What is a Shell Company? -- Jeopardy in the Age of MAGA

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from one linked article:

For instance, the second staff memo never says that Hunter Biden used “shell” companies a term often associated with shady or illegal activity, even though a shell company is a legitimate entity. Comer once described such an entity as “a fake company … they don’t make anything. They don’t produce anything. They don’t provide a good or service.” He is not wrong about many shell companies, but the memo lists real companies, with active websites and real business functions. (The third staff memo refers to just one “shell” company, which we will describe later.)

As for the $20 million in payments, Comer and other Republicans invoke this figure often. A close reading of the memos, however, finds that only about $7 million can be directly attributed to Biden family members, mostly Hunter, while the rest went to “associates,” according to the memos. Yet Comer and other lawmakers misleadingly suggest all of the money went to the Biden family or, as some label it, “the Biden crime family.” No evidence has emerged that any of these funds can be traced to Joe Biden himself.
Here is your assignment Dante:

Google "What is the difference between an SPAC and an IPO? This may help you understand what you clearly do not understand about Trumps' "shell company". Let us know what you find out.

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