not the one the Left imposes via control of the schools and the media.

There should never be any 'thought crimes' in a free America.
This american born 84 year old soon to be 85 years of age believes nobody has to live in poverty if they work a good job and begin saving at an early age. The biggest thing then is take care of your health. Eat very clean, no drugs, and keep stress levels low. It's got me to 85. If course my wife helped too. She did the cooking.
I'm all for supporting people that can't work. Hell, I could be one of those people any year now. I'm barely getting past my physicals required by the government to keep my job, and they make it tougher every year.

If they finally tell me I can no longer drive a tractor-trailer, WTF am I supposed to do? I'm 58 years old, driving is all I've known to make a living, and even if I get training in another field, who would hire me at 60 or so with preexisting conditions as a rookie in a new field of work? Nobody!

Not only am I for supporting people who can't work, I'm also for subsidizing stupid people. I hate to put it like that, but some people simply don't have the intelligence to make money. Oh yes, they work and work hard, but will never be financially sound because of their limitations. These are the people who work for next to nothing loading my truck. Either that or they do assembly work or something that's mindless. They will never be anything in life due to no fault of their own.

But when I see my next door neighbors; more physically capable of working than I am, living in a HUD house in the suburbs, having several children and likely on other social programs, I see none of their vehicles ever leave the parking lot until 3:30 pm. The parents each weigh over 300 lbs. If they lost a couple hundred of pounds, there is no reason they can't work and make their own money instead of me waking up every morning at 5:00 am (when they are just getting home) to support them. If anything, they should be waking up and supporting me!

A kind hearted post. Bravo. Not everyone is equally capable. To say otherwise for theological or political correctness is a disservice to those who simply cant cut it more than it is a help to them.

And speaking of which I read an article a while back about a scam, mostly on mexican immigrants, where these companies claim you are the owner operator of the truck or are leasing it to you and they end up working 100 hours a week and still owing money. A damn shame. Ever hear of that?
I saved the article but finding it will be a different matter.

In my industry foreign drivers are a real problem. Not only are they keeping wages down, they can't do the job.

Every now and then when I'm waiting to get into a dock, some foreigner runs up to my truck and says "Please please Mister, I cannot back in trailer. Please back trailer for me, I no no how!!" Of course I refuse, but my compassionate conservatism leads me to helping them back in themselves.

In my company, we don't hire tractor-trailer drivers. Instead, we promote our straight truck drivers. One of our guys trains them, they have to take the test, and in most cases fail the first time. Second time they get their license upgrade. So I know what it takes to get licensed these days. HTF are these foreigners here and can't do something that's required on a test in the USA?

They are terrible drivers to boot because they don't know how to read highway signs. Very often you see them swerving four lanes on the highway to get off an exit or switch to another highway. These are vehicles that weigh up to 80,000 lbs, and they may be driving next to you and your family in the minivan.

Very aggravating.

Your post should be an addendum on this:

Obama's US Civil Rights Commission, 2010 Report:
"The United States Commission on Civil Rights (Commission) is pleased to transmit this report, The Impact of Illegal Immigration on the Wages and Employment Opportunities of Black Workers. A panel of experts briefed members of the Commission on April 4, 2008 regarding the evidence for economic loss and job opportunity costs to black workers attributable to illegal immigration. The panelists also described non-economic factors contributing to the depression of black wages and employment rates.

Illegal immigration to the United States in recent decades has tended to depress both wages and employment rates for low-skilled American citizens, a disproportionate number of whom are black men."
USCCR: Page Not Found


This is true and has been for a long time. The problem is very few blacks understand or care about politics. All they really know is Republicans are for the rich people and Democrat for the poor. That's the extent of their political knowledge.

So it doesn't matter what the Democrats do to blacks, most will never be informed enough to understand what the party is doing to them. They will keep voting Democrat no matter what. One of the first things DumBama did was get rid of School Vouchers in Washington; a program renown for helping poor children, especially minorities. Blacks didn't even blink an eye at it.
[.... The problem is very few blacks understand or care about politics. .....

Ignorant, illogical nonsense. Your racism continues to make you stupid.

Really? Know any blacks who really understand it? Ever hear political comments from morons like LeBoob James?

When was the last time a car with blacks in it had news radio playing when they drove by you or stopped at a stoplight?
Start a thread on any of those and I’ll be right over.

Steer clear of discussions about language or you might hurt yourself.

Sure you would. .....

You offered quite some time ago. What are you waiting for?

Typical diversionary tactic of the Left always trying to change the subject who has had no answer or proof of the OP's plight of the poor much less the willingness to join another thread before it even exists about a topic they know nothing about. In other words, just more bullshit from a Leftist shithead with a fetish for crap who denies it all the while not saying then what his moniker really means if not that! Unbelievable!
I'm all for supporting people that can't work. Hell, I could be one of those people any year now. I'm barely getting past my physicals required by the government to keep my job, and they make it tougher every year.

If they finally tell me I can no longer drive a tractor-trailer, WTF am I supposed to do? I'm 58 years old, driving is all I've known to make a living, and even if I get training in another field, who would hire me at 60 or so with preexisting conditions as a rookie in a new field of work? Nobody!

Not only am I for supporting people who can't work, I'm also for subsidizing stupid people. I hate to put it like that, but some people simply don't have the intelligence to make money. Oh yes, they work and work hard, but will never be financially sound because of their limitations. These are the people who work for next to nothing loading my truck. Either that or they do assembly work or something that's mindless. They will never be anything in life due to no fault of their own.

But when I see my next door neighbors; more physically capable of working than I am, living in a HUD house in the suburbs, having several children and likely on other social programs, I see none of their vehicles ever leave the parking lot until 3:30 pm. The parents each weigh over 300 lbs. If they lost a couple hundred of pounds, there is no reason they can't work and make their own money instead of me waking up every morning at 5:00 am (when they are just getting home) to support them. If anything, they should be waking up and supporting me!

A kind hearted post. Bravo. Not everyone is equally capable. To say otherwise for theological or political correctness is a disservice to those who simply cant cut it more than it is a help to them.

And speaking of which I read an article a while back about a scam, mostly on mexican immigrants, where these companies claim you are the owner operator of the truck or are leasing it to you and they end up working 100 hours a week and still owing money. A damn shame. Ever hear of that?
I saved the article but finding it will be a different matter.

In my industry foreign drivers are a real problem. Not only are they keeping wages down, they can't do the job.

Every now and then when I'm waiting to get into a dock, some foreigner runs up to my truck and says "Please please Mister, I cannot back in trailer. Please back trailer for me, I no no how!!" Of course I refuse, but my compassionate conservatism leads me to helping them back in themselves.

In my company, we don't hire tractor-trailer drivers. Instead, we promote our straight truck drivers. One of our guys trains them, they have to take the test, and in most cases fail the first time. Second time they get their license upgrade. So I know what it takes to get licensed these days. HTF are these foreigners here and can't do something that's required on a test in the USA?

They are terrible drivers to boot because they don't know how to read highway signs. Very often you see them swerving four lanes on the highway to get off an exit or switch to another highway. These are vehicles that weigh up to 80,000 lbs, and they may be driving next to you and your family in the minivan.

Very aggravating.

Your post should be an addendum on this:

Obama's US Civil Rights Commission, 2010 Report:
"The United States Commission on Civil Rights (Commission) is pleased to transmit this report, The Impact of Illegal Immigration on the Wages and Employment Opportunities of Black Workers. A panel of experts briefed members of the Commission on April 4, 2008 regarding the evidence for economic loss and job opportunity costs to black workers attributable to illegal immigration. The panelists also described non-economic factors contributing to the depression of black wages and employment rates.

Illegal immigration to the United States in recent decades has tended to depress both wages and employment rates for low-skilled American citizens, a disproportionate number of whom are black men."
USCCR: Page Not Found


This is true and has been for a long time. The problem is very few blacks understand or care about politics. All they really know is Republicans are for the rich people and Democrat for the poor. That's the extent of their political knowledge.

So it doesn't matter what the Democrats do to blacks, most will never be informed enough to understand what the party is doing to them. They will keep voting Democrat no matter what. One of the first things DumBama did was get rid of School Vouchers in Washington; a program renown for helping poor children, especially minorities. Blacks didn't even blink an eye at it.

Sadly, your blanket statement applies to most Americans.
We have our job cut out for us.
I try to do my part.
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