What is an "ice age?"

hey crick, here some guidance for you:

Atoll - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


"The distribution of atolls around the globe is instructive: most of the world's atolls are in the Pacific Ocean (with concentrations in the Tuamotu Islands, Caroline Islands, Marshall Islands, Coral Sea Islands, and the island groups of Kiribati, Tuvalu and Tokelau) and Indian Ocean (the Atolls of the Maldives, the Lakshadweep Islands, the Chagos Archipelago and the Outer Islands of the Seychelles). The Atlantic Ocean has no large groups of atolls, other than eight atolls east of Nicaragua that belong to the Colombian department of San Andres and Providencia in the Caribbean."

Would you lookie there, Marshall Island, and where is it and what is it? Oh what an Atoll will eventually do:


Atolls are the product of the growth of tropical marine organisms, and so these islands are only found in warm tropical waters. Volcanic islands located beyond the warm water temperature requirements of hermatypic (reef-building) organisms become seamounts as they subside and are eroded away at the surface. An island that is located where the ocean water temperatures are just sufficiently warm for upward reef growth to keep pace with the rate of subsidence is said to be at the Darwin Point. Islands in colder, more polar regions evolve towards seamounts or guyots; warmer, more equatorial islands evolve towards atolls, for example Kure Atoll.

  • Darwin's theory starts with a volcanic island which becomes extinct

  • As the island and ocean floor subside, coral growth builds a fringing reef, often including a shallow lagoon between the land and the main reef

  • As the subsidence continues the fringing reef becomes a larger barrier reef farther from the shore with a bigger and deeper lagoon inside

  • Ultimately the island sinks below the sea, and the barrier reef becomes an atoll enclosing an
See that it ultimately sinks below the sea. Can you look at that? wow, everything that was stated happens. hmmmmmm how is it you doubt that?
See that it ultimately sinks below the sea. Can you look at that? wow, everything that was stated happens. hmmmmmm how is it you doubt that?

Atolls wear away, shit-for-brains. They don't sink, as you're claiming. If you put a tidal gauge on an atoll and sink the foundation deep, it stays at the same level. The land around it might wear away, but the gauge stays at the same level. Hence, your idiot claim is revealed to be an idiot claim.

As usual, jc, you failed hilariously at grade-school level science. You're simply a profoundly stupid person, no matter what the topic is.

Now, proceed to cry at me, being it's all you're capable of.
See that it ultimately sinks below the sea. Can you look at that? wow, everything that was stated happens. hmmmmmm how is it you doubt that?

Atolls wear away, shit-for-brains. They don't sink, as you're claiming. If you put a tidal gauge on an atoll and sink the foundation deep, it stays at the same level. The land around it might wear away, but the gauge stays at the same level. Hence, your idiot claim is revealed to be an idiot claim.

As usual, jc, you failed hilariously at grade-school level science. You're simply a profoundly stupid person, no matter what the topic is.

Now, proceed to cry at me, being it's all you're capable of.
I posted it you fk

You post up a link to your statement dfk

Oh, and write a letter to Wikipedia and tell they are wrong
No, you posted a link that says you were totally wrong.

You and Ladexter seem to be the only people in the universe to claim the Marshall Islands are sinking. Naturally, you've both produced zero evidence for that insanely stupid claim.

That's because there is no evidence. You're both fabricating nonsense. Just hop off of that crazy train. Nobody is buying what you're selling, and it destroys your credibility.
Dialogue Dystopia: Dirt Devils

Is there a 'purely mental' characterization of the causality of the ice age (e.g., urban expanse backlash)?

water-strider.jpg wall[1].jpg
You and Ladexter seem to be the only people in the universe to claim the Marshall Islands are sinking


Life in a disappearing country

"They've internalized the gravest of predictions -- that the Marshall Islands, this loose collection of no-elevation coral atolls, likely will be submerged beneath the waves as humans continue to warm the atmosphere and the oceans continue to rise. They've seen their homes flood frequently -- seen the tides getting higher, seen their lives threatened."
No, you posted a link that says you were totally wrong.

You and Ladexter seem to be the only people in the universe to claim the Marshall Islands are sinking. Naturally, you've both produced zero evidence for that insanely stupid claim.

That's because there is no evidence. You're both fabricating nonsense. Just hop off of that crazy train. Nobody is buying what you're selling, and it destroys your credibility.
what part of the link I provided by Wikipedia was totally wrong. I posted what an Atoll was and that Marshall Islands/ atoll is an atoll. And any atoll will eventually sink. So feel free to paste up the part of the link that I posted that was wrong. I even posted for ya the snippets and pictures with explanations to how it works. Are you blind? Just wondering, I know you are generally confused since you can't make up your mind who you are frequently.

Oh, and as normal not one link from you to back your claim. hahahahahaahahahha so typical of you.
Solar physicist sees global cooling ahead

What is an Ice age? we may find out. I think global warming was last seasons obsession...get out the heavy overcoats the science world has changed it's mind again...We have gone backwards. Global cooling was said to be occurring in the 70's. :wtf:
What is an Ice age?

Antarctica is a 40-60 million year old ice age. Greenland is an 800k year old ice age.

Ellesmere Island is also in "ice age" today but not for long...

Ice ages = continent specific
You and Ladexter seem to be the only people in the universe to claim the Marshall Islands are sinking

Life in a disappearing country
"They've internalized the gravest of predictions -- that the Marshall Islands, this loose collection of no-elevation coral atolls, likely will be submerged beneath the waves as humans continue to warm the atmosphere and the oceans continue to rise. They've seen their homes flood frequently -- seen the tides getting higher, seen their lives threatened."
[Thanked by jc456]

Astounding that two such stupid people, in a universe as large as ours, should be able to find each other.
What is "stupid" about noticing the "warmers" don't have any real sea level rise and have to lie about islands sinking per the PROF to cover for it???
What is "stupid" about noticing the "warmers" don't have any real sea level rise and have to lie about islands sinking per the PROF to cover for it???

You have yet to address a single word towards the actual rising sea level data, have yet to produce a single shred of evidence that the Marshalls are on the edge of the Ring of Fire or that they are actually sinking into the Earth. Subduction does not sink entire plates in a single piece into the Earth. The spreading centers do not produce plate rotation. Magnetic reversals have taken place on numerous occasions in the planet's history and are recorded in the magma upwelling at those spreading centers. You are attempting to make a geological argument when your knowledge of geology could be bested by most ninth-graders (and I'm being generous).
Subduction does not sink entire plates in a single piece into the Earth.

This is classic. The bottom of the Pacific Ocean doesn't really go under, just slices of it. The rest of the plate never moves, and remains on the bottom of the ocean forever. In time, the ocean has "prison stripes" of where it subducted and where it did not.


The WHOLE PLATE GOES UNDER, RETARD. That you would argue it doesn't is about all your FRAUD side can do...
From Wikipedia's article on SUBDUCTION ZONES


Subduction is a geological process that takes place at convergent boundaries of tectonic plateswhere one plate moves under another and is forced down into the mantle. Regions where this process occurs are known as subduction zones. Rates of subduction are typically in centimetres per year, with the average rate of convergence being approximately two to eight centimetres per year along most plate boundaries.[1]

From Wikipedia's article on CONVERGENT BOUNDARIES


In plate tectonics, a convergent boundary, also known as a destructive plate boundary (because of subduction), is an actively deforming region where two (or more) tectonic plates or fragments of the lithosphere move toward one another and collide. As a result of pressure, friction, and plate material melting in the mantle, earthquakes and volcanoesare common near convergent boundaries. When two plates move towards one another, they form either a subduction zone or a continental collision. This depends on the nature of the plates involved. In a subduction zone, the subducting plate, which is normally a plate with oceanic crust, moves beneath the other plate, which can be made of either oceanic or continental crust. During collisions between two continental plates, large mountain ranges, such as the Himalayas are formed.

The nature of a convergent boundary depends on the type of plates that are colliding. Where a dense oceanic plate collides with a less-dense continental plate, the oceanic plate is typically thrust underneath because of the greater buoyancy of the continental lithosphere, forming a subduction zone. At the surface, the topographic expression is commonly an oceanic trench on the ocean side and a mountain range on the continental side. An example of a continental-oceanic subduction zone is the area along the western coast ofSouth America where the oceanic Nazca Plate is being subducted beneath the continental South American Plate.

If the entire plate sank, large portions of the ocean would be many times deeper than they are. The subduction is a "BOUNDARY" process. This is why the result is a trench and/or a mountain range. Neither trenches nor mountain ranges occupy enitre plates. They occur on their BOUNDARIES.

I cannot recommend doubling down on stupidity as you seem prone to do.
An "ice age" is when the planet has a covering of ice on a portion of it all year around.

The Earth is currently experiencing an ice age.
The planet is IN an ice age. It is NOT in a glaciation period. And the warming we're currently experiencing is not related to our deglaciation.

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