What is an "ice age?"

Start the Jeopardy! music

The Tippys mercilessly censor that question, because to answer it is to admit CO2 has nothing to do with Earth climate change...
It is now perfectly clear that the Tippys are re-writing Earth history, inserting "carbon did this and that and the other thing" while lying about extent, duration, and actual ice cover.

Carbon never did anything to Earth except exist. That is what the ice cores proved in the British Court, and what the highly correlated satellite and balloon data prove about the atmosphere today - NO WARMING despite rising CO2.
It is now perfectly clear that the Tippys are re-writing Earth history, inserting "carbon did this and that and the other thing" while lying about extent, duration, and actual ice cover.

Carbon never did anything to Earth except exist. That is what the ice cores proved in the British Court, and what the highly correlated satellite and balloon data prove about the atmosphere today - NO WARMING despite rising CO2.
Care to cite that British Court? Or have you just pulled another stinky non-fact out of your ass.
Highly correlated. Again.

Okay, when you mention the British court, are you or are you not speaking of 2007 case of Dimmock v Secretary of State for Education and Skills?
Care to cite that British Court?

Gladly, since I've cited it here a thousand times already, why not 1001???

Official British Court Finds 11 Inaccuracies in Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth, Labels It As Political Propaganda

  • The film suggests that the Antarctic ice covering is melting, the evidence was that it is in fact increasing.
  • The film suggests that evidence from ice cores proves that rising CO2 causes temperature increases over 650,000 years. The Court found that the film was misleading: over that period the rises in CO2 lagged behind the temperature rises by 800-2000 years.

and there you have it. 90% of Earth ice on Antarctica INCREASING, no correlation between CO2 and temps, and your FUDGE side was

Crick, the Jeopardy! music is still playing and will continue to play until you cite one Tippy who can answer

Why does one Earth polar circle have 9 times the ice of the other???

And when you confess that you CANNOT DO THAT, you owe me and the board an apology and a retraction...
The question has been answered here repeatedly. As I stated earlier, any decent 7th grader could answer the question. The idiocy here is you thinking this is some arcane mystery.

You stated something a little earlier that I figured was the case. Your idiocy is home grown. These ideas are all your own. No one shares them with you.

That you should think that's a good thing is pretty much all there is to say here.
No one shares them with you.

Parroting = proof

An individual who thinks and gets the right answer that refutes Crick's parroting = "idiocy"

Meanwhile, Crick essentially admits here that the Tippy Toppiest "top climate scientists" do not even attempt to answer the first question of Earth climate change - why does one Earth polar circle have 9 times the ice of the other?
Who is more likely to be correct? LaDexter, who comes up with ideas based solely on what lies in LaDexter's head, or the world's trained, degreed scientists, who conduct research and publish their work in peer reviewed journals?
LaDexter, who comes up with ideas based solely on what lies in LaDexter's head, or the world's trained, degreed scientists, who conduct research and publish their work in peer reviewed journals?

More precisely, :LaDexter fully explains the data, while the Tippy Toppiests fudge the data, lie, and get busted lying.

Exhibit A = sea level rise

The Tippys claim the sea level is rising. LaDexter says "show us some evidence of this." The Tippys produce three island chains that are sinking. LaDexter notices all three are on the lip of the Pacific Ring of Fire.

Crick wants you to parrot.

LaDexter wants you to think.

LaDexter explains why Arctic Sea ice is shrinking while Antarctic Sea Ice is growing. The Tippys give their standard BS reason why the Arctic Sea ice is shrinking = "global" warming, and then sit there picking their taxpayer funded rears spinning as to why Antarctic Sea Ice is growing...
Care to cite that British Court?

Gladly, since I've cited it here a thousand times already, why not 1001???

Official British Court Finds 11 Inaccuracies in Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth, Labels It As Political Propaganda

  • The film suggests that the Antarctic ice covering is melting, the evidence was that it is in fact increasing.

    • The film suggests that evidence from ice cores proves that rising CO2 causes temperature increases over 650,000 years. The Court found that the film was misleading: over that period the rises in CO2 lagged behind the temperature rises by 800-2000 years.
and there you have it. 90% of Earth ice on Antarctica INCREASING, no correlation between CO2 and temps, and your FUDGE side was


You have not "cited" that court case a thousand times. Including this post, you have cited it zero times. This is not a citation. It is an ignorant article about the case. The cartoon might have been the tip-off.
It is an ignorant article about the case.


Anything that validates that Crick's taxpayer funded left wing liar heroes have lied and lied and lied about whether or not 90% of Earth ice on Antarctica is growing, well, Crick doesn't like it. Crick wants you to believe the Tippy fudge about Antarctica melting. Crick doesn't care whether it is true or not.

The article correctly CITES the CONCLUSIONS of the Court, that Antarctic ice is GROWING and that the ancient ice cores show no correlation between CO2 and temperature. Crick's heroes were TOO CHICKEN to appeal, preferring to rely upon the biased and bigoted "media coverage" of the issue, which spins the court's conclusions as something other than being FATAL to the theory of CO2 inspired "warming."

If 90% of Earth ice on Antarctica is GROWING, is the sea level rising???

Start the Jeopardy! music
LaDexter, who comes up with ideas based solely on what lies in LaDexter's head, or the world's trained, degreed scientists, who conduct research and publish their work in peer reviewed journals?

More precisely, :LaDexter fully explains the data, while the Tippy Toppiests fudge the data, lie, and get busted lying.

You haven't explained shite. You've babbled some nonsense, you've made several gross and egregious errors and you've demonstrated your ignorance.

Exhibit A = sea level rise

The Tippys claim the sea level is rising. LaDexter says "show us some evidence of this." The Tippys produce three island chains that are sinking.

Mainstream science does not claim that we know global sea level is rising because the Marshall Islands are being submerge by it. They claim that we know global sea level is rising because global measures by tide gauges and satellite altimetry show that is the case. You've been shown the graph below or something like it on numerous occasions, yet you still claim that your contention that the Marshall Islands are on the lip of a subduction zone (false) is proof that sea level is not rising. You are ignoring the actual data and arguing against a red herring.


LaDexter notices all three are on the lip of the Pacific Ring of Fire.

In which LaDexter is demonstrably incorrect, has been so informed, yet still claims this to be the case.

Crick wants you to parrot.

LaDexter wants you to think.

LaDexter seems to believe he is the only person on the entire planet capable of thinking clearly enough to come to a logical, justified conclusion. I suggest that is not actually the case.

LaDexter explains why Arctic Sea ice is shrinking while Antarctic Sea Ice is growing.

No, you have not.

The Tippys give their standard BS reason why the Arctic Sea ice is shrinking = "global" warming, and then sit there picking their taxpayer funded rears spinning as to why Antarctic Sea Ice is growing...

No, they have not.

As far as I can see here, you are nothing but an unmitigated, inveterate troll.
LaDexter, explain the tide gauge data.

Explain the satellite altimetry.

Explain why the ocean would not be expanding from the steric effects of its increasing temperature.

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


Your claim that the expansion of the Antarctic you believe is taking place means the global snow and ice extents must also be expanding, illustrates that you are unwilling to examine your memes. It would be very easy for the Antarctic to be gaining ice mass but the world as a whole to be losing it. And since Zwally is STILL the only published scientist who believe the Antarctic mass balance is positive and since Zwally himself says “I know some of the climate deniers will jump on this, and say this means we don’t have to worry as much as some people have been making out” and “It should not take away from the concern about climate warming”, YOUR intrerpretation of what's going on seems to be pure shite.
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Mainstream science does not claim that we know global sea level is rising because the Marshall Islands are being submerge by it.

The Marshall Islands are sinking because they are on the lip of the Pacific Ring of Fire, yet the Tippys blame the sinking on fictitious sea level rise. The Tippys lie.

They claim that we know global sea level is rising because global measures by tide gauges and satellite altimetry show that is the case

Which is laughably obvious FUDGE given the fact that the Tippys have to LIE to "find" a "sinking island."
All you need to know about snow from Crick's latest FUDGE chart is that NYC, Philly, Boston, and DC have all set ALL TIME RECORD HIGHS for snow accumulation since O took office.

Pass the whipped cream....
And the "northern hemisphere sea ice" issue is a CHERRY PICK given non-stop GROWTH of Antarctic Sea Ice....

No matter what the issue is, I have truth, Crick parrots FUDGE, CHERRY PICKING, and FRAUD.
LaDexter, explain the tide gauge data. FUDGE

Explain the satellite altimetry. FUDGE

Explain why the ocean would not be expanding from the steric effects of its increasing temperature. - Oceans not warming, but Tippys are FUDGING
Arctic Sea Ice shrinking - growth of Arctic Ocean

Antarctic Sea ice growing - propelled by growing and cooling Antarctic ice age

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