What if we aren't taking this as seriously as we should?

Then there would be no need for a Trump Tower meeting, eh comrade?

For all other morons....like Toddie

The meeting at Trump Towers raises serious issues of liability under laws restricting foreign participation and influence in American elections,

Federal law prohibits a foreign national from giving anything of value to a campaign engaged in a U.S. election. It’s also a crime to solicit a foreign national to do so, or even to "knowingly provide substantial assistance" in receiving something of value.

Foreign nationals | FEC


It's a good thing no one got anything of value.
attempted rape or rape....both are crimes

attempted robbery or robbery....are both crimes

attempted kidnapping and kidnapping .... are both crimes

granted, the latter, in each of the above is worse, but BOTH are crimes.


What does any of that have to do with a Russian lawyer conning Trump Jr. into a 15 minute meeting?

What you don't realize is that taking that meeting with the russian government lawyer is a crime.

The proper action trump jr should have taken was to run, not walk, to the FBI with the emails. Not taken the meeting, not lied about the meeting and not tried to cover it up.

We've gotten several lies about what the meeting was about and what happened in that meeting.

We have yet to get the truth of that meeting.

No matter what they discussed, no matter if they got any dirt on Hillary, having the meeting is a crime.

So all your excuses are a bunch of garbage.
Probably what will happen is Mueller will show Putin's assistance and a tie to the Trump campaign.
$100 Million+ from the KGB Bank To Hillary.
$500K to Bill from the KGB Bank
Thousands of unreported Russian stock to Hillary's campaign manager.
Bill met with Putin directly.
and on and on and on....

A million times more solid than Mueller and the libs ever had on Trump...or ever will.

View attachment 203798

Thanks, Ben.....
Liar, liar pants on fire!

Oh, and there is no bank called KGB. :D
Easy is a waste .... of air.
Federal law prohibits a foreign national from giving anything of value to a campaign engaged in a U.S. election. It’s also a crime to solicit a foreign national to do so, or even to "knowingly provide substantial assistance" in receiving something of value.

You mean like how Hillary colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians for a propaganda-filled report she illegally used in an election and a report she turned over to the FBI who illegally used it - according to the US IG - to abuse the FISA courts and obtain illegal wiretaps?!
Christopher Steele was paid by GPS $150,000 for his investigative work....

hardly a fortune....

they paid ZERO to Russian spies, that's simply right wing/Russian, propaganda....

the owner of GPS testified under oath to that before congress and congress critters subpoenaed the company's financial records to confirm he was telling the truth, AND HE WAS telling the truth....

so you can take your propaganda where it is welcomed....take it to RT or Sputnik message boards, tool.
Christopher Steele was paid by GPS $150,000 for his investigative work....

hardly a fortune....

they paid ZERO to Russian spies, that's simply right wing/Russian, propaganda....

The Hillary campaign paid Steele and in return got info from Russians. Hmmmmm….
Hillary and the DNC's lawyer was paid to handle all legal issues, and also was paid for getting opposition research done on Trump....all perfectly normal, all perfectly legal. She did not use an adversary's or ally's GOVERNMENT to obtain ''dirt''.

Christpoher Steele was hired by GPS after GPS had done opposition research on Trump for a republican operative, the Free Beacon.... GPS owner testified under oath that he had gathered all the opposition research he could find on Trump in the USA on him, but his first investigation for the free beacon, kept ending in a Russian connection dead end....

so, when the DNC lawyer hired him, GPS brought on Steele to do the job, the UTMOST RESPECTED ex MI6 or 5? agent whose expertise was in Russia....to investigate Trump further than simply the USA business.

Again, all perfectly legal.

Hillary and the DNC's lawyer was paid to handle all legal issues, and also was paid for getting opposition research done on Trump....all perfectly normal, all perfectly legal.

Oh, Hillary can get something of value from foreigners if a lawyer paid for it.

Seriously, have any if you looked at this not as a series of discreet events, but as a whole pattern?

An interesting and compelling look from NY Magazine
What If Trump Has Been a Russian Asset Since 1987?

A little snip from the opening. Read the rest at the link and discuss.
The unfolding of the Russia scandal has been like walking into a dark cavern. Every step reveals that the cave runs deeper than we thought, and after each one, as we wonder how far it goes, our imaginations are circumscribed by the steps we have already taken. The cavern might go just a little farther, we presume, but probably not much farther. And since trying to discern the size and shape of the scandal is an exercise in uncertainty, we focus our attention on the most likely outcome, which is that the story goes a little deeper than what we have already discovered. Say, that Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, and Paul Manafort told their candidate about the meeting they held at Trump Tower with a Russian lawyer after they were promised dirt on Hillary Clinton; and that Trump and Kushner have some shady Russian investments; and that some of Trump’s advisers made some promises about lifting sanctions.

But what if that’s wrong? What if we’re still standing closer to the mouth of the cave than the end?

The media has treated the notion that Russia has personally compromised the president of the United States as something close to a kook theory. A minority of analysts, mostly but not exclusively on the right, have promoted aggressively exculpatory interpretations of the known facts, in which every suspicious piece of evidence turns out to have a surprisingly innocent explanation. And it is possible, though unlikely, that every trail between Trump Tower and the Kremlin extends no farther than its point of current visibility.

What if Barbie had a hand grenade? What the hell are you blithering about?

Playing the "what-if" game is lots of fun, but unless you have some actual evidence of something, it's pointless and being taken every bit as seriously as it deserves.
Barak Obama ADMITTED He:

- Was sired by an Anti-Colonialist who wanted to see the US eliminated as a World Power and World influence
-- During college he connected with his father and changed his name to honor him

- Was tutored for years by Communist Frank Marshall Davis

- Studied Socialist Saul Alensky & quoted him during his Inauguration

- Was Mentored for decades by a racist, hate-spewing, anti-American

- Was friends with an un-apologetic domestic terrorists

Did liberals take all of this too lightly?

During his Presidency - over 8 years - Obama:
- Financed, supplied, supported, aided, abetted, armed, trained, protected, defended, and even dragged the US into Un-Constitutional, unapproved wars to help terrorists - to include Al Qaeda who slaughtered 3,000 Americans - take over their own country.

- In our war with terrorists rendered critical captured classified evidence / information we had obtained USELESS by broadcasting it to the world

- Aided terrorists, drug cartels, human traffickers, violent gangs, violent criminal illegals, and enemies to this country

- Violated both Constitution and Law

- Abandoned / sacrificed Americans to die at the hands of terrorists, illegally spied o Americans / reporters / the media / US Senators / USSC JUSTICES, GOP candidates, and a US President....Used a weaponized IRS against Americans who legally opposed his re-election

He did more harm to this country than any outside threat.
The difference here? Your post is rwnj propaganda, mine is a series of documented facts.
Actually those statements have been proven.
'frad not.
Yeah, your 'frad not' but you have no evidence to back up your uneducated opinion.
How am I supposed to present evidence that something made up never really happened?
You must have something that supports your statement otherwise your statement is made up
But it certainly appears like President of the USA Trump, is acting as an agent to achieve Russia's goal and quest for decades.....

After World War II, the U.S. had created a liberal international order and underwritten its safety by maintaining the world’s strongest military. A central goal of Soviet, and later Russian, foreign policy was to split the U.S. from its allies.

That was then, this is now. They stick high tariffs on our exported goods, and we pay for their security? Pardon my "French" but fuck that!
Yes - The Damn Russians

Always changing their plans!!!:boo_hoo14::boo_hoo14:
Is there any way we could guess what they think of next!!??


He did more harm to this country than any outside threat

....AND, he was half-black (the "nerve" of Obama)........................LOL

The only people who ever gave a damn that Obama was black, half-black, or whatever were you leftists. Amazingly enough, he provided the right with plenty of reasons to dislike him that had nothing to do with his color.
Seriously, have any if you looked at this not as a series of discreet events, but as a whole pattern?

An interesting and compelling look from NY Magazine
What If Trump Has Been a Russian Asset Since 1987?

I'll worry about that after we spend a few years worry whether Obumma and Hillary weren't Russian assets for years first. I know for a fact that Russians have been screwing with America from AT LEAST the 1970s---- and if I know it, then that makes this whole russian scare thing a joke because others know it as well. A more likely scenario is that Russia and Soros run the whole show and the DNC and GOP are just two fronts giving a faux illusion of an actual choice. That's why all the angst over Trump---- he was an unseen, unexpected fluke that got in that WASN'T part of the master plan!
But it certainly appears like President of the USA Trump, is acting as an agent to achieve Russia's goal and quest for decades.....

After World War II, the U.S. had created a liberal international order and underwritten its safety by maintaining the world’s strongest military. A central goal of Soviet, and later Russian, foreign policy was to split the U.S. from its allies.

That was then, this is now. They stick high tariffs on our exported goods, and we pay for their security? Pardon my "French" but fuck that!
And that's a reason in your head to trust them, eh comrade, instead of our allies????

Get outta here!

You can't be so naive! Or can you? :rofl:
What does that have to do with anything? Nothing!!!!

Ahhhhh.....you closeted racists should openly shout your true sentiments.....

under trump, its now "perfectly" OK to do so..........be honest with yourselves...LOL

If the right were racists, WOULDN'T we just say so? I mean, surely you don't think the threat of YOUR disapproval is a deterrent?

Maybe the problem here is that YOU are hyper-aware of race, and you're projecting your own prejudices onto others.
Then there would be no need for a Trump Tower meeting, eh comrade?

For all other morons....like Toddie

The meeting at Trump Towers raises serious issues of liability under laws restricting foreign participation and influence in American elections,

Federal law prohibits a foreign national from giving anything of value to a campaign engaged in a U.S. election. It’s also a crime to solicit a foreign national to do so, or even to "knowingly provide substantial assistance" in receiving something of value.

Foreign nationals | FEC


It's a good thing no one got anything of value.
attempted rape or rape....both are crimes

attempted robbery or robbery....are both crimes

attempted kidnapping and kidnapping .... are both crimes

granted, the latter, in each of the above is worse, but BOTH are crimes.


What does any of that have to do with a Russian lawyer conning Trump Jr. into a 15 minute meeting?

What you don't realize is that taking that meeting with the russian government lawyer is a crime.

The proper action trump jr should have taken was to run, not walk, to the FBI with the emails. Not taken the meeting, not lied about the meeting and not tried to cover it up.

We've gotten several lies about what the meeting was about and what happened in that meeting.

We have yet to get the truth of that meeting.

No matter what they discussed, no matter if they got any dirt on Hillary, having the meeting is a crime.

So all your excuses are a bunch of garbage.

What you don't realize is that taking that meeting with the russian government lawyer is a crime.

Sounds serious. Post the law.
But it certainly appears like President of the USA Trump, is acting as an agent to achieve Russia's goal and quest for decades.....

After World War II, the U.S. had created a liberal international order and underwritten its safety by maintaining the world’s strongest military. A central goal of Soviet, and later Russian, foreign policy was to split the U.S. from its allies.

That was then, this is now. They stick high tariffs on our exported goods, and we pay for their security? Pardon my "French" but fuck that!
And that's a reason in your head to trust them, eh comrade, instead of our allies????

Get outta here!

You can't be so naive! Or can you? :rofl:

When taxpayer money is going to foreign countries that don't do anything for us, it is concerning.
Seriously, have any if you looked at this not as a series of discreet events, but as a whole pattern?

An interesting and compelling look from NY Magazine
What If Trump Has Been a Russian Asset Since 1987?

A little snip from the opening. Read the rest at the link and discuss.
The unfolding of the Russia scandal has been like walking into a dark cavern. Every step reveals that the cave runs deeper than we thought, and after each one, as we wonder how far it goes, our imaginations are circumscribed by the steps we have already taken. The cavern might go just a little farther, we presume, but probably not much farther. And since trying to discern the size and shape of the scandal is an exercise in uncertainty, we focus our attention on the most likely outcome, which is that the story goes a little deeper than what we have already discovered. Say, that Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, and Paul Manafort told their candidate about the meeting they held at Trump Tower with a Russian lawyer after they were promised dirt on Hillary Clinton; and that Trump and Kushner have some shady Russian investments; and that some of Trump’s advisers made some promises about lifting sanctions.

But what if that’s wrong? What if we’re still standing closer to the mouth of the cave than the end?

The media has treated the notion that Russia has personally compromised the president of the United States as something close to a kook theory. A minority of analysts, mostly but not exclusively on the right, have promoted aggressively exculpatory interpretations of the known facts, in which every suspicious piece of evidence turns out to have a surprisingly innocent explanation. And it is possible, though unlikely, that every trail between Trump Tower and the Kremlin extends no farther than its point of current visibility.

Frankly, this whole thing is about--and please pardon my necessary crass directness--panties in a bunch. Really, that's it. The radical feminist revolution has collided with a wall named Donald Trump. He's a strong, unforgiving force of male dominance--a patriarchal godhead--and a threat to Roe, LGTBQ, radical Leftist intellectual elitism, and political correctness.

To quote old Jack Nicholson "You can't handle the truth"

The only words on radical Left tongues is how dare he! That's the sum of their outrage. Treason, I am afraid, lies in bed only with Clintons and Obamas and governors the nation over who refuse lawful executive orders. And what about the Justice Department.

Want to trace ultimate corruption in American politics? Follow the history of the cultural revolution from present day back six decades or so--you'll find commie red all over it. Follow Saudi money from present back through the last four decades. Investigate Planned Parenthood, big Pharma, and child kidnappings from Central and South America. Los Desaparecidos anyone?
Seriously, have any if you looked at this not as a series of discreet events, but as a whole pattern?

An interesting and compelling look from NY Magazine
What If Trump Has Been a Russian Asset Since 1987?

A little snip from the opening. Read the rest at the link and discuss.
The unfolding of the Russia scandal has been like walking into a dark cavern. Every step reveals that the cave runs deeper than we thought, and after each one, as we wonder how far it goes, our imaginations are circumscribed by the steps we have already taken. The cavern might go just a little farther, we presume, but probably not much farther. And since trying to discern the size and shape of the scandal is an exercise in uncertainty, we focus our attention on the most likely outcome, which is that the story goes a little deeper than what we have already discovered. Say, that Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, and Paul Manafort told their candidate about the meeting they held at Trump Tower with a Russian lawyer after they were promised dirt on Hillary Clinton; and that Trump and Kushner have some shady Russian investments; and that some of Trump’s advisers made some promises about lifting sanctions.

But what if that’s wrong? What if we’re still standing closer to the mouth of the cave than the end?

The media has treated the notion that Russia has personally compromised the president of the United States as something close to a kook theory. A minority of analysts, mostly but not exclusively on the right, have promoted aggressively exculpatory interpretations of the known facts, in which every suspicious piece of evidence turns out to have a surprisingly innocent explanation. And it is possible, though unlikely, that every trail between Trump Tower and the Kremlin extends no farther than its point of current visibility.

What if Barbie had a hand grenade? What the hell are you blithering about?

Playing the "what-if" game is lots of fun, but unless you have some actual evidence of something, it's pointless and being taken every bit as seriously as it deserves.

Not an intellectual, are you?

If people really thought like that we would still give birth and die in caves.

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