What if we aren't taking this as seriously as we should?

uhhh, NOPE!
Let's see.....

The US IG said the FBI abused the FISA courts by using Hillary's bogus propaganda-filled report she got from foreign spies and Russians to obtain illegal warrants.....

...but YOU say, 'uhhh, NOPE!'

Wow...who to believe, who to believe....

Um, no. The IG said nothing of the sort.
What does that have to do with anything? Nothing!!!!

Ahhhhh.....you closeted racists should openly shout your true sentiments.....

under trump, its now "perfectly" OK to do so..........be honest with yourselves...LOL

If the right were racists, WOULDN'T we just say so? I mean, surely you don't think the threat of YOUR disapproval is a deterrent?

Maybe the problem here is that YOU are hyper-aware of race, and you're projecting your own prejudices onto others.
Many of you do "just say so".
Federal law prohibits a foreign national from giving anything of value to a campaign engaged in a U.S. election. It’s also a crime to solicit a foreign national to do so, or even to "knowingly provide substantial assistance" in receiving something of value.

You mean like how Hillary colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians for a propaganda-filled report she illegally used in an election and a report she turned over to the FBI who illegally used it - according to the US IG - to abuse the FISA courts and obtain illegal wiretaps?!
Those things did not happen.

You should come over here to reality for a visit, we have coffee.

But, they're hooked on orange kool-aid.....lol
uhhh, NOPE!
Let's see.....

The US IG said the FBI abused the FISA courts by using Hillary's bogus propaganda-filled report she got from foreign spies and Russians to obtain illegal warrants.....

...but YOU say, 'uhhh, NOPE!'

Wow...who to believe, who to believe....

Um, no. The IG said nothing of the sort.
The US IG has already recommended former FBI Director Andrew McCabe to the DOJ for indictment and prosecution. More should follow.

The US IG has also showed, however, that it is not above being dragged into the political quagmire and acting to protect the FBI and Hillary Clinton. For example, within one of the US IG's reports it states 'no political bias' was found.


FBI counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok for texted his co-worker and lover, Lisa Page,“we’ll stop” Trump from winning the election, AND he openly talked about a 'Secret Society' that had already been meeting to plot how to prevent Trump from winning and to conduct a political coup should he win....

...not to mention all the evidence of the FBI covering up her crimes and refusing to recommend her for indictment. It has already been proven that Obama US AG Lynch and Comey collaborated in writing her exoneration prior to the investigation finishing up / before witnesses were questioned.

Stop protecting liars, felons, and traitors.
Federal law prohibits a foreign national from giving anything of value to a campaign engaged in a U.S. election. It’s also a crime to solicit a foreign national to do so, or even to "knowingly provide substantial assistance" in receiving something of value.

You mean like how Hillary colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians for a propaganda-filled report she illegally used in an election and a report she turned over to the FBI who illegally used it - according to the US IG - to abuse the FISA courts and obtain illegal wiretaps?!
Those things did not happen.

You should come over here to reality for a visit, we have coffee.

But, they're hooked on orange kool-aid.....lol
And you are a delusional nut job who likes to rant and scream but have no evidence to support any of the treasonous claims...just like Mueller.
Then there would be no need for a Trump Tower meeting, eh comrade?

For all other morons....like Toddie

The meeting at Trump Towers raises serious issues of liability under laws restricting foreign participation and influence in American elections,

Federal law prohibits a foreign national from giving anything of value to a campaign engaged in a U.S. election. It’s also a crime to solicit a foreign national to do so, or even to "knowingly provide substantial assistance" in receiving something of value.

Foreign nationals | FEC


It's a good thing no one got anything of value.
attempted rape or rape....both are crimes

attempted robbery or robbery....are both crimes

attempted kidnapping and kidnapping .... are both crimes

granted, the latter, in each of the above is worse, but BOTH are crimes.


What does any of that have to do with a Russian lawyer conning Trump Jr. into a 15 minute meeting?
Nevermind, I retract the question.

Help out your partner and post up the law that says you can't meet with a Russian lawyer.

And you are a delusional nut job who likes to rant and scream but have no evidence to support any of the treasonous claims...just like Mueller.

Here, Queasy.....Its time for your daily dose.......lol

I still believe in the concept of justice. Meaning, Trump was elected to be president and he should finish out his term until there's some type of evidence that proves he doesn't deserve to hold the post on legal grounds. If the Mueller turns out some evidence then great, let's impeach. If it doesn't, then he shouldn't be impeached, no matter how much you don't like him. Worst case: you'll get your chance to remove him from office in 2020.

Simple stuff really.

He can only be impeached if he commits a crime.

Let's say he DID collude with Russia to win the election. That's not a crime. There is no such crime as "collusion."

So millions of dollars are being wasted to investigate whether or not Trump did something that's not a crime. Um ok....sure money well spent.
Collusion is a silly word.

I prefer "conspiracy".

That is a crime btw.
Wow, it's amazing how the RWNJs deflected this thread from it's OP!

Here's the deal...

D. Trump is very likely a Russian intelligence asset.

You very likely ate lead paint chips as a child.
And you are a delusional nut job who likes to rant and scream but have no evidence to support any of the treasonous claims...just like Mueller.

Here, Queasy.....Its time for your daily dose.......lol

View attachment 203934
Again, STFU and go back to the kids' table if you have nothing of substance to contribute to discussion, nothing other than your usual childish insults and name calling. You are clearly out of 'ammo' in the battle of intelligence here....but 'cute' cartoon, nino.
Barak Obama ADMITTED He:

- Was sired by an Anti-Colonialist who wanted to see the US eliminated as a World Power and World influence
-- During college he connected with his father and changed his name to honor him

- Was tutored for years by Communist Frank Marshall Davis

- Studied Socialist Saul Alensky & quoted him during his Inauguration

- Was Mentored for decades by a racist, hate-spewing, anti-American

- Was friends with an un-apologetic domestic terrorists

Did liberals take all of this too lightly?

During his Presidency - over 8 years - Obama:
- Financed, supplied, supported, aided, abetted, armed, trained, protected, defended, and even dragged the US into Un-Constitutional, unapproved wars to help terrorists - to include Al Qaeda who slaughtered 3,000 Americans - take over their own country.

- In our war with terrorists rendered critical captured classified evidence / information we had obtained USELESS by broadcasting it to the world

- Aided terrorists, drug cartels, human traffickers, violent gangs, violent criminal illegals, and enemies to this country

- Violated both Constitution and Law

- Abandoned / sacrificed Americans to die at the hands of terrorists, illegally spied o Americans / reporters / the media / US Senators / USSC JUSTICES, GOP candidates, and a US President....Used a weaponized IRS against Americans who legally opposed his re-election

He did more harm to this country than any outside threat.
Dude, you clicked the wrong thread. That belongs to one of your OWN.

Are you sure you should not write to Obama ? It seems you can't move on with your life without a c l o s u r e.:eusa_boohoo:
Neither one of you fools bothered to read the link, it's hundreds of words and you dismissed it in seconds.

Would you prefer they read it and then dismiss it? This is conspiracy theory nonsense, not that I’m surprised you’re taking it seriously...
I think so - I'd like to see the look on your face when the shit falls apart. This will be in the next century school books. They'll be saying, "it was so obvious- right there in front lf their noses - but they were so fucking stupid...."*teacher takes deep breaths and the children sob quietly.


Uh.... no.

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