What is a small government libertarian?

A coup de'tat sponsored by giant government is proof that libertarianism is impracticable?


But I agree. Asking for limite government is a failure. The State ONLY knows how to grow itself until it metastasizes into a full blown cancer.
A coup de'tat sponsored by giant government is proof that libertarianism is impracticable?


But I agree. Asking for limite government is a failure. The State ONLY knows how to grow itself until it metastasizes into a full blown cancer.

That's why anarchy is the only answer. The phrase "limited government" is an oxymoron. No government has ever allowed itself to be limited for more than a very short time.
A coup de'tat sponsored by giant government is proof that libertarianism is impracticable?


But I agree. Asking for limite government is a failure. The State ONLY knows how to grow itself until it metastasizes into a full blown cancer.

That's why anarchy is the only answer. The phrase "limited government" is an oxymoron. No government has ever allowed itself to be limited for more than a very short time.

You should try Somalia
Small government is what the US started with when the constitution was drafted and ratified.

It is the only option we had at the time. We had a marginal economy and massive debt

It looks like we've regressed back to that condition, only the debt is much higher and the economy is only a little more improved.

That's not what was promised in 2008.

You don't know what debt is if you think we compare to Revolutionary War era America

We are the wealthiest nation on earth and have the worlds largest economy. They were an agrarian economy and had borrowed to the teeth to try to get through a war
W's last deficit was $458 Billion. Last year was $564, how is that a cut in deficit? What you can say is it's the smallest deficit Obama has ever run, it's almost as small as W's largest!

Oh right, I forgot, in right wing world Obama was responsible since BEFORE he even won the election

January 08, 2009

The federal budget deficit will nearly triple to an unprecedented $1.2 trillion for the 2009 budget year, according to grim new Congressional Budget Office figures.

Dubya, like ALL Prez have a F/Y budget starting Oct 1. His last F/Y budget was Oct 1, 2008 FORWARD

Pres. Obama certainly shares responsibility. He voted for Bush's last budget, plus he and the Democrats in the House and Senate controlled the entire spending starting on March 7, 2009.

Maybe you didn't know that Bush's last budget was only approved for half of FY2009. https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/110/hr2638/text

Obama voted for TARP too, and that was the major source of the deficit.

TARP helped to prevent our economy from entering a depression. If the banks had failed our economy would have collapsed
A coup de'tat sponsored by giant government is proof that libertarianism is impracticable?


But I agree. Asking for limite government is a failure. The State ONLY knows how to grow itself until it metastasizes into a full blown cancer.

That's why anarchy is the only answer. The phrase "limited government" is an oxymoron. No government has ever allowed itself to be limited for more than a very short time.

You should try Somalia

Somalia for the win!

They were part of the ANTI'S federalist of their times (MAINLY CONSERVATIVES,like today's TP/GOPers)

Yeah they got in to pass a STRONG FEDERAL CONSTITUTION.

So you think the 9th and 10th amendments make the central government stronger? That's what the bill of rights was about? strong central government?

Boy you and your reading comprehension:


They were part of the ANTI'S federalist of their times (MAINLY CONSERVATIVES,like today's TP/GOPers)

Yeah they got in to pass a STRONG FEDERAL CONSTITUTION."

You have a writing comprehension problem...
I didn't take it as picking a fight, we're good. Everything you say is reasonable. And certainly since you've been there there you have a great experience I do not have. You can tell me, but maybe we're talking about different meanings of anarchy. Anarchy can mean chaos, and anarchy can be a political structure with no recognized government.

I am referring to the latter. When I refer to anarchists, I am referring to people who want no recognized government. People are social, and most of them are followers. I have no doubt that if we eliminated a commonly recognized government, that Somalia is the inevitable destination. People will not live on farms with their family in their community in governmentless harmony as anarchists envision, they will join a fief or be destroyed.

In anarchy, we have government, but we do not have any consistency. If you've read the thread, you know I keep saying I don't want to live my entire life within 10 miles of where my great grandfather is born. And while the fiefs may have education, criminal justice and so forth, they are limited.

You can tell me if I misunderstood, but I took your post to mean I think anarchy is chaos. That isn't what I meant.
It is the only option we had at the time. We had a marginal economy and massive debt

It looks like we've regressed back to that condition, only the debt is much higher and the economy is only a little more improved.

That's not what was promised in 2008.

You don't know what debt is if you think we compare to Revolutionary War era America

We are the wealthiest nation on earth and have the worlds largest economy. They were an agrarian economy and had borrowed to the teeth to try to get through a war

They didn't borrow anywhere near the GDP of the country, which is what Obama has done.
Oh right, I forgot, in right wing world Obama was responsible since BEFORE he even won the election

January 08, 2009

The federal budget deficit will nearly triple to an unprecedented $1.2 trillion for the 2009 budget year, according to grim new Congressional Budget Office figures.

Dubya, like ALL Prez have a F/Y budget starting Oct 1. His last F/Y budget was Oct 1, 2008 FORWARD

Pres. Obama certainly shares responsibility. He voted for Bush's last budget, plus he and the Democrats in the House and Senate controlled the entire spending starting on March 7, 2009.

Maybe you didn't know that Bush's last budget was only approved for half of FY2009. https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/110/hr2638/text

Obama voted for TARP too, and that was the major source of the deficit.

TARP helped to prevent our economy from entering a depression. If the banks had failed our economy would have collapsed

At whose expense? Whose earnings were looted to pay for such?
It is the only option we had at the time. We had a marginal economy and massive debt

It looks like we've regressed back to that condition, only the debt is much higher and the economy is only a little more improved.

That's not what was promised in 2008.

You don't know what debt is if you think we compare to Revolutionary War era America

We are the wealthiest nation on earth and have the worlds largest economy. They were an agrarian economy and had borrowed to the teeth to try to get through a war

The potential for expansion was much higher then, which is why the debt was sustainable. It's not now.
Oh right, I forgot, in right wing world Obama was responsible since BEFORE he even won the election

January 08, 2009

The federal budget deficit will nearly triple to an unprecedented $1.2 trillion for the 2009 budget year, according to grim new Congressional Budget Office figures.

Dubya, like ALL Prez have a F/Y budget starting Oct 1. His last F/Y budget was Oct 1, 2008 FORWARD

Pres. Obama certainly shares responsibility. He voted for Bush's last budget, plus he and the Democrats in the House and Senate controlled the entire spending starting on March 7, 2009.

Maybe you didn't know that Bush's last budget was only approved for half of FY2009. https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/110/hr2638/text

Obama voted for TARP too, and that was the major source of the deficit.

TARP helped to prevent our economy from entering a depression. If the banks had failed our economy would have collapsed

You can't have it both ways, blaming Bush for the last deficit but then saying it was necessary since your guy supported it.
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W's last deficit was $458 Billion. Last year was $564, how is that a cut in deficit? What you can say is it's the smallest deficit Obama has ever run, it's almost as small as W's largest!

Oh right, I forgot, in right wing world Obama was responsible since BEFORE he even won the election

January 08, 2009

The federal budget deficit will nearly triple to an unprecedented $1.2 trillion for the 2009 budget year, according to grim new Congressional Budget Office figures.

Dubya, like ALL Prez have a F/Y budget starting Oct 1. His last F/Y budget was Oct 1, 2008 FORWARD

Pres. Obama certainly shares responsibility. He voted for Bush's last budget, plus he and the Democrats in the House and Senate controlled the entire spending starting on March 7, 2009.

Maybe you didn't know that Bush's last budget was only approved for half of FY2009. https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/110/hr2638/text

Obama voted for TARP too, and that was the major source of the deficit.

Obama signed the second TARP and spent hundreds of billions of useless government waste that is being counted against W.
Oh right, I forgot, in right wing world Obama was responsible since BEFORE he even won the election

January 08, 2009

The federal budget deficit will nearly triple to an unprecedented $1.2 trillion for the 2009 budget year, according to grim new Congressional Budget Office figures.

Dubya, like ALL Prez have a F/Y budget starting Oct 1. His last F/Y budget was Oct 1, 2008 FORWARD

Pres. Obama certainly shares responsibility. He voted for Bush's last budget, plus he and the Democrats in the House and Senate controlled the entire spending starting on March 7, 2009.

Maybe you didn't know that Bush's last budget was only approved for half of FY2009. https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/110/hr2638/text

Obama voted for TARP too, and that was the major source of the deficit.

TARP helped to prevent our economy from entering a depression. If the banks had failed our economy would have collapsed

Basleess talking point, TARP was throwing gasoline on the fire. We needed less government oppression over our economy, not more.
Pres. Obama certainly shares responsibility. He voted for Bush's last budget, plus he and the Democrats in the House and Senate controlled the entire spending starting on March 7, 2009.

Maybe you didn't know that Bush's last budget was only approved for half of FY2009. https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/110/hr2638/text

Obama voted for TARP too, and that was the major source of the deficit.

TARP helped to prevent our economy from entering a depression. If the banks had failed our economy would have collapsed

At whose expense? Whose earnings were looted to pay for such?

Exactly. Government took the money from the job providers.

Government takes $100 from a job provider. Let's see how this helps them.

Government spends it or gives it to someone to spend, and they spend the $100 at your business.

You lost $100 in cash, then got $100 in revenue, but the revenue is not profit, all the expenses have to be subtracted from that. So maybe you made $20.

So you lost $100 and made $20, and Democrats call that helping the economy.
A coup de'tat sponsored by giant government is proof that libertarianism is impracticable?


But I agree. Asking for limite government is a failure. The State ONLY knows how to grow itself until it metastasizes into a full blown cancer.

That's why anarchy is the only answer. The phrase "limited government" is an oxymoron. No government has ever allowed itself to be limited for more than a very short time.

You should try Somalia

You should try a brain transplant. Somalia is not an example of anarchy. It's a failed communist states that has devolved into a collection of warlords who rule with absolute power.
It is the only option we had at the time. We had a marginal economy and massive debt

It looks like we've regressed back to that condition, only the debt is much higher and the economy is only a little more improved.

That's not what was promised in 2008.

You don't know what debt is if you think we compare to Revolutionary War era America

We are the wealthiest nation on earth and have the worlds largest economy. They were an agrarian economy and had borrowed to the teeth to try to get through a war

According to this chart, our debt is considerably larger than what we owed after the Revolution, and it only goes up to 2010. The debt has increased by at least $4 trillion since then.

I didn't take it as picking a fight, we're good. Everything you say is reasonable. And certainly since you've been there there you have a great experience I do not have. You can tell me, but maybe we're talking about different meanings of anarchy. Anarchy can mean chaos, and anarchy can be a political structure with no recognized government.

I am referring to the latter. When I refer to anarchists, I am referring to people who want no recognized government. People are social, and most of them are followers. I have no doubt that if we eliminated a commonly recognized government, that Somalia is the inevitable destination. People will not live on farms with their family in their community in governmentless harmony as anarchists envision, they will join a fief or be destroyed.

In anarchy, we have government, but we do not have any consistency. If you've read the thread, you know I keep saying I don't want to live my entire life within 10 miles of where my great grandfather is born. And while the fiefs may have education, criminal justice and so forth, they are limited.

You can tell me if I misunderstood, but I took your post to mean I think anarchy is chaos. That isn't what I meant.

I'm an anarchist because I believe the phrase "good government" is an oxymoron. So is the phrase "limited government."

People have lived under government for so long that no one can comprehend how anarchy cold work or be stable, but the fact is that prior to the creation of the state farming communities existed for thousands of years without any kind of formal government. They established property rights and resolved crimes without the usual apparatus of oppression. If you want to read how it could work in a modern context then read some Hans Herman Hoppe and what he calls "the private law society."

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