What is Aleppo?

I think Johnson should take a page from Hillary's playbook and claim he had a concussion and didn't remember what Aleppo was. He didn't even violate the Espionage Act or obstruct Congress. He can just claim he suffered a concussion and when asked to produce medical records, refuse to do so and accuse those asking of being sexist.
Why is Aleppo any of our concern?

Sorry but who gives a fuck about it?

Not I
Another place we shouldn't be bombing & killing in. Time to disengage from the Middle East. We've done enough damage over there.
Yeah... let's allow Russia and Iran to move into the vacuum and establish new Empires that will eventually do us (or our children) great harm in the near future.

They want it, they can have it. It's time for us to come home. Time to end endless war.
I think Johnson should take a page from Hillary's playbook and claim he had a concussion and didn't remember what Aleppo was. He didn't even violate the Espionage Act or obstruct Congress. He can just claim he suffered a concussion and when asked to produce medical records, refuse to do so and accuse those asking of being sexist.

It's funny, how the press will become fixated on things like this, and doesn't really know how to handle the complete, corrupt insanity of Trump and Clinton. It kind of reminds me of the old Eddie Izzard bit on mass murderers:

Give me a couple of hours to catch up!

Sitting in a hotel room.... watching Conan, sipping Ketel one. Cheers!
Sitting at my computer contemplating making a dash for the pub for Friday night drinkies in an hour.
Oh boy. You are a mad Kiwi now, what will happen when you return? :ack-1:
It makes me more amusing, more attractive to women, a great dancer and with opinions that I know everyone wants to hear.
Say Hi to Frodo and Sam....oh and Gandalph.
Will do...I'm going to a party with them tonight.
Another place we shouldn't be bombing & killing in. Time to disengage from the Middle East. We've done enough damage over there.
Yeah... let's allow Russia and Iran to move into the vacuum and establish new Empires that will eventually do us (or our children) great harm in the near future.

They want it, they can have it. It's time for us to come home. Time to end endless war.
It is, indeed, time to end endless war.

It is not, however, time to retreat back into 19th century Isolationism, as you-and-yours would have us do.
Another place we shouldn't be bombing & killing in. Time to disengage from the Middle East. We've done enough damage over there.
Yeah... let's allow Russia and Iran to move into the vacuum and establish new Empires that will eventually do us (or our children) great harm in the near future.

They want it, they can have it. It's time for us to come home. Time to end endless war.
It is, indeed, time to end endless war.

It is not, however, time to retreat back into 19th century Isolationism, as you-and-yours would have us do.

You say 'Isolationism', i say tomato. But endless war needs to end. Time to disengage from the Middle East.
Again, the big deal here is Gary Johnson's response. He handled this poorly and he is paying the price. I would be willing to bet just about any amount that before this happened, MOST Americans wouldn't have had a clue what "Aleppo" was. Many may be more familiar with Damascus. Now, of course there are intelligent people who are up to speed on geography and history who would have known Aleppo was a city in Syria, and they might even be aware of the conflict and how it relates to the Syrian refugee situation. But it is not unreasonable that Gary didn't know what "Aleppo" was... and I think that was intentional on part of the "journalist" who posed that question.

The exchange was as follows:
If you are elected president, what would you do about Aleppo?
Johnson: "And.... what IS Aleppo?"

Now the more intelligent way for Johnson to have responded, given he had no clue what Aleppo was... would have been to say... "Can you be more specific please?" This would have garnered more information which could have revealed to him that he was being asked about the Syrian refugee situation. He answered with something that simply made him look goofy and unprepared. It was the worst possible response he could've had and he didn't seem to have the wherewithal to realize it in the moment... this has been Gary Johnson's problem all along.

To me personally, it's no more worse than Hillary, on the same day, claiming that "we didn't lose any lives in Libya!" I know she has a memory loss problem due to her brain damage but damn... doesn't she remember the coffins she greeted at the airport? But that said, Hillary doesn't have the problem of a public image that she is a moron. She is purportedly the "smartest woman in the world" according to her supporters. So she can get away with a boneheaded statement here and there. Gary Johnson has no such luxury... he is battling his own image as a goofy dumbbell who doesn't have a clue and unfortunately, he simply helped to reinforce that perception with his response.

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