What is a hero?


Just a regular American
Jul 24, 2010
Hero, just what is a hero? The dictionary defines it thus:
  • a mythological or legendary figure often of divine descent endowed with great strength or ability
  • an illustrious warrior
  • a man admired for his achievements and noble qualities
  • one who shows great courage
  • the principal male character in a literary or dramatic work
  • the central figure in an event, period, or movement
  • an object of extreme admiration and devotion
So according to definition the term "Hero" can be given to a wide range of people. For me a hero is someone who does something heroic such as putting themselves at risk to help other people or going beyond the call of duty. I think the term has been watered down so much over the last decade that it has lost its meaning. Sure the men and women in the military deserve to be honored for their sacrifice and duty but are all of them heroes? Firemen put their lives on the line every day along with a multitude of other people. In sense they are all heroes but how do you define those special men and women who go beyond the call of duty and do extraordinary acts of courage? To me, these are the special heroes. Maybe we need another word to define this kind of true courage and acts of real heroism to really celebrate their sacrifices.
To me it's ridiculous to say that every soldier or every cop or every firefighter etc are heroes
To me it's ridiculous to say that every soldier or every cop or every firefighter etc are heroes

I agree. Nor is everyone who survives capture and makes it home is a hero. Hell if that were the case every GI who made it home after WWII, Korea and Vietnam would be hero's.
Once I provide the definition (below) every reader of this thread will be overwhelmed with its wisdom:

"A hero is a person who willingly risks his (her) own life, safety, or well-being for the benefit of his comrades (or country)."

By definition, fire-fighters and police are "heroes." As an intrinsic part of their chosen profession, they go into dangerous situations, risking "life and limb" to rescue, save, or protect their fellow citizens.

Soldiers, seamen, and airmen (including pilots) are all, by definition, "heroes," but to a greater or lesser extent, depending on their assigned duties.

For example, I was a personnel clerk in Vietnam. While acting as a personnel clerk, my being a "hero" was tenuous at best. I was voluntarily serving my country in a "war" that our political leaders determined was vital to our national interests. But occasionally I was called upon to stand guard duty, watching the perimeter of our camp. At those times I was a tiny bit more of a hero, since I was more vulnerable to some sort of enemy action.

A fighter pilot in the Vietnam War lived quite a privileged life, as military personnel go. They lived on an Air Force base that had, among other things, air conditioned barracks or dorms, good food, clean working conditions, a library, an Officers' Club, swimming pool, and usually a small movie theater. The fighter pilots would go out a couple times a day for a couple hours, then return to base. They were risking their lives in support of the mission, but their heroism was nothing like that of a marine or Army grunt, fighting the VC in the bush.

I think I kinda-sorta know what Mr. Trump was driving at, but...what an asshole!
You Trump worshippers are very demented. When he finally drops out of the race, who will you back then?
You Trump worshippers are very demented. When he finally drops out of the race, who will you back then?
You Trump hater are funny in your struggle. Noone backs him, he just said right, and claiming he didn't because you don't like how he looks like is awful.

To be a hero you must do something heroic first.

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