What is causing the sudden spike in Jewish hate?

Imagine that the hate groups grew substantially while Obama was in office according to the same website's graphs. Hate Map
Are you on crack? That map shows a decline in hate groups from 2011 to 2016. They went down during the Obama years.
Thank you for allowing me to see what dishonest fucks y'all are. Your swapping links redirects in the website doesn't screw me up just you. The graph I linked to last night clearly showed the rise in hate groups on Obami's watch. Dishonest attorneys do have a way of switching and swapping shit around to cover their lies. The FBI file also show the clear rise in anti Semitic hate since 2008 under Obami's watch. They also do not include at SPLC all of the hate groups that are (claiming they are atheist) hating Christians.

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I don't get it.

I’m not surprised.

One of the reason the morons in the nation voted overwhelmingly for Trump is that he validated their hate. So now it’s totally en vogue to be hateful, abrupt, narrow, and small. You’ve experienced this when you stray from the talking points as you did about Muslims earlier this week.
I don't get it.

I’m not surprised.

One of the reason the morons in the nation voted overwhelmingly for Trump is that he validated their hate. So now it’s totally en vogue to be hateful, abrupt, narrow, and small. You’ve experienced this when you stray from the talking points as you did about Muslims earlier this week.

Hate to break the news to you, child, but Trump has a Jewish daughter and wants to restore our good relations with the Jewish state.

You are probably thinking of his predecessor, who tried to sneak millions of dollars to the terrorist entity on his last day in office.
Did they figure out who destroyed the Jewish cemetery?

It was ISIS. That's what Trump and Bannon will say. ISIS has landed on the beaches and infiltrated our neighborhoods and now tearing up Jewish cemeteries.
100% guaranteed it's a bunch of negro thugs.
When not if they are caught they'll claim they were 'bored'.
When their photos are shown the LIB MSM will somehow blame President Trump.
CNN will secretly offer each of them $1000 to say there are HUGE fans of President Trump.
Then one or more of them will 'roll' on CNN.
I’m not surprised.

One of the reason the morons in the nation voted overwhelmingly for Trump is that he validated their hate. So now it’s totally en vogue to be hateful, abrupt, narrow, and small. You’ve experienced this when you stray from the talking points as you did about Muslims earlier this week.



Hate is the lifeblood of you Stalinists. Hate is ALL you have to offer the nation.
The current political climate has made hate acceptable again.

So then, Obama was not the failure we all see him as?

There is no question that hate is the motive power of the Stalinist democrats, Goose Stepping behind their Fuhrer, George Soros.

I don't think that Donald Trump hates Jews - but his rhetoric speaks to those who hate - whether their target is illegal immigrants, Muslims or whatever, it doesn't matter.

Anti-Semitic groups and people are coming out of the woodwork not because Trump hates Jews, but because he's made hate OK.

Those who hate are of course you, the radical and hate filled left.

Antisemitism is most prevalent in Muslims, the Siamese twin of the Obama left. Who hates Jews? Islam. Who is the hand maiden of Islam? The democrats.

President Obama actually injected himself into the Egyptian Elections to HELP the Muslim Brotherhood take over Egypt. he defended them, armed them...hell, he even put quite a Few Muslim Brotherhood supporters / members placed within the WH / Cabinet.

Obama's 'pal', Morsi - leader of the Muslim Brotherhood declared Israel - our ally - to be 'blood-suckers'...'the descendants of apes and pigs'.

Morsi also reportedly was quoted saying “Jihad is our path.” ... “And death for the sake of Allah is our most lofty aspiration.” ... “Dear brothers, we must not forget to nurse our children and grandchildren on hatred towards those Zionists and Jews.”

What the HELL was Obama doing supporting a terrorist organization whose leader spouted such hatred and evil?!
Tolerance of the Intolerable Is "The Way We Are," According to RINO Ryan

He also supported His Kwanzaa Eminence, the Reverend Jeremiah Wright. Before he had to lie about his sympathy for the Screecher Preacher, he said that Wright was part of the Black community and that he could no more reject Wright than he could reject the Black community. So Wussein felt that the Muslim Brotherhood was part of the Egyptian community the same way.
Jews kicked out of Jerusalem? lol when did this happen

And you do understand Israelis have whole organizations of their citizens commenting in English to sway our opinion, right? THere is a video of Naftali Bennet organizing a bunch of the bastards to comment in our english media. Because they want to affect our policy.

The sooner we squash the little fuckers the better. Acting like parasites

Actually, the sooner the forum expels ignorant dogshit like you, the better.

Fucking trash like this adds NOTHING to the discussion, and is a black mark on the forum as a whole.

This is an AMerican forum

Going to start kicking brown members for not supporting Israel or jews? lolllll

I doubt it

And even if they did, not like it would change the reality of what I'm saying.

Did you vote for Hillary, Bernie, or Jill?

Just curious....
The current political climate has made hate acceptable again.

So then, Obama was not the failure we all see him as?

There is no question that hate is the motive power of the Stalinist democrats, Goose Stepping behind their Fuhrer, George Soros.

I don't think that Donald Trump hates Jews - but his rhetoric speaks to those who hate - whether their target is illegal immigrants, Muslims or whatever, it doesn't matter.

Anti-Semitic groups and people are coming out of the woodwork not because Trump hates Jews, but because he's made hate OK.

Those who hate are of course you, the radical and hate filled left.

Antisemitism is most prevalent in Muslims, the Siamese twin of the Obama left. Who hates Jews? Islam. Who is the hand maiden of Islam? The democrats.


This graph shows the hate rising. Bill Clinton lit the match when he resurrected the Muslim Brotherhood in Bosnia.

That Obama loves Islam, and has been an immense help to the Muslim Brotherhood, and to Iran with its ambition to become a nuclear power, can be accounted for. He is the son and step-son of Muslims, and lived among – and was schooled with – Muslims in Indonesia.

But why do the Clintons zealously woo, employ, aid and coddle the bellicose enemies of the USA and Western civilization?

President Obama, along with then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, took the side of Islamist “rebels” against the secular authoritarian regimes in Egypt, Libya and Syria that had managed to keep the lid on jihadist terrorism for many years. These Islamists included members of al Qaeda as well as the Muslim Brotherhood.

The Atheist Conservative: » Mohamed Morsi
I don't get it.

Muslims flooding into Europe, the US and Latin America. The rise of the left in Europe is always very antisemitic. The America left is always the loudest and most likely to put radical views into action. However it is mostly the Democrats fully embracing antisemitism. I mean they nearly voted a raging antisemite to head the DNC.

Stupid Jews that attack Israel. Fuckheads like Bernie Sanders do so much to help the rise of antisemitism.

Then there is the old fashion antisemitism - NAZISM and skinhead. In Europe they moronically blame the Jews for the rise of Islam in Europe because they are to cowardly to take on Islam. In the US they feel emboldened by Trump.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Folks, this thread is in Zone 2, lots of off topic flaming going on - let's get back ON topic please.
Thank you for allowing me to see what dishonest fucks y'all are. Your swapping links redirects in the website doesn't screw me up just you. The graph I linked to last night clearly showed the rise in hate groups on Obami's watch. Dishonest attorneys do have a way of switching and swapping shit around to cover their lies. The FBI file also show the clear rise in anti Semitic hate since 2008 under Obami's watch. They also do not include at SPLC all of the hate groups that are (claiming they are atheist) hating Christians.


Well hell, Mr. Wizard, ya caught me. I lied. The decline in hate groups was from only 2011 to 2014 during the Obama Administration. And in the years where they did rise during his Presidency, I don't see how he encouraged the violence or empowered people of hate? There was a rise in right wing militias, but I don't think it was because they dug what Obama was selling?
Thank you for allowing me to see what dishonest fucks y'all are. Your swapping links redirects in the website doesn't screw me up just you. The graph I linked to last night clearly showed the rise in hate groups on Obami's watch. Dishonest attorneys do have a way of switching and swapping shit around to cover their lies. The FBI file also show the clear rise in anti Semitic hate since 2008 under Obami's watch. They also do not include at SPLC all of the hate groups that are (claiming they are atheist) hating Christians.


Well hell, Mr. Wizard, ya caught me. I lied. The decline in hate groups was from only 2011 to 2014 during the Obama Administration. And in the years where they did rise during his Presidency, I don't see how he encouraged the violence or empowered people of hate? There was a rise in right wing militias, but I don't think it was because they dug what Obama was selling?
Think whatever you like. That doesn't make what you think truth.
Think whatever you like. That doesn't make what you think truth.
According to the graph you posted, it "IS" the truth! There was a decline from 2011 to 2014. Show me evidence to the contrary and I will admit I was wrong.
I put all the links except the FBI web links for their national reports. Read them if you wish and the FBI charts are all easy to find and pretty simple to read.
From a Jewish Philosophical point of view, Jews assimilating by becoming atheists, agnostics, intermarrying and/or converting will result in God allowing us to be oppressed and/or exterminated
And no matter how many times this occurs, Jews still don't get it.

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