What if We Were All Homos?

Why would the world end?

Would we stop knowing how babies are made?

No, thats a retarded theory.
What a Fucked up world it would be

Are you blind? It already is.

  • meh.ro153.jpg
What did it take to get the Governors of Indiana and Arkansas to remove the anti-gay/religion legislation? About three days. That was Gay corporate power in action.

Who do you think runs this planet behind the scenes? They always have. Start with Jesus and the 12 guys he ran with every day. Smart straight guys figure this out before they graduate college. Others have mediocre careers.
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I have a theory about the dinosaurs. They died from a event that was catastrophic, follow me? Not a meteor, but they all turned gay . We are going that way, too. Mass extinction event, here we come!
If we were all homos....humans would be extinct within about 100 years.

Heteros always save humanity from extinction!
I have a theory about the dinosaurs. They died from a event that was catastrophic, follow me? Not a meteor, but they all turned gay . We are going that way, too. Mass extinction event, here we come!
That's why God took a switch to 'em...
If we were all homos....humans would be extinct within about 100 years.

Heteros always save humanity from extinction!

So I guess being male- smoking Johnson's- and taking it in the back door- is not so 'normal' after all.


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