What if we aren't taking this as seriously as we should?

Federal law prohibits a foreign national from giving anything of value to a campaign engaged in a U.S. election. It’s also a crime to solicit a foreign national to do so, or even to "knowingly provide substantial assistance" in receiving something of value.

You mean like how Hillary colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians for a propaganda-filled report she illegally used in an election and a report she turned over to the FBI who illegally used it - according to the US IG - to abuse the FISA courts and obtain illegal wiretaps?!
Christopher Steele was paid by GPS $150,000 for his investigative work....

hardly a fortune....

they paid ZERO to Russian spies, that's simply right wing/Russian, propaganda....

the owner of GPS testified under oath to that before congress and congress critters subpoenaed the company's financial records to confirm he was telling the truth, AND HE WAS telling the truth....

so you can take your propaganda where it is welcomed....take it to RT or Sputnik message boards, tool.
Christopher Steele was paid by GPS $150,000 for his investigative work....

hardly a fortune....

they paid ZERO to Russian spies, that's simply right wing/Russian, propaganda....

The Hillary campaign paid Steele and in return got info from Russians. Hmmmmm….
Hillary and the DNC's lawyer was paid to handle all legal issues, and also was paid for getting opposition research done on Trump....all perfectly normal, all perfectly legal. She did not use an adversary's or ally's GOVERNMENT to obtain ''dirt''.

Christpoher Steele was hired by GPS after GPS had done opposition research on Trump for a republican operative, the Free Beacon.... GPS owner testified under oath that he had gathered all the opposition research he could find on Trump in the USA on him, but his first investigation for the free beacon, kept ending in a Russian connection dead end....

so, when the DNC lawyer hired him, GPS brought on Steele to do the job, the UTMOST RESPECTED ex MI6 or 5? agent whose expertise was in Russia....to investigate Trump further than simply the USA business.

Again, all perfectly legal.
I'm no Hill fan, but the Trumpbots attempt to distract with this attack is ... well they actually are the consumers of the falsehood put forth by the Trump's allies
Hillary and the DNC's lawyer was paid to handle all legal issues, and also was paid for getting opposition research done on Trump....all perfectly normal...

Right up until the point when they hired foreign spies and Russians and used their propaganda ILLEGALLY in a US election....and turned it over to Obama's FBI who used it to ILLEGALLY obtain FISA warrants to run their own 'Watergate of Steroids'.
And they're off!
so, when the DNC lawyer hired him, GPS brought on Steele to do the job, the UTMOST RESPECTED ex MI6 or 5? agent whose expertise was in Russia....to investigate Trump further than simply the USA business.

Who gives a flying f* if Steele was a 'RESPECTED' foreign spy working with RUSSIANS...he was a foreign spy working with Russians, who pumped out a propaganda-filled document that both Hillary and Obama's FBI used ILLEGALLY in their own ways to attempt to alter the results of the 2016 election!
I'm no Hill fan, but the Trumpbots attempt to distract with this attack is ... well they actually are the consumers of the falsehood put forth by the Trump's allies
Do you actually believe the BS you are spewing? I notice you make lovely comments like this while avoiding every proven / established fact...which is the only way any of it can be taken seriously.
And they're off!
It was actually a snowflake who posted the law earlier about how foreign-received/purchased information can not legally be used in a US election against a US opponent....which is exactly what Hillary did with the foreign spy's (Steele's) report.

The US IG already reported on how the FBI abused the FISA court using Steele's report that was given to them by the DNC's Presidential candidate.

So, what's your problem/ Again, you make these comments while completely skirting past the actual facts.

Please use your heads!

Christopher Steele was not going to ruin his pristine reputation and his company business as an investigator and his livelihood, buy MAKING UP and fabricating a story about Trump, and put his name all over it..... for goodness sake!

He believed his field notes gathered, had merit and needed attention and more research to them..... and this is why he turned some of it over to the FBI in Italy early on....because he was concerned for us, a nation ally, hoping the FBI, with their workforce, could further investigate, his field analysis to see if his source info gathered, had teeth....
Hillary and the DNC's lawyer was paid to handle all legal issues, and also was paid for getting opposition research done on Trump....all perfectly normal...

Right up until the point when they hired foreign spies and Russians and used their propaganda ILLEGALLY in a US election....and turned it over to Obama's FBI who used it to ILLEGALLY obtain FISA warrants to run their own 'Watergate of Steroids'.
uhhh, NOPE!

Please use your heads!

Christopher Steele was not going to ruin his pristine reputation and his company business as an investigator and his livelihood, buy MAKING UP and fabricating a story about Trump, and put his name all over it..... for goodness sake!

He believed his field notes gathered, had merit and needed attention and more research to them..... and this is why he turned some of it over to the FBI in Italy early on....because he was concerned for us, a nation ally, hoping the FBI, with their workforce, could further investigate, his field analysis to see if his source info gathered, had teeth....
The Trumpbots will not give up their lies over this.

I admit I don't get it. Trump isn't going to be impeached for Comey or Putin tilting it to him. Probably what will happen is Mueller will show Putin's assistance and a tie to the Trump campaign. What the Trump allies are sowing is the disirfromation campaign that Hillary and everyone else who ever ran for potus did the same, which is not true and which probably will have little impact on 2020
uhhh, NOPE!
Let's see.....

The US IG said the FBI abused the FISA courts by using Hillary's bogus propaganda-filled report she got from foreign spies and Russians to obtain illegal warrants.....

...but YOU say, 'uhhh, NOPE!'

Wow...who to believe, who to believe....

The Trumpbots will not give up their lies over this.
I asked you for some very specific evidence...and in every post you skirt by the facts and evidence to make more anti-Trump 'fluff' comments / attacks on his supporters.

Good dog. Now go back to the pad in the corner and continue to lick yourself.
so, when the DNC lawyer hired him, GPS brought on Steele to do the job, the UTMOST RESPECTED ex MI6 or 5? agent whose expertise was in Russia....to investigate Trump further than simply the USA business.

Who gives a flying f* if Steele was a 'RESPECTED' foreign spy working with RUSSIANS...he was a foreign spy working with Russians, who pumped out a propaganda-filled document that both Hillary and Obama's FBI used ILLEGALLY in their own ways to attempt to alter the results of the 2016 election!

Things Steele knew before we knew....

Did the Russians use specific target social media bots and trolls to influence the election?

Did the Russians meet with Carter Paige?

Did the Russians try to help the Trump campaign and meet in
Trump tower with Jr, Manafort and Kushner?

Did Cohen work with Russian operatives that were trying to influence our election?

Did Cohen show up in Prague?

Did Russians want sanctions lifted?

Mr. Steele was SPOT ON with much of his analysis, a year earlier than us in the Public were ever made aware of it all.... not a peep got out to us before the election.....

Mr. Steele worked with Russian sources to gather information, THAT IS WHAT INVESTIGATORS do, and this is why he was hired, because he had trusted sources he had established in Russia, from all of the work he did for the MI6 in a previous life....
Last edited:
Probably what will happen is Mueller will show Putin's assistance and a tie to the Trump campaign.
$100 Million+ from the KGB Bank To Hillary.
$500K to Bill from the KGB Bank
Thousands of unreported Russian stock to Hillary's campaign manager.
Bill met with Putin directly.
and on and on and on....

A million times more solid than Mueller and the libs ever had on Trump...or ever will.


Thanks, Ben.....
so, when the DNC lawyer hired him, GPS brought on Steele to do the job, the UTMOST RESPECTED ex MI6 or 5? agent whose expertise was in Russia....to investigate Trump further than simply the USA business.

Who gives a flying f* if Steele was a 'RESPECTED' foreign spy working with RUSSIANS...he was a foreign spy working with Russians, who pumped out a propaganda-filled document that both Hillary and Obama's FBI used ILLEGALLY in their own ways to attempt to alter the results of the 2016 election!
Did the Russians meet with Carter Paige?

Did the Russians try to help the Trump campaign and meet in
Trump tower with Jr, Manafort and Kushner?

Did Cohen work with Russian operatives that were trying to influence our election?

Did Cohen show up in Prague?

Did Russians want sanctions lifted?

Mr. Steele was SPOT ON with much of his analysis, a year earlier than us in the Public were ever made aware of it all.... not a peep got out to us before the election.....

Mr. Steele worked with Russian sources to gather information, THAT IS WHAT INVESTIGATORS do, and this is why he was hired, because he had trusted sources he had established in Russia, from all of the work he did for the MI6 in a previous life....

Can you post any evidence of any illegal activity to support the never-ending witch hunt?

'uhhh, nope!'
uhhh, NOPE!
Let's see.....

The US IG said the FBI abused the FISA courts by using Hillary's bogus propaganda-filled report she got from foreign spies and Russians to obtain illegal warrants.....

...but YOU say, 'uhhh, NOPE!'

Wow...who to believe, who to believe....


The IG report, said no such thing liar liar....
For all other morons....like Toddie

The meeting at Trump Towers raises serious issues of liability under laws restricting foreign participation and influence in American elections,

Federal law prohibits a foreign national from giving anything of value to a campaign engaged in a U.S. election. It’s also a crime to solicit a foreign national to do so, or even to "knowingly provide substantial assistance" in receiving something of value.

Foreign nationals | FEC


It's a good thing no one got anything of value.
attempted rape or rape....both are crimes

attempted robbery or robbery....are both crimes

attempted kidnapping and kidnapping .... are both crimes

granted, the latter, in each of the above is worse, but BOTH are crimes.


What does any of that have to do with a Russian lawyer conning Trump Jr. into a 15 minute meeting?
if you think it was simply a con, or one time con....then sure....

here's a clue...

It wasn't.
And you would know that HOW, comrade?

Please post the evidence and cite the exact laws broken by this meeting having taken place and based on what happened in the meeting.

Snowflakes love to squeal, 'Trump did this' and 'Trump did that' but always leave out the fact that no law was broken....
I'm not sure if it is relevant whether laws were broken or not. The OP's question remains either way. Which actually makes it even creepier.
so, when the DNC lawyer hired him, GPS brought on Steele to do the job, the UTMOST RESPECTED ex MI6 or 5? agent whose expertise was in Russia....to investigate Trump further than simply the USA business.

Who gives a flying f* if Steele was a 'RESPECTED' foreign spy working with RUSSIANS...he was a foreign spy working with Russians, who pumped out a propaganda-filled document that both Hillary and Obama's FBI used ILLEGALLY in their own ways to attempt to alter the results of the 2016 election!
Did the Russians meet with Carter Paige?

Did the Russians try to help the Trump campaign and meet in
Trump tower with Jr, Manafort and Kushner?

Did Cohen work with Russian operatives that were trying to influence our election?

Did Cohen show up in Prague?

Did Russians want sanctions lifted?

Mr. Steele was SPOT ON with much of his analysis, a year earlier than us in the Public were ever made aware of it all.... not a peep got out to us before the election.....

Mr. Steele worked with Russian sources to gather information, THAT IS WHAT INVESTIGATORS do, and this is why he was hired, because he had trusted sources he had established in Russia, from all of the work he did for the MI6 in a previous life....

Can you post any evidence of any illegal activity to support the never-ending witch hunt?

'uhhh, nope!'
-everything I said in my last post-
Probably what will happen is Mueller will show Putin's assistance and a tie to the Trump campaign.
$100 Million+ from the KGB Bank To Hillary.
$500K to Bill from the KGB Bank
Thousands of unreported Russian stock to Hillary's campaign manager.
Bill met with Putin directly.
and on and on and on....

A million times more solid than Mueller and the libs ever had on Trump...or ever will.

View attachment 203798

Thanks, Ben.....
Liar, liar pants on fire!

Oh, and there is no bank called KGB. :D
Mr. Steele was SPOT ON
Mr. Steels is a foreign spy who worked with Russians who was paid to present Hillary with a propaganda-filled document, one he admitted he never even attempted to verify.

While I am happy to see you admire and support the outside effort of foreign spies to interfere in our elections, the use of his document in a US election - which Hillary did and you freely shamelessly admit - was / is still a CRIME!

Thank you for being so helpful!

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