What is causing the sudden spike in Jewish hate?

I don't get it.
The Best Opinions Money Can Buy

Jihadist OPEC bribing American gurus and pundits as part of a new strategy to get us completely out of the Middle East, because "the Jews have dragged us into their own problems; the Muslims will leave us alone if we throw the Jews under the bus."

What part of the goal of Islam, as written in the Koran, of 'converting the world to Islam and that those who refuse to do so must die' do idiots NOT understand.

Hitler, in 'Mein Kampf'' broadcast to the word what he was going to do, and was ignored.....how'd that turn out? The Koran is extremely similar in that it spells out what the goal of Islam is...and it is being ignored, watered down, etc...Islam has been around a lot longer than Nazi Germany, has outlasted it, and is much more patient...but if you think the 'end game' is truly not that similar you're not paying attention...IMHO.

There are Muslim / Islamic Extremists who would LOVE to behead Hillary, Obama, Trump, Bush, etc on world-wide TV for no other reason than they are breathing...and many people don't get that. They use Mickey Mouse and Sesame Street to teach small children at an early age to hate Jews, hate the US, and to want to kill them/us. Because of where we are from, our lifestyle, culture, etc it is extremely hard - impossible for some - to grasp that concept of someone hating you so bad they want to kill you because you're breathing, that they hate you so bad and believe in their cause so much that they are willing to blow themselves up. The end game of many is a Muslim / Islamic Flag flying over the WH and the streets of America running with American blood, if that's what it takes.

Meanwhile, as Sage points out, you have F*ING TRAITORS like Hillary (NOT ONLY HER) taking millions from the nation that sent us the 9/11/01 hijackers, from Muslim nations that support terrorism, who mutilate/murder/oppress women, and who murder gays.

The Jews are not THE problem. They are a nation trying to stay alive, not convert the world at the tip of a swrod or trying to conquer the world. You don't see Israel beheading, drowning, burning, etc people on live TV for the simple act of refusing to believe what they do.

The Jews crucified Jesus. What should we think of that?

The "Jews" (Hebrews) lacked the authority or power to crucify anyone. It would be the Romans who crucified Jesus, had he actually existed.

Pilate washed his hands of the matter.

NYcarbineer is correct.

Pilate didn't want to have Jesus crucified. As a matter-of-fact, the Jews chose to have Barabbas, a notorious criminal with a pending death sentence, freed instead of Jesus because they wanted Jesus crucified so bad. Pilate was stunned and washed his hands of this.
The Best Opinions Money Can Buy

Jihadist OPEC bribing American gurus and pundits as part of a new strategy to get us completely out of the Middle East, because "the Jews have dragged us into their own problems; the Muslims will leave us alone if we throw the Jews under the bus."

What part of the goal of Islam, as written in the Koran, of 'converting the world to Islam and that those who refuse to do so must die' do idiots NOT understand.

Hitler, in 'Mein Kampf'' broadcast to the word what he was going to do, and was ignored.....how'd that turn out? The Koran is extremely similar in that it spells out what the goal of Islam is...and it is being ignored, watered down, etc...Islam has been around a lot longer than Nazi Germany, has outlasted it, and is much more patient...but if you think the 'end game' is truly not that similar you're not paying attention...IMHO.

There are Muslim / Islamic Extremists who would LOVE to behead Hillary, Obama, Trump, Bush, etc on world-wide TV for no other reason than they are breathing...and many people don't get that. They use Mickey Mouse and Sesame Street to teach small children at an early age to hate Jews, hate the US, and to want to kill them/us. Because of where we are from, our lifestyle, culture, etc it is extremely hard - impossible for some - to grasp that concept of someone hating you so bad they want to kill you because you're breathing, that they hate you so bad and believe in their cause so much that they are willing to blow themselves up. The end game of many is a Muslim / Islamic Flag flying over the WH and the streets of America running with American blood, if that's what it takes.

Meanwhile, as Sage points out, you have F*ING TRAITORS like Hillary (NOT ONLY HER) taking millions from the nation that sent us the 9/11/01 hijackers, from Muslim nations that support terrorism, who mutilate/murder/oppress women, and who murder gays.

The Jews are not THE problem. They are a nation trying to stay alive, not convert the world at the tip of a swrod or trying to conquer the world. You don't see Israel beheading, drowning, burning, etc people on live TV for the simple act of refusing to believe what they do.

The Jews crucified Jesus. What should we think of that?

The "Jews" (Hebrews) lacked the authority or power to crucify anyone. It would be the Romans who crucified Jesus, had he actually existed.

Pilate washed his hands of the matter.

NYcarbineer is correct.

Pilate didn't want to have Jesus crucified. As a matter-of-fact, the Jews chose to have Barabbas, a notorious criminal with a pending death sentence, freed instead of Jesus because they wanted Jesus crucified so bad. Pilate was stunned and washed his hands of this.
Uh huh.
I put all the links except the FBI web links for their national reports. Read them if you wish and the FBI charts are all easy to find and pretty simple to read.
Your claim; you do the work.

I do find it interesting that I am more than willing to admit I was wrong (if given the evidence to prove it), yet you can't even do that, when the evidence is right in front of your face.

You're own graph, from you're own link, shows a decline from 2011 to 2014 and you can't bring yourself to admit it. How can you expect to stamp out hate in this country, if you can't be honest with yourself?
President Obama actually injected himself into the Egyptian Elections to HELP the Muslim Brotherhood take over Egypt. he defended them, armed them...hell, he even put quite a Few Muslim Brotherhood supporters / members placed within the WH / Cabinet.

Obama's 'pal', Morsi - leader of the Muslim Brotherhood declared Israel - our ally - to be 'blood-suckers'...'the descendants of apes and pigs'.

Morsi also reportedly was quoted saying “Jihad is our path.” ... “And death for the sake of Allah is our most lofty aspiration.” ... “Dear brothers, we must not forget to nurse our children and grandchildren on hatred towards those Zionists and Jews.”

What the HELL was Obama doing supporting a terrorist organization whose leader spouted such hatred and evil?!
So you're saying Obama leaving office caused the spike?
The Best Opinions Money Can Buy

Jihadist OPEC bribing American gurus and pundits as part of a new strategy to get us completely out of the Middle East, because "the Jews have dragged us into their own problems; the Muslims will leave us alone if we throw the Jews under the bus."

What part of the goal of Islam, as written in the Koran, of 'converting the world to Islam and that those who refuse to do so must die' do idiots NOT understand.

Hitler, in 'Mein Kampf'' broadcast to the word what he was going to do, and was ignored.....how'd that turn out? The Koran is extremely similar in that it spells out what the goal of Islam is...and it is being ignored, watered down, etc...Islam has been around a lot longer than Nazi Germany, has outlasted it, and is much more patient...but if you think the 'end game' is truly not that similar you're not paying attention...IMHO.

There are Muslim / Islamic Extremists who would LOVE to behead Hillary, Obama, Trump, Bush, etc on world-wide TV for no other reason than they are breathing...and many people don't get that. They use Mickey Mouse and Sesame Street to teach small children at an early age to hate Jews, hate the US, and to want to kill them/us. Because of where we are from, our lifestyle, culture, etc it is extremely hard - impossible for some - to grasp that concept of someone hating you so bad they want to kill you because you're breathing, that they hate you so bad and believe in their cause so much that they are willing to blow themselves up. The end game of many is a Muslim / Islamic Flag flying over the WH and the streets of America running with American blood, if that's what it takes.

Meanwhile, as Sage points out, you have F*ING TRAITORS like Hillary (NOT ONLY HER) taking millions from the nation that sent us the 9/11/01 hijackers, from Muslim nations that support terrorism, who mutilate/murder/oppress women, and who murder gays.

The Jews are not THE problem. They are a nation trying to stay alive, not convert the world at the tip of a swrod or trying to conquer the world. You don't see Israel beheading, drowning, burning, etc people on live TV for the simple act of refusing to believe what they do.

The Jews crucified Jesus. What should we think of that?

The "Jews" (Hebrews) lacked the authority or power to crucify anyone. It would be the Romans who crucified Jesus, had he actually existed.

Pilate washed his hands of the matter.

NYcarbineer is correct.

Pilate didn't want to have Jesus crucified. As a matter-of-fact, the Jews chose to have Barabbas, a notorious criminal with a pending death sentence, freed instead of Jesus because they wanted Jesus crucified so bad. Pilate was stunned and washed his hands of this.
Jesus Was the First Protestant

The Hebrew high priests, who were similar to the pre-Reformation Vatican, hired a mob to chant, "Give us Barabbas." Like Martin Luther, Jesus had criticized the Scribes' and Pharisees' lack of religious devotion. It was typical of Roman Empire policy to bribe local leaders to pacify the people. So Pilate did what his collaborators asked him to do.
I put all the links except the FBI web links for their national reports. Read them if you wish and the FBI charts are all easy to find and pretty simple to read.
Your claim; you do the work.

I do find it interesting that I am more than willing to admit I was wrong (if given the evidence to prove it), yet you can't even do that, when the evidence is right in front of your face.

You're own graph, from you're own link, shows a decline from 2011 to 2014 and you can't bring yourself to admit it. How can you expect to stamp out hate in this country, if you can't be honest with yourself?
Your thread and I do not do other peoples work for them. Nor did I attempt to use dishonesty to push a point.That graph is from your referenced website.

The "hate" grew out of the lies/deceit from the last administration and the graph fails to show any reference for the under lying hate groups that were favored to grow by the Obama administration. That does not take into account the growth of the gangs/groups either which thrive on hate not only against the white community but the Hispanic gang movements to take out the remaining black communities in the areas that they were allowed to grow by leaps and bounds. Whether that is just gross mismanagement or absolutely intentional on the Obama administration and SPLC is yet to be fully determined. SPLC does not list many militant groups but desire to call many who are resisting these militant groups hateful.
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I don't think it is sudden, but anti-Semitism has grown in the left along with its support for Islam.

It's difficult to tell the difference between the hard core leftists and neo Nazis when the subject involves Jews.
It's the Russians
Your thread and I do not do other peoples work for them. Nor did I attempt to use dishonesty to push a point.That graph is from your referenced website.
Excuse me? It's not my thread and it wasn't my website. That was from YOUR link!

The "hate" grew out of the lies/deceit from the last administration and the graph fails to show any reference for the under lying hate groups that were favored to grow by the Obama administration. That does not take into account the growth of the gangs/groups either which thrive on hate not only against the white community but the Hispanic gang movements to take out the remaining black communities in the areas that they were allowed to grow by leaps and bounds. Whether that is just gross mismanagement or absolutely intentional on the Obama administration and SPLC is yet to be fully determined. SPLC does not list many militant groups but desire to call many who are resisting these militant groups hateful.
I suppose the next thing you're going to tell me is Obama was responsible for Ruby Ridge and Waco? Hell bells, why stop there? Since he wasn't born here, lets make him a Roman. Obama's the prick who killed Christ! But that's as far as you go. You can't blame him for Cain killing Able. That was Bush's fault.

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