What is an "ice age?"

IDK....when I see posts with lots and lots of anger and personal attacks, its sorta a sign that somebody is making a fool our of somebody else!! I mean think about it........when you are confident in your position, that's not the way you respond!!! Everybody knows that.

Just have noticed a pronounced level of public misery when people are responding to Ledexter's posts.....actual rage in some posts........making the alarmist positions look decidedly weak!:spinner:
IDK.....I wouldn't spend a damn minute in this forum except for the fact that Im laughing ALL THE TIME!! If I was getting all stressed out and angry all the time, Id be so outta here!!
Dang....do I get a kick out of watching how much this new forum member Ledexter has caused significant angst and mental meltdowns amongst the AGW alarmist regulars in here.........I mean, some real head explosion events going on if you are watching closely.:2up:


Because the alarmists are getting pwned on substance...........they hate that.:coffee:
Its more like the dummy causes me to laugh at him. :laugh:

Antarctic Sea Ice Reaches New Record Maximum

"Antarctic Sea Ice Reaches New Record Maximum
Editor’s note: Antarctica and the Arctic are two very different environments: the former is a continent surrounded by ocean, the latter is ocean enclosed by land. As a result, sea ice behaves very differently in the two regions. While the Antarctic sea ice yearly wintertime maximum extent hit record highs from 2012 to 2014 before returning to average levels in 2015, both the Arctic wintertime maximum and its summer minimum extent have been in a sharp decline for the past decades. Studies show that globally, the decreases in Arctic sea ice far exceed the increases in Antarctic sea ice.
NO really but you look back through this thread..........the alarmists are getting embarrassed. They are posting up all this technical mumbo-jumbo crap and Ledexter is posting up very simple facts and laughing as he does it. The alarmist members might be taking bows, but anybody coming in here as a casual observer is being smacked across the face and thinking, "SHIT......THESE PEOPLE ARE A RELIGION!!"

idk? Don't get why you'd want to do that?

Who gives a shit about the circle jerk science debate stuff..............in the end, its all about who is winning?:deal::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
NO really but you look back through this thread..........the alarmists are getting embarrassed. They are posting up all this technical mumbo-jumbo crap and Ledexter is posting up very simple facts and laughing as he does it. The alarmist members might be taking bows, but anybody coming in here as a casual observer is being smacked across the face and thinking, "SHIT......THESE PEOPLE ARE A RELIGION!!"

idk? Don't get why you'd want to do that?

Who gives a shit about the circle jerk science debate stuff..............in the end, its all about who is winning?:deal::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Like I stated before. He should be the one embarrassed. I'm starting to think he may be of such low intellect that he hasnt figured out just how embarrassed he should be. Did you catch that question he asked about ice in the poles? A third grader could have answered that one. :laugh:
I pointed out that Greenland is part of the North American plate, and moves with North America, therefore it's retarded to claim Greenland moves independently.

You apparently still think the Earth is FLAT. It isn't. Greenland and NA are moving the same direction - on a sphere. NA has passed the pole, so it is now moving SW. Greenland, on the same vector, is moving NW.

But then, that's not how your rabbi responded, so hate and lie you will
I pointed out that in the last million years, the North American plate has drifted 100 miles to the WSW, having essentially no effect on climate.


Greenland froze while NA thawed, all at the same time on the same planet with the same atmosphere... so tell us again how CO2 melted NA and froze Greenland AT THE SAME TIME while CO2 was constant...
Ever hear of Milankovic Cycles, Dumbkopf? How about the Permian when there was land at both poles and was one of the warmest periods in geological history.


Document that - land on both poles...



Another warm period, immediatly following the PT extinction.

That chart of the "Permian" has almost no land in the Arctic. That is hardly two polar continents, but nice try...

The accuracy of such speculative charts is laughable, given that the charts of the break-up of Pangea 125 million years ago mostly have SA and AA apart, when, in reality, they broke off together and were one continent for tens of millions of years.
On my "air conditioner" analogy, where today's Arctic is set at 1 and Antarctic is set at 9, your Permian chart would be 1 in the Arctic Circle and possibly 6 or 7 in the Antarctic.

Per your chart, Triassic would score 3-4 in the Arctic and about the same, 3-4, in the Antarctic. Hence, both would produce warmer Earth's than today.
You apparently still think the Earth is FLAT. It isn't. Greenland and NA are moving the same direction - on a sphere.

Greenland is 600miles from the pole at the northern edge.

As it moves 100 miles over a million years, most of that in a westerly direction, it most certainly was not on the opposite side of the pole a million years ago.

That is, you fail complete at geometry, along with everything else.

NA has passed the pole, so it is now moving SW. Greenland, on the same vector, is moving NW.

But then, that's not how your rabbi responded, so hate and lie you will

Antisemitism again? You're a real piece of work.
NA is past the pole, Greenland is today where Northern Canada was 40-60 million years ago.

All it takes is that one year where the annual snowfall ceases to fully melt...
All it takes is that one year where the annual snowfall ceases to fully melt...

That happens every year in Greenland. It's how the ice sheet stays roughly in equilibrium. Ice dumped into the sea by glaciers equals the snowfall that doesn't melt.

Well, at least it used to happen that way. Things are changing. Lots more melt in the interior, so the mass balance has become strongly negative.
Have you noticed that you provide no evidence for your arguments and that when challenged, you have no meaningful response?

We have.
No, Crick, parroting fudge and running away from real questions is what you do. Your side cannot explain the data. I do, by proving CO2 is not anything that affects climate.

Your side cannot explain the discrepancy between the polar circles, where one is much much colder with 9 times the ice. Your side cannot explain why Arctic Sea ice is melting at the same time Antarctic sea ice is increasing. Your side cannot explain how Greenland froze while NA thawed during the past million years.

Your side LIES. It has NO SEA LEVEL RISE, since 90% of Earth ice on Antarctica has added at least 80 billion tons of ice every year since Algore started lying about CO2. Hence, to con the public into believing there is a sea level rise, it cherry picks island chains on the lip of the Pacific Ring of Fire and claims those are sinking because of sea level rise, and never notice the tectonics...


Your side is FRAUD. My side is TRUTH that outs your side's FRAUD.

To quote the great former Mayor of DC Marion Barry - DEAL WITH IT!!!
Crick said:
Have you noticed that you provide no evidence for your arguments and that when challenged, you have no meaningful response?

We have.

Thought not.

Crick, parroting fudge

Is your mother going to punish you if you say "shit"? You are the most unimaginative poster I think I've ever run into. You repeat the same phrases over and over and over again. How many time did you mention that "highly correlated data"? It wouldn't be difficult to believe you're a program generating posts at random from keywords.

and running away from real questions is what you do.

I have answered as many "real questions" as anyone here - certainly more than you have. You tend not to answer questions at all. You tend not to provide evidence. You tend not to provide links. Your ideas are unsupported by mainstream science. They fail numerous sanity and reality checks.

Your side cannot explain the data.

"My side" is mainstream science. It's THEIR data, asshole.

I do, by proving CO2 is not anything that affects climate.

You don't know what the word "prove" means. You have proved NOTHING here. Ever.

Your side cannot explain the discrepancy between the polar circles, where one is much much colder with 9 times the ice.

A 7th grader can explain it, you useless dipshit.

Your side cannot explain why Arctic Sea ice is melting at the same time Antarctic sea ice is increasing.

Mainstream science has done and will continue to do an infinitely better job of it than we will ever see from you. Your "explanations" are a complete failure. Your "evidence" is nothing more than your personal fantasy.

Your side cannot explain how Greenland froze while NA thawed during the past million years.

You have yet to show us a single source for this claim. Not one.
Explain to us the weather in Bermuda and the Azores.

Your side LIES.

No, it does not. Of course, that makes YOU a liar.

It has NO SEA LEVEL RISE, since 90% of Earth ice on Antarctica has added at least 80 billion tons of ice every year since Algore started lying about CO2.

And so you believe the direct tide gauge and satellite altimetry measurements that show it is are... what?

Hence, to con the public into believing there is a sea level rise, it cherry picks island chains on the lip of the Pacific Ring of Fire and claims those are sinking because of sea level rise, and never notice the tectonics...

Wow... You give stupid a bad name dude.
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How many time did you mention that "highly correlated data"?

The decision by your fudgebaking heroes to FUDGE the raw data from satellites and balloons is one of the FRAUD's "big moments" = is the public too STUPID to notice??

General and important science issue here. When scientists have two and only two measures of the same thing, and both measures read similar data that is highly correlated, does an honest scientist accept that data?

A: affirmative - no reason to question that data

Why did the warmers FUDGE that data then?

A: because if we document that increasing atmospheric CO2 hasn't warmed the atmosphere, there would be no reason for the US taxpayer to fund Crick's fraudulent heroes any more...

"Global Warming" = ascribing Earth climate change to CO2, is complete FRAUD, and the fudging of the atmospheric data is ground zero of the FRAUD
A 7th grader can explain it, you useless dipshit.

Then YOU explain it.

Right now, on Earth, one polar circle, the Antarctic, has 9 times the ice of the other, the Arctic - WHY?
You've already heard it repeatedly. Why don't you tell us why you think it's some great mystery? Can you find us someone intelligent stating that no one knows this basic fact?
Find one single tippy toppiest "top climate scientist" who explains why the Antarctic Circle has 9 times the ice of the Arctic - just ONE....

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