What is a "Fair Share" - (Niedermeyer's Dead Horse)


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
What is a "Fair Share" - (Niedermeyer's Dead Horse)​

—Open Blogger

I'l admit it right up front. I am not an accountant. Nor, am I an economist or the CEO of a major corporation.

What I am, however, is a citizen who, while tired of rising taxes, does see a distinction between raising taxes and closing loopholes. Yes. Each action seeks to extract more from an individual or an organization via taxation, but the latter seeks to rectify the loopholes which allow one to escape paying an amount relatively equal to what another individual or organization is required to pay.

Now, for the record, so long as the loopholes exist, I say "Go for it!". No laws are being broken by having a skilled accountant or attorney who can take the best advantage of the opportunity but, really.... doesn't this make you squirm just a little?


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Ace of Spades HQ
This is what Justice Roberts saw coming down the pike, and why he ruled as he did on PPACA.

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