What is best reason Bidum should resign?


Platinum Member
Aug 1, 2022
Well, there is the fact that he can't run things well

I would be here all day itemizing all the things that fall into that category

But seriously, the main reason he should resign and retire from all public office and any physically straining work as well is..

He needs to repent of all his evil and work out his salvation with fear and trembling..

I mean, you know... assuming his soul isn't total "toast"

doubt he is going to do that, though.. '

So many people don't do that... which is why Hell is so full and Heaven.. maybe not so much, according to my best info... Jesus said Few find the Narrow Way..
he should go to prison for the treasonous crimes he has committed but president are above the law so that wont happen.
he should go to prison for the treasonous crimes he has committed but president are above the law so that wont happen.
yeh, I hear ya

Hell will be much worse than prison according to my info.. In fact it IS a prison.. a vile, foul-smelling place where demons torment you for all eternity and you can't get out, ever.. can never get to Heaven no matter what. . separation from all that is good and God Himself..

They say Jesus spoke more of Hell than Heaven.. heard that from different sources.. likely true

He came to save us from that hideous, disgusting place.. but most people love the things of this world WAY more than they love Truth, Justice, and real Love, which Jesus is
Well, there is the fact that he can't run things well

I would be here all day itemizing all the things that fall into that category

But seriously, the main reason he should resign and retire from all public office and any physically straining work as well is..

He needs to repent of all his evil and work out his salvation with fear and trembling..

I mean, you know... assuming his soul isn't total "toast"

doubt he is going to do that, though.. '

So many people don't do that... which is why Hell is so full and Heaven.. maybe not so much, according to my best info... Jesus said Few find the Narrow Way..
Your President until 1/20/2024 and there is NOTHING you can do about it.
Because he is brain damaged.
yeh... I say he could/should retire for the reasons above

but if he doesn't.. he is brain dead and making the whole country "retire"... retire from sanity.. retire from feeling safe.. retire from America as we know it..

I'm w/ that one poster who said Who cares if Kamelhead (my word) takes his place... we can't have this person for pres
Well, here's the thing. If Joe re-signs then we get Kamala, whoop-de-fuckin'-do. IOW, no improvement. BUT - that's actually a good thing cuz if she's the prez then she isn't the VP and that means the VP office is vacant and the democrats can't fill it with a simple majority vote in the Senate unless a RINO helps them. That's because the Senate democrats only have 50 votes and Harris won't have the tie-breaking vote anymore if she is the prez. And that is a very big deal, no more reconciliation bills unless a RINO supports it.

There's no telling if the Senate will flip to the GOP in November, maybe it will but maybe it won't. If it does not flip, then I don't see Biden re-signing voluntarily; he don't look good IMHO and it may be that his health will force him to leave office. Note that Harris cannot fill both offices, she can only be one or the other, prez or VP.
things are already happening..

Well, about that. :)
Unless you can scrounge up 67 votes in the Senate, it ain't gonna happen.
Right now, Democrats look to have the edge in retaining the Senate.
The House is another matter but that red wave that was so certain a few months ago looks
to be more and more of a wet spot. :auiqs.jpg:

So I reiterate. It ain't gonna happen. :)

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