What is an "ice age?"

Mainstream science does not claim that we know global sea level is rising because the Marshall Islands are being submerge by it.

The Marshall Islands are sinking because they are on the lip of the Pacific Ring of Fire, yet the Tippys blame the sinking on fictitious sea level rise. The Tippys lie.

It has been repeatedly demonstrated to you that the Marshall Islands are not on the lip of the Ring of Fire. More to the point, they are not on the edge of a subduction zone. Isostatic adjustment to sea level data due to tectonic plate movement and depression and rebound has been commonplace for over a century. Your claim on this point only indicates your unfamiliarity with the topic.

They claim that we know global sea level is rising because global measures by tide gauges and satellite altimetry show that is the case

Which is laughably obvious FUDGE given the fact that the Tippys have to LIE to "find" a "sinking island."

If you actually think that is a valid and overwhelming refutation, you're just the fool I suspected you to be.
It has been repeatedly demonstrated to you that the Marshall Islands are not on the lip of the Ring of Fire.

And here we have THE FRAUD in its truest form - when busted lying, it keeps manufacturing new lies over and over and over.

they are not on the edge of a subduction zone.

As everyone can see above, the Marshall Islands are right on the lip, on the side that is going down under. That Crick and his side are reduced to lying about the obvious truth of the above two maps is where the FRAUD is when properly outed...
Mainstream science does not claim that we know global sea level is rising because the Marshall Islands are being submerge by it.

The Marshall Islands are sinking because they are on the lip of the Pacific Ring of Fire, yet the Tippys blame the sinking on fictitious sea level rise. The Tippys lie.

It has been repeatedly demonstrated to you that the Marshall Islands are not on the lip of the Ring of Fire. More to the point, they are not on the edge of a subduction zone. Isostatic adjustment to sea level data due to tectonic plate movement and depression and rebound has been commonplace for over a century. Your claim on this point only indicates your unfamiliarity with the topic.

They claim that we know global sea level is rising because global measures by tide gauges and satellite altimetry show that is the case

Which is laughably obvious FUDGE given the fact that the Tippys have to LIE to "find" a "sinking island."

If you actually think that is a valid and overwhelming refutation, you're just the fool I suspected you to be.
you did? you showed the islands were not on the ring of fire? Where-- post #
The last desperation of a FRAUD is always to LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE til the bitter end.

The Marshall Islands, Solomon Islands, and the other near New Guinea are all right on the lip of the PROF, and are sinking because of that.

THAT is the only hard "evidence" of "rising" seas, which are NOT RISING because there is NO NET ICE MELT ONGOING on the planet, mostly because 90% of Earth ice on Antarctica is adding at least 80 billion tons of ice EVERY YEAR.
Mainstream science does not claim that we know global sea level is rising because the Marshall Islands are being submerge by it.

The Marshall Islands are sinking because they are on the lip of the Pacific Ring of Fire, yet the Tippys blame the sinking on fictitious sea level rise. The Tippys lie.

It has been repeatedly demonstrated to you that the Marshall Islands are not on the lip of the Ring of Fire. More to the point, they are not on the edge of a subduction zone. Isostatic adjustment to sea level data due to tectonic plate movement and depression and rebound has been commonplace for over a century. Your claim on this point only indicates your unfamiliarity with the topic.

They claim that we know global sea level is rising because global measures by tide gauges and satellite altimetry show that is the case

Which is laughably obvious FUDGE given the fact that the Tippys have to LIE to "find" a "sinking island."

If you actually think that is a valid and overwhelming refutation, you're just the fool I suspected you to be.
BTW, why aren't any of the seven main continents showing signs of sea level rise on their coasts?

You are just supposed to say "see, the Marshall Islands are sinking, so the sea level must be rising" and not notice NOTHING ELSE IS SINKING...
It has been repeatedly demonstrated to you that the Marshall Islands are not on the lip of the Ring of Fire.

And here we have THE FRAUD in its truest form - when busted lying, it keeps manufacturing new lies over and over and over.

they are not on the edge of a subduction zone.

As everyone can see above, the Marshall Islands are right on the lip, on the side that is going down under. That Crick and his side are reduced to lying about the obvious truth of the above two maps is where the FRAUD is when properly outed...

You might at least attempt to find a map that shows both the Marshall Islands and the nearest subduction trench, the Bouganville. Like this:


Then let's go to Google Maps to get a distance from, say Honjara in the Solomon Islands, to the Marshalls.


1,382 miles. Yeah, the Marshalls are just sinking in to the Earth.

God are you stupid.
Damn, Ladumbkopf's own map demonstrates that the Marshal Islands are nowhere near a subduction zone. Amazing, LaDumbkopf must be on a hallucinigen.
the nearest subduction trench

What is truly hilarious about the warmers here is just how STUPID to you have to be to believe there are just parts of the PROF engaged in subduction.

This is what Crick and OR want you to believe. The bottom ocean plate, the one going under, is cut into strips. Some move and end up under the Earth's crust. Some strips simply do not move and never end up being recycled.


Just because the PROF is "slanted" by the Marshall Islands doesn't change the FACT that the ENTIRE bottom PLATE is going UNDER, even if it goes UNDER at a SLANTED POINT on the PROF.
It has been repeatedly demonstrated to you that the Marshall Islands are not on the lip of the Ring of Fire.

And here we have THE FRAUD in its truest form - when busted lying, it keeps manufacturing new lies over and over and over.

they are not on the edge of a subduction zone.

As everyone can see above, the Marshall Islands are right on the lip, on the side that is going down under. That Crick and his side are reduced to lying about the obvious truth of the above two maps is where the FRAUD is when properly outed...

You might at least attempt to find a map that shows both the Marshall Islands and the nearest subduction trench, the Bouganville. Like this:


Then let's go to Google Maps to get a distance from, say Honjara in the Solomon Islands, to the Marshalls.

View attachment 84075

1,382 miles. Yeah, the Marshalls are just sinking in to the Earth.

God are you stupid.
just one question, do you believe that the Marshall Islands are an Atoll? Let us start there quickly.

Subduction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Find us a comment from someone who actually knows geology that says the entire fucking plate is descending.

The MEASUREMENTS showing UNEQUIVOCALLY that global sea level is rising do not centeer around the Marshall Islands. They come from thousands of tide gauge records from around the world and years of multiple satellite altimetry records - a point you continue to ignore.

LaDexter, you are an idiot and a liar.

And, of course, NONE of this has anything to do with "What is an ice age?"
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Once again, crick tries to change the subject away from the truth that the Marshall Islands are sinking solely because they are on the lip of the PROF and not from any BS ocean rise.

Find us a comment from someone who actually knows geology that says the entire fucking plate is descending.

This is just hilarious. What Crick is saying is that only part of the edge of the plate is going under, and the rest is somehow... what... being beamed out of the solar system.... merging with the other plate in another dimension??

When the bottom of the Pacific Ocean gets pushed right up to the PROF, it goes UNDER, no matter if the PROF is perpendicular or slanted at the point of contact. The Marshall Islands are right on the lip of a part of the PROF that slants WNW, while the plate the MI are on is moving W. So??? Crick seems to be saying that as that intersection happens, the bottom floor of the Pacific does not go under the adjacent plate because of that slant? because the Tippys are big time fudgebaking liars??


The Tippys have THREE and JUST THREE "sinking" island chains. ALL THREE are on the lip of the PROF. ALL THREE. THREE OUT OF THREE....

Meanwhile, the latest version of the Hawaii 50 show is on the same beach as the old show 50 years ago, and the beach is the exact same beach... with the same sea level... because the Hawaiian Islands are NOT SINKING... because they are not on the lip of the PROF....
You've never had a single course in geology, have you.

You also continue to ignore the data from thousands of tidal gauges and years of satellite altimetry that show the world's oceans are rising. Why is that Dickster? Aren't you prepared to say it's all fudge? Don't you have some "highly correlated data" from two pier pilings in Bumfuck Nowhere that show no rise?

You're still an ignorant liar.
You also continue to ignore the data from thousands of tidal gauges and years of satellite altimetry that show the world's oceans are rising

I don't ignore FUDGE, I just cover it with whipped cream...

Don't you have some "highly correlated data" from two pier pilings in Bumfuck Nowhere that show no rise?

Your problem is, your side is lying about why the Marshall Islands, the Solomons, and the other by New Guinea are "sinking" but nothing else is. They are sinking because the Pacific Ocean floor plate to which they are attached is sinking because it is right on the lip of the PROF. If there were an actual sea level rise, your fraudulent heroes wouldn't have to lie about those three island chains.

Of course, to claim a sea level rise, you'd have to show a NET ICE MELT ongoing, and that FAILS The VERY FIRST TEST, as 90% of Earth ice on Antarctica has added at least 80 billion tons of ice every year your side has lied about sea level rise...
The Marshall Islands are not subducting. You cannot find a single source that agrees with you. Writing off all human science concerning global sea level as "fudge" without an iota of evidence is simply proof that you're a lying fool.

That you should think it impossible for the world's total ice mass to be shrinking even were a majority of it to be expanding (and it is not) is one more demonstration of your ignorance. Here, see if you can follow this.

I have ten people in a room. I give nine of them one penny each. I take 25 cents away from the tenth. Has the total amount of money among them all gone up or down?

Get it? And of course that completely ignores steric expansion from the warming you deny despite massive amounts of data many different sources.

God are you stupid.
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The Marshall Islands are not subducting.

You lie, just like your fudgebaking heroes.

You cannot find a single source that agrees with you

I do not parrot, you do. I think. Land on the edge of the PROF on the "bottom" side starts to sink hundreds of miles from the actual fault. The Marshall Islands have been sinking for decades because of their position relative to the PROF.

Writing off all human science concerning global sea level as "fudge" without an iota of evidence is simply proof that you're a lying fool.

Not all of it is FUDGE. Some of it is FRAUD, the rest is CHERRY PICKING... Obsessing over Arctic Sea Ice while ignoring Antarctic Sea Ice is CHERRY PICKING. Claiming ice age glaciers fully advance and retreat in a matter of minutes is FRAUD.

God are you stupid.

I haven't spent my entire life looking from behind a beak... you have. You DO NOT THINK. ALL you do is PARROT.
Not one shred of evidence to back up ANY of your contentions.

I put you on ignore once before and simply ran out of anyone to challenge. Turning you back on was a mistake. Your posts are less than worthless. You don't have the faintest fuck of an idea what you're talking about, you've got an ego about a thousand times larger than your intellect deserves and you lie with abandon. I truly hope no one else wastes their time attempting to talk to you about anything. You deeply deserve to be alone.
just one question, do you believe that the Marshall Islands are an Atoll? Let us start there quickly.

Fuck off jc. You have NOTHING to add to this "conversation"
this is what happens when someone like you can't defend a position. Thanks for proving that you have no idea what it is you talk about with islands and sinking.

Subduction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Find us a comment from someone who actually knows geology that says the entire fucking plate is descending.

The MEASUREMENTS showing UNEQUIVOCALLY that global sea level is rising do not centeer around the Marshall Islands. They come from thousands of tide gauge records from around the world and years of multiple satellite altimetry records - a point you continue to ignore.

LaDexter, you are an idiot and a liar.

And, of course, NONE of this has anything to do with "What is an ice age?"
It's due to the fact that the Marshall Islands are an Atoll. Look it up lady, and tell the class if I lie about that. I'm still waiting.

Oh and when you've completed that, then explain what it is an Atoll is likely to do. hmmmmmm

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