What IS a sanctuary city?


Gold Member
Oct 9, 2015
BFE Texas.
For me, the first time I heard about them was in Sunday school.

Cities of Refuge - Wikipedia

The Cities of Refuge were six Levitical towns in the Kingdom of Israel and the Kingdom of Judah in which the perpetrators of accidental manslaughter could claim the right of asylum. Maimonides, invoking talmudic literature, expands the city of refuge count to all 48 Levitical cities.[1] Outside of these cities, blood vengeance against such perpetrators was allowed by law.[2] The Bible names the six cities as being cities of refuge: Golan, Ramoth, and Bosor, on the east of the Jordan River,[3] and Kedesh, Shechem, and Hebron on the western side.[4]

That’s a little wiki, take it for what it is I guess. So you had all these governors pass laws making their states and cities sanctuary cities, and oh how they celebrated ! How they poked fun at the president, one even did alittle fat man dance when he made his city a haven for illegals.

So they passed the laws, yet now, when Trump gives them what they want it’s somehow un-American? It demeans the illegals? Sending illegals to cities that have passed laws protecting them from deportation is demeaning and un-American? So Trump aside, why now are all these cities agains the illegals coming there? I got to hand it to one member here who said he would be okay taking them in. Hats off to that member, so why aren’t all you other libs sending Pelosi emails asking the house to agree? Or if you live in a sanctuary state, why aren’t y’all helping the illegals come home to your state?
For me, the first time I heard about them was in Sunday school.

Cities of Refuge - Wikipedia

The Cities of Refuge were six Levitical towns in the Kingdom of Israel and the Kingdom of Judah in which the perpetrators of accidental manslaughter could claim the right of asylum. Maimonides, invoking talmudic literature, expands the city of refuge count to all 48 Levitical cities.[1] Outside of these cities, blood vengeance against such perpetrators was allowed by law.[2] The Bible names the six cities as being cities of refuge: Golan, Ramoth, and Bosor, on the east of the Jordan River,[3] and Kedesh, Shechem, and Hebron on the western side.[4]

That’s a little wiki, take it for what it is I guess. So you had all these governors pass laws making their states and cities sanctuary cities, and oh how they celebrated ! How they poked fun at the president, one even did alittle fat man dance when he made his city a haven for illegals.

So they passed the laws, yet now, when Trump gives them what they want it’s somehow un-American? It demeans the illegals? Sending illegals to cities that have passed laws protecting them from deportation is demeaning and un-American? So Trump aside, why now are all these cities agains the illegals coming there? I got to hand it to one member here who said he would be okay taking them in. Hats off to that member, so why aren’t all you other libs sending Pelosi emails asking the house to agree? Or if you live in a sanctuary state, why aren’t y’all helping the illegals come home to your state?

The wiki is correct, those are the cities mentioned in the Bible. As to why the sanctuary cities don't want the illegals shipped to them is because they don't want the strain on their cities, which is damned two-faced of them. Seems to me they only became sanctuaries to mock the feds. Notice how quickly they started screaming when Trump suggested sending them to those cities? Guess they aren't the humanitarians they wanted the country to believe they are.
“What IS a sanctuary city?”

A myth – a political contrivance of the frightened, ignorant, and bigoted right, a lie propagated by conservative demagogues who have an unwarranted hostility toward immigrants.

‘There is much confusion about the term “sanctuary city.” The term is often used derisively by immigration opponents to blast what are best described as community policing policies. Critics claim that these cities and states provide “sanctuary” to undocumented immigrants, but research shows that the opposite is true.’

Debunking the Myth of "Sanctuary Cities"

The Constitution prohibits the Federal government from compelling state and local jurisdictions to enforce Federal laws – including immigration laws.

It’s perfectly appropriate and legal for local jurisdictions to elect not using their limited, finite law enforcement resources to pursue undocumented immigrants, many of whom are seeking asylum in accordance with immigration law.

And these jurisdictions do cooperate with and assist Federal immigration authorities when requested to do so.

The notion that such jurisdictions attempt to ‘hide’ immigrants from Federal authorities or otherwise ‘interfere’ with the enforcement efforts of Federal immigration authorities is a ridiculous rightwing lie.
I have no heartburn with Trump sending the detainees to those cities. I learned a long time ago, the worst thing you can do to someone, is give them what they say they want.
“What IS a sanctuary city?”

A myth – a political contrivance of the frightened, ignorant, and bigoted right, a lie propagated by conservative demagogues who have an unwarranted hostility toward immigrants.

‘There is much confusion about the term “sanctuary city.” The term is often used derisively by immigration opponents to blast what are best described as community policing policies. Critics claim that these cities and states provide “sanctuary” to undocumented immigrants, but research shows that the opposite is true.’

Debunking the Myth of "Sanctuary Cities"

The Constitution prohibits the Federal government from compelling state and local jurisdictions to enforce Federal laws – including immigration laws.

It’s perfectly appropriate and legal for local jurisdictions to elect not using their limited, finite law enforcement resources to pursue undocumented immigrants, many of whom are seeking asylum in accordance with immigration law.

And these jurisdictions do cooperate with and assist Federal immigration authorities when requested to do so.

The notion that such jurisdictions attempt to ‘hide’ immigrants from Federal authorities or otherwise ‘interfere’ with the enforcement efforts of Federal immigration authorities is a ridiculous rightwing lie.

The Sanctuary Cities are not breaking the law. I explained that several times when this nonsense started. However, they are making it more difficult for CBP to get their hands on Illegals. Legal roadblocks, to be sure, but still.

The most common issue is Retainers. Those are requests by CBP to hold someone until they can come get them. Retainers are not a legal requirement. It is not the same as a warrant, and has no force of law. So the Sanctuary Cities are will within their rights to ignore them. A Warrant on the other hand, has the force of law, and the Sanctuary Cities honor those, as required, by law.

They ignore the Retainers, and do what they can, legally, to protect the illegal aliens. This may be a moral choice by their standards, and I won’t debate it. It is even legal, as I explained above, but it is not a wise choice.

Other cities used to allow Federal CBP prisoners to be held, for a fee, in the jails. Those cities ceased offering the service, diminishing the capability of the CBP to hold the detainees. Again, legal, with no violation of law involved. However, again it is not a wise choice.

So releasing the Illegals into Sanctuary Cities, where they will be protected to the maximum extent possible by the local governments, is just as legal, and perhaps far more wise than the actions of the Sanctuary Cities. You want them, and see them as poor abused citizens despite their actual nationality, you got them.
Lemme tell ya. It all started with the US wanting the nickel deposits and cheap pussy/good cigars in Habana. OH they also wanted Fidel out and freeDumb(slavery) back in so their was something called Mariel boat lift.
That's how Fidel responded to the demands of: "those who want to leave can"
Brilliant response( because Fidel was brilliant) for the assholes in Miami and DC
Now go fucking study. That's when this all began
“What IS a sanctuary city?”

A myth – a political contrivance of the frightened, ignorant, and bigoted right, a lie propagated by conservative demagogues who have an unwarranted hostility toward immigrants.

‘There is much confusion about the term “sanctuary city.” The term is often used derisively by immigration opponents to blast what are best described as community policing policies. Critics claim that these cities and states provide “sanctuary” to undocumented immigrants, but research shows that the opposite is true.’

Debunking the Myth of "Sanctuary Cities"

The Constitution prohibits the Federal government from compelling state and local jurisdictions to enforce Federal laws – including immigration laws.

It’s perfectly appropriate and legal for local jurisdictions to elect not using their limited, finite law enforcement resources to pursue undocumented immigrants, many of whom are seeking asylum in accordance with immigration law.

And these jurisdictions do cooperate with and assist Federal immigration authorities when requested to do so.

The notion that such jurisdictions attempt to ‘hide’ immigrants from Federal authorities or otherwise ‘interfere’ with the enforcement efforts of Federal immigration authorities is a ridiculous rightwing lie.

And you are a moron who wants open borders, yet don’t want those who cross the open border illegally in your town. You are a racist and lack integrity. That’s about all you are worth. Stop being retarded and go play lawyer some place else if you can’t explain why you don’t want illegals in your neighborhood.
For me, the first time I heard about them was in Sunday school.

Cities of Refuge - Wikipedia

The Cities of Refuge were six Levitical towns in the Kingdom of Israel and the Kingdom of Judah in which the perpetrators of accidental manslaughter could claim the right of asylum. Maimonides, invoking talmudic literature, expands the city of refuge count to all 48 Levitical cities.[1] Outside of these cities, blood vengeance against such perpetrators was allowed by law.[2] The Bible names the six cities as being cities of refuge: Golan, Ramoth, and Bosor, on the east of the Jordan River,[3] and Kedesh, Shechem, and Hebron on the western side.[4]

That’s a little wiki, take it for what it is I guess. So you had all these governors pass laws making their states and cities sanctuary cities, and oh how they celebrated ! How they poked fun at the president, one even did alittle fat man dance when he made his city a haven for illegals.

So they passed the laws, yet now, when Trump gives them what they want it’s somehow un-American? It demeans the illegals? Sending illegals to cities that have passed laws protecting them from deportation is demeaning and un-American? So Trump aside, why now are all these cities agains the illegals coming there? I got to hand it to one member here who said he would be okay taking them in. Hats off to that member, so why aren’t all you other libs sending Pelosi emails asking the house to agree? Or if you live in a sanctuary state, why aren’t y’all helping the illegals come home to your state?

The wiki is correct, those are the cities mentioned in the Bible. As to why the sanctuary cities don't want the illegals shipped to them is because they don't want the strain on their cities, which is damned two-faced of them. Seems to me they only became sanctuaries to mock the feds. Notice how quickly they started screaming when Trump suggested sending them to those cities? Guess they aren't the humanitarians they wanted the country to believe they are.

I can respect the democrats stance on this issue, even though I disagree with it 100%. Like you, after all the crap they spout about the Statue of Liberty being good, walls being bad then to refuse to welcome these poor souls, I don’t see how any democrat would not jump at the chance to let the illegals come in. I’ll bet a hundred bucks the democrats will get the 9th to slap an injunction on this before next Friday.
It is an ILLEGAL vehicle in which Democrat controlled cities can Virtue Signal to their Progressive base that they are complying with the required wishes of anti American GLOBALISTS that want to destroy the sovereignty of the United States which is hanging onto too conservative, outdated American values.
For me, the first time I heard about them was in Sunday school.

Cities of Refuge - Wikipedia

The Cities of Refuge were six Levitical towns in the Kingdom of Israel and the Kingdom of Judah in which the perpetrators of accidental manslaughter could claim the right of asylum. Maimonides, invoking talmudic literature, expands the city of refuge count to all 48 Levitical cities.[1] Outside of these cities, blood vengeance against such perpetrators was allowed by law.[2] The Bible names the six cities as being cities of refuge: Golan, Ramoth, and Bosor, on the east of the Jordan River,[3] and Kedesh, Shechem, and Hebron on the western side.[4]

That’s a little wiki, take it for what it is I guess. So you had all these governors pass laws making their states and cities sanctuary cities, and oh how they celebrated ! How they poked fun at the president, one even did alittle fat man dance when he made his city a haven for illegals.

So they passed the laws, yet now, when Trump gives them what they want it’s somehow un-American? It demeans the illegals? Sending illegals to cities that have passed laws protecting them from deportation is demeaning and un-American? So Trump aside, why now are all these cities agains the illegals coming there? I got to hand it to one member here who said he would be okay taking them in. Hats off to that member, so why aren’t all you other libs sending Pelosi emails asking the house to agree? Or if you live in a sanctuary state, why aren’t y’all helping the illegals come home to your state?

A sanctuary city is a super shithole inhabited by Brown people...a place where emergency rooms have nine hour wait times...a place where all public services are under total strain...a place where uninsured, under insured and drunk drivers plague the roadways...a place where graffiti can be found in any direction you look...a place where Modello cans line the roadways and shitty diapers are found in Walmart parking lots...a place where stray pit bulls run the streets...a place where old mattresses and couches are discarded in open lots...it’s a place where real Americans feel like foreigners in their own country......a sanctuary city is a place where our own politicians are in violation of our laws...a place where our politicians commit treason.

8 U.S. Code § 1324.Bringing in and harboring certain aliens

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